*label stats_page *text_image character.png center Character You are currently in [b]Chapter ${chapter}[/b] of 11. *if name = "unknown" You are the eldest ${child} of Casimira Delgado, the late head of your family. *if name != "unknown" Your name is $!{name} Delgado and you are the ${child} of Casimira, the late head of your family. You are the elder ${sibling} of Fuchsia and Otavia. *if ch7track = "defection" But you're better-known these days for leaving the Delgados for their rivals, the Faces. *goto pronouns *elseif ch8leave But you're better-known these days for leaving the Delgados to forge your own path. *goto pronouns *label pronouns *if he != "unknown" You use ${he}/${him}/${his} pronouns. *if (((role != "unknown") and (ch7track != "defection")) and (ch8leave = false)) Though your primary role is that of a dogsbody blood magician, you work as a${n}${role} for your family. *if (ch7track = "defection") Your main role is that of a respected blood magician, and you work as a${n}${role} for the gang. *stat_chart opposed_pair hotheaded Hot-Headed Cold-Blooded opposed_pair cutthroat Cutthroat Principled percent Forceful percent Devious percent Inspiring percent Intellectual percent Mystical *line_break *text_image reserves.png center Reserves *stat_chart percent Health percent Accounts *line_break *text_image reputation.png center Reputation *stat_chart percent Feared percent Admired *line_break *text_image influence.png center Influence *stat_chart percent Boardroom percent Streets percent Police *line_break *text_image associations.png center Associations *if aleixi_vis *stat_chart percent Aleixi *stat_chart percent Ferro *if ((fuchsia_vis) and (fuchsiasurvive)) *stat_chart percent Fuchsia *stat_chart percent Nico *if ((otavia_vis) and (otaviasurvive)) *stat_chart percent Otavia *if pereirafate != "dead" *stat_chart percent Pereira *stat_chart percent Silvian *line_break *text_image balance.png center The Balance of Power *if ((delgadoattackoutcome = "unknown") and (aleixiattackoutcome = "unknown")) *stat_chart opposed_pair delgados Delgados Faces *if (delgadoattackoutcome != "unknown") *stat_chart percent Faces Faces Strength *if (aleixiattackoutcome != "unknown") *stat_chart percent Delgados Delgado Strength *if ((electionjob != "unknown") and (mayor = "unknown")) *stat_chart opposed_pair election_ferro Ferro Nico *stat_chart opposed_pair chaos Chaotic Complacent *line_break *text_image ghosts.png center The City's Ghosts *stat_chart opposed_pair ghosts_angry Angry Peaceful opposed_pair ghosts_contained Contained Wild *line_break [b]A Guide to Stats[/b] [b]Hot-Headed/Cold-Blooded:[/b] Are you an improviser or a planner? Do you throw caution to the wind, or keep your cool in a crisis? [b]Cutthroat/Principled:[/b] Do you look out more for yourself, or for others? Will you betray a promise or remain true to your obligations? [b]Forceful:[/b] High Forceful means you have high physical strength, or can bully others into giving in to your demands. [b]Devious:[/b] High Devious means you are good at subterfuge, bribery, and general skullduggery. [b]Inspiring:[/b] High Inspiring means you are persuasive, charming, or a good leader. [b]Intellectual:[/b] High Intellectual means you have a good memory, book smarts, and a head for figures. [b]Mystical:[/b] High Mystical means a strong connection with the underworld and the ghosts therein. [b]Reserves:[/b] Accounts represents accessible funds, allowing for bribes and purchases, while Health allows for blood magic and injuries. [b]Reputation:[/b] How does the wider public perceive you? [b]Influence:[/b] In which factions do you hold the most power and influence? Aristocracy and bureaucrats, merchants and workers, or the police department? [b]Associations:[/b] Your personal relationships with the people in your life. The higher the score, the closer the bond. [b]The Balance of Power:[/b] The strengths of various factions. [b]Chaotic[/b] means civil unrest and stirrings of change. [b]Complacent[/b] represents the city leaning towards the status quo. [b]The City's Ghosts:[/b] Nasri City is full of ghosts. What is their current demeanor? *label backtomenu *check_purchase cheats *choice *selectable_if (choice_purchased_cheats) #Cheats menu.@{choice_purchased_cheats | [i]Requires In-App Purchase[/i]} *goto cheats *selectable_if (choice_purchased_cheats) #Look at invisible stats.@{choice_purchased_cheats | [i]Requires In-App Purchase[/i]} *goto verbose *selectable_if (choice_purchased_cheats) #Have you tried…@{choice_purchased_cheats | [i]Requires In-App Purchase[/i]} *goto haveyoutried *selectable_if (choice_purchased_cheats) #Achievement Guide.@{choice_purchased_cheats | [i]Requires In-App Purchase[/i]} *goto achieveguide *selectable_if (choice_purchased_cheats) #Author's Note and related works.@{choice_purchased_cheats | [i]Requires In-App Purchase[/i]} *goto authorsnote *if (choice_purchased_cheats = false) #Purchase [i]A Ghostly Helping Hand[/i]. *check_purchase cheats Bend the mortal world to your will in [i]A Ghostly Helping Hand[/i]! Master the underworld, challenge yourself to play on hard mode, and uncover Nasri City's secrets with these hints and cheats. *purchase cheats $1.99 backtomenu *page_break No, Thanks *goto stats_page *if (choice_saved_checkpoint_bm_chapter_1) #Restore to the start of a previous chapter. Return to the start of: *choice *if ((choice_randomtest = false) and (choice_saved_checkpoint_bm_chapter_1)) #Chapter 1. *restore_checkpoint bm_chapter_1 *if ((choice_randomtest = false) and (choice_saved_checkpoint_bm_chapter_2)) #Chapter 2. *restore_checkpoint bm_chapter_2 *if ((choice_randomtest = false) and (choice_saved_checkpoint_bm_chapter_3)) #Chapter 3. *restore_checkpoint bm_chapter_3 *if ((choice_randomtest = false) and (choice_saved_checkpoint_bm_chapter_4)) #Chapter 4. *restore_checkpoint bm_chapter_4 *if ((choice_randomtest = false) and (choice_saved_checkpoint_bm_chapter_5)) #Chapter 5. *restore_checkpoint bm_chapter_5 *if ((choice_randomtest = false) and (choice_saved_checkpoint_bm_chapter_6)) #Chapter 6. *restore_checkpoint bm_chapter_6 *if ((choice_randomtest = false) and (choice_saved_checkpoint_bm_chapter_7)) #Chapter 7. *restore_checkpoint bm_chapter_7 *if ((choice_randomtest = false) and (choice_saved_checkpoint_bm_chapter_8)) #Chapter 8. *restore_checkpoint bm_chapter_8 *if ((choice_randomtest = false) and (choice_saved_checkpoint_bm_chapter_9)) #Chapter 9. *restore_checkpoint bm_chapter_9 *if ((choice_randomtest = false) and (choice_saved_checkpoint_bm_chapter_10)) #Chapter 10. *restore_checkpoint bm_chapter_10 *if ((choice_randomtest = false) and (choice_saved_checkpoint_bm_chapter_11)) #Chapter 11. *restore_checkpoint bm_chapter_11 #Don't restore and carry on playing. *goto stats_page #Back to the main stats page. *goto stats_page *label cheats In this page you can manipulate your blood magician's strengths and weaknesses. Beware! Your current scores will be erased by making these changes. *comment To activate the cheats menu, you must first purchase "A Ghostly Helping Hand." This in-app purchase will unlock the cheats and hints menu, as well as an achievement guide. *label cheatsmenu *fake_choice *if not (changemade) #Head back to the previous menu, making no changes. *goto backtomenu *if changemade #Confirm the changes you've made and head back to the previous menu. *set changemade false *goto stats_page *if (((ch7track != "defection") and (ch8leave = false)) and (chapter != 4)) #Change your magician's role in the family. *label rolemenu A career shift may be a good thing for your future. You now work for the Delgados as: *choice #A negotiator. [ Increase Inspiring ] *set role "negotiator" *set n " " *set inspiring %+20 *set changemade true You and Otavia make deals on behalf of your family's interests. *gosub anythingelse #An enforcer. [ Increase Forceful ] *set role "enforcer" *set n "n " *set forceful %+20 *set changemade true You're known for intimidation and leg-breaking on behalf of the family. *gosub anythingelse #A law expert. [ Increase Intellectual ] *set role "law expert" *set n " " *set intellectual %+20 *set changemade true You bring meticulous knowledge of the law to protect your family's interests. *gosub anythingelse #An occultist. [ Increase Mystical ] *set role "occultist" *set n "n " *set mystical %+20 *set changemade true You focus on your magic above your other areas of expertise. *gosub anythingelse #A burglar. [ Increase Devious ] *set role "burglar" *set n " " *set devious %+20 *set changemade true You're skilled at sneaking into places where you don't belong and retrieving what's there. *gosub anythingelse #Return to menu. *goto cheatsmenu *goto cheatsmenu #Change your skills and personality stats. Your personal qualities are many and varied. Where do you need some changes? *label skillsmenu *fake_choice #Activate "Rightful Head of the Delgados" Mode. (Set all personal stats extremely high.) Nasri City will surely treat you with the respect you deserve now. *set devious 95 *set forceful 95 *set inspiring 95 *set intellectual 95 *set mystical 95 *set changemade true *gosub opposedstatchange *gosub anythingelse *goto skillsmenu #Activate "Underdog of the Delgados" Mode. (Set all personal stats extremely low.) Life hasn't been kind to you. But you can overcome it. *set devious 5 *set forceful 5 *set inspiring 5 *set intellectual 5 *set mystical 5 *set changemade true *gosub opposedstatchange *gosub anythingelse *goto skillsmenu #Activate "A Leg Up" Mode. (Give all personal stats a small boost.) *set devious %+5 *set forceful %+5 *set inspiring %+5 *set intellectual %+5 *set mystical %+5 *set changemade true A little help does wonders in the right place. *gosub anythingelse *goto skillsmenu #Activate "Self Improvement" Mode. (Give all personal stats a moderate boost.) *set devious %+10 *set forceful %+10 *set inspiring %+10 *set intellectual %+10 *set mystical %+10 *set changemade true Self improvement is always a useful endeavor. *gosub anythingelse *goto skillsmenu #Activate "Criminal Pride" Mode. (Give all personal stats a large boost.) *set devious %+20 *set forceful %+20 *set inspiring %+20 *set intellectual %+20 *set mystical %+20 *set changemade true Your personal qualities are vastly improved. *gosub anythingelse *goto skillsmenu #Activate "Chameleon" Mode. (Change your personality traits.) *gosub opposedstatchange *goto skillsmenu #Return to menu. *goto cheatsmenu #Change your relationships with other characters. In Nasri City many might consider you a friend. Or an enemy. *label relationshipmenu *fake_choice #Activate "Friends in High Places" Mode. (Set all relationship stats extremely high.) *set aleixi 95 *set ferro 95 *set fuchsia 95 *set nico 95 *set otavia 95 *set pereira 95 *set silvian 95 *set changemade true Whatever you've done, you're well thought of throughout your social circle. *gosub anythingelse *goto relationshipmenu #Activate "Lonely Thief" Mode. (Set all relationship stats extremely low.) *set aleixi 5 *set ferro 5 *set fuchsia 5 *set nico 5 *set otavia 5 *set pereira 5 *set silvian 5 *set changemade true Whatever you've done, your social circle thinks most poorly of you. *gosub anythingelse *goto relationshipmenu #Activate "Special Treatment" Mode. (Set a specific relationship extremely high.) *label specialtreatmentmenu Who would you like to boost your relationship with? *fake_choice *if (aleixi_vis) #Aleixi. *set aleixi 95 *set changemade true Aleixi of the Faces considers you trustworthy, no matter how you've treated her. *gosub anythingelse *goto specialtreatmentmenu #Ferro. *set ferro 95 *set changemade true Tomas Ferro considers you trustworthy, no matter how you've treated him. *gosub anythingelse *goto specialtreatmentmenu *if ((fuchsia_vis) and (fuchsiasurvive)) #Fuchsia. *set fuchsia 95 Your sister Fuchsia considers you trustworthy, no matter how you've treated her. *gosub anythingelse *goto specialtreatmentmenu #Nico. *set nico 95 *set changemade true Nico Cabrera considers you trustworthy, no matter how you've treated him. *gosub anythingelse *goto specialtreatmentmenu *if ((otavia_vis) and (otaviasurvive)) #Otavia. *set otavia 95 *set changemade true Your sister Otavia considers you trustworthy, no matter how you've treated her. *gosub anythingelse *goto specialtreatmentmenu *if (pereirafate != "dead") #Pereira. *set pereira 95 *set changemade true Mari Pereira considers you trustworthy, no matter how you've treated them. *gosub anythingelse *goto specialtreatmentmenu #Silvian. *set silvian 95 *set changemade true Silvian Fonseca considers you trustworthy, no matter how you've treated her. *gosub anythingelse *goto specialtreatmentmenu #Return to menu. *goto relationshipmenu #Activate "Personal Animosity" Mode. (Set a specific relationship extremely low.) Who would you like to decrease your relationship with? *label antispecialtreatmentmenu *fake_choice *if (aleixi_vis) #Aleixi. *set aleixi 5 *set changemade true Aleixi of the Faces considers you untrustworthy, no matter how you've treated her. *gosub anythingelse *goto antispecialtreatmentmenu #Ferro. *set ferro 5 *set changemade true Tomas Ferro considers you untrustworthy, no matter how you've treated him. *if ((fuchsia_vis) and (fuchsiasurvive)) #Fuchsia. *set fuchsia 5 *set changemade true Your sister Fuchsia considers you untrustworthy, no matter how you've treated her. *gosub anythingelse *goto antispecialtreatmentmenu #Nico. *set nico 5 *set changemade true Nico Cabrera considers you untrustworthy, no matter how you've treated him. *gosub anythingelse *goto antispecialtreatmentmenu *if ((otavia_vis) and (otaviasurvive)) #Otavia. *set otavia 5 *set changemade true Your sister Otavia considers you untrustworthy, no matter how you've treated her. *gosub anythingelse *goto antispecialtreatmentmenu *if (pereirafate != "dead") #Pereira. *set pereira 5 *set changemade true Mari Pereira considers you untrustworthy, no matter how you've treated them. *gosub anythingelse *goto antispecialtreatmentmenu #Silvian. *set silvian 5 *set changemade true Silvian Fonseca considers you trustworthy, no matter how you've treated her. *gosub anythingelse *goto antispecialtreatmentmenu #Return to the menu. *goto relationshipmenu #Activate "The Personal Touch" Mode. (Increase a specific relationship.) Who would you like to improve your relationship with? *label incmenu *fake_choice *if (aleixi_vis) #Aleixi. *set aleixi %+20 *set changemade true Aleixi of the Faces will treat you with more trust, no matter what you've done. *gosub anythingelse *goto incmenu #Ferro. *set ferro %+20 *set changemade true Tomas Ferro will treat you with more trust, no matter what you've done. *gosub anythingelse *goto incmenu *if ((fuchsia_vis) and (fuchsiasurvive)) #Fuchsia. *set fuchsia %+20 *set changemade true Your sister Fuchsia will treat you with more trust, no matter what you've done. *gosub anythingelse *goto incmenu #Nico. *set nico %+20 *set changemade true Nico Cabrera will treat you with more trust, no matter what you've done. *gosub anythingelse *goto incmenu *if ((otavia_vis) and (otaviasurvive)) #Otavia. *set otavia %+20 *set changemade true Your sister Otavia will treat you with more trust, no matter what you've done. *gosub anythingelse *goto incmenu *if (pereirafate != "dead") #Pereira. *set pereira %+20 *set changemade true Mari Pereira will treat you with more trust, no matter what you've done. *gosub anythingelse *goto incmenu #Silvian. *set silvian %+20 *set changemade true Silvian Fonseca will treat you with more trust, no matter what you've done. *gosub anythingelse *goto incmenu #Return to the menu. *goto relationshipmenu #Return to menu. *goto cheatsmenu #Change your Resources. In Nasri City, everything is for sale. *label resourcemenu *fake_choice #Activate "Ready Funds" Mode. (Boost your Accounts.) You've dipped into your funds and given yourself a very nice cash injection. *set accounts %+20 *set changemade true *gosub anythingelse *goto resourcemenu #Activate "A Well-Earned Rest" Mode. (Boost your Health.) *set health %+20 *set changemade true You've taken time to recuperate and heal any wounds. *gosub anythingelse *goto resourcemenu #Return to menu. *goto cheatsmenu #Change your Reputation and Influence. Nasri City is always watching. What does it think of you? *label influencemenu *fake_choice #Activate "Free Lunch" Mode (Set your Reputation and Influence extremely high.) *set changemade true *set feared 95 *set admired 95 *set boardroom 95 *set streets 95 *set police 95 Your influence over Nasri City is unparalleled. *gosub anythingelse *goto influencemenu #Activate "Difficulty Curve" Mode. (Set your Reputation and Influence extremely low.) *set changemade true *set feared 5 *set admired 5 *set boardroom 5 *set streets 5 *set police 5 At best Nasri City ignores you. At worst…well, we'll see. *gosub anythingelse *goto influencemenu #Activate "Favorable Glances" Mode. (Give Reputation and Influence stats a small boost.) *set feared %+5 *set admired %+5 *set boardroom %+5 *set streets %+5 *set police %+5 *set changemade true The city pays a little more attention. *gosub anythingelse *goto influencemenu #Activate "Rumor Mill" Mode. (Give Reputation and Influence stats a moderate boost.) *set feared %+10 *set admired %+10 *set boardroom %+10 *set streets %+10 *set police %+10 *set changemade true The people watch as you walk by, and go out of their way to greet you. *gosub anythingelse *goto influencemenu #Activate "Criminal Pride" Mode (Give Reputation and Influence stats a large boost) *set feared %+10 *set admired %+10 *set boardroom %+10 *set streets %+10 *set police %+10 *set changemade true The people of Nasri City go out of their way to help you. *gosub anythingelse *goto influencemenu #Activate "Rumors and Whispers" Mode. (Increase a specific Reputation or Influence stat.) Where would you like to focus your attention? *label repmenu *fake_choice #Increase Feared Reputation. *set changemade true *set feared %+20 The people find you more intimidating. A useful thing to take advantage of. *gosub anythingelse *goto repmenu #Increase Admired Reputation. *set changemade true *set admired %+20 The people admire you more. A useful thing to take advantage of. *gosub anythingelse *goto repmenu #Increase Boardroom Influence. *set changemade true *set boardroom %+20 You have more influence among the city's elite and legal business. *gosub anythingelse *goto repmenu #Increase Streets Influence. *set changemade true *set streets %+20 You have more influence over the workers of the city and its underbelly. *gosub anythingelse *goto repmenu #Increase Police Influence. *set changemade true *set police %+20 You have more influence over the police force of the city. *gosub anythingelse *goto repmenu #Back to menu. *goto influencemenu #Back to menu. *goto cheatsmenu #Alter the state of the world around you. The human world can be as malleable as the ghostly one, if you give it the right nudge. *label worldmenu *fake_choice *if ((delgadoattackoutcome = "unknown") and (aleixiattackoutcome = "unknown")) #Change the balance of power between the Delgados and the Faces. The situation between the Delgados and the Faces is a tense one. *fake_choice #Give the Delgados an advantage in the power struggle. *set changemade true *set delgados %+20 The Delgados have gained some ground against the Faces. *gosub anythingelse *goto worldmenu #Give the Faces an advantage in the power struggle. *set changemade true *set delgados %-20 The Faces have gained some ground against the Delgados. *gosub anythingelse *goto worldmenu *if (delgadoattackoutcome != "unknown") #Increase the Delgados' strength. *set changemade true *set delgados %+20 The Delgados have consolidated their power. *gosub anythingelse *goto worldmenu *if (aleixiattackoutcome != "unknown") #Increase