*title Neighbourhood Necromancer *author Gavin Inglis *scene_list setup stageone chippy hairdresser graveyard sammeet school $ localcop $ halloween $ dayofthedead $ stagetwo $ kendall $ pet $ base $ decap $ ask $ climax $ exile *create corruption 0 *comment of 100 -- only ever goes up *create humanity 0 *comment of 100 -- only ever goes up *create control 1 *comment of 100 -- your developing control of the undead *comment control 50 *create energy 1 *comment of 100 -- your day-to-day resilience *comment energy 50 *create max_energy 1 *comment of 100 -- how high that can reach *comment max_energy 50 *create luck 1 *comment of 100 *comment luck 50 *create visibility 0 *comment how obvious you are *create bodycount 0 *comment only ever goes up *comment army_state 0 *comment whether to display army on stats screen *comment 0: no army yet *comment 1: skeletons and zombies only *comment 2: climax horde *create army_state 0 *create corruption_count 0 *comment managing description of your decay *create horde_family false *comment moment of understanding *comment Customisation *comment =================================================================== *comment info *create town "Paisley" *comment what your town is called *create gender "boy" *comment boy or girl *create name "Gutskutter Walpurge" *comment your name *create bomb 123 *comment generic random variable *create target 0 *comment generic target variable *create number 0 *comment generic number -> word variable *comment gender terms *create him "him" *comment you *create his "his" *comment you *create he "he" *comment you *create master "master" *comment master/mistress *comment Horde management *comment =================================================================== *create zombies 0 *comment how many zombies you control *comment zombies 2 *create skeletons 0 *comment how many skeletons you control *comment skeletons 2 *create minion_count 0 *comment largely for singular/plural description. *comment minion_count 4 *comment largely for singular/plural description. *create banshee false *comment you only get one of her *comment banshee true *create vampire false *comment you only get one of him *comment vampire true *create vampname "Eric" *comment what the vampire's name is *comment tactical *create zcommit 0 *comment have you committed zombies to the attack? *create scommit 0 *comment have you committed skeletons to the attack? *create vcommit 0 *comment have you committed the vampire to the attack? *create mcommit 0 *comment have you committed the mummy to the attack? *create gcommit 0 *comment have you committed the gallimaufry to the attack? *create advantage false *comment generic situation *comment History *comment =================================================================== *create chippy_attacked false *comment whether you attack the chippy with undead *create chippy_kill false *comment whether you slaughter Al and Rick *create hair_window false *comment whether you smash the hairdresser's window *create hair_kill false *comment whether you kill Geena *create raised false *comment whether you have raised the dead *create school_attacked false *comment whether you attack the school *create cop_kill false *comment whether you kill PC McMurdo *create robbie_kill false *comment whether you kill Robbie *create kendall_kill false *comment whether you slaughter the Kendall kids *create council_mayhem false *comment whether you go into the council chamber *comment Achievements *comment =================================================================== *create baddate false *comment whether you kill a prospective romantic partner *create sam_achieve false *comment whether you get the Sam achievement *create max_achieve false *comment whether you get the Sam achievement *comment Romance *comment =================================================================== *comment 0 never met *comment 1 met *comment 2+ attraction *comment 66 dead *comment 67 dead and recruited *create sam 0 *comment Samantha/Samuel *create ahim "her" *create ahis "her" *create ahe "she" *create abf "girlfriend" *create max 0 *comment Maxine/Maxwell *create mhim "him" *create mhis "his" *create mhe "he" *create mbf "boyfriend" *comment Chapter-specific stuff *comment =================================================================== *comment ---setup--- *create caught false *comment whether the Kendall kids catch you *create exposed false *comment whether they see you after the fight *create bone false *comment whether you take the bone *create nolook false *comment true if you don't look into the bedroom *comment ---stageone--- *create stageone 0 *comment narrative counter *comment 0 not yet buried parents / learned secrecy *comment 1 buried *comment 2+ various options *create graveyard 0 *comment recruitment counter *comment 0 not yet visited *comment 1 visited once *comment 2 visited twice *comment 3 visited thrice; can't go again *create chippy false *comment hide_reuse flag *create hairdresser false *comment hide_reuse flag *create school false *comment hide_reuse flag *create early_doom false *comment whether you have inadvisably called the authorities *comment ---chippy--- *create al_down false *comment whether the manager ends up on the floor *create mayonnaise false *comment whether you have messed with the mayonnaise *create fryer false *comment whether you have dumped the bodies in the fryer *comment ---graveyard--- *create groundskeeper false *comment whether you summon with him present *create police_graveyard false *comment whether PC McMurdo sees you there *comment ---school--- *create hidden false *comment whether you have the undead hide nearby *create lethal false *comment whether you aim to kill *create slipped false *comment whether the horde gets away from you *comment ---localcop--- *create localcop false *comment whether PC McMurdo comes for you first *create scratched false *comment whether the banshee gets claws into him *comment ---halloween--- *create zomvamp false *comment whether you send zombies to attack *create film "none" *comment what film you watch *create vampchat 0 *comment how many times you've chatted to the vampire *comment ---dayofthedead--- *create disguise false *comment