Opposed Pair Stats are Illogical -- A Simple Fix

I should add, to clarify-- “85” is displayed aligned toward the left, not right, because this is the way CS is set to format the numbers. It is the bar which is confusing to people, not the numbers. The “85” is simply a numerical representation of the number of per-cents this variable has increased by. And in this case, the way it is displayed, it is increasing (visually and verbally) toward “Finesse” not “Brutality.”

Flip it so that “Finesse” is on the Left and “Brutality” is on the right, and this becomes logically consistent. Each additional percentage point increases the bar one percent toward “Brutality” which is what we’re actually measuring. Each decrease in percentage points drops the bar so that it’s closer to “Finesse.”

Logical simplicity.