the Faces' strength. *set changemade true *set faces %+20 The Faces have consolidated their power. *gosub anythingelse *goto worldmenu *if ((electionjob != "unknown") and (mayor = "unknown")) #Improve Ferro's position in the election. *set election_ferro %+20 *set changemade true Ferro has gained an advantage in the election. He'll take anything he can get. *gosub anythingelse *goto worldmenu #Improve Nico's position in the election. *set election_ferro %-20 *set changemade true Though he'd prefer to do it by honorable means, Nico has gained an advantage in the election. *gosub anythingelse *goto worldmenu #Change the mood of the city. Nasri City can be an unruly beast. *fake_choice #Increase Chaos. *set changemade true *set chaos %+20 The fires have been stoked. *gosub anythingelse *goto worldmenu #Decrease Chaos. *set changemade true *set chaos %-20 The city grows quieter. For now. *gosub anythingelse *goto worldmenu #Change the mood of the city's ghosts. You know more than anyone how the ghosts influence the earthly world. *fake_choice #Increase Ghosts' Anger. *set changemade true *set ghosts_angry %+20 You have stoked up the ghosts' fury. *gosub anythingelse *goto worldmenu #Decrease Ghosts' Anger. *set changemade true *set ghosts_angry %-20 You have made the ghosts more peaceful. *gosub anythingelse *goto worldmenu #Increase Ghosts' Wildness. *set changemade true *set ghosts_contained %-20 The ghosts are more free. *gosub anythingelse *goto worldmenu #Decrease Ghosts' Wildness. *set changemade true *set ghosts_contained %+20 The ghosts are more contained. *gosub anythingelse *goto worldmenu #Back to menu. *goto cheatsmenu *label verbose You have gained insights beyond the vision of the mortal world! Here you can read the stats tracking a wide variety of states of the world and the courses of action your magician has taken. Here are the most notable ones to be found in [i]Blood Money[/i]. *if ghostanchored [b]Anchored Ghosts:[/b] *if evidenceanchor An unnamed ghost anchored as part of Pereira's operation *line_break *if helderanchor The ghost of an elderly woman who had been bothering Helder *line_break *if julianchor Juli's ghosts from Cardosa House *line_break *if prisonanchor A male ghost that was haunting the prison in the forest *line_break *if luisanchor Luis, a former blood magician *line_break *if sisteranchor *if ((fuchsiasurvive = false) and (otaviasurvive = false)) Your sisters Fuchsia and Otavia *if ((fuchsiasurvive) and (otaviasurvive = false)) Your sister Otavia *if ((fuchsiasurvive = false) and (otaviasurvive)) Your sister Fuchsia *if aleixianchor Aleixi, formerly of the Faces [b]Points of Interest:[/b] Access gained to city hall: @{cityhallaccess Yes|No} *line_break Your Home: *if (not(ch8leave)) *if home != "unknown" @{(home = "mansion") The|a} ${home} *if home = "unknown" unknown *if ch8leave *if home = "silvian" Staying with Silvian *if home = "ferro" An apartment from Ferro *if home = "nico" Staying with Nico *if home = "pereira" Staying with Pereira *if (((home = "boardinghouse") or (home = "hotel")) or (home = "bolt hole")) A ${home} *line_break Silvian's Background: *if silvianbackground = "friends" old friends *if silvianbackground = "lovers" former lovers *if silvianbackground = "helped" your family helped her *if silvianbackground = "magicians" known through work *if silvianbackground = "unknown" unknown *line_break *if ch2ally != "unknown" Your go-to informant: *if ch2ally = "vala" Vala, a young aristocrat *if ch2ally = "belinha" Belinha, a homeless woman *if ch2ally = "carin" Carin, a civil servant *if ch2ally = "rodrigues" Rodrigues, a merchant *line_break *if ch4luisoutcome != "unknown" Luis's fate: *if ch4luisoutcome = "banished" banished *if ch4luisoutcome = "anchor_agree" agreed to be anchored *if ch4luisoutcome = "anchor_fight" forced to be anchored *if ch4luisoutcome = "anchor_silvian" anchored to Silvian *line_break *if julioutcome != "unknown" Juli's fate: *if julioutcome = "prison" imprisoned *if juliescape escaped *if juliescape = "capture" captured *line_break *if chapter = 8 @{(ch7track = "defection") Delgados|Faces} alerted: @{enemiesalert Yes|No} [b]Numbers tracked:[/b] *stat_chart text addicthealth Addicts' Health (How well are the addicts in Cardosa House doing?) text attacksuccess Attack Success (How successful is your attack takeover?) text drinkblood Blood Drinker (How many times have you drunk the blood during the ritual?) text ch3cardgame Card Proficiency (How well are you doing playing cards at the wake?) text killedsomeone Death Tally (How many people have you killed?) text ch4luisstrength Fighting Luis (How strong is Luis?) text sisters_neutrality Getting Along (How close to getting on are your sisters?) text aleixiflirt Flirty Business: Aleixi (How often have you flirted with Aleixi?) text ferroflirt Flirty Business: Ferro (How often have you flirted with Ferro?) text pereiraflirt Flirty Business: Pereira (How often have you flirted with Pereira?) text nicoflirt Flirty Business: Nico (How often have you flirted with Nico?) text silvianflirt Flirty Business: Silvian (How often have you flirted with Silvian?) text fuchsiahealth Fuchsia Health (How well is Fuchsia doing?) text health_faces Health of the Faces (How well are the Faces doing under your watch?) text inaciasupport Inacia's Support (How much does Aunt Inacia support your takeover?) text veloprogress Judge Velo Investigation (How far have you progressed in your investigation?) text magicianhealth Magicians' Health (How healthy are Silvian's companions?) text suspicion Suspicion in the Warehouse (How suspicious are your targets?) text mendeshealth Mendes Health (How well is Mendes doing?) text mendesmagicianhealth Mendes's Magician's Health (How is Mendes's bound magician doing?) text otaviahealth Otavia Health (How well is Otavia doing?) text security Prison Security (How tight is the security in the forest prison?) text silvianhealth Silvian Health (How well is Silvian doing?) text ch3tension Tension Rising (How tense are things at the wake?) text underminesuccess Undermining (How well are you undermining your family?) text cityhallhealth City Hall Health (How are the City Hall workers doing in the ghost attack?) *choice #Return to the original stats page. *goto stats_page *label opposedstatchange Would you like to alter your hot-headed nature or your cutthroat tendencies? *fake_choice #I would like to change those stats. Are you mostly hot-headed, mostly cold-blooded, or in the middle? *fake_choice #Hot-headed. *set hotheaded 95 #Cold-blooded. *set hotheaded 5 #In the middle. *set hotheaded 