whether you disguise at the costume shop *create outfit "superhero" *comment what outfit you choose *create outfit_art "a" *comment corresponding article *create backdoor false *comment whether you enter the town hall through the back *create decimate false *comment whether you sacrifice a skeleton to boost control *comment ---stagetwo--- *create stagetwo 0 *comment narrative counter *comment 0 just beginning / recruit zombies *comment 1 various options *comment 2 Kendall kids attack (lose bone temp) *comment 3 various options *comment 4 possible decap strike *create pet false *comment hide_reuse flag *create base false *comment hide_reuse flag *create ask false *comment hide_reuse flag *create rest false *comment hide_reuse flag *comment ---kendall--- *create remote false *comment whether you manage to summon a rescue party *comment ---pet--- *create attuned 1 *comment how attuned you are to the pet cemetery *create animal_help false *comment whether you secure four-legged assistance *comment ---base--- *create base_alert false *comment whether you raise the alarm *create security false *comment whether you've visited the security building *create records false *comment whether you've visited the records building *create horde_down false *comment if this goes true you are in deep trouble *create early_warning "none" *comment whether you know to expect the decap strike *create revelation false *comment whether you hear the truth behind the humerus *comment ---decap--- *create squad 4 *comment strength of the attacking squad *create blind false *comment whether the flashbang takes out your vision *comment ---ask--- *create solution "sixth" *comment the actual solution to the trivia question *create answer "sense" *comment the answer you give *comment ---exile--- *create companion "none" *comment which animal is drawn to you *comment ---climax--- *create reached_climax false *comment whether you get to the last scene *create destiny "none" *comment what you choose to do "save"/"destroy"/"leave" *create clock 0 *comment timeline for the forces moving in *create progress 0 *comment your success counter *create suburbs 0 *comment hide_reuse flag *create look false *comment hide_reuse flag *create industrial false *comment hide_reuse flag *create talk false *comment hide_reuse flag *create traps false *comment hide_reuse flag *achievement baddate visible 25 Bad Date Murder a prospective romantic partner. You murdered a prospective romantic partner. *achievement truth visible 100 Beyond Death Discover the truth about the humerus. You discovered the truth about the humerus. *achievement frog visible 10 Big Hopper Befriend a skeletal frog. You befriended a skeletal frog. *achievement arrest visible 10 Busted Get thrown in a police car. You were thrown in a police car. *achievement dog visible 10 Canine Companion Befriend a zombie dog. You befriended a zombie dog. *achievement animal visible 50 Critters Secure animal assistance. You secured animal assistance. *achievement cat visible 10 Feline Friend Befriend a zombie cat. You befriended a zombie cat. *achievement decap visible 25 Home Defense Survive the attack on your home. You survived the attack on your home. *achievement disguise visible 10 Incognito Don a disguise. You donned a disguise. *achievement flashbang visible 10 Into the Light Get blinded by a flashbang grenade. You were blinded by a flashbang grenade. *achievement haircut visible 10 Just a Trim Get a haircut. You got a haircut. *achievement driver visible 25 Just the Driver Become a chauffeur for a vampire. You served as a vampire's chauffeur. *achievement deadend visible 100 Live and Let Die Complete the game with dead people. You completed the game with dead people. *achievement liveend visible 100 Live and Let Live Complete the game with live people. You completed the game with living people. *achievement max visible 50 Max On My Mind Have a meaningful relationship with Max. You had a meaningful relationship with Max. *achievement hotchoc visible 10 No Marshmellows Make hot chocolate. You made hot chocolate. *achievement tealady visible 10 No Tea Knock down a tea lady. You knocked down a tea lady. *achievement raise visible 10 Only Sleeping Raise the dead. You raised the dead. *achievement sam visible 50 Seduced by Sam Have a meaningful relationship with Sam. You had a meaningful relationship with Sam. *achievement teaparty visible 10 The Good China Have a tea party. You held a tea party. *achievement corrupt visible 50 Totally Corrupt Reach 100% Corruption. You reached 100% Corruption. *achievement human visible 50 Totally Humane Reach 100% Humanity. You reached 100% Humanity. *achievement weasel visible 10 Weasel Ways Befriend a zombie weasel. You befriended a zombie weasel. *achievement banshee visible 50 Winner Beat the banshee at her own game. You beat the banshee at her own game. *if not(choice_is_web or choice_is_steam) *temp skip_description *config skip_description false *if skip_description *goto purchased *check_purchase adfree *if choice_purchase_supported and not(choice_purchased_adfree) Command the undead to take revenge on the suburbs! Oh, everyone at school laughed at you, but no one will laugh when your minions seize control of critical local infrastructure. Perhaps you’ll start by taking over a convenience store. "Neighbourhood Necromancer" is a hilarious interactive horror novel where your choices control the story. The game is entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination. Will you rule suburbia openly or skulk in the shadows? Will your necromancing impress the cool kids at school? Will you use your dark powers to destroy your home town, or save it from the secret industrial/military operatives who have come to destroy you? The choice is yours. [i]You can play the first three chapters of the game for free. Purchase the rest of the game below.[/i] *if choice_is_advertising_supported [i]Purchasing the rest of the game will also turn off in-game advertisements.[/i] *purchase_discount adfree 2024-08-01 $4.99 $2.99 purchased *label page_break *if choice_is_advertising_supported *page_break_advertisement *if not(choice_is_advertising_supported) *page_break Play Now for Free *label purchased *goto_scene setup