*title Guns of Infinity *author Paul Wang *scene_list startup savegame premade replay sabres_save chap1a chap2a chap1b chap2b chap3 $ chap4 $ chap5a $ chap5b $ chap6 $ chap7 $ chap8 $ chap9 $ chap10a $ chap10b $ epilogue badends ending *comment PLAYER STATS *create firstname "Unknown" *create lastname "Unknown" *create region 0 *create gift 0 *create age 0 *create rank "civilian" *create wealth 50 *create income 0 *create soldiering 30 *create charisma 30 *create intellect 30 *create reputation 20 *create health 75 *create idealism 50 *create ruthlessness 50 *create horsename "none" *create horseskill 0 *create antari 0 *create dec1 0 *create dec2 0 *create dec3 0 *create dec4 0 *comment UNIT STATS *create discipline 25 *create morale 25 *create loyalty 25 *create strength 100 *create sgtname "none" *create ltname "none" *create runegun "none" *create dragonlock 0 *create hardened 0 *comment DEATH FLAGS *create sgtkill 0 *create sgtkill2 0 *create ltkill false *create hartigan_kill false *create lewes_kill false *create marcus_kill false *create welles_kill false *comment RELATIONSHIPS *create cazarosta 30 *create elson 20 *create cunaris 50 *create havenport 50 *create royal 10 *create royal_int 50 *create holt 50 *create cenemy 0 *create crank "captain" *create drank "captain" *create hartigan_state 0 *create mentor_renard 0 *create mentor_blaylock 0 *create mentor_sandoral 0 *create mentor_garret 0 *create lewes_respect 1 *create loch 0 *comment ROMANCES *create elson_rom 0 *create welles_rom 0 *create caz_rom 0 *create caz_dec 0 *create katarina 30 *create welles 50 *comment FAMILY FLAGS *create siblings 0 *create sister_name "none" *create brother_name "none" *create dadrel 1 *create momrel 1 *create house_title "none" *create house_debt 0 *create house_income 0 *create batman false *create interest_final 0 *comment INVESTMENT FLAGS *create invest_funds 0 *create invest_rifle 0 *create bolt_action false *create loot 0 *comment SAINTHOOD FLAGS *create hunter_support 0 *create sainthood_influence 0 *create sainthood_progress 0 *comment PLOT FLAGS *create chapternum 0 *create season "summer" *create year 607 *create disgrace 0 *create carrecort 0 *create rint 0 *create caz_watch false *create carts 12 *create bridge true *create chap5_forlorn 0 *create loot_status 0 *create chap7_linf false *create chap9_guns false *create chap10_atk false *create khorobirit_state1 0 *create khorobirit_state2 0 *create prisoners false *create keane_state 0 *create badend 0 *comment MEMOIRS *create memoir_prog 0 *create memoir_tone 0 *comment IMPORT FLAGS *create campmass 0 *create campvic 1 *create ransom 0 *create lefebvre 0 *create knight 0 *create endtype 0 *create feminist 0 *comment BOOKKEEPING FLAGS *create badends 0 *create sgtauto 1 *create ltauto 0 *create armour false *create fh_str 12 *create award_result 0 *create replace_result 0 *create replace_num 0 *create char_ref 0 *create char_refa 0 *create sow_ref 6 *create elf_hate 0 *create progress 3 *comment OBSOLETE FLAGS *create squadcas 0 *create refcaius 0 *create refelson 0 *create campplan 0 *create plotref 0 *create plotrefa 0 *create plotrefb 0 *create plotrefc 0 *create hartigan 0 *create lanzerel 0 *create escape 0 *create epilogue 0 *create chapsave 0 *create return_to_scene "none" *create save_flag false *create load_flag false *comment SAVE STATS *comment PLAYER STATS (SAVE) *create sfirstname "Unknown" *create slastname "Unknown" *create sregion 0 *create sage 0 *create sgift 0 *create srank "Civilian" *create swealth 50 *create sincome 0 *create ssoldiering 30 *create scharisma 30 *create sintellect 30 *create sreputation 20 *create shealth 75 *create sidealism 50 *create sruthlessness 50 *create shorsename "none" *create shorseskill 0 *create santari 0 *create sdec1 0 *create sdec2 0 *create sdec3 0 *create sdec4 0 *comment UNIT STATS (SAVE) *create sdiscipline 25 *create smorale 25 *create sloyalty 25 *create sstrength 100 *create ssgtname "none" *create sltname "none" *create ssgtkill2 0 *create srunegun "none" *create sdragonlock 0 *create shardened 0 *comment DEATH FLAGS (SAVE) *create ssgtkill 0 *create