*hide_reuse *set ze_part 1 *temp parents_rel_check false *temp reminded_about_legit false *temp first_call true *temp night_event false *temp addiction_event false *temp zombie_trench false *temp hold_name "" *temp call_mother_event false *temp billie_home_alone false *temp billie_offers_resources false *temp sister_contacted false *temp called_dep_school false *temp tried_to_call_sister false *temp let_dep_watch_news false *temp sneak_success false *temp suspicion_lj 0 *temp saw_sean false *temp sean_asked_to_secure_home false *temp sean_asks_call_about_zombie false *temp dep_here false *temp dog_here false *temp billie_offers_talk_dep false *temp delusion_event false *temp stayed_inside false *temp on_porch false *temp p_count 0 *temp klepto_event false *temp blind_event false *temp spoke_dep_plans false *temp need_to_tell_dep_mom false *temp bow_available true *temp crossbow_available true *temp fishing_pole_available true *temp firestarter_available true *temp canteen_available true *temp sleeping_bag_available true *temp tent_available true *temp tarp_available true *temp stayed_inside false *temp front_door false *temp stop_crowd false *if dog_owner *set dog_here true *if uniform = "civilian" *set uniform "street clothes" *if p_eye_brow *set p_count +1 *if p_lip *set p_count +1 *if p_nose *set p_count +1 *set chapter_point 1 *set count 0 *set timecount 1250 *text_image chapter1.png center CHAPTER ONE—Outbreak Day 0 Your hands shake as you close the door and cross to the center of your home. *if took_groceries All of the grocery bags spill from your arms and behind the couch. *if pet_owner *if dog_owner ${pet_name} bolts across the living room, *if labrador or husky nearly knocking you over as he lifts his front paws onto you. *if germanshep barking and jumping until you bend to pet him. *if wolfhound pausing once he spots you, then saddling up to your side. *if chihuahua yipping and jumping until you reach down to pick him up. *if cat_owner ${pet_name} surprises you with a wild meow. He sits on the stairs just by the door and stands as you enter. *if not(claustrophobic) *set stress %-(round(wil/5)) Being home and seeing ${pet_name} calms you. *if claustrophobic *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) The room feels small, too small, and the walls push in like a great weight were crushing the house. *if add_alc You run to a side cabinet and take out a six-pack of beer. One can later and the room is spinning, but the rapid firing of neurons dulls enough for you to think straight. *set alcohol 5 *if add_nic You're out of cigarettes and rummage through the living room cabinet until you find a half-filled pack. *set w_cigarettes 10 *set parker_introduced true The things you've already seen—the infected, their victims, the chaos—all rattle your nerves and have you asking too many questions with no immediate answers. [i]How do I stay safe? What do I do now? When will this end?[/i] You feel like you're sitting next to a time bomb, and at any moment— Sounds outside: hurried footsteps, a gunshot, a growl. You creep along the wall and lean to the side, peeking through the edge of a window. An older man runs across the street near the front of your house, chased by a woman, long hair covering her head like a flowing hood. She hobbles diagonally, torso twisted off-center from her legs, and her arms rise and fall with each gallop. The old man turns and fires a revolver, misses, then races around the corner of a nearby house. The woman follows, unfazed by the gunshot. You wonder if Parker, your neighbor, is home. He's smart and works for the city, though it's just a job at the museum. Maybe he knows what's going on. Or maybe Vince is home. He lives across the street and has been quite friendly in passing conversation. He keeps to himself, so you know little about the man other than that he teaches at a high school outside Nightfall. He has that distinct air of being capable, and you have a gut feeling he'd know what to do in this situation. *if (v_loc = "city") and not(spoke_to_neighbors) *set fred_introduced true You wonder about Fred, the neighbor on the other side of your house. How is he dealing with the mayhem in the city? He's mid-40s and doesn't appear to be in the best of health. Is he still alive? Outside, the sound of what could only be described as civil war rages, citizen vs. citizen, in an engagement no one will win. *if v_loc = "suburbs" *set sean_introduced true On the other side of the house lives your other neighbor, Sean. He works during the day, some sort of marketing executive, but his obsessive-compulsive personality suggests to you that he might have researched what's going on. A helicopter soars overhead, and rapid gunfire rings out. These sounds bring you back to the current situation. *if (v_loc = "country") and not(spoke_to_neighbors) *set billie_introduced true You wonder if your neighbors, the Taylors, are home. Bud and Mansi Taylor run a produce farm along with their daughter, Billie. They sent over a bushel of beets two weeks ago and always look after your house when you're away, so you wonder how they're faring on the first day of the outbreak. It's quiet outside—too quiet. You know the infected are out there, roaming, hunting. [i]How do I ensure my safety? What is the government doing to stop the spread of infection?[/i] So many questions and nowhere to turn for straight answers. Your mind races as you try to figure out what to do next. *goto MakeChoice *label ChapterChoices *page_break *if timecount >= 2600 Your eyes hurt, and you feel yourself dozing off whenever you sit still for a moment. You've been through a lot today and need to rest in order to be prepared for whatever challenges tomorrow brings. *goto EndDay You check the time— *gosub TimeCheck *gosub_scene Part1Events FSCheck *gosub_scene Part1Events CountReinforce *if dependent and (not(dep_home) and (timecount >= 1500)) *goto DependentComesHome *elseif dep_home and ((timecount >= 1550) and (not(call_mother_event))) *set call_mother_event true ${dep_name} stops by the house phone in the living room and stares down at it. "${name_call}, can I call my mother?" *choice #"Not right now," I say. I know it will upset ${dep_name}, but I have more important things to do. *set dep_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) *set morality %-10 *set honor %-10 "Why not?" ${dep_name} asks, his voice high-pitched. *if truth <= 40 "She's not free to talk until later today. We'll call her tonight," you say, knowing this is a lie but delaying the call for now. In the meantime, you… *goto MakeChoice *elseif morality <= 45 *set dep_treat %-10 "Because I said so," you say. You're in no mood to answer to an eight-year-old. $!{dep_name} sits on the couch and folds his arms with a look of anger on his face. There's a lot to do in the house, and you'll call your sister later. In the meantime, you… *goto MakeChoice *else *set dep_treat %+10 *set honor %-10 "I'd rather not bother her until later, and we have stuff to do around here to make sure we're safe. Okay?" "Sure, I guess," he says and sits on the couch. There's a lot to do in the house, and you'll call your sister later. In the meantime, you… *goto MakeChoice #"I'll give her a call and see if she can talk." $!