*comment ñáéç *gotoref "police"&police_ctrl *comment the hunter-trigger here should be the exposure-reduction features. In short, if the player uses his police_ctrl to lower his exposure too many times, a zealous detective will begin asking questions about the player, eventually resulting in a vigilantist response. *label police0 The local precinct bustles with activity. It may very well be busier at night than during the day. *choice *if discretion > 60 *if Stealth > 3 #Slip into the Evidence Room and 'liberate' some money. *set exposure +1 *set wealth +10000 *goto_scene boston *if charm > 3 #Slip into one of the cells and feed. *set Blood +4 *goto_scene boston *if heardplotagainstregina #I'm here to introduce myself to Officer Little... she's in danger. Regina Little is grateful for your tip about Slim. She makes it known that you can expect the favor to be returned. *set police_ctrl +1 *goto_scene boston #Maybe I should come back another time. *goto_scene boston *label police1 *choice *if exposure > 6 *if recent_misdeed > 0 *if compassion > 60 #Plant some evidence to implicate a mortal criminal for my deeds. It is unfortunate that another will suffer for your sins, but ultimately the evidence will be revealed as planted, and the target will go free. Or so you tell yourself. *set exposure -1 *set compassion +1 *goto_scene boston *if discretion > 60 *if Stealth > 3 #Slip into the Evidence Room and 'liberate' some money. *set exposure +1 *set wealth +10000 *goto_scene boston *if charm > 3 #Slip into one of the cells and feed. *set Blood +4 *goto_scene boston *if fighting < 2 *if male #Ask Regina where I can take some self-defense classes. Regina tells you about an amateur boxing club in the Greens. She says that might be a good place to start. *set been_to_boxing true *goto_scene boston *if captainpresence < 6 *if metfrank = false #Ask Regina to introduce you to the captain. *set metfrank *goto meet_frank *if metfrank #Approach Frank again. *goto meet_frank_again #Maybe I should come back another time. *goto_scene boston *label meet_frank Captain Frank Beaumont greets you with a handshake and suggests you get a coffee together in the breakroom. He seems somewhat offended when you decline the coffee, but indicates a chair for you to seat yourself in all the same. *choice *if charm > 4 #Flatter the man. *set police_ctrl +1 *goto_scene boston *if Perception > 2 #You sense that he's worried. If you guide the conversation around, you can probably deduce the reason. It seems he has cancer, and the department's insurance isn't covering the treatment. *choice *if hospital_ctrl = 3 #"I'm sorry to hear about your illness. It's too bad your insurance won't cover the treatment. Of course, I could have a conversation with the administrators over there..." *set police_ctrl +1 *goto_scene boston *if wealth > 25000 #"I'm sorry to hear about your illness. It's too bad your insurance won't cover the treatment... I'm sure you understand that I'm interested in keeping such a talented and committed officer on the job. I'd like to pay for your treatment..." *set wealth -25000 *set police_ctrl +1 *goto_scene boston *if museum_ctrl > 1 *if wealth > 5000 #"I'm sorry to hear about your medical bills... I have some friends at the museum. We could throw a fundraiser to raise the money to cover your treatment..." Frank sputters in disbelief, both at you knowledge and your offer. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, he gratefully accepts. *page_break The fundraiser is a huge success. While you do have to shell out the money to get it going, you raise enough to cover the course of treatment for Frank. *set wealth -5000 *set police_ctrl +1 *goto_scene boston *else #There's nothing I can do for him right now. Best not to bring the matter up if I don't have an immediate solution *set knowsfrankcancer true *goto_scene boston #Talk about the weather. *goto_scene boston *label meet_frank_again Captain Beaumont is displeased at the prospect of you wasting any more of his time. What do you have to say for yourself? *choice *if charm > 5 #Flatter the man. *set police_ctrl +1 *goto_scene boston *if Perception > 2 *if knowsfrankcancer = false #You sense that he's worried. If you guide the conversation around, you can probably deduce the reason. It seems he has cancer, and the department's insurance isn't covering the treatment. *choice *if hospital_ctrl = 3 #"I'm sorry to hear about your illness. It's too bad your insurance won't cover the treatment. Of course, I could have a conversation with the administrators over there..." *set police_ctrl +1 *goto_scene boston *if wealth > 25000 #"I'm sorry to hear about your illness. It's too bad your insurance won't cover the treatment... I'm sure you understand that I'm interested in keeping such a talented and committed officer on the job. I'd like to pay for your treatment..." *set wealth -25000 *set police_ctrl +1 *goto_scene boston *if museum_ctrl > 1 *if wealth > 5000 #"I'm sorry to hear about your medical bills... I have some friends at the Museum of Fine Arts. We could throw a fundraiser to raise the money to cover your treatment..." Frank sputters in disbelief, both at you knowledge and your offer. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, he gratefully accepts. *page_break The fundraiser is a huge success. While you do have to shell out the money to get it going, you raise enough to cover the course of treatment for Frank. *set wealth -5000 *set police_ctrl +1 *goto_scene boston *if bar_ctrl = 3 *if wealth > 5000 #"I'm sorry to hear about your medical bills... I have some friends at the Flatiron. We could throw a fundraiser to raise the money to cover your treatment..." Frank sputters in disbelief, both at you knowledge and your offer. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, he gratefully accepts. *page_break The fundraiser is a huge success. While you do have to shell out the money to get it going, you raise enough to cover the course of treatment for Frank. *set wealth -5000 *set police_ctrl +1 *goto_scene boston *else #There's nothing I can do for him right now. Best not to bring the matter up if I don't have an immediate solution *set knowsfrankcancer true *goto_scene boston *if knowsfrankcancer *if hospital_ctrl = 3 #"I'm sorry to hear about your illness. It's too bad your insurance won't cover the treatment. Of course, I could have a conversation with the administrators over there..." *set police_ctrl +1 *goto_scene boston *if wealth > 25000 #"I'm sorry to hear about your illness. It's too bad your insurance won't cover the treatment... I'm sure you understand that I'm interested in keeping such a talented and committed officer on the job. I'd like to pay for your treatment..." *set wealth -25000 *set police_ctrl +1 *goto_scene boston *if museum_ctrl > 1 *if wealth > 5000 #"I'm sorry to hear about your medical bills... I have some friends at the Museum of Fine Arts. We could throw a fundraiser to raise the money to cover your treatment..." Frank sputters in disbelief, both at you knowledge and your offer. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, he gratefully accepts. *page_break The fundraiser is a huge success. While you do have to shell out the money to get it going, you raise enough to cover the course of treatment for Frank. *set wealth -5000 *set police_ctrl +1 *goto_scene boston *if bar_ctrl = 3 *if wealth > 5000 #"I'm sorry to hear about your medical bills... I have some friends at the Flatiron. We could throw a fundraiser to raise the money to cover your treatment..." Frank sputters in disbelief, both at you knowledge and your offer. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, he gratefully accepts. *page_break The fundraiser is a huge success. While you do have to shell out the money to get it going, you raise enough to cover the course of treatment for Frank. *set wealth -5000 *set police_ctrl +1 *goto_scene boston #There's nothing I can do for him right now. *goto_scene boston *label police2 *choice *if exposure > 6 *if recent_misdeed > 0 *if compassion > 60 #Plant some evidence to implicate a mortal criminal for my deeds. It is unfortunate that another will suffer for your sins, but ultimately the evidence will be revealed as planted, and the target will go free. Or so you tell yourself. *set exposure -1 *set compassion +1 *goto_scene boston *if fighting = 2 #Ask Regina to show you some tips on how to improve your aim with a pistol. *set fighting +1 *goto_scene boston #Maybe I should come back another time. *goto_scene boston *label police3 *choice *if exposure > 6 *if recent_misdeed > 0 *if compassion > 60 #Plant some evidence to implicate a mortal criminal for my deeds. It is unfortunate that another will suffer for your sins, but ultimately the evidence will be revealed as planted, and the target will go free. Or so you tell yourself. *set exposure -1 *set compassion +1 *goto_scene boston *if exposure > 0 *if recent_misdeed > 0 #Close the investigation of some of your more flagrant crimes. *set exposure -3 *set compassion %+1 *goto_scene boston *if fighting = 2 #Ask Regina to show you some tips on how to improve your aim with a pistol. *set fighting +1 *goto_scene boston #Maybe I should come back another time. *goto_scene boston