sltkill false *create shartigan_kill false *create slewes_kill false *create smarcus_kill false *create swelles_kill false *comment RELATIONSHIPS (SAVE) *create scazarosta 30 *create selson 20 *create scunaris 50 *create shavenport 50 *create sroyal 10 *create sroyal_int 50 *create sholt 50 *create scenemy 0 *create scrank "captain" *create sdrank "captain" *create shartigan_state 0 *create smentor_renard 0 *create smentor_blaylock 0 *create smentor_sandoral 0 *create smentor_garret 0 *create slewes_respect 1 *create sloch 0 *comment ROMANCES (SAVE) *create selson_rom 0 *create swelles_rom 0 *create scaz_rom 0 *create scaz_dec 0 *create skatarina 30 *create swelles 50 *comment FAMILY FLAGS (SAVE) *create ssiblings 0 *create ssister_name "none" *create sbrother_name "none" *create sdadrel 1 *create smomrel 1 *create shouse_title "none" *create shouse_debt 0 *create shouse_income 0 *create sbatman false *create sinterest_final 0 *comment INVESTMENT FLAGS (SAVE) *create sinvest_funds 0 *create sinvest_rifle 0 *create sbolt_action false *create sloot 0 *comment SAINTHOOD FLAGS (SAVE) *create shunter_support 0 *create ssainthood_influence 0 *create ssainthood_progress 0 *comment PLOT FLAGS (SAVE) *create schapternum 0 *create sseason "summer" *create syear 607 *create sdisgrace 0 *create scarrecort 0 *create srint 0 *create scaz_watch false *create scarts 12 *create sbridge true *create schap5_forlorn 0 *create sloot_status 0 *create schap7_linf false *create schap9_guns false *create schap10_atk false *create skhorobirit_state1 0 *create skhorobirit_state2 0 *create sprisoners false *create skeane_state 0 *create sbadend 0 *comment MEMOIRS (SAVE) *create smemoir_prog 0 *create smemoir_tone 0 *comment IMPORT FLAGS (SAVE) *create scampmass 0 *create scampvic 1 *create sransom 0 *create slefebvre 0 *create sknight 0 *create sendtype 0 *create sfeminist 0 *comment BOOKKEEPING FLAGS *create sbadends 0 *create ssgtauto 1 *create sltauto 0 *create sarmour false *create sfh_str 12 *create saward_result 0 *create sreplace_result 0 *create sreplace_num 0 *create schar_ref 0 *create schar_refa 0 *create ssow_ref 6 *create self_hate 0 *create sprogress 3 *comment ACHIEVEMENTS *achievement import_hero visible 20 A Hero's Ascent Continue the story of a hero of Blogia. You've imported a hero of Blogia. *achievement import_disgrace visible 20 One Last Chance Continue the story of a disgraced dragoon officer. You've imported a disgraced dragoon. *achievement forlorn visible 20 To Heroic Deeds of Daring Take part in a suicide mission. You've taken part in a forlorn hope. *achievement highlander hidden 20 Towering in Gallant Fame hidden You've fought alongside the Kentauri Highlanders. *achievement strellyk hidden 40 Find Strellyk, Kill Strellyk hidden You've hunted down a notorious Antari partisan leader. *achievement duel_achieve visible 20 A Matter of Honour. Participate in a duel. You've acted as a second in a duel. *achievement sharpe visible 20 Bastard! Make an enemy of a scruffy, gutter-born upstart. You've made an enemy of Lt. Lewes of the Experimental Corps. *achievement mentor visible 20 Mentor Figure Take an interest in the careers of your subordinate officers. You've taken all three of your lieutenants under your wing. *achievement chosen hidden 40 Chosen Men hidden You've finished the story without requesting replacements. *achievement cannonfodder hidden 20 Food for Powder hidden You've requested more than 50 replacements. *achievement ransom_get hidden 20 Worth the Wait hidden You've finally received your bloody ransom money! *achievement vengeance hidden 20 Desperta Ferro! hidden You've sworn vengeance for the dead of Blogia. *achievement fridged hidden 20 Colonels in Refrigerators hidden You got a regimental commander killed at the Second Battle of Kharangia *achievement orders visible 40 Just Following Orders The exigencies of the service justify many a crime. Will you be able to sleep at night, knowing what you've done? *achievement wetwork visible 20 The King Calls for Wetwork. Will you answer? You've become complicit in Royal Intelligence's plan to end the war. *achievement