*label initial_screen *text_image builder.png center The Novice Builder *if name_set You are ${prenom}. First-Made of Din. *if stormbreaker Breaker of Storms. *if ((niel_intimate >= 2) and (married = false)) Lover of Niel Vos Vartan. *if ((niel_intimate >= 2) and (married = true)) Partner of Niel Vos Vartan. *if beck_intimate >= 2 Lover of Beck Stone. *if cielo_intimate >= 1 Lover of Builder Cielo. *if shade_intimate >= 1 Lover of Eater Shade. *if humil_intimate >= 2 Lover of the homunculus Humil. *if weather_worker Worker of Weather. *check_achievements *if (choice_achieved_duplicitous) Betrayer. *check_achievements *if (choice_achieved_patricide) or (choice_achieved_kinslayer) Kinslayer. *check_achievements *if (choice_achieved_butcher) Butcher. *check_achievements *if (choice_achieved_peacemaker) Peacemaker. *if (choice_achieved_warbringer) Bringer of War. *if (choice_achieved_weathermaster) Master of the Southern Storm. *if ((injuries != 0) and (player_fate != 6)) *text_image injuries.png center Injuries *if injuries = 1 You are currently lightly injured. Barely a scratch. *if injuries = 2 You have taken some more damage. Not enough to slow you down. *if injuries = 3 You have had better days. Your injuries are now considerable. *if injuries = 4 You are exhausted, bloody, and only your will is keeping you going. *if injuries >= 5 You have never been hurt so badly. Attempting anything strenuous will almost certainly result in your demise. *if player_fate = 6 *text_image injuries.png center Injuries You have fallen. May you be remembered for your deeds. *if appearance_set *text_image appearance.png center Appearance You are ${skin}-skinned with ${hair_style} ${hair_color} hair and ${eye_color} eyes. You have a *if facial_style != "pierced" ${facial_style} face *if facial_style = "pierced" face covered in Extrivially-wrought piercings and a ${build} build. *if scarred = 1 There's a wicked, angry wound curving down the right side of your face and down onto your neck. It threatens to reopen at the slightest provocation. *if scarred = 2 You have a long scar down the side of your cheek and onto your neck. *text_image abilities.png center Abilities *stat_chart percent Speech percent Artifice percent Charisma percent Wits percent Physicality *comment endif *line_break *text_image personality.png center Personality *stat_chart opposed_pair Subtle Forthright opposed_pair Brutal Compassionate opposed_pair Composed Volatile opposed_pair Obedient Independent *comment endif *line_break *text_image reputation.png center Reputation *temp prestige_text "none" *temp notoriety_text "none" *if prestige = 0 *set prestige_text "${prestige}—You are respected by almost no one." *if ((prestige >=1) and (prestige <=3)) *set prestige_text "${prestige}—Your name is becoming synonymous with something besides: 'Who?'" *if ((prestige >=4) and (prestige <=6)) *set prestige_text "${prestige}—Word of your deeds is spreading throughout the world-below." *if ((prestige >=7) and (prestige <=9)) *set prestige_text "${prestige}—You've gained the trust of many and a reputation for being fair." *if prestige >= 10 *set prestige_text "${prestige}—You are beloved and respected by all who know your name." *if notoriety = 0 *set notoriety_text "${notoriety}—No one knows your name. No one fears you." *if ((notoriety >=1) and (notoriety <=3)) *set notoriety_text "${notoriety}—You are gaining a questionable reputation in the world-below." *if ((notoriety >=4) and (notoriety <=6)) *set notoriety_text "${notoriety}—You are somewhat well-known for your unorthodox methods." *if ((notoriety >=7) and (notoriety <=9)) *set notoriety_text "${notoriety}—Rooms go quiet when you enter and the fearful avoid your gaze." *if notoriety >= 10 *set notoriety_text "${notoriety}—People think twice about crossing you, they've heard tell of your utter ferocity" *stat_chart text prestige_text Prestige text notoriety_text Notoriety *comment endif *line_break *text_image weather.png center State of the Weather *if stability >= 10 The weather of the world-below has been completely stabilized. *if ((stability >= 7) and (stability <= 9)) The weather of the world-below is mostly stable. *if ((stability >= 5) and (stability <= 7)) The weather of the world-below is unstable. *if stability < 5 The weather of the world-below is dangerously unstable. *choice #Explanation of Abilities. *label ability_screen *text_image explanation.png center Explanation of Abilities [i]Speech[/i]—The study and mastery of Extrivial or Language, which grants Weather Builders control over the natural forces of the air and water. For typical Builders, this is the cornerstone of their studies. [i]Artifice[/i]—Knowledge of the world-below and of the strange objects which extend the abilities of the Weather Builders, such as your gauntlet