50 #Leave it as is. *gosub anythingelse *goto skillsmenu Do you consider yourself principled, cutthroat, or somewhere in between? *fake_choice #Principled. *set cutthroat 5 #Cutthroat. *set cutthroat 95 #In the middle. *set cutthroat 50 #Leave it as is. *gosub anythingelse *goto skillsmenu #No, I'm happy with them as they are. *gosub anythingelse *goto skillsmenu *return *label anythingelse Is there anything else that you'd like to change at this time? *return *label haveyoutried To view these suggestions of interesting things to try, you must first purchase "A Ghostly Helping Hand." This in-app purchase will unlock the list of "Have you tried…" suggestions, as well as the achievement guide. [b]Have you tried…[/b] …playing as a negotiator or law expert? …playing as an enforcer or burglar? …connecting with different informants? …keeping Casimira's pocket watch? …summoning different ghosts when dealing with Ferro's haunted assistant? …escalating tensions with the Faces during Casimira's wake? …getting rid of Pereira, and getting to know their replacements? …befriending Luis? …uncovering Telma Dacosta, and leaning on her to get what you want later? …making a deal with Juli at Cardosa House? …putting Juli in jail, and encountering her again later? …letting Estela die? …trusting Luis enough to help him become stronger while he's with you? …betraying Silvian at the prison? …confronting Rocha, but responding positively? …joining the Faces? …helping your cousin leave? …agreeing to help Ferro's people guard the prison, then defecting to help Silvian? …willingly or unwillingly allowing Silvian to be captured? …trying to rescue everyone from prison and building a community of magicians? …becoming a fixer for Mayor Ferro? …enlisting a ghost from your past to battle your sisters? …defeating your sisters, but ending things without killing them? …killing Aleixi, and bringing her ghost to help you? …working with Ferro, then abandoning him for Nico's campaign? …winning Nico's campaign with no skullduggery? …having a tryst with Ferro after the election results? …convincing Inacia to let you take over? …poisoning your sisters? …sacrificing yourself to mend the rift to the underworld? …doing the final confrontation while not in your body? …anchoring yourself to Silvian as a ghost? …visiting friends, enemies, or loved ones as a ghost? …attempting a reconciliation between your sisters? …destroying Mendes's building? …leaving Nasri City with someone you care about? *goto backtomenu *label achieveguide To view the achievement guide, you must first purchase "A Ghostly Helping Hand." This in-app purchase will unlock the achievement guide, as well as a list of other interesting things to try and the cheat menu. [b]A Different Land[/b] *line_break To get this achievement, you need to survive Chapter 10 (see [b]Survivor[/b]). [b]Option 1: Leave with Silvian[/b] *line_break Join Silvian and help her in Chapter 10. Agree to leave with her. [b]Option 2: Leave alone[/b] *line_break If you agreed to leave with Silvian in Chapter 10, go back on your agreement to leave with her. Alternatively, when choosing what you're doing with your night, pick "I'm leaving Nasri City." [b]Banisher[/b] *line_break There are many ways to get this achievement. Pick one or several of the below! • In Chapter 3, speak to Nico and agree to help Helder. Choose to banish the ghost (Forceful 40+) • In Chapter 5, banish Juli's ghosts (Hotheaded 50+) • In Chapter 6, exorcise Casimira (Mystical 40+ having used the pocket watch, or Mystical 50+ without using the pocket watch) • In Chapter 4, banish Luis so he cannot control the ghosts (Forceful 40+) Later in the Luis fight, you can also pick one: • Cut him off from the underworld (Luis Strength 2 or less, or Mystical 50+) • Ward against Luis (Luis Strength is 2 or less, or Forceful 50+) If you choose to help Ferro in Chapter 7, pick one: • Banish the ghosts (Mystical 50+) • Tell Torres to keep the guards out of harm's way (Inspiring 50+) If you choose to help Silvian in Chapter 7, pick one: • Banish the ghosts attacking (Mystical 50+) • Tell Torres to keep the guards out of harm's way (Inspiring is 50+) In Chapter 10, there are various paths in which you can achieve this. You'll need Ghosts Contained over 60 for all of these. • If you are loyal to the Delgados, choose to banish the attacking ghosts (Hotheaded 50+ is also helpful) • If you've joined the Faces, choose to banish the ghosts (Hotheaded 60+ is also helpful) • If you took over the family, protect yourself alone then banish the ghosts (Mystical 40+ is also helpful) • If you're with Silvian, banish the ghosts (Hotheaded 50+ is also helpful) • Later if you're with Silvian, banish the ghosts again (Forceful 40+ is also helpful) • You can also banish Casimira (Mystical 40+ is also helpful) • If you died in the battle with Mendes, you can banish every ghost including you • If you didn't die battling Mendes, you can block every ghost from the living city • If you're not out of your body, you can drain the prisoners' blood to banish the ghosts from the city [b]Clean Hands[/b] *line_break See the [b]First Blood[/b], [b]Sororicide[/b], and [b]Double Sororicide[/b] achievements? Mostly just don't do that. If you're working with Fuchsia against Otavia and attack directly, pick one to avoid killing her: • Beat her into submission (Forceful 40+) • Persuade her to step down (Otavia relationship 40+) • Take her down with a sleeping-dart (Hotheaded 60+) • Threaten her (Feared 40+) If you're working with Otavia against Fuchsia and attack directly, pick one to avoid killing her: • Beat her into submission (Forceful 40+) • Persuade her to step down (Fuchsia relationship 40+) • Take her down with a sleeping-dart (Hotheaded 60+) • Threaten her (Feared 40+) [b]Cleansed[/b] *line_break In Chapter 10, choose an option which banishes every ghost from Nasri City. [b]Crime In The Blood[/b] *line_break Remain with the Delgados if the Faces make an offer. In Chapter 8, when Otavia asks you to come back home after the Faces are dealt with, go with her. [b]Double Sororicide:[/b] [b]Option 1: Faces:[/b] *line_break *gosub facesdefection In Chapter 8, order Fuchsia and Otavia executed. [b]Option 2: Takeover:[/b] *line_break Remain with the Delgados. In Chapter 10, either lie to Fuchsia and say you'll support her, or refuse. If you undermine Fuchsia and Otavia's connections, you can reach this achievement by repeated failures to make them step down. But it's easiest to attack directly, specifying that you'll use a lethal approach, and then kill them. [b]First Blood[/b] *line_break There are