{dep_name} has every right to want to talk to his mother. *set dep_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) *set morality %+10 *set honor %+10 *set dep_treat %+10 *set hold_spot "MakeChoice" *goto CallSister *elseif (not(supplies_gathered)) and (timecount >= 1600) *if add_alc *set alcohol -1 Your head throbs, so you crack open a beer and drink it fast. The cool liquid feels smooth going down, though the accompanying belch tastes terrible. *if dependent "Nice burp, ${name_call}," ${dep_name} snorts in laughter. *if add_nic *set w_cigarettes -1 After the alcohol settles in your stomach, you need a smoke. You dig your pack out, light up a fresh cigarette, and crack the window to let the smoke fly out. *if add_nic and (add_alc = false) *set w_cigarettes -1 You need a smoke. You dig your pack out, light up a fresh cigarette, and crack the window to let the smoke fly out. *comment end/ As you look around the living room, you realize your supplies and gear are scattered around the house. It's time to gather everything up and inventory your resources. *set supplies_gathered true *goto GatherSupplies *elseif delusions and ((delusion_event = false) and (timecount >= 1650)) *set delusion_event true *set blanket_covers_window true *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) You pass a side window and *if home_boarded catch an odd ray of light through the cracks in the boards. You peek outside and *if not(home_boarded) catch a flash of light. Peering out, you spot someone across the *if v_loc = "country" main road *if v_loc != "country" street eyeing your house. The man is holding a large umbrella over his head, and with the other hand, he raises binoculars. Instinctively, you crouch down. [i]Could he have spotted me?[/i] you wonder. *if dependent "Everything okay?" ${dep_name} asks and steps near the window. You yank him out of the line of sight of the man. "Yep, all good. We should block the windows just in case something out there tries to look in." *comment end/ You grab a thick blanket from the downstairs closet and hang it across the window, tacking it up so no one can see in. *if dependent ${dep_name} helps line up the edges, and once he's finished, he throws you a thumbs-up sign. Darkness falls across the room now that the natural light has been cut off, but the strange man can't see in. Next, you… *goto MakeChoice *elseif ((timecount >= 1600) and (fatigue_1 = false)) *set fatigue_1 true *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/5)) *gosub_scene Part1Events waterUse *gosub_scene Part1Events CheckAddictions *goto MakeChoice *elseif ((timecount >= 1700) and (add_alc or add_nic)) and (addiction_event = false) *set addiction_event true *if add_nic and add_alc *set alcohol -1 *set w_cigarettes -1 Your eyes hurt and hands start to shake. You light a cigarette and pop open a beer. The first sip calms you down, and one puff of the smoke eases the shaking. *if add_nic and (add_alc = false) *set w_cigarettes -1 Your hands start to shake, so you light a cigarette. The first puff calms you down and settles your hands. *if (add_alc = false) and add_alc *set alcohol -1 Your eyes hurt and hands start to shake. You pop open a beer, and the first sip calms you down and settles your hands. *comment end/ Next, you… *goto MakeChoice *elseif dependent and ((not(sister_contacted)) and (dependent and (timecount > 1800))) It's late, and you haven't found out anything about your sister yet. *set hold_spot "MakeChoice" *goto CallSister *elseif dependent and ((timecount >= 1750) and (ate_today and (dep_fed = false))) *goto MakefoodForDependent *elseif (not(house_attacked_zombies)) and (timecount >= 1800) *set house_attacked_zombies true *goto HouseAttackedByZombies *elseif need_to_tell_dep_mom *set need_to_tell_dep_mom false ${dep_name} sits on the couch *if pet_owner with ${pet_name} and plays on his Nintendo DS. He seems distracted even as he plays his favorite game, [i]Ultimate Adventure of Earth Saviors.[/i] You sit on the couch next to him and watch him play. At the end of the level, he pauses the game but keeps staring at the screen. "${name_call}, why haven't you called my mother or told me about anything about her?" *if morality >= 60 *set dep_treat %+10 "You're right, ${dep_name}, we should talk about your mom. First of all, I want you to know that I'm here for you. That's important for you to know." *if (morality < 60) and (morality >= 40) "You're right. We need to talk about your mom." *if morality < 40 *set dep_treat %-10 "Okay, let's talk about her. It's tough, but you need to know the truth." *comment end/ ${dep_name} says nothing, but after a few moments, he stands and steps away from the couch. "You know something's wrong, but you weren't gonna tell me." *gosub TalkDepMom Time goes by, and you finally decide upon your next course of action. *goto MakeChoice *elseif ((heard_parents_dead = false) and (parents_rel_check = false)) and ((timecount >= 1800) and (teenager or college_student)) *set parents_rel_check true *goto DiscussParents *elseif (timecount >= 2000) and (mob_event = false) *page_break *set game_milestone true *gosub_scene Part1Events CheckpointSave *goto MobEvent *elseif ((timecount >= 2100) and (fatigue_2 = false)) *set fatigue_2 true *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/5)) *gosub_scene Part1Events waterUse *gosub_scene Part1Events CheckAddictions *goto MakeChoice *elseif (timecount >= 2200) and ((deter_met = false) and ((reminded_about_legit = false) and (electronics >= 70))) *set reminded_about_legit true A thought pops into your mind *if julianne_met about Julianne—should you try to contact her to see how she's doing? *if not(julianne_met) to check the internet to find information on the outbreak. *goto MakeChoice *else *goto MakeChoice *label MakeChoice *choice *if timecount >= 2000 #Rest for the evening. *gosub trial_end With all of the events of the day, the stress of the outbreak, and the physical and mental fatigue wearing upon your body, you decide to turn in for the night. *goto EndDay *if not(home_boarded) #Board up my home to protect it from intruders. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events BoardHome You feel somewhat worn from the effort, but at least the house is in better shape than before. *if crafting_tools > 0 *if home_defense > 0 *set home_defense +1 *if home_damage > 0 *set home_damage -1 *set max_defense home_defense *goto ChapterChoices *if (not(called_dep_school)) and (dependent and (not(dep_home))) #Call ${dep_name}'s school and see if he's safe. *gosub trial_end *set called_dep_school true *set dep_treat %+10 *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) *set timecount +25 You run to the kitchen and find the school's phone number on a list of emergency contacts taped to the refrigerator. The line rings, but an automated message plays. "Due to increased call volume, the number you dialed cannot be reached. Please try again." *if tried_to_call_sister Just like when you tried to call the cancer center, you redial over and over again. *if not(tried_to_call_sister) You redial several times, each with the same result. *if short_fuse The message plays over and over again, and you feel the tension building inside you. Your hand grips the phone, knuckles turning white as you squeeze. On the sixth call, the line connects to a different automated message—this one from the school. It states that classes ended early, and students were dismissed home. ${dep_name} should be on the school bus by now. You have no idea what route it takes, or you could pick him up. The only thing you can do now is wait for him. *goto ChapterChoices *if billie_offers_resources #Call Billie and ask for her to send resources. *gosub trial_end *set timecount +50 *set stress %-(round(wil/5)) *set candy +2 *achieve strangerhelp You call Billie and ask if she has any food ready to send over. She tells you to check your back