and ring which can manipulate earth and fire respectively. Artifice-focused Builders prefer to use the force of their own will to make an impact on the world. [i]Charisma[/i]—Your charm and ability to connect with others. A charismatic Builder can get others to take their advice, follow their lead, or get an assailant to rethink the blade against their throat. [i]Wits[/i]—Your cleverness and ability to both act quickly and think of novel solutions to problems. A witty Weather Builder can often avoid trouble before it even starts. [i]Physicality[/i]—Strength, athleticism, and physical ability. A highly physical Builder often prefers to speak with their fists than with fancy Speech whenever possible. *choice #Return to stat page. *goto initial_screen #Go to Personality Signifiers page. *goto personality_screen #Explanation of Personality Signifiers. *label personality_screen *text_image signifiers.png center Personality Signifiers [i]Subtle[/i]–Displays a commitment to cleverness, less obvious strategies, and veiled intentions. [i]Forthright[/i]–Marked by straight-forwardness, a willingness to be direct, and an aversion to mixed messages. [i]Brutal[/i]–Has an interest in seeking conflict and resolving them succinctly, often with violence or a general disregard for others. [i]Compassionate[/i]–Consistently goes out of the way to show kindness, thoughtfulness and behavior focused on mediation rather than extended conflict. [i]Composed[/i]–Shows calmness under pressure, a measured disposition, and takes the position that being reserved is a strength. [i]Volatile[/i]–Exhibits uncannily explosive behavior paired with a generally unpredictable disposition. [i]Independent[/i]–Demonstrates self-direction, self-possession, a willingness to stand apart, especially in matters relating to Weather Builder doctrine. [i]Obedient[/i]–Is typically respectful of authority figures, refuses to go against the wishes of and is compliant with Builder doctrine. *choice #Go to Explanation of Abilities. *goto ability_screen #Return to stat page. *goto initial_screen #Relationships. *label relationship_screen *text_image companions.png center Companions *stat_chart percent niel_affin Niel Affinity percent humil_affin Humil Affinity percent humil_auto Humil Autonomy percent shade_affin Shade Affinity percent beck_affin Beck Affinity percent cielo_affin Cielo Affinity *comment endif *text_image factions.png center Factions *stat_chart percent builder_affin Weather Builders percent human_affin Humanity percent eater_affin Eaters percent golem_affin Homunculi Affinity percent golem_strength Homunculi Strength *comment endif *choice #Return to previous screen. *goto initial_screen #Glossary, Or Terms Necessary for the Edification of Novice Builders. *label glossary_1 *gosub canticle_header *text_image power.png center Power and Its Uses In this section the Novice Builder can expect to learn the means by which they may alter the world. However, know that haste or under-preparedness in the use of these sacred powers can result in calamity, the extent of which is only determined by the terrible strength of the Builder using them. [b]Terms[/b]: [b]Extrivial/Language[/b]—The Language of creation itself. Extrivial connects Weather Builders to the building blocks of power, which allow the production of weather-control effects and other feats that the mundane would name miracles. [b]Speech[/b]—The deployment of Extrivial to beauteous effect. A Builder should hesitate to use the term for any uses of Extrivial that lacks thoughtfulness and sophistication, but over time the term has become a catch-all for any use of Extrivial at all. Disappointing. [b]Artifacts[/b]—Objects of some notable power in the hands of those inclined toward it. The use of artifacts asks Weather Builders to tap into their personal reserves of will to produce effects in the world, rather than the noble and pure Extrivial Language. These artifacts include the artifice-ring Vatra, which allows mastery over fire and the gauntlet, Motus, which compels the earth. [b]Will[/b]—The animating force of life and vigor in all things. The mundane, naturally, are ignorant of this force. [b]Axis Mundi[/b]—The sites where the glorious ateliers are built and maintained. These are loci for ambient power. At these points, a Weather Builder's might is considerably enhanced. [b]Working[/b]—The process by which material substance is leashed to a Weather Builder's intentions. Usually done at an atelier, near an axis mundi. For example, through Workings a Weather Builder can direct weather patterns on a grandiose scale that would be otherwise impossible. [b]Atelier/Workshop[/b]—The places where Weather Builders live and work. They are located at sites of power and are usually high above the earth in places inaccessible to the