*title Sabres of Infinity *author Paul Wang *scene_list startup Chapter1 Chapter2 Chapter3 Chapter4 Chapter5 $ Chapter6 $ Chapter7 $ Chapter8 $ Chapter9 $ Chapter10A $ Chapter10B $ Chapter10C $ Chapter11 $ Chapter12 $ Epilogue1 $ Epilogue2 BadEnds savegame Gameover *create firstname "Unknown" *create lastname "Unknown" *create age 0 *create rank "Civilian" *create wealth 55 *create income 0 *create soldiering 30 *create charisma 30 *create intellect 30 *create reputation 20 *create health 75 *create idealism 50 *create ruthlessness 50 *create discipline 25 *create morale 25 *create loyalty 25 *create cazarosta 30 *create elson 20 *create cunaris 50 *create royal 0 *create region 0 *create gift 0 *create cenemy 0 *create crank "Cornet" *create drank "Cornet" *create horsename "none" *create horseskill 0 *create sgtname "none" *create chapternum 0 *create runegun "none" *create lefebvre 0 *create campmass 0 *create campvic 1 *create ransom 0 *create campplan 0 *create squadcas 0 *create antari 0 *create feminist 0 *create disgrace 0 *create season "Spring" *create year 602 *create dec1 0 *create dec2 0 *create dec3 0 *create refcaius 0 *create refelson 0 *create plotref 0 *create plotrefa 0 *create plotrefb 0 *create plotrefc 0 *create dragonlock 0 *create hartigan 0 *create lanzerel 0 *create escape 0 *create knight 0 *create endtype 0 *create epilogue 0 *create badend 0 *create sow_ref 0 *create sgtkill 0 *create carrecort 0 *create chapsave 0 *create save_flag false *create load_flag false *create return_to_scene "none" *create sfirstname "Unknown" *create slastname "Unknown" *create sage 0 *create srank "Civilian" *create swealth 55 *create sincome 0 *create ssoldiering 30 *create scharisma 30 *create sintellect 30 *create sreputation 20 *create shealth 75 *create sidealism 50 *create sruthlessness 50 *create sdiscipline 25 *create smorale 25 *create sloyalty 25 *create scazarosta 30 *create selson 20 *create scunaris 50 *create sroyal 0 *create sregion 0 *create sgift 0 *create scenemy 0 *create scrank "Cornet" *create sdrank "Cornet" *create shorsename "none" *create shorseskill 0 *create ssgtname "none" *create schapternum 0 *create srunegun 0 *create slefebvre 0 *create scampmass 0 *create scampvic 1 *create sransom 0 *create scampplan 0 *create ssquadcas 0 *create santari 0 *create sfeminist 0 *create sdisgrace 0 *create sseason "Spring" *create syear 602 *create sdec1 0 *create sdec2 0 *create sdec3 0 *create srefcaius 0 *create srefelson 0 *create splotref 0 *create splotrefa 0 *create splotrefb 0 *create splotrefc 0 *create sdragonlock 0 *create shartigan 0 *create slanzerel 0 *create sescape 0 *create sknight 0 *create sendtype 0 *create sepilogue 0 *create sbadend 0 *create ssow_ref 0 *create ssgtkill 0 *create scarrecort 0 *create schapsave 0 *create ssave_flag false *create sload_flag false *create sreturn_to_scene "none" *comment ACHIEVEMENTS *create achieve_decorated false *achievement decorated visible 25 Decorated Be decorated for your deeds in battle. You have won your first decoration. *create achieve_oldbold false *achievement oldbold visible 25 An Old, Bold Soldier Complete the story with a character above the age of 30. You completed the story with a character over the age of 30. *create achieve_fiveduchies false *achievement fiveduchies visible 25 Rose, Harbour, Dragon, Tower and Wolf Meet one officer from each of Tierra's five duchies. You met officers from Wulfram, Rendower, Cunaris, Warburton and Kentaur. *create achieve_cunning false *achievement cunning hidden 25 A Cunning Plan hidden You bluffed a superior force into surrendering without a fight. *create achieve_redknight false *achievement redknight hidden 25 Knight of the Red hidden You have obtained a knighthood. *create achieve_reddead false *achievement reddead hidden 25 Red Martyr hidden You died a heroic death in a great battle. *create achieve_defend false *achievement defend hidden 25 Hold the Line hidden You defended a seemingly hopeless position in a great battle. *create achieve_charge false *achievement charge hidden 25 For Ruin and the World's Ending hidden You rode at the head of a desperate charge in a great battle. *create achieve_anhero false *achievement anhero hidden 25 Shred of Honour hidden You chose to relieve yourself of your duties after an act of grave dishonour. *create achieve_fragged false *achievement fragged hidden 25 Oops, Sorry Sir! hidden You were murdered by your own subordinates. *create achieve_grenadiers false *achievement grenadiers hidden 25 No Doubts Or Fears hidden You employed hand grenades in an attack. *create achieve_lefebvre false *achievement lefebvre hidden 25 Heaven Knows, Earth Knows. You Know, I Know. hidden You exposed the atrocities of a fellow Tierran officer. *create achieve_washington false *achievement washington hidden 50 Exitus Acta Probat hidden You completed the story with high idealism and high ruthlessness. *create achieve_gandhi false *achievement gandhi hidden 50 No Cause Worth Killing For hidden You completed the story with high cynicism and high mercy. *create achieve_decorated2 false *achievement decorated2 visible 50 Compleat Soldier Win every decoration. You won all three decorations available. *create achieve_decorated3 false *achievement decorated3 visible 100 National Hero Win every decoration in a single playthrough and end the story with a high reputation. You won every decoration in a single playthrough, while creating a heroic reputation which will not soon be forgotten. *image soicover.png By Paul "Cataphrak" Wang (2013) *if not(choice_is_web or choice_is_steam) *temp skip_description *config skip_description false *if skip_description *goto purchased *check_purchase adfree *if choice_purchase_supported and not(choice_purchased_adfree) Fight for glory as an officer of the Royal Tierran Army in a rich, low-fantasy world where gunpowder and magic rule the battlefield. Choose a horse, pick a sergeant and lead a unit of Royal Dragoons through five years of brutal war. "Sabres of Infinity" is an epic interactive novel where you control the main character. In each chapter, your choices determine how the story proceeds. Battle your enemies with your mind, your wits or with pistol and sword. Earn the loyalty of your subordinates and the friendship of your fellow officers, or betray them for your own gain. As armies, heroes and philosophies clash in the forests of the north, your choices could mean the difference between everlasting glory and an ignominious death. [i]You can play the first four chapters of the game for free. Purchase the rest of the game below.[/i] *if choice_is_advertising_supported [i]Purchasing the rest of the game will also turn off in-game advertisements.[/i] *purchase_discount adfree 2023-03-09 $5.99 $3.99 purchased *label page_break *if choice_is_advertising_supported *page_break_advertisement *if not(choice_is_advertising_supported) *page_break Play Now for Free *label purchased Author's Note: Sabres of Infinity takes place in the Infinite Sea, a fantasy setting possessed of functional magic, among other extraordinary phenomena. It is a setting where wealth, class, gender, allegiance, and birth restrict a person's role in society. Its magical and social politics are not consistent with stories starring protagonists whose experiences are largely identical regardless of class or sex. Thus, the player character is required to be a young man of noble birth, for purely pragmatic reasons. Characters of other genders and social classes would have their own, radically different stories to tell, but those stories are for another time. *finish Begin the Story!