many ways to get this achievement. Pick one or several of the below! • In Chapter 1, kill Valdin • In Chapter 2, kill Pereira (Forceful 40+) • In Chapter 3, kill Jabir either by yourself or at Fuchsia's instruction In Chapter 5, pick one to defeat Juli: • Break her connection with the ghosts (Mystical 40+) • Attack directly (Forceful 40+) • Tempt her to your side (Cutthroat 60 or less) If she runs, chase her down, then kill her. • In Chapter 6, kill Estela • In Chapter 7, kill Rocha (Forceful 50+) • Having joined the Faces, you can have Otavia and Fuchsia executed in Chapter 8 • Having joined the Faces, suggest you kill those who oppose you in Chapter 9 • When loyal to your family, you can have Aleixi executed in Chapter 8 • When loyal to your family, kill the remaining Faces in Chapter 9 • When loyal to your family, join Fuchsia's side in Chapter 10, then let Otavia die • When loyal to your family, join Otavia's side in Chapter 10, then let Fuchsia die • Chapter 10: Kill Mendes by throwing her into the rift, having ghosts kill her, or possessing her • Chapter 10: take control of the ritual, killing the prisoners [b]Fixer:[/b] *line_break *gosub ferrojob_success [b]Ghost-Touched[/b] *line_break There are many ways to get this achievement. Pick one or several of the below! • When infiltrating the warehouse in Chapter 2, anchor a ghost as a distraction for later • During the wake in Chapter 3, speak to Nico and agree to help Helder. Anchor the ghost (Mystical 40+) • In Chapter 5, bring Juli's ghosts into yourself • In Chapter 7, anchor the stray ghost • Cut him off from the underworld (Luis Strength is 3 and Mystical less than 40; or Luis Strength is greater than 3 and Mystical less than 50) • Ward you and Silvian (Luis Strength is 3 and Forceful less than 40; or Luis Strength more than 3 and Forceful less than 50) • In Chapter 8, kill Fuchsia and Otavia and anchor their ghosts to you (see [b]Double Sororicide guide[/b]) (Ghosts Contained 60+ or Ghosts Anger 40 or less) • In Chapter 8, have Aleixi killed and anchor her ghost to you (Ghosts Contained 60+ or Ghosts Anger 40 or less) During the fight with Luis in Chapter 4, pick one: • Encourage him to stay with me • Feel sorry for Luis, so I agree [b]Go It Alone[/b] *line_break Remain with the Delgados if the Faces make an offer. In Chapter 8, when Otavia asks you to come back home after the Faces are dealt with, choose not to go with her. [b]Hostile Takeover:[/b] *line_break In Chapter 7-8, remain with the Delgados. When Fuchsia comes to you, pick one: • Pretend to agree, but intend to take over the family • It should be me in power, and I tell Fuchsia so In Chapter 10, take over the family. You'll need to still be alive by Chapter 11 (see [b]Survivor[/b] achievement) in order to get this one. [b]Kindred Spirits[/b] Specify that you're interested in women, or all genders. In Chapter 5, help Silvian with the Tanque Street property. You can start the romance in your conversation afterwards. Any of the below will trigger this achievement. [b]Chapter 7[/b] *line_break Help Silvian in Chapter 7 and stay with her after your encounter. You can either start or commit to the romance then. [b]Chapter 8[/b] Leave your family and ask Silvian to stay with her. Ask if you can stay in the long term. [b]Chapter 10[/b] *line_break Go to Silvian to help her. Then pick one: • Say you want to stay together • Tell her you love her [b]Chapter 11[/b] *line_break Leave the city with Silvian (see [b]A Different Land[/b] achievement). [b]Liberator[/b] *line_break [b]Option 1:[/b] *line_break In Chapter 7, Ferro and Silvian will request a meeting, as will Silvian. Choose an option that leads you to Silvian. Make your way into the prison picking one: • Push an anchored ghost to distract the guards, or instruct a ghost to possess a guard (Mystical 50+) • Summon prison ghosts and lie in wait (Devious 50+) • Summon prison ghosts and order them to attack (Forceful 50+) When you realize what's afoot, pick one: • Find a drug to wake them (Intellectual 50+) • Pull them out of their sleep (Mystical 50+) *line_break *gosub prisonrescue [b]Option 2:[/b] *line_break It's helpful to have Cutthroat at 40 or less for this option. In Chapter 7, Ferro will request a meeting, as will Silvian. Pick an option leading you to City Hall. When you see Silvian on your night's patrol, choose "Having seen what's going on, I want to help Silvian." *line_break *gosub prisonrescue [b]Option 3:[/b] *line_break *gosub facesdefection In Chapter 10, Aleixi will ask you to investigate her people in prison. When chaos ensues, if you're not on the boat already, choose to rescue the prisoners. Then pick one: *line_break • Storm the deck and charge the guards (Streets 40+) • Set ghosts on the guards (Ghost Anger 60+) • Call to the guards with a bare-faced lie (Police Influence 40+) • Shout to the prisoners to overrun the guards (Streets Influence 40+) *line_break If you are on the boat, choose to stick with them and overpower the guards. [b]Loyal Lieutenant[/b] *line_break [b]Option 1: Otavia[/b] *line_break Through the game, keep your relationship with Otavia high. In Chapter 7-8, remain with the Delgados. In Chapter 10, join Otavia and defeat Fuchsia. In Chapter 11, Otavia will name you her lieutenant if your relationship is 50+. [b]Option 2: Fuchsia[/b] *line_break In Chapter 7-8, remain with the Delgados. In Chapter 8, join Fuchsia and defeat Otavia. In Chapter 10, make sure your relationship with Fuchsia is between 40 and 50 and she will offer you to be her second-in-command. Join Fuchsia and defeat Otavia. In Chapter 11, Fuchsia will name you her lieutenant. [b]Peacemaker[/b] *line_break You'll need to take action towards reconciliation throughout the game. You won't need to take all the below actions, but this is how to get the maximum chance of success. [b]Chapter 1:[/b] *line_break When you first meet Otavia and Fuchsia pick one: • Tell them to be quiet and stop arguing • I suppose you don't want to hear my plans *line_break Then choose "We'll figure it out, don't worry." [b]Chapter 2:[/b] *line_break When Fuchsia asks for the evidence, pick one: • Don't give the evidence to either sister • Tip the bag in the river When the successor is announced, pick one: • I'd have been a better leader • Hope this will help the family settle down When Otavia is given the circlet, pick one: • Clap politely • Stand still When Otavia confronts you about the missing evidence, pick one: • I was fed up of you and Fuchsia playing games • It's better for me this way • Sounds like a success to me Then choose "I'm biding my time to see