members of the lower-realm. The four standing ateliers are: the Westerly Wind, the Southern Storm, the Eastern Rain, and the Northern Squall. [b]Mundane[/b]—Anything of and/or dealing with the lower-realm. Also meaning, without access to the high Speech. *choice #Return to stat screen. *goto initial_screen #Proceed to Glossary, Page 2: Creatures of Our World. *label glossary_2 *gosub canticle_header *text_image creatures.png center Creatures of Our World Little enough need be said of the creatures that populate the upper and lower worlds, since few of them would ever pose a threat. However, we have included some token exploration so that the Novice Builder might learn something of their charges. [b]Terms[/b]: [b]Humans[/b]—Our most developed cousins in the lower-world. Humans share much of our physical makeup, but little of our enlightenment and none of our fearsome ability. They rely on our stewardship as do all creatures of the lower-world. [b]Homunculi[/b]—Creatures of functional intelligence and generally pleasing disposition to whom basic tasks can be assigned. Homunculi can be found in the service of any capable Weather Builder and often make up the entirety of their domestic staff and—though it is rarely called for—their security services as well. [b]Weather Builders[/b]—Residents of the upper-world and stewards of the weather. We construct the weather and stabilize it so that all in the lower-world might live comfortably and without the pall of fear that accompanies an uncertain world. [b]Weather-Eater[/b]—Violent, vicious, and without a moral standard to recommend them, the Weather Eaters—as we've named them for their voracious appetite for our Speech, which they consume to fuel their own perverse aims—are to be stricken from our histories and driven from both worlds. Know that your duty, Novice Builder, is to eradicate them wherever you find them. [b]World-below/Lower-world[/b]–The domain of humanity and our primary charge. [b]Geniture[/b]—A name for both the process by which we—the stalwart Weather Builders—swell our ranks and how we refer to that momentous event. The specifics of geniture and how it is conducted are disseminated only amongst Master Builders, lest younger, untested Builders replicate without due consideration to propriety and cohesion to the grand designs of our kind. *choice #Return to stat screen. *goto initial_screen #Go back to Page 1: Power and Its Uses. *goto glossary_1 *if (beck_notes) #Proceed to Glossary, Page 3: Major Players of the Apyrian Collective *label glossary_3 *text_image players.png center Major Players Or, notes on the Talking Heads of the Apyrian Collective *line_break Lovingly compiled for Builder ${prenom}'s edification by the singular Beckwith Stone. [b]$!{nielos} Vos Vartan[/b]: The pampered scion of the Vos Vartan line. Will likely inherit ${niel_his} father's position in a very boring succession that ensures nothing of consequence will change among Collective leadership. As you can probably tell, I'm a huge fan of ${niel_his} work. [b]Corinne Xu[/b]: After a criminal had broken into her manor, Oligarch Xu gave the thief the option of trial by combat, which he eagerly took considering that she—one-armed and slightly built—would be his opponent. She cut him so many times that the healers standing by barely saved his life. Xu is careful, prudent, and brutal if pushed. Don't underestimate her. [b]Velt Mayer[/b]: Oligarch Mayer is so lethargic than one assumes he yawned at his own birth instead of crying out. Though the man seems to have pioneered exhaustion, he has sharp instincts and the mind of a true statesman. Though he publicly disdains scheming, he will not hesitate to get his hands dirty. [b]Serena Nizmet[/b]: You ought to get along with Oligarch Nimzet just fine, considering she's a member of your cult. More specifically, she's a believer in the Deified Theory that argues the Weather Builders are messengers of gods living within the earth. She's not an empty shirt though; she can be as dangerous as any of us. [b]Ayad d'Antilly[/b]: Almost neglected to put him on here, so easily does this silver-tongued schemer fade into the background. But make no mistake, he is a large part of Brion's success. His connections in and out of the Collective run deep. I've made several offers to him, but he hasn't bitten. Yet. [b]Beckwith Stone[/b]: What is there to say? I'm stunningly attractive, a self-made ${beck_gender}, and I'm unafraid to speak my mind or use my resources. I hesitate to say that the future of humanity relies on visionaries like myself. But… *choice #Return to the stat screen. *goto initial_screen #Go back to Page 2: Creatures of Our World *goto glossary_2 *label canticle_header The Master's Canticles *line_break Terms Necessary for the Edification of Novice Builders *return