door in a few minutes. *if dog_owner Not knowing how ${pet_name} will react to Mishy, you lock him in your bedroom. You head into the kitchen and check the path leading to the back door, and sure enough, a black-and-white shaggy dog is coming towards your house. She trots at a fast pace, and her color blends so her fur looks like crumbled Oreo cookies. The wind blows outside, and leaves rustle on the ground. An odd smell floats in the air, something stale and earthy, but as you try to place the odor, you become distracted by the dog turning around the back fence and walking into the yard. You unlock the door and swing it wide open, and Mishy struts into the kitchen. On her back, a canvas bag hangs off the side. *if dependent "Cool dog," ${dep_name} says, petting Mishy between the ears. Her tongue hangs out, and she pants, looking around the kitchen as if checking the place out. You untie the bag and open it: *if vege *set w_food +12 apples, pears, fennel, ears of corn, tomatoes, even a container with vegetable lasagna. There's also a few candy bars. A note inside reads, [i]What do vegan zombies say? Graaaaaains! Graaaaaaains![/i]. *if not(vege) *set w_food +8 steaks, pork chops, chicken thighs, and an assortment of vegetables. There's also a few candy bars. A note inside the package reads, [i]Enjoy the meat, or as I used to call them: Brutus, Penelope, and Rocky.[/i] *comment end/ Mishy stands after you finish with the bag, and she shakes her body, raining fur on the kitchen floor. *if morality >= 60 You write a short thank-you note and pin it to Mishy's collar. And with that, the border collie trots outside and makes her way back up the road. You put the food away and consider your next move. *goto ChapterChoices *if teenager #Call Madison and Brody Milford's house. *gosub trial_end *set timecount +25 *set twins_called true *set stress %-(round(wil/5)) *set brody_faction %+(round(10+(empathy/5))) *set madison_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) You search your desk for the number to the Milford's. One summer before you started high school, you made fifty bucks by helping to clean up the grounds after a huge storm. Mr. Milford gave you the house number, and you kept it in the desk. Sure enough, under a pile of old receipts and a paper you wrote on Thomas Jefferson's presidency lies the number. The phone rings fifteen times before someone answers. "Hello. HELLO!" Brody says in a fast, out-of-breath voice. You hear another voice in the background, but can't make out who's speaking. "Hey, it's ${name}. I just saw you earlier at your pool party. Are you okay?" "${firstname}, I know who you are. Glad to hear you're alive. Kids are dying. This is nuts." *if crush = "Brody" "Are you safe?" *if crush = "Madison" "Is Madison safe?" *comment end/ "I boarded me and Maddy up in our attic. There are those zombie things everywhere. They can't get us, but I don't know how long we can last. I grabbed some food and sodas as we ran up here, but that'll only last a day." He covers the phone, *if hearing_impaired and you can't distinguish the conversation. After a minute, Brody returns to the phone. *if not(hearing_impaired) but you hear the muffled conversation. "Who is it?" the other voice says. It sounds like Madison. "It's ${firstname} from school. $!{he} *if nb were *if not(nb) was in my—" "I know who ${he} *if nb are, *if not(nb) is, moron. Can ${he} get us out of here?" "There's no way—" "Just ask." Brody uncovers the phone. "Is there any way you can help us…" The line goes dead. You hang up and redial, but all you hear is a busy signal. You keep trying, but the call never connects. At least ${crush} is safe. You consider your next option. *goto ChapterChoices *if not(jaime_called) #Call my friend, Jaime. *gosub trial_end *set timecount +50 *set jaime_called true *set learned_about_water true *set know_brain_kill true *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) You bring up your favorited contacts and dial Jaime. The phone rings six times with no answer, then voicemail clicks on. You leave a message for Jaime asking him to call back anytime. Immediately, you receive a text message, and Jaime tells you to try him on your CB radio, SSB channel 40. You haven't used the CB much since he gave you one (he won two in a state fair). *if not(supplies_gathered) *set cb_radio +1 You run up to your bedroom, locate the radio, blow off a layer of dust, and head downstairs. *comment end/ On channel 40, you announce yourself and hear Jaime's unmistakable baritone voice in reply. "Believe in zombies now?" he asks. "It's hard not to." "Colorado was hit hard, along with Philadelphia and Miami. It's spreading fast, though. Anyway, how are you?" he asks in a more serious tone. *fake_choice #"Doing well, in spite of the outbreak. Ready to face this thing head-on." *set ideal %+10 "Great. I appreciate the positive attitude," Jaime says. "As long as you stay indoors, you should be safe." #"I'm worried but safe. I just need to figure out how to survive." *set honor %-10 "It's reasonable to be worried. Fear is a good emotion in such a time. It keeps you alert," Jaime says. #"Honestly, I'm excited. It may be nervous energy, but I'm ready to see how this plays out." *set ideal %+10 *set truth %+10 "I guess I'm not surprised you'd say that, knowing you like I do," Jaime says. *if dependent #"Worried about ${dep_name}, but good otherwise." *set dep_treat %+10 *set morality %+10 "How's he doing?" Jaime asks. *if dep_home "Better than expected. It's a big shock." "Just stay indoors with him and stay alert. *if not(dep_home) "He's not home from school yet." "I'm sure he's okay. He's a tough kid. And he has you." *if heard_parents_dead and found_out_sisters_dead #"Not good. I found out my sister and parents are dead." *set stress %-(round(wil/5)) *set told_jaime_ch1 true "What? But how? I'm so sorry. I heard most hospitals are overrun, so I'd hoped she was moved before anything happened," Jaime says, his voice shaky. "And your parents? I'm just so sorry, though. Words can't express it." You tell Jaime about the phone calls and the way you were told about your sister, mom, and dad. The two of you spend a few minutes discussing your family, and in true Jaime spirit, he recalls stories about them. Hearing how he feels about them lifts your mood. *if heard_parents_dead and (found_out_sisters_dead = false) #"Not good. I found out my parents are dead." *set stress %-(round(wil/5)) *set told_jaime_ch1 true "I'm so sorry to hear it. How did it happen?" Jaime asks, his voice shaky. You tell Jaime about the phone call and the way you were told. The two of you spend a few minutes discussing your parents, and in true Jaime spirit, he recalls the humorous story of how he first met them at a neighborhood party. "Your mom and dad almost passed out when they saw me. Couldn't believe a boy this big could quote [i]Hamlet[/i] and dance the cha-cha. They could believe I'd finish a rack of ribs, though." Hearing his story lifts your mood. *if (heard_parents_dead = false) and found_out_sisters_dead #"Not good. I found out my sister passed away." *set stress %-(round(wil/5)) *set told_jaime_ch1 true "I'm so sorry to hear it. I heard most hospitals are overrun, so I'd hoped she was moved before anything happened," Jaime says, his voice shaky. "I'm just so sorry, though. Words can't express it." You tell Jaime about the phone call and the way you were told about your sister. The two of you spend a few minutes discussing your family, and in true Jaime spirit, he recalls stories about her. Hearing how he feels