how this falls out." [b]Chapter 3:[/b] At the wake you can: • Encourage Fuchsia to walk beside you • Wait for your sisters to go ahead • Wait for the right moment to make a bigger entrance When Otavia closes the door on you, don't answer. When giving the speech pick one: • Casimira was the best of us • Casimira brought fear to our enemies Then pick one: • Otavia will follow in Casimira's footsteps • With support from the family, she'll do well [b]Chapter 4:[/b] *line_break When assigned your task, choose "I wish she wouldn't try to play me off against Otavia." [b]Chapter 6:[/b] If Fuchsia comes to you with suspicions, pick one: • We work better when we're united • Help her instead of trying to tear her down If Fuchsia dives for Otavia, pick one: • Kneel beside Estela • Intercede If you spot Casimira first, pick one: • Watch and wait • Intercede When speaking to Casimira, pick one: • Reason with her • Pretend to agree with her When resolving the Casimira situation, try to convince her to leave. When you hear of the investigation into you, pick one: • We need to work on this together • Both of you calm down [b]Chapters 7-8[/b] Remain with the Delgados. In Chapter 8, avoid seeing either of them and rest. [b]Chapter 9[/b] When one of your sisters comes to you, pick one: • I'll do what's best for all of us • Have you been arguing again? When deciding what to do with the Faces, request talking first before exiling them. When one of your sisters storms out, pick one: • Give the remaining sister a rueful shrug, then go to the one who left • Remain seated [b]Chapter 10[/b] Offer to mediate. If Otavia asks if you're enacting a coup, pick one: • Lie about it (Otavia relationship 40+, or Devious 40+) • Tell her to keep a cool head (Delgado strength 60+, or Hotheaded 40 or less) • It's time to compromise (Fuchsia relationship 40+, or Otavia relationship 40+) • Imagine what we could do if we worked together (Otavia relationship 40+, or Inspiring 40+) If Fuchsia asks about you squeezing her out, pick one: • We're family and Otavia knows it (Fuchsia relationship 40+, or Inspiring 40+) • Tell her to keep a cool head (Delgado strength 60+, or Hotheaded 40+) • It's time to compromise (Fuchsia relationship 40+, or Otavia relationship 40+) • Imagine what we could do if we worked together (Fuchsia relationship 40+, or Inspiring 40+) Next pick one: • I've made the family stronger (Delgados Strength 60+) • People are scared of us (Feared 40+) • Our reputation is stellar (Admired 40+) • We'll build allies in high places (Boardroom 40+) • We work well with the masses (Streets 40+) [b]Political Animal[/b] *line_break [b]Option 1: Ferro:[/b] *line_break Agree to join Ferro's campaign. *gosub ferro_election [b]Option 2: Nico[/b] *line_break Agree to join Nico's campaign. Investigating Davi Almeida, pick one: • Tempt a ghost to break into the office (Ghosts Contained 50+) • Bribe your way inside (Admired 50+) • Knock out anyone in the office (Feared 40+) • Sneak inside (Boardroom 40+) Speaking to Iris, pick one: • Tell the bank to keep it quiet (Feared 40+) • Tell Iris to confess (Admired 40+) • Correct the accounts (Boardroom 40+) In Suero District, pick one: • Ask the family to lend boats (Delgado strength 50+) • Ask Aleixi for boats (Faces strength 50+) • Ask the police department for boats (Police 40+) • Stall the voting station (Boardroom 40+) • Steal a ballot box (Streets 40+) • Direct a ghost to disrupt the workers (Ghosts Contained 60+) • Stir up the ghosts in City Hall (Ghosts Angry 60+) [b]Power Play[/b] Specify that you're interested in men, or all genders, and are interested in physical intimacy. [b]Option 1:[/b] *line_break In Chapter 5, help Ferro with the Tanque Street building. Afterwards, flirt with him and then suggest taking things further. [b]Option 2:[/b] *line_break In Chapter 7, successfully help Ferro with the prison. After you've completed the job, agree to join Ferro's staff. You can take things further then. [b]Option 3[/b] *line_break *gosub ferrojob_success You can take things further then. [b]Option 4[/b] *line_break Successfully get Ferro re-elected by doing the following: *gosub ferro_election At the afterparty, you can take things further with Ferro. [b]Power Share[/b] *line_break See [b]Peacemaker[/b] achievement for how to mediate with your sisters. You'll need to do most if not all of those steps to be offered leadership as a trio of siblings. [b]Pragmatist[/b] *line_break In Chapter 7, Ferro will request a meeting, as will Silvian. Choose an option leading you to City Hall. When you see Silvian on your night's patrol, pick one: • Persuade Silvian to leave (if you have less than Inspiring 50) • Subdue Silvian • Lie to Silvian [b]Respectable Romance[/b] Specify that you're interested in men, or all genders. In Chapter 5, tell Nico that you'd like to get to know him better. In Chapter 9, ask if he'd like you to come home with him. Nico will respond most positively to you if you're not a criminal at this point. Make it clear that you're serious about the relationship. In Chapter 10, you can also tell Nico you love him which will trigger this achievement. [b]Rest In Peace[/b] *line_break In Chapter 10, if you end up in the underworld with Mendes you will die if your Health is less than 20. Alternatively, when dealing with the underworld boundary at the end, choose a self-sacrificial option. The option text will make these obvious. [b]Rogue Agent[/b] *line_break *gosub facesdefection [b]Self-Sacrifice[/b] *line_break In Chapter 10, choose a self-sacrificial option to deal with the underworld boundary. The option text will make these obvious. [b]Sororicide[/b] *line_break [b]Option 1: Faces[/b] *line_break *gosub facesdefection In Chapter 8, order Fuchsia and Otavia executed. [b]Option 2: Loyal (Otavia)[/b] *line_break Remain with the Delgados. When Fuchsia asks for help in Chapter 10, agree to support her. When you confront Otavia, pick one: • Beat her into submission (Forceful less than 40) • Persuade her to step down (Otavia relationship less than 40) • Take her down with a sleeping-dart (Hotheaded less than 60) • Threaten her (Feared less than 40) *line_break Then let her die. [b]Option 3: Loyal (Fuchsia)[/b] *line_break Remain with the Delgados. When Otavia asks for help in Chapter 10, agree to support her. When you confront Fuchsia, pick one: • Beat her into submission (Forceful less than 40) • Persuade her to step down (Fuchsia relationship less than 40) • Take her down with a sleeping-dart (Hotheaded less than 60) • Threaten her (Feared less than 40) *line_break Then let her die. [b]Survivor[/b] *line_break