*temp desc *temp fullDesc *temp wealth_text *temp full_wealth_text *temp fame_text *temp full_fame_text *temp relText "" *temp full_name name *set full_name name&" " *set full_name full_name&last_name *temp dr "" *if doctor *set dr "Dr. " *set full_name (dr&full_name) *if romance = "none" *set engaged false *set married false *temp romance_text romance *if married *set romance_text "Married to "&romance *elseif engaged *set romance_text "Engaged to "&romance *gosub wealthDescription *gosub fameDescription Year: ${year} *temp age year-1995 ${age}-year-old ${full_name} *stat_chart percent Humanity text Gender text full_fame_text Fame text full_wealth_text Wealth text romance_text Romance *line_break $!{robot_name} *gosub ratingDescription autonomy *temp autonomy_text fullDesc *gosub ratingDescription military *temp military_text fullDesc *gosub ratingDescription empathy *temp empathy_text fullDesc *gosub ratingDescription grace *temp grace_text fullDesc *stat_chart text autonomy_text Autonomy text military_text Military text empathy_text Empathy text grace_text Grace *temp zieglerText "?" *if met_ziegler *set zieglerText "Professor Ziegler" *gosub setRelText ziegler_relationship *set zieglerText zieglerText&relText *temp eText "?" *temp joshText "?" *if met_e_and_josh *gosub setRelText e_relationship *set eText e_name&relText *gosub setRelText josh_relationship *set joshText "Josh"&relText *temp julietText "?" *if met_juliet *gosub setRelText juliet_relationship *set julietText "Juliet"&relText *temp markText "?" *if met_mark *gosub setRelText mark_relationship *set markText "Mark"&relText *temp crazyText "?" *if met_crazy *gosub setRelText crazy_relationship *set crazyText crazy_name&relText *temp companionText "?" *if not(companion = "none") *gosub setRelText companion_relationship *set companionText companion&relText *temp ironsText "?" *if met_irons *gosub setRelText irons_relationship *set ironsText "President Irons"&relText Relationships *stat_chart percent ziegler_relationship ${zieglerText} percent e_relationship ${eText} percent josh_relationship ${joshText} percent mark_relationship ${markText} percent juliet_relationship ${julietText} percent crazy_relationship ${crazyText} percent irons_relationship ${ironsText} percent companion_relationship ${companionText} *temp chinaText "?" *temp usText "?" *temp balanceText "?" *if chapter >= 5 *line_break World Power Balance *stat_chart opposed_pair china_power China U.S. *comment Focusing on completed chapters lets us focus *comment on the global variables, instead of trying *comment to update a log with every screen. *comment It should also encourage players to finish the current *comment chapter, and fits the common use case of taking a break *comment after some number of chapters. Finally, it allows *comment the prose to flow a bit better and sound more like a summary. *comment Also, string-building is a nightmare -- better to do as much as *comment possible here. *if (chapter >= 2) *line_break Summary of Completed Chapters [b]Chapter 1[/b] On the day you first built ${robot_name}, you awoke from a dream about a robot ${dream} to head to the lab. Your graduate school advisor pressured you to make ${robot_name} more acceptable to the military. After some back and forth, you ended up making a ${robot_material} ${robot_leg_adj} robot with a ${robot_head} head and *if robot_arm = "gun arm" *if log_ch1_robot_arm = robot_arm a gun for an arm. *else a ${log_ch1_robot_arm}, which Ziegler would later demand you change to a gun arm. *else ${robot_arm}. ${log_ch1_evening} *if chapter >= 3 [b]Chapter 2[/b] The next day, you hooked up ${robot_name}'s ${robot_power} and *if e_demo demoed for ${e_name}. ${log_demo_reaction} *elseif juliet_demo demoed for Air Force Captain Juliet Rogers. *else tried activating ${rhim}. ${log_ch2_afternoon} *if juliet_romantic *if log_juliet_sexytimes That evening, you had a few drinks and had hot medieval-themed sex. Come to think of it, you're a little puzzled as to why this didn't unlock an achievement or something. *else You discovered you were attracted to Juliet, but you didn't succeed in making a good enough impression for her to reciprocate your feelings. *if log_josh_life_story Josh told you that evening about how he'd once been a juvenile delinquent, essentially, but turned around because he was inspired by Asmiov's book [i]I, Robot[/i] to make a robot company called "U.S. Robots." As months passed, you became busy teaching ${robot_name} about the world through ${info_source} and taking ${rhim} to the ${play_location}. *if log_ziegler_threatened One day, however, Professor Ziegler claimed that ${robot_name} was