about her lifts your mood. #"Not well. I'm not prepared for this and feel like it's the end." *set ideal %-15 "Stay inside and keep the place locked up. Try to stay positive. You'll be fine," Jaime says. #"I'm fine. I'm not worried, if that's what you're asking. Life goes on, at least for me." *set impulse %-15 *if ideal >= 50 "I guess I'm not surprised you'd say that, *if ideal < 50 "Wow, I'm not used to you being so optimistic, knowing you like I do," Jaime says. *comment end/ "Where are you now?" you ask. *if dep_home "Who's that?" ${dep_name} asks. "My friend, Jaime," you say. ${dep_name} leans over the table and stares at the CB radio. He reaches for a knob, and you push his hand away. *comment end/ Static flares up on the channel but disappears. "Can you hear me, ${firstname}? Okay. I left my apartment. It wasn't safe. I'm *if v_loc = "city" right outside the city and headed your way. *if v_loc = "suburbs" heading out of the city, but not far from where you live. *if v_loc = "country" right outside the city, not far from where you live. Once I find a safe place, I'll contact you. You can join me there." "You're assuming the worst, then?" Jaime sighs. "I'm preparing for the worst. The government is going to try to quarantine everyone and stop travel. They'll try to stop the spread of the virus, but they'll fail. This disease is moving too fast. Civilization will break down in the next few days. With the lack of food, medicine, and stuff people need, they'll loot and rob and do whatever to survive. I'm hitting the ground now and setting up before that all goes down." Jaime often plays the role of conspiracy theorist, but this theory gives you something to seriously consider. "Make sure the house is secured, locked, and boarded up," he says. *if home_boarded "Did that. The doors and windows are barred shut," *if not(home_boarded) "I haven't done that yet," you say. "Gather all your supplies, too. You might lose electricity and water soon, so charge your phone and collect any batteries. Fill your bathtubs and sinks with water now." *if v_loc = "country" "I have a well, so water is no problem. And I *if v_loc != "country" "I *if supplies_gathered have collected all the food and supplies and piled them up in my living room," *if not(supplies_gathered) will go through the house and collect everything I can find," you say. "With the infected, always go for the head. Shoot it, stab it, whatever you can to destroy the brain. They're already dead, so feel no remo—" Through the CB, you hear a siren zoom by, and Jaime's side cuts off. "Jaime! Jaime!" you yell. The channel fills with static. You call for Jaime over and over again for several minutes, with no reply. You scan other radio channels but find no trace of Jaime. After thirty minutes, you shut off the CB and consider your next move. *goto ChapterChoices *if (not(billie_called)) and (v_loc = "country") #Call my neighbor, Billie. *gosub trial_end *set stress %-(round(wil/5)) *set billie_called true *if first_call *set hold_name "Bud Taylor" *gosub FirstCall "Hello?" says a deep though feminine voice. "Mrs. Taylor?" *if doctor "Dr. ${lastname}?" *if not(doctor) "${firstname}?" Billie says, her voice returning to the normal higher tone. "Sorry about the trickery just then. I wanted to make sure you weren't dangerous." "I don't think the infected would call first," you say. *if movie_star "That's true, ha! You're so funny. Jeez, here I am lying to you. Not a great start to a conversation. By the way, loved, loved, loved your last movie." "Thanks," you say. Billie has always been a bit starstruck around you. "So…how you doing? Good, I hope, seeing as the world is on the verge of collapse, and it's an unfair question, like 'how'd that prostate exam go?' Of course it sucked. But I mean to say how are you holding up?" *if not(movie_star) "Of course not, but you could be, like, a ${guy} pretending to be a deputy sheriff who's parked nearby and wants to 'check on the security of my house' just to get inside and rob me. Anyway, how are you? And I hate calling them 'infected' or 'zombies.'" *fake_choice #"I'm doing well. Thanks for asking." *set billie_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) *set morality %+15 "Well, that's one of us. #"I'm doing the best I can considering all that's happening." *set billie_faction %+(round(empathy/5)) *set ideal %+15 "That's a real positive attitude there. #"To be honest, I'm stressed out about the outbreak." *set billie_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) *set truth %+15 "Hell yeah, me too. #"My ear hurts from your constant babbling." *set billie_faction %-(round(20-(empathy/10))) *set morality %-15 You pull the phone from your ear for a moment to catch a break from the fast-talking Billie. "I'm sorry," Billie says in an angry tone. "I can't help but speak quickly when I'm scared. #"The world is ending, and I'm going to starve or be killed by a zombie." *set billie_faction %+(round((empathy/8))) *set ideal %-15 "Exactly. Finally, someone who swallowed a dose of reality. I'm locked in my house with a rifle pointed at the door, just expecting to get attacked. This outbreak thing is highly concerning, and I'm talking excessively in order to distract myself from reality. Like going to the dentist, I say the state capitals in reverse alphabetical order just to distract myself when she's prodding with metal hooks. *if teenager Did you go to school today? Or did you cut class like everyone else? I bet you did. Anyway, you called, so what can I do for you?" *label BillieConvo *choice #"Are you home by yourself?" *set billie_home_alone true *set billie_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) *set timecount +25 Billie pauses for a few moments. "My brothers are upstairs and the dogs are here. Mischief and Tank. Pit bulls. Nice dogs, but they don't like strangers." *if college_student Peter Taylor was in your class, and Matthew Taylor was a year behind you. Both played first-string on the football team, though they *if teenager Peter Taylor was a senior when you were a freshman, and Matthew Taylor was a year behind his brother. Both played first-string on the football team, though they *if (teenager = false) and (college_student = false) You only met Peter and Matthew Taylor when they delivered vegetables to your house. Both are large and husky football stars from the local high school who stayed on to work their family's farm instead of accepting scholarships to college. "Mom and Dad aren't here, but they should be home early tomorrow. What about you?" *if dependent and pet_owner "My nephew, ${dep_name}, is staying with me, and my *if cat_owner cat, *if dog_owner dog, ${pet_name}. *if dependent and not(pet_owner) "My nephew, ${dep_name}, is staying with me." *if (not(dependent)) and pet_owner "I'm here with my *if cat_owner cat, *if dog_owner dog, ${pet_name}. *if (not(dependent)) and (not(pet_owner)) "I'm home alone." *if dependent "Oh, my…how's your nephew holding up? Where's his parents?" *fake_choice #"She's out of town." *set billie_offers_talk_dep true *set truth %-10 "How crappy. Poor little fella may never see her again! Oh my goodness, was that too harsh? I sometimes speak first and think second. If he gets nervous or upset or anything, or he just needs to talk to someone, I'm here. Just have him give me a ring." "Thanks, Billie," you say. *if found_out_sisters_dead #"His mother passed away earlier today." *set billie_offers_talk_dep true *set truth %+10 "Are you serious? Oh my goodness," Billie says. You hear the sound of the young woman crying through