Keep your Health high. In Chapter 10, if you end up in the underworld with Mendes you need Health at 20 or more to survive. When dealing with the underworld boundary, avoid the self-sacrificial options. [b]Switch[/b] [b]Option 1:[/b] *line_break In Chapter 7, Ferro will request a meeting, as will Silvian. Pick an option leading you to City Hall. When you see Silvian on your night's patrol, choose "Having seen what's going on, I want to help Silvian. I convince her to let me do so." [b]Option 2:[/b] *line_break Assist Ferro in Chapter 7 (successfully or otherwise). In Chapter 9, regardless of your gang allegiances, you'll be given a choice about helping Ferro or Nico get elected to Mayor. Choose to support Nico's campaign instead of Ferro's. [b]Well-Informed[/b] *line_break Specify that you're interested in nonbinary people, or all genders. Keep Pereira alive in Chapter 2. Flirt with them in Chapter 4, Chapter 5, and/or Chapter 8. In Chapter 8, invite them to stay the night or make it clear that you're serious about them. *goto backtomenu *label authorsnote I made [i]Blood Money[/i] over the course of 2017 and 2018. It's been several years, several games, and a global pandemic since then and my personal world, and the wider one, is very different. But I'm still very proud of it. Before making this game I'd created shorter interactive fiction with Twine and Raconteur, and had very little sense of the complexity of such a sprawling creation. I'm glad I didn't because otherwise I'd have been put off! I've long been interested in writing about magic that eats away at the user, and I liked the idea of putting blood-drinking ghosts at the forefront of this game, giving players an immediate choice about whether they sacrifice themselves or others for their power. I'd been fiddling away at a novel about gangs and magic on and off and it never quite went anywhere, but once I brought interactivity into it, it all fit together. (By the way, I pilfered Nasri City from another unpublished novel I wrote many years ago: the catacombs, canals, and rainforest felt familiar to me and meant it was easy to jump into.) It was important to me to put female characters in the spotlight for this game, showing them being ruthless and flawed. I also wanted to show that non-binary people exist and thrive in the setting. Sure, anyone may end up getting thrown in the river. It's a dangerous and pretty horrible place! But it won't be because of your gender or orientation. My later Choice of Games games, [i]Crème de la Crème[/i] and [i]Royal Affairs,[/i] are much less violent but there's still darkness bubbling beneath the surface of glitzy aristocracy. My third one, [i]Noblesse Oblige,[/i] has more of the [i]Blood Money[/i] moodiness, physical peril, and dubious morality. If you liked [i]Blood Money[/i] you may enjoy some of my short interactive fiction, especially [i]Heretic Dreams[/i] and [i]Teeth and Ice[/i]. Thank you for playing and for your support. I hope you had fun doing shady business in this ghostly, bloody world. -Harris Powell-Smith, 2022 [b]If you enjoyed Blood Money, you might like:[/b] With some of these, I encountered them during or after creating Blood Money. Others, I enjoyed before starting to make the game. Either way, their feel or characters bring Blood Money to mind for me. • The Borgias TV show (Neil Jordan, 2011): the tagline is "the original crime family" and I often thought about the power vacuums, squabbles, and sibling rivalries in the show when writing. • Blades in the Dark RPG (John Harper, 2015): I only found out about this after I'd finished writing, but it's a delightful game to play. A dark city filled with ghosts and shady magic, Duskvol shares a lot of DNA with Nasri City. • Dishonored series (Arkane, 2012): between politicking, gang warfare, and magic that takes as much as it gives, Dishonored will scratch the Blood Money itch. (I am not good at stealth games so have never been able to play it myself, but having watched others play, I like its atmosphere a great deal.) • The Craft Sequence (Max Gladstone, 2012): it has a more modern feel than Blood Money, but when I read the books and played the games, they made me really keen to write something about magic that requires sacrifice. • The Necromancer Chronicles (Amanda Downum, 2009): a necromancer investigator storms into situations, often causing more trouble than she'd like. The Bone Palace is my favorite of the series. • The Sacred Dark trilogy (May Peterson, 2019): aristocrats and gangs vying for power and dealing with magical phenomena. Lord of the Last Heartbeat and The Calyx Charm are the most similar to Blood Money. *goto backtomenu *label prisonrescue When you're escaping, pick one: *line_break • Tell Silvian to get out of there (Mystical 50+) • Use the ghosts' hunger against them (Devious 50+) • Banish the ghosts to the underworld (Mystical 50+) • Run, leading them to safety (Hotheaded 60+) *return *label facesdefection When Rocha speaks to you in Chapter 7, pick one: *line_break • Deliberately block Fuchsia's line of sight • Yell at the attacker • Dive to the ground, telling Rocha to get out of the line of fire *line_break Aleixi will come to speak to you. Accept her offer to join the Faces. *return *label ferro_election Investigating Lady Almeida, pick one: • Go to the docks (Streets 40+) • Look for clues (Boardroom 40+) • Beg for help to escape (Admired 40+) • Contact the police department (Police 40+) Investigating the leak to the papers, pick one: • Mingle with the office workers (Admired 40+) • Follow them to spot movements (Hotheaded 40+) • Make comments about betrayal (Feared 40+) • Direct a ghost to observe (Ghosts Angry 40 or less if it's an anchored ghost, or 50 or less if it's a City Hall one) With Sofi, pick one: • Tell her to leave (Feared 40+) • Convince her you have Ferro's ear (Ferro relationship 30+) • Feed information through Sofi (Boardroom 40+) • Advise Sofi to give information (Boardroom 40+) At the Suero District building, pick one: • Order Ferro's people to stop (Boardroom 40+) • Distract the officer (Admired 40+) • Keep calm (if Hotheaded 40+) *return *label ferrojob_success Do Ferro's job in Chapter 7. If you did not succeed in the prison, pick one: • Tell him the prison is damaging the underworld boundary (Mystical 50+) • Blame Chief Mendes (Cutthroat 60+) • Show how well you dealt with the problem (Inspiring 50+) • Explain that Silvian broke in (Hotheaded 40+) • Explain that a blood magician caused a disruption (Inspiring 50+) *line_break After you've completed the job, agree to join Ferro's staff. *return