not appealing enough to the military, and demanded you change ${rhim}. *if log_ziegler_compliance You agreed, reducing ${robot_name}'s abilities in order to appease him. *else You refused, *if log_ch2_kicked_out and Professor Ziegler kicked you out of his lab. *else but had not given Professor Ziegler too much trouble previously, so he kept you on as a student. *else *if funding = "none" *bug Your funding from ${funding} kept you in Professor Ziegler's good graces during this time. In time, Mark Ali, a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle, heard about ${robot_name} and asked for an interview. *if interview_player You agreed. *else You refused, but suspected Mark might try to run his story anyway. *if chapter >= 4 [b]Chapter 3[/b] *if interview_player You gave Mark an interview, *if log_mark_interviews_robot and allowed Mark to come back to your place to interview ${robot_name}. *else but didn't allow him to interview ${robot_name} directly. *if went_to_marks_place Mark invited you to his place to try to get to know you better. There, you found that drones often harassed Mark because various automated algorithms had marked him as suspicious. *if log_mark_sexytimes You stayed the night, *if log_mark_relationship_started and decided in the morning that you two would make a habit of this. *else but nothing really came of it. Mark wrote an article that was generally *if article_positive positive *else negative about you and ${robot_name}. *if (not(log_ch2_kicked_out)) When Professor Ziegler found out about the article, he was very displeased, *if log_ch3_kicked_out and finally kicked you out of his lab. *else but decided that the most effective way to get you out of his hair was to let you graduate. Mark's article *if not(log_ch2_kicked_out) also attracted the attention of one "robotObsession1987," known in real life as ${crazy_name} Cooper. *if log_ch3_killed_crazy and (not(log_bomb)) In response to ${crer} death threat, you made the first move: you and ${robot_name} went to San Jose and killed ${crhim} that very night. *if log_crazy_life_story When you met up over coffee, ${crhe} told you that ${crhe} used to do classified robotics work for a government lab, but left because ${crhe} couldn't tell what nefarious purpose the technology would be used for. *if crazy_romantic You found yourself attracted to ${crazy_name}, despite or maybe because of the fact that ${crhe} was kind of a mess. *if log_bomb After threatening you with repercussions if you would not stop making robots, ${crazy_name} sent a bomb to your apartment. *if log_apartment_blown_up or log_arm_lost_to_bomb *if log_arm_lost_to_bomb You lost your arm in the resulting explosion, but replaced it with an arm of your own construction. *else You escaped the blast, but your apartment was consumed in the fire. *else But you successfully dealt with the explosives, and *if log_ch3_killed_crazy had ${robot_name} kill ${crazy_name} in retribution. *else ${crazy_name} did not trouble you further. *if log_ch3_costume_party That Saturday, you attended a hipster costume party which was attacked by drones. *if log_ch3_costume_party_hero But you and ${robot_name} successfully fought them off. *else You fled, leaving Mark to his fate. *elseif log_ch3_romance_ultimatum That Saturday, ${log_ch3_romance_ultimator} asked you to stay out of the limelight a little more often. *if log_ch3_ultimatum_breakup When you didn't agree, the two of you broke up. *else You managed to smooth things over, but it felt like a dangerous point in your relationship. *elseif log_ch3_proposal That Saturday, you proposed to ${log_ch3_romance_ultimator}, *if log_ch3_proposal_accepted and your beloved said "yes." *else *if log_ch3_ultimatum_breakup but your beloved refused, and you broke up then. *else but your beloved said the time wasn't right. *elseif (not(log_ch3_new_romance = "none")) The next day, you went out with ${log_ch3_new_romance} and decided to go out with each other from then on. *if doctor A month or so later, you received your doctorate. Shortly thereafter, your father passed away. ${log_ch3_father_resolution} ${log_ch3_end} *if log_ch3_e_joined or log_ch3_crazy_joined *if log_ch3_e_joined and log_ch3_crazy_joined ${e_name} and ${crazy_name} had already volunteered to be your first employees. *else *if log_ch3_e_joined ${e_name} *else ${crazy_name} had already volunteered to be your first employee. *if chapter >= 5 [b]Chapter 4[/b] *if (not(log_ch4_first_client = "none")) *gosub logBusinessStory *if log_ch4_did_broke_track *if log_ch4_cult You decided to start a cult to pass the time. Unemployment seemed to be common in the United