the phone. "I feel terrible for him. To lose your mother on the day of the outbreak. And you lost your sister. Did she die to…you know?" "I don't know for sure." You hear static over the line, followed by Billie blowing her nose. "Sorry. I just feel so badly for ${dep_name}. I wish I could do something, but we can't leave due to the curfew. If he wants someone to talk to, let me know. I know you've talked to him, but if you want, I'd be happy to." "Thanks, Billie," you say. *if not(found_out_sisters_dead) #"His mother is at St. Mary's Cancer Center receiving treatment." *set truth %+10 *set billie_offers_talk_dep true "Oh, wow, that poor little guy. To think his mother is getting cancer treatments AND the outbreak is raging around us? I guess you've talked to him about things, but if he wants to talk to someone else, or you think it would be good for him, I'm here." "Thanks, Billie," you say. #I deflect the question and change the subject. *set impulse %-10 "He's holding up fairly well. He has lots of questions about the outbreak and the infected, but for an eight-year-old kid, he's a trooper." *comment end/ "I'm right down the road. If you need anything, just ask. Once the curfew or quarantine or whatever the government calls it is over, I'm heading out, and I'm making your house my first stop." You listen to a few more minutes of Billie ranting about the outbreak and finally turn to a new topic… *goto BillieConvo #"Why do you hate calling them 'infected' or 'zombies?'" "They're people first. Infected sounds icky, and I'm not a girly-girl who's afraid of bugs. I grew up on a farm—my first pet was a spider named Laverne. But icky has nasty connotations. And 'zombie' sounds like the product of voodoo, and voodoo didn't do this." Billie takes a deep breath and blows it out into the phone. "So what do you call them?" "I wanted to call them 'Others' but [i]Lost[/i] ruined it, so I called them non-people, or non-peeps. That reminded me of those marshmallow treats at Easter time." "How about 'Those Things?'" you ask. "Hmmm…that could be anything. 'Hey, keep your eye out for Those Things.' And you could mean…chickens or something." "How about 'Zeds?'" "No, I have an Uncle Zed. Real name's Zedediah, but that's a mouthful. He's my favorite uncle, so if you say 'look out—Zed,' my first reaction might be 'oh cool, it's my uncle.' So in lieu of a better euphemism, I'm going with 'Goon.' No one likes a goon, but they're often just misunderstood." With that topic covered, you say… *goto BillieConvo #"Do you need anything?" *set billie_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) A high-pitched giggle pierces the phone. "What kind of question is that?" *if morality >= 60 "Sorry, I just want to know if you need help with anything." *if morality < 60 "Seems obvious. Do you need food, help with something, et cetera?" *comment end/ "It's just a funny question, and yes, I know what you mean. I need a lot of things, not food or water. I'm worried. The news says this outbreak is getting worse. Lots of people are dying. I worry about my animals, my parents, and my brothers. I'm afraid for our city and Colorado and our country and the world. We can't get ahead of the spread of this virus. There's no cure, no vaccine, and so we're sitting ducks waiting to become infected or killed." Billie coughs through the phone, and you hear movement on the other end of the line. She sniffles, and a dog barks in the background. "I just need this. To talk to someone. Thank you. Let's talk about something else." *if billie_home_alone "What about your brothers? You can talk to…" "I can't talk to them." *goto BillieConvo #"Have you seen any infected people?" *set timecount +50 "Just old lady Baker from down the street," Billie says. Her voice becomes muffled and distant. "Get away from there, Mishy!" You glance through the window. The sky is clear and powder blue, and birds circle a field in the distance. "Sorry about that," Billie says. "My dog was getting in the trash. Anyway, old lady Baker was walking up Somerpoint Hill earlier, and she was walking faster than normal and without her cane. When she hit the crest, I saw her face was all pale and yellow, and she twitched as she hobbled. I thought to call out to her, but Mishy started yelping and carrying on. I pet her for a few minutes and went back to the window. Old lady Baker was gone. Nowhere to be seen, and you know that hill—nothing nearby for three or four acres. "Later, when the news came on and word came down for us to stay inside, the anchorman described the symptoms of the disease and could have put up a photo of old lady Baker. If I had called out to her, there's no telling what could have happened. Mishy saved my life. What about you? Seen any of them around?" *if house_attacked_zombies *fake_choice *if zombie_outcome = 6 #"A zombie tried to break into my house earlier." *set billie_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "WHAT?! You should have started the conversation with that. Please give me the details and leave nothing out." You explain the zombie coming to the door and all the preparations you made to the house to defend against intrusion. For the first time, Billie listens without interruption and only responds when you've finish speaking. "I locked the doors and windows and closed the animals up in the barn, but I need to go into lock-down mode. I'm impressed, though. Well done." *goto BillieConvo *if zombie_outcome !=6 #"I had to deal with a zombie at my house earlier." "WHAT?! You should have started the conversation with that. Please give me the details and leave nothing out." You explain the zombie *if (zombie_outcome = 1) or ((zombie_outcome = 2) or (zombie_outcome = 3)) coming to the door and how you *if zombie_outcome = 1 killed it and disposed of the body. *if zombie_outcome = 2 lured it outside and killed it. *if zombie_outcome = 3 snuck outside and killed it. *comment end/ "You killed him? Do you know who he was?" Billie's voice turns soft and solemn. *if morality >= 65 *set billie_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "No. I didn't recognize him. I was worried if he stayed alive, he might draw others to my house." *if (morality < 65) and (morality >= 35) "No. I didn't recognize him and was too worried to be too concerned." *if morality < 35 *set billie_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) "No, and I didn't care who he was. He was already dead, anyway; I just made it final." *comment end/ "I…I know you did what you had to do. I just feel sad. If he threatened me or my family or the animals, I'd do the same." *if zombie_outcome = 5 *set billie_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) coming to the door, breaking in, and how you tricked and lured it back outside. "Thank goodness you weren't hurt. I locked the doors and windows and closed the animals up in the barn, but I need to go into lock-down mode." *if zombie_outcome = 4 coming to the door, breaking in, and how you locked it in your basement. "He's in your basement? Are you trying to keep him around in the hopes there's a cure?" *if morality >= 40 *set billie_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "That wasn't my initial thought. I just had no other way of dealing with him." *if morality < 40 *set billie_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) "No, I wanted to kill it but had no other way of dealing with him." *comment end/ The two of you discuss the event in great detail for a while, until finally the conversation drifts in a different direction. *goto BillieConvo *if