never_changes hidden 20 War Never Changes hidden Soldiers may come and go, but the nature of war is eternal. *achievement changed hidden 20 War Has Changed hidden The nature of war changes, just like those who fight them. *achievement glory hidden 20 La Route Glorieuse hidden Die a hero's death. *achievement cannon_end hidden 20 Cannon Ending hidden Meet your demise at the wrong end of an Antari cannon. *achievement terminal hidden 20 Terminal Lance hidden Die from a blow by a Church Hussar's lance. *image title.png By Paul "Cataphrak" Wang (2016) *if not(choice_is_web or choice_is_steam) *temp skip_description *config skip_description false *if skip_description *goto purchased *check_purchase adfree *if choice_purchase_supported and not(choice_purchased_adfree) As commander of a squadron of cavalry, what will you sacrifice to win the war of gunpowder and magic? Return to the battlefield as a gentleman-officer of the Royal Tierran Army in this long-awaited sequel to "Sabres of Infinity." "Guns of Infinity" is a 440,000 word interactive novel by Paul Wang, author of "Sabres of Infinity," "Mecha Ace," and "The Hero of Kendrickstone." Your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination. Will you befriend, betray, or romance the nobles, rogues, and spies of this epic world? Will you keep your men alive, or sacrifice them to your own greed in a bid for power and riches? Will you fight for power, riches, love, or glory? • Play the role of a gallant hero, or a self-serving scoundrel.[n/] • Use cunning, force, or sheer bravado to fight the Antari forces.[n/] • Train and drill your men for success on the battlefield.[n/] • Support your family financially, or leave them to fight off penury alone. Combat, intrigue, and romance await in "Guns of Infinity!" [i]You can play the first three chapters of the game for free. Purchase the rest of the game below.[/i] *if choice_is_advertising_supported [i]Purchasing the rest of the game will also turn off in-game advertisements.[/i] *comment endif *purchase_discount adfree 2023-03-09 $7.99 $4.99 purchased *if choice_is_advertising_supported *page_break_advertisement *if not(choice_is_advertising_supported) *page_break Play Now for Free *label purchased *page_break Author's Note: Guns of Infinity takes place in the Infinite Sea, a fantasy setting possessed of functional magic, among other extraordinary phenomena. It is a setting where wealth, class, gender, allegiance, and birth restrict a person's role in society. Its magical and social politics are not consistent with stories starring protagonists whose experiences are largely identical regardless of class or sex. Thus, the player character is required to be a young man of noble birth, for purely pragmatic reasons. Characters of other genders and social classes would have their own radically different stories to tell, but those stories are for another time. *label begin *choice #Import a character from Sabres of Infinity. This option allows you to continue the story of a Dragoon officer which has reached the end of Sabres of Infinity. This option is highly recommended and should be chosen if possible. *choice #Continue. *comment randomtest sabres_save *if choice_randomtest *goto_scene sabres_save *restore_game cancel=begin *goto begin #Go back. *goto begin #Replay the major decisions of Sabres of Infinity. This option allows you to play through the major decisions of Sabres of Infinity. While it is still highly recommended that you import a character from the previous story, this option will still allow you to make any of the major decisions that will go on to affect your character in Guns of Infinity. *choice #Continue. *goto_scene replay #Go back. *goto begin #Select a pre-made character history. This option allows you to pick between four pre-constructed characters who each lived through the events of Sabres of Infinity. While it is still highly recommended that you import a character from the previous story, this option will allow you to pick a character with a personality closest to your intended play style. *choice #Continue. *goto_scene premade #Go back. *goto begin