Charles X -- refuses to acknowledge the Revolution. Becomes king 9/16/1824 at the age of 67, when his older brother Louis XVIII (aged 69) dies of gangrene. At his coronation (5/29/1825) in Reims, he attempts to revive the Royal Touch. 7/3/25, Baron de Mackau shows up in Cap-Haitien demanding reparations. He has fourteen warships surrounding the island. Boyer agrees to the deal, both because France will now recognize Haiti and because he hopes the US will as well. Charles also issued government bonds to those who lost land to the Revolution (seized and subsequently sold to fund, called the biens nationaux) in exchange for them renouncing their claims to that land. The claims against Haiti seem to be part and parcel with this mission: to reassert the financial well-being of the ultra-royalists/aristocrats/etc. Between the government bonds and the trip to Haiti, Charles X also passed the Anti-Sacrilege Act, making blasphemy illegal, as well as attempting to restore male-only primogeniture as the basis for inheritance—but only for the rich (those paying > 300 francs in tax/year). 1748 XXX travels aboard a slave ship to Saint-Domingue/Haiti. He withdraws into the interior of the country 1615? XXX is born in M'banza Kongo.