zombie_outcome = 1 #"I killed a zombie that tried to break into my house," I say. *set truth %+10 "WHAT?! You should have started the conversation with that. Please give me the details and leave nothing out." You explain the zombie coming to the door and how you killed it *if sneak_success by sneaking outside. *if not(sneak_success) and disposed of the body. *comment end/ "You killed him? Do you know who he was?" Billie's voice turns soft and solemn. *if morality >= 65 *set billie_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "No. I didn't recognize him. I was worried if he stayed alive, he might draw others to my house." *if (morality < 65) and (morality >= 35) "No. I didn't recognize him and was too worried to be too concerned." *if morality < 35 *set billie_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) "No, and I didn't care who he was. He was already dead, anyway; I just made it final." *comment end/ "I…I know you did what you had to do. I just feel sad. If he threatened me or my family or the animals, I'd do the same." The two of you discuss the event in great detail for a while, until finally the conversation drifts in a different direction. *goto BillieConvo *if zombie_outcome = 5 #"I lured a zombie outside my house that made it inside," I say. *set billie_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "WHAT?! You should have started the conversation with that. Please, give me the details and leave nothing out." You explain the zombie coming to the door, breaking in, and how you tricked and lured it back outside. "Thank goodness you weren't hurt. I locked the doors and windows and closed the animals up in the barn, but I need to go into lock-down mode." The two of you discuss the event in great detail for a while, until finally the conversation drifts in a different direction. *goto BillieConvo *if zombie_outcome = 4 #"I locked a zombie inside my basement earlier," I say. *set billie_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "WHAT?! You should have started the conversation with that. Please, give me the details and leave nothing out." You explain the zombie coming to the door, breaking in, and how you locked it in your basement. "He's in your basement? Are you trying to keep him around in the hopes there's a cure?" *if morality >= 40 *set billie_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "That wasn't my initial thought. I just had no other way of dealing with him." *if morality < 40 *set billie_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) "No, I wanted to kill it but had no other way of dealing with him." *comment end/ The two of you discuss the event in great detail for a while, until finally the conversation drifts into a different direction. *goto BillieConvo #"Earlier today, but nothing since," I say, not caring to share the story with her. *set impulse %-10 *goto StoryEarlierEvents #"Earlier today, but nothing since," I say, not wanting to scare her with talk of zombies in the area. *set morality %+10 *goto StoryEarlierEvents *else *label StoryEarlierEvents You describe the events from earlier today and your first run-in with the infected. *if robbed_bank You leave out the part about robbing the bank. After ten minutes of chatting about the outbreak, you change the subject… *goto BillieConvo #"Are you still working on the farm? I thought I heard your dad say once you were going away to college." *set timecount +25 *set billie_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "I'm still working on the farm. I did get into University of New Mexico's Photography program. It's expensive, but I received a partial scholarship, and my grandmother left me money when she died, earmarked as a college fund. But last year's crops didn't produce enough, so I told my father to use the college money for bills. He didn't want to, but farm subsidies aren't what they used to be. First time we argued as adults, since I just turned nineteen. "Anyway, I have until June to decide—school or no school. Funny, I may not have to make that decision now." You spend a few more minutes talking about life on the farm and Billie's love of photography before changing the subject. *goto BillieConvo #"Can you spare anything to help me?" *set timecount +25 *set billie_faction %-(round(30-(empathy/4))) *if billie_faction >= 70 *label BillieOffersItems *set billie_offers_resources true "Let me get some food and other things together for you. Are you a vegetarian like me?" she says. *if vege "Yes, I am." "Not sure you're aware of this, but lots of the plants around your property are edible. I'll draw a picture of the best ones and add it to the bag I send over." *if not(vege) "No, I'm not." "Too bad. My parents are meat-eaters, so I can send you some. I hope you don't mind me using the term 'meat-eater.' I don't mean it in a derogatory sense, though I don't like that y'all eat the flesh of animals. Anyway, I'll send a bag over." *comment end/ "Do you want me to come there to get the bag?" "No, I'll send Mishy," she says confidently. "My dad trained her to go pick up beer from the Dunbar store down the road. That's why he named her Michelob. I didn't care for the name and call her Mishy. Anyway, she knows your house, so I'll send her later with a bag around her neck. She's so fast, no goon will catch her." "That sounds great." *if dog_owner "Just make sure you keep your dog away from her," Billie says. "Mishy's in heat." *goto BillieConvo *else *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) "Well, that's a bit forward. 'Hey Billie, gimme your stuff.' This isn't a general store." You know Billie's farm has food and other supplies that could help you. *choice #I intimidate Billie into giving me food and resources. *set truth %-10 *set morality %-10 "Listen, Billie…I'm trying to survive, and you have food. *if intimidation >= 45 Do we have to do this back-and-forth arguing?" "No, but…" "These are extreme circumstances, and civility has to take a back seat to reality. Would you rather I starve to death?" you say, pushing her further off mental balance. "Of course not, but…" "So what can you give me?" *goto BillieOffersItems *else *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) You're going to give it to me, so just figure out a way to bring it here." "Are you being serious? Threatening me and aggression won't work, jerk." The line goes dead. You hang up the phone and consider your other options. *goto ChapterChoices #I persuade Billie into giving me food and resources. *set morality %-10 *set truth %-10 *if persuasion >= 40 "Billie, I apologize for how I came off, and I know the outbreak hasn't even affected us that long, but I'm worried about the next few days. I wouldn't even ask if I knew you lacked resources, but you're sitting on a farm. I feel silly even asking, but you have to appreciate my level of concern. Would you be willing to spare anything?" You lay it on thick with your tone and words, and Billie says nothing for a few moments. *goto BillieOffersItems *else *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) "I don't have enough food to survive, and you live on a farm. I'm sorry for asking that way, but I'd really appreciate anything you could spare." You try to pour out your heart to Billie in the hopes she buys your desperation. "Look, the curfew hasn't been that long. I'm sure you're not starving. If things don't go back to normal, check with me and I'll see what I can do. Now, is there something else you want to discuss?" *goto BillieConvo *selectable_if (not(short_fuse)) #I apologize to Billie for being so blunt. *set