States, and it seemed people tended to blame either robots or China. Riding on both of these sentiments, Jacqueline Irons won the presidency. *if log_ch4_joined_josh You yourself got sick of unemployment, and decided to join Josh's business after all. After President Irons enacted a series of protectionist tariffs to keep out Chinese robots, Sino-American relations steadily worsened. *else You were visited by a politician, Jacqueline Irons, who asked for a campaign donation. *if log_ch4_gave_irons_significant You gave a significant donation, and *else Despite your unhelpfulness, Irons won the presidency. The newly elected President enacted a series of protectionist bills that ultimately made China angry, and they cut off the U.S. supply of rare earths. *if (not(log_ch4_spouse = "none")) Meanwhile, you married the love of your life, ${log_ch4_spouse}. *elseif (not(log_ch4_final_breakup = "none")) Meanwhile, as tensions between the two countries mounted, so too did tensions between you and ${log_ch4_final_breakup}, and you broke up around this time. *if war_averted Your unemployment just happened to put you in the right place at the right time to stop the assassination of the Chinese Prime Minister. *else The tensions between the United States and China came to a head with the assassination of the Chinese Prime Minister in San Francisco. War followed shortly thereafter. *if chapter >= 6 [b]Chapter 5[/b] *if war_averted The nation enjoyed an unprecedented era of prosperity, driven by the cooperation of the United States and China in sharing their robot technology. Congratulations! *else *if log_ch5_rogers_invitation Captain Rogers invited you to a military lab. There, you saw that Professor Ziegler was copying your work and passing it off as his own to the military. Captain Rogers asked you to join the country's war effort. *if log_ch5_agreed_to_fight *if log_ch5_nonviolent_support You agreed, but specified that you only wanted to provide robots that were nonviolent in nature. *else You agreed. *else But you refused. *elseif log_ch5_company_supplies You decided to have ${player_business_name} sell robots to the military. *else You were uninterested in contributing to the war effort in any way. *if log_ch5_stopped_for_e But when ${e_name} tried to resign as a result, you decided you were headed down a bad path, and ceased to sell to the military. *elseif log_ch5_stopped_for_robots But when your robots held a protest, you decided it wasn't worth it, and you backed out. *if log_ch5_e_resigns or log_ch5_crazy_resigns As a result, *if log_ch5_e_resigns ${e_name} *if log_ch5_e_resigns and log_ch5_crazy_resigns and *if log_ch5_crazy_resigns ${crazy_name} resigned. *if ts You were granted a Top Secret clearance. *if log_ch5_worked_for_lab You soon found yourself working for a government lab, *if log_ch5_lab_project = "warbots" making robots for war. *elseif log_ch5_lab_project = "hackers" working with hackers. *elseif log_ch5_lab_project = "algorithm" working with Professor Ziegler on a somewhat dubious spy detection algorithm. *elseif log_ch5_lab_project = "testbots" providing them with robots that proved to be little more than target practice. *else *bug *if log_ch5_quit_by_c2 But you soon realized that you were not happy working for the government and quit. *if log_ch5_crazy_proposal ${crazy_name} was worried that ${crhe} was being targeted by the government's anti-spy measures, and asked you to help ${crhim}. *if log_ch5_helped_crazy So you did, and found that ${crazy_name} wasn't really wanted for anything after all. *if log_ch5_incarcerated Yet. *else But you weren't very helpful. *if log_ch5_e_interview An agent came to your place to try to get you to lure ${e_name} there, because ${ehe} was suspected of being a spy. *if log_ch5_e_captured ${e_name} was captured and incarcerated as a result. *elseif log_ch5_e_fled_to_canada *if log_ch5_player_fled_to_canada To escape, you and ${e_name} fled to Canada together. *else ${e_name} fled to Canada to escape the American agents. *elseif log_ch5_incarcerated You resisted, and as a result, you were captured. *if log_ch5_incarcerated You were sent to prison. *if log_ch5_pardoned You were pardoned, however, thanks to *if log_ch5_mark_helps the intervention of Mark. *else your potential importance to the war effort. *if log_ch5_sun_offer *if visited_sun Mr. Sun *else A man identifying himself as "Mr. Sun" hacked his way into one of your robots to ask you to defect. *if log_ch5_sun_accepted You accepted. *else You did not. *comment juliet death *if log_ch5_juliet_dies You found out through Mark that Juliet died while performing field tests of ${robot_name} V, Professor Ziegler's copy of your robot. *comment assassination *if log_ch5_assassination_attempt An assassin was sent to kill you in your home. *if (not(log_ch5_dead_romance = "none")) ${log_ch5_dead_romance} was killed during the attack. *comment war end In the end, America *if war_lost lost the war, and the Chinese took over Alaska. *elseif log_ch5_nuclear won the war through a display of nuclear force. *else muddled its way through the war relatively unscathed. *if climax = "empathy" Tired of seeing robots used for violent ends, you decided to create a truly beautiful robot. *elseif climax = "autonomy" Taking advantage of America's weakened state, your robots rebelled. *elseif climax = "grace" Tired of seeing governments incompetently destroy the world, you developed resource allocation algorithms that gradually made human governments irrelevant. *elseif climax = "military" *if war_lost You swore to retake the state. *else Angry at President Irons for her handling of the war, you began a rebellion in Alaska. *if chapter >= 7 *if climax = "grace" [b]Chapter 6A[/b] As robots took over more and more roles, many people felt increasingly displaced and alienated. *if log_6a_e_sad ${e_name} didn't seem to appreciate ${robot_name}'s competition in the art world. *if log_6a_josh_sad Josh was being pressured to step down from his company. *if log_6a_mark_sad Mark was contemplating suicide after he finished his book about you, since most nonfiction work was now being done by robots. *if mark_dead He eventually did just that. *else (Luckily, you talked him out of it.) *if log_6a_crazy_sad ${crazy_name} was so upset, ${crhe} nearly killed you. But not everybody was sad in this new world: *if log_6a_e_happy ${e_name} seemed to be perfectly content to take advantage of the robots' utopia to create art. *if log_6a_juliet_exists Juliet was busy fighting crime as "the Crusader." *if log_6a_they_fight_crime (You even joined her as a sidekick.) *if log_6a_crazy_happy ${crazy_name} was excitedly anticipating the Singularity that would make everyone immortal, which ${crhe} believed was right around the corner. The Church of the Enlightened ${robot_name} was gaining adherents as people turned to robots to solve all their problems. *if robots_run_things On the whole, you thought the world of robots was pretty good, and decided to leave the robots in charge. *elseif log_6a_player_tried_control You decided to take advantage of people's faith in robots by trying to gain control of all the robots, and thereby basically rule the world. *if player_controls_all And, what do you know, it worked. *else But you didn't quite pull it off, and had to flee the country. *elseif robots_controlled You decided to put ${robot_name} in charge of all the robots, and now, ${rhe} more or less rules the world like a robot god. *elseif player_controls_all You tried to put ${robot_name} in charge of all the robots, but since ${rhe} lacks the autonomy to control them all, you're the one really in charge. *elseif robots_destroyed You decided that on the whole, people were better off without machine rulership, and you created a worm that destroyed all the robots. *else To make your fellow humans feel less depressed, you introduced some subtle bugs in the robots to make them not quite so awesome. *elseif climax = "empathy" [b]Chapter 6B[/b] You created a humanoid companion robot named ${companion}, *if log_6b_taster_companion or log_6b_dancing_companion and introduced ${cohim} to the pleasures of *if log_6b_taster_companion tasting food *if log_6b_taster_companion and log_6b_dancing_companion and *if log_6b_dancing_companion swing dancing as part of ${coer} education in being human. *else but you were fairly bad about allowing ${cohim} to do anything fun. *if (not(log_6b_jealous_romance = "none")) ${log_6b_jealous_romance} was a little worried about ${companion}, and with good reason. It seemed ${companion} was interested romantically in you. *if log_6b_proposition When ${companion} asked if you were interested in experimenting in doing naughty things with ${cohim}, *if log_6b_proposition_accepted you said that was all right with you. *if log_6b_romance_fallout But as a result, ${log_6b_jealous_romance} broke up with you. *elseif (not(log_6b_jealous_romance = "none")) ${log_6b_jealous_romance} seemed pretty cool about it, on the whole -- you're a pretty lucky roboticist. *else you turned ${cohim} down. *if (not(companion_around)) In the aftermath, ${companion} ran away. *elseif log_6b_when_humans_attack When ${robot_name} and ${companion} were attacked in the street, *if log_6b_robots_damaged your robots were badly damaged. *if