morality %+10 *set billie_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "Sorry, Billie. I guess I'm just overly concerned and lost my manners for a moment." "I understand and apologize for my curt reply. Look, the curfew hasn't been that long. If things don't go back to normal, check with me and I'll see what I can do. Now, is there something else you want to discuss?" *goto BillieConvo #I move on to a new topic. "Let's discuss something else…" *goto BillieConvo #"I have to go now. Stay safe." "Okay, take care," Billie says. "Stay in touch. I haven't spoken to anyone else in our area, so we need to keep each other informed about anything happening. Laters." You hang up the phone and consider your next action. *goto ChapterChoices *if (not(fred_called)) and (v_loc = "city") #Call my neighbor, Fred. *gosub trial_end *set fred_called true *set stress %-(round(wil/5)) *if first_call *set hold_name "Fred" *gosub FirstCall "Hello," he says in a garbled voice. The sounds of chewing come through the phone. "Hi, Fred? This is ${firstname} from next door." "Oh, hey." "How are you doing?" "Fine. I'm eating chili. I'll save you some. I made a lot. I'd bring it over, but we're not supposed to leave our houses." Fred speaks with a slow, almost lazy drawl. "Bye." "Wait!" you yell. "Yes?" *label FredConvo *choice #"How are you holding up at home?" *set fred_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "Just fine. My house is locked up. I have bars on my windows from a few years ago when these two guys broke in and stole my Xbox. My door is reinforced wood and steel my Uncle Frederic bought me from a junk yard years back. I got a nail gun just in case anyone gets in, but I doubt they will." Fred pauses, and you hear him chewing again. He seems well-protected from break-ins, so you move on to discuss something else. *goto FredConvo #"Are you home alone?" "Just me and my cat. I got the TV and my new Xbox. Keep me busy," Fred says. *if (empathy >= 60) or (morality >= 60) *set freds_cat true "Oh, what's your cat's name?" "Cat. Or Booger. He's a city cat. I got one of them cut-out doors, and he comes and goes on his own. What about you? *if (empathy < 60) and (morality < 60) "What about you? *if teenager or college_student Your parents home?" *choice *if heard_parents_dead #"They're gone," I say and tell Fred about my phone call earlier. *set timecount +25 *set truth %+10 *set stress %-(round(wil/5)) *set fred_faction %+(round(empathy/5)) You spend a few minutes discussing the call to your parents and the strange conversation with the man who answered your mother's phone. "My God, I'm sorry for your loss. Terrible that they passed. I'll pray for them." Fred talks to you for a while about the call, and sharing the news eases your stress and builds upon your relationship with your neighbor. *goto FredConvo #"No, they're not here right now," I say, not wanting Fred to know the truth. I don't want to risk him calling the authorities or coming to my house. *set timecount +25 "Okay, well if you need anything, you call me." *goto FredConvo #"No, they're not here right now," I say, not wanting to talk about my parents right now. *set timecount +25 "Okay, well if you need anything, you call me." *goto FredConvo *if not(heard_parents_dead) #"They're away for a few days," I say truthfully. *set honor %+10 "Okay, well if you need anything, you call me." *set timecount +25 *goto FredConvo #"They'll be home later today," I say, not wanting Fred to know the truth. *set truth %-10 "Okay, well if you need anything, you call me." *set timecount +25 *goto FredConvo #"None of your business," I say. *set fred_faction %-(round(30-(empathy/5))) *set morality %-10 "That's true. Just being friendly. I'll keep such questions to myself," Fred says. *set timecount +25 *goto FredConvo *elseif dependent You got your nephew there, right?" *goto HomeWith *elseif dog_owner You got a dog, right?" *goto HomeWith *elseif cat_owner You got a cat too, right?" *goto HomeWith *else You live alone, right?" *goto HomeWith *label HomeWith *fake_choice #"I live alone." *if dependent *set truth %-10 You don't know Fred well enough to be honest. *if not(dependent) *set truth %+10 Fred seems trustworthy, so you tell him the truth. *comment end/ "Well, if you need anything, I ain't going nowhere." *if dependent #"Yes, I'm taking care of my nephew, ${dep_name}." *set truth %+10 *set fred_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) Fred seems trustworthy, so you tell him the truth. "Young kids can be a handful, especially boys. If you need something, just ask." *if dog_owner #"Yes, I have a dog named ${pet_name}." *set truth %+10 Fred seems trustworthy, so you tell him the truth. "Dogs are fun. I had one as a kid. He got ran over by a combine when I was growing up on my father's farm. Until that day, he was a good dog." *if cat_owner #"Yes, I have a cat named ${pet_name}." *set truth %+10 *set fred_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) Fred seems trustworthy, so you tell him the truth. "That's nice. Cats can be good companions. Mine ain't so much. He likes to pee in my bed if I don't turn on his television programs. He likes those two brothers who fix up houses. Anyway, I got lots of cat food if you run out." #"I live with other people." *set truth %-10 *set fred_faction %-(round(30-(empathy/4))) You don't know Fred well enough to be honest, and since there's strength in numbers, you lead him to believe multiple people live here. "Really? Shows you how much I pay attention. I only see you come and go. Well, if you need anything, I ain't going nowhere." *comment end/ Next, you say… *set timecount +25 *goto FredConvo *if freds_cat #"Maybe you should block that door your cat uses. People could get in through the hole." *set fred_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) *set morality %+10 "Hmm…never thought of that. I got some drywall I could use to block it. Booger will just have to stay inside. Poor fella. Thanks for your advice. I 'ppreciate it." Next, you say… *goto FredConvo #"Have you seen any infected people?" "I have. Got out of work early and rode the bus home. Midway through the ride, this young guy stood up in the back, upchucked on his seat, and started wobbling to the front. Looked crazy in the eyes like…like when my grandma got new-monia and all feverish and was seein' spirits and stuff floatin' around. Hallucinations. So this guy stumbled round like a drunk, and suddenly he grabs this old man and tried to bite him. Bite him on the neck! There was a young woman sittin' near me, and she told the bus driver to open the door, and the driver did, so that lady grabbed that infected man and threw his ass off the bus." Fred takes several deep breaths and clears his throat. "Don't see that everyday. Maybe I should have helped. I bet I get more chances now, the way this disease is spreadin'." You hear a few hurried footsteps outside, but by the time you look through the downstairs window, they're gone. You return your attention to Fred. *goto FredConvo #"Tell me about yourself, Fred. What do you do for a living?" *set fred_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "Auto mechanic. Can fix up any car, motorcycle, truck, motorboat. If it's got an engine, I'd figure out how to fix it from broke." *if crafting >= 50 *set fred_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "I'm something of a mechanic myself," *if (crafting < 50) and (crafting >= 40) *set fred_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/10))) "I'm pretty handy with a set of tools, but I'm no