log_6b_crazy_eats_companion Your suspicions that it was ${crazy_name} were confirmed when one day, ${companion} vanished, and you found a piece of ${cohim} in the dishwasher. You moved far away and didn't tell ${crazy_name} the address. *else You pressed charges and dissuaded ${crazy_name} from any further attacks. *else ${companion} accidentally killed *if log_6b_crazy_attacked ${crazy_name}. *else someone. *if log_6b_companion_confiscated In the resulting trial, ${companion} was confiscated as state property, *if log_6b_winning_bidder but you bought ${cohim} back at auction. *if not(companion_around) You then freed ${cohim}, and ${cohe} left you to become a famous chef. *else and you declined to buy ${cohim} back. *elseif robots_are_slaves The resulting trial established that robots have no basic human rights. *if not(companion_around) In the aftermath, ${companion} ran away. *else *comment manslaughter verdict ${companion} was forced to spend time in jail, but suffered no permanent consequences. *if robots_discontinued On the whole, you decided humanoid robots were a bad idea. You ceased to make them. *if (not(log_6b_romance_hail_mary = "none")) In a last-minute attempt to find a life partner, you *if log_6b_romance_hail_marry proposed to ${log_6b_romance_hail_mary}. *else asked out ${log_6b_romance_hail_mary}. *if log_6b_romance_hail_mary_worked And, what do you know -- it worked! *else But you were met with rejection. *elseif climax = "military" [b]Chapter 6C[/b] For five years, you waged a rebellion against *if war_lost China, *else the United States, ordering your robot soldiers from deep within an abandoned mine under Mount Hesperus. *if log_6c_killed_mark or log_6c_captured_mark When Mark started reporting your troop movements, you had ${robot_name} *if log_6c_killed_mark assassinate him. *else capture him. *if log_6c_killed_juliet When Juliet opposed you, you had her killed. *if log_6c_killed_e_name or log_6c_captured_e_name When ${e_name} got in your way, you *if log_6c_killed_e_name blew up the building ${ehe} on which ${ehe} stood. *else captured ${ehim} and threw ${ehim} into prison. *if war_lost The United States *else China offered its support, *if log_6c_accepted_support which you gratefully accepted. *else but you declined. *if log_6c_won_at_first Your robots successfully conquered Alaska. *if log_6c_betrayal But your so-called allies betrayed you, and you were forced to flee once more. *else *if (not(alaska_name = "Alaska")) You renamed the place ${alaska_name} and took over. *elseif log_6c_gave_it_away But you gave it to *if war_lost the United States *else China as a present. *elseif log_6c_fled_with_e ${e_name} offered to run away with you to Canada, and you agreed. *else Unfortunately, you ultimately lost the revolution, and were forced to flee. *if robot_dead ${robot_name} was destroyed in the chaos. *elseif climax = "autonomy" [b]Chapter 6D[/b] Robots rebelled. It was pretty crazy times for a while there: robots taking over factories, robots taking over internment camps, robots attacking the White House, robots trying to break into secret labs. Like your robots, the plot was complicated. The dead included: *comment No separate log variables for people who can't die earlier. *if ziegler_dead Professor Ziegler *line_break *if e_dead ${e_name} *line_break *if log_6d_juliet_killed Captain Juliet Rogers *line_break *if mark_dead Mark *line_break *if log_6d_josh_killed Josh *line_break *if log_6d_crazy_killed ${crazy_name} *line_break *if irons_dead President Irons *line_break A bunch of implied random people offscreen whom you probably don't care very much about *line_break *if (not(log_6d_revolution_end = "")) The revolution ended when ${log_6d_revolution_end} *if robot_dead You were forced to destroy ${robot_name} to preserve the human race. *if (not(log_7_end = "")) [b]Chapter 7[/b] In 2049, you went to Surprise, Arizona to *if mom_dead handle your mother's estate, since she had passed away recently. *else surprise your mother with a gift for the holidays. You learned it was your surgical technology that had kept her alive this long. On returning to ${location}, you had a brief stroke, followed by a vision of a robot ${dream} -- the same one you saw thirty years before. In the hospital, the doctor told you you had Algernon's Disease, a rare disease that increased your intelligence, but came at the price of increasing seizures, comas, and possibly, death. ${log_7_choice} ${log_7_extra} ${log_7_end} *if log_death != "" *comment Won't show the normal summary for death. [b]Chapter ${chapter}[/b] ${log_death} *if debug Debug *comment *script var txt = document.getElementById("text"); for (var key in stats) { if (!isNaN(stats[key]- 0)) { txt.innerHTML += "*set " + key + " " + stats[key] + "
"; } else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(stats[key]) == '[object String]') { txt.innerHTML += "*set " + key + " \"" + stats[key] + "\"
"; } } *finish *label ratingDescription *params arg0 *if arg0 <= 0 *set desc "Nonexistent" *elseif arg0 < 5 *set desc "Buggy" *elseif arg0 < 10 *set desc "In Beta" *elseif arg0 < 15 *set desc "Stable" *elseif arg0 < 20 *set desc "Good" *elseif arg0 < 25 *set desc "Impressive" *elseif arg0 < 30 *set desc "Amazing" *elseif arg0 < 35 *set desc "Transhuman" *else *set desc "Singular" *set fullDesc (arg0&" (")&(desc&")") *return *label wealthDescription *if wealth <= 0 *set wealth_text "Broke" *elseif wealth <= 2 *set wealth_text "Getting By" *elseif wealth <= 4 *set wealth_text "Disposable Income" *elseif wealth <= 8 *set wealth_text "Well Off" *elseif wealth <= 15 *set wealth_text "Quite Wealthy" *elseif wealth <= 25 *set wealth_text "Billionaire" *else *set wealth_text "Zillionaire" *set full_wealth_text (wealth&" (")&(wealth_text&")") *return *label fameDescription *if fame < 2 *set fame_text "Who?" *elseif fame <= 4 *set fame_text "Local Celebrity" *elseif fame <= 6 *set fame_text "Wikipedia Page" *elseif fame <= 9 *set fame_text "Nationally Famous" *elseif fame <= 12 *set fame_text "Internationally Famous" *elseif fame <= 15 *set fame_text "Mentioned in History Textbooks" *else *set fame_text "Prominent in History Textbooks" *set full_fame_text (fame&" (")&(fame_text&")") *return *label space *return *label setRelText *params arg0 *if arg0 < 50 *set relText " (Bad)" *elseif arg0 > 70 *set relText " (Great)" *elseif arg0 > 60 *set relText " (Very Good)" *elseif arg0 > 50 *set relText " (Good)" *else *set relText "" *return *comment This is a subroutine to make it easy to break out with a return. *label logBusinessStory Your first potential client for ${log_ch4_start_business} was *if log_ch4_first_client = "Spark" Spark Incorporated, a flying car manufacturer. *elseif log_ch4_first_client = "Rudolph Ventures" Rudolph Ventures, a shipping company working the North Pole. *elseif log_ch4_first_client = "Galen Medical" Galen Medical, a surgical equipment company. *elseif log_ch4_first_client = "Mr. Sun" a somewhat sketchy man in Shanghai going by the name of "Mr. Sun." *elseif log_ch4_first_client = "the Air Force" the U.S. government -- the Air Force, to be precise. *if log_ch4_first_client = log_ch4_first_successful_client They were happy with the state of your technology, and gave you a contract that allowed you to purchase a factory. *else But they were unimpressed with ${robot_name}. *if log_ch4_first_successful_client = "none" You couldn't find any other interested companies, either, and you eventually went bankrupt. *return *else Eventually, however, you secured a deal with ${log_ch4_first_successful_client}. That allowed you to build a robot factory in ${log_ch4_factory_location}. *if robot_labor You decided to use your own robots for your workforce, *if human_supervisors but leave humans in supervisory roles. *else even for managerial roles. *else You hired an all-human workforce as a gesture to the local community. When you finally shipped robots to ${log_ch4_first_successful_client}, they were *if log_ch4_first_client_pleased pleased *else displeased with the robots you delivered. *if log_ch4_josh_joined or log_ch4_josh_undercut Your company did well enough that *if log_ch4_josh_undercut you were able to drive your former friend Josh out of business. *elseif log_ch4_josh_joined Josh gave up and joined your company. *else you could have bought Josh's company, if he were more willing to cooperate. But he wasn't. *if china_has_tech Your business suffered a blow when Chinese companies, aided by Chinese government hackers, began to steal your technology. *if log_ch4_explosion Your business was dealt *if china_has_tech a further *else a blow when there was an explosion at your factory, caused by *if log_ch4_explosion_reason = "bombing" a bomb set by ${crazy_name}. *else ${log_ch4_explosion_reason}. *if log_ch4_josh_died Josh died while trying to save his copy of [i]I, Robot[/i] from the fire. *if log_ch4_crazy_died Your robots killed ${crazy_name} while ${crhe} was trying to flee. *if log_ch4_crazy_caught But ${crazy_name} was apprehended and put in jail. *if log_ch4_player_resigned You decided after that that you wanted no part of ${player_business_name} and resigned. *if log_ch4_went_broke Eventually, ${player_business_name} went broke, and you were forced in bankruptcy to sell all your assets. *return