expert," *if crafting < 40 "I don't know much about repairing cars," you say. "I've always liked workin' on cars. Lookin' at an engine and just seein' what's missin' or what's out of place. And then I make it…perfect again. Way it purrs when it runs, like Smokey Robinson was singin'. A good runnin' engine brings tears to my eyes." Fred sighs into the phone. "Anyway, that's all I can say about me. Anything else you wanna know?" *goto FredConvo #"Do you need any help? Do you need anything?" *set fred_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) *set morality %+10 *set asked_contact_freds_mom true *set timecount +25 "Hmmm…nobody ever asked me that. What do you mean?" Fred asks. "Do you need any supplies or anything? *if morality >= 45 I figure we'll be here a few days before we know it's safe to leave." *if morality < 45 I doubt the government will stop the spread of the disease anytime soon. We're going to be locked up a while." "Yes, there's one thing. I haven't been able to reach my momma. If you know any way, other than the phone." "Does she have e-mail?" "She don't know how to use a computer. I bought her a laptop, and she uses it to balance her dining room table. Got the short leg propped up on it." Fred chuckles softly. "Well, where does she live?" "Santa Fe, visitin' her sister. Bad time to take a trip. But yeah, I just want to see how she's doin' and tell her to stay safe. Just knowin' she's fine will put my mind at ease." *if jaime_called "Does she know how to use a CB radio?" you ask in a joking manner. "My uncle does. He drives a truck for K-mart." You're not sure if you can reach Fred's family, but you make a mental note to check your radio later. *if not(jaime_called) You're not sure how you'll be able to reach Fred's mother, but you make a mental note should something come up. Fred gives you the names of his mother and uncle just in case you try to reach them. After this exchange, you move the conversation along and say… *goto FredConvo #"Can you spare anything to help me?" *set morality %-10 *if (fred_faction >= 75) or (persuasion >= 45) *set fred_offered_resources true "Yes, I have some spare tools and food, if that helps. Since we're supposed to stay in our homes, if you want me to give you these things, we can probably meet up on our roofs. Our houses are close enough together that I can throw you a bag with everything in it. Give me an hour or so to collect everything, then call me when you're ready. And if you can spare some toilet paper, I sure could use it." Next, you say… *goto FredConvo *else *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) Fred remains silent for an uncomfortable moment. "I don't know what this quarantine will be like just yet, so not sure what I can spare. Plus, I can't leave the house, so no way to get things to you." You get the impression that you're not good enough friends with Fred to ask for favors and supplies. Instead, you move on to another topic. *goto FredConvo #"What's your plan for surviving through the outbreak?" *set fred_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "That's a good question. Stay here, keep my doors locked, nail gun ready, cat fed, and chili simmerin'. Sounds like the government might open up some shelters for people, so if things get bad for me or Cat, I'll take us there. From what the TV says, power and water might go out, and supermarkets won't get deliveries. Shelters will provide a hot meal and a warm bed. With all those people, though, sounds like it could be dangerous. What do you think? Would you go to a shelter?" *fake_choice #"If the authorities tell us to go there for help, then I will." *set honor %+10 "I guess you're right. Eventually, I'll run out of food here. I'll keep checkin' the news, and when they open a shelter, I'll head there." #"If the government is running a shelter, I am sure it will be safe." *set ideal %+10 "I guess you're right. The government wouldn't open it up if they can't keep people safe. I'll keep checkin the news, and when they open a shelter, I'll head there." #"I'm not sure. I'd probably check out a shelter, but be ready to flee." *set honor %-10 "That's smart. Go there and scout it out, but leave at the first sign of trouble. Good thinkin'." #"I'd never go to a shelter. The government can't make them safe. Nowhere is safe now." *set ideal %-10 "You make a good point. With all those people in those shelters, there's bound to be an infected person. And I bet there's lots of thieves and looters, too. I doubt the police or National Guard will be there to keep them safe. You're right. I'm never going there." You and Fred discuss the merits and flaws of going to a shelter for a few more minutes. After a lull in the conversation, you say… *set timecount +25 *goto FredConvo *if zombie_outcome = 6 #"A zombie tried to break into my house earlier." *set fred_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) *set timecount +25 "What happened?" Fred asks. He seems much calmer than you'd expected. You tell him the details of the zombie's attempted break-in. "Good work securing your house. If you didn't do such a good job, we might not be talkin' now. I'm glad you told me your experience, so I know what works to keep zombies out. Matter of fact, when we hang up, I'm gonna check my doors and windows again." You spend a few more minutes discussing home security with Fred, who seems to have a superior knowledge of carpentry and engineering despite his claims as a simple auto mechanic. "So, what else should we talk about?" Fred asks. *goto FredConvo *if (zombie_outcome != 6) and (zombie_outcome != 0) #"I had to deal with a zombie at my house earlier." *set timecount +25 "What happened?" Fred asks. He seems much calmer than you'd expected. You tell him the details of the zombie's break-in and *if (zombie_outcome = 1) or (zombie_outcome = 2) how you killed it. "I can't believe you killed it. *if zombie_outcome = 3 how you snuck outside and killed it. "I can't believe you killed it. *if zombie_outcome = 5 how you tricked it to leave. "You're so smart. I could never have figured that out. *if zombie_outcome = 4 how you locked it in your basement. "That sounds like the best thing you could do in that situation. I'm not sure what I'd do if one broke in. I'd try to defend myself, but…" His voice trails off, and he stammers something you can't make out. "I'm glad you're okay. No tellin' how many zombies are already running around the city. This is just the beginning." You go over the event a few times with Fred, who keeps asking questions, but eventually you steer the conversation in a new direction. *goto FredConvo #"I better go now. Be safe." "Okay, call me anytime. Take care of yourself." The line goes dead, and you consider your next option. *goto ChapterChoices *if not(parker_called_day1) #Call my neighbor, Parker. *gosub trial_end *set parker_called_day1 true *set timecount +25 *if first_call *set hold_name "Parker" *gosub FirstCall The phone rings six times with no answer, then voicemail clicks on. You leave a message for Parker asking him to call back anytime. *goto ChapterChoices *if (not(sean_called) and (v_loc = "suburbs")) #Call my neighbor, Sean. *gosub trial_end *set stress %-(round(wil/5)) *set sean_called true *if first_call *set hold_name "Sean" *gosub FirstCall "Hello," says the hurried voice of your neighbor. "Sean, this is ${firstname}." "Who?" "Your next-door neighbor." "Oh, right, *if teenager the kid *if not(teenager) the ${dude} *if p_eye_brow *set sean_faction %-(round(20-(empathy/7))) with the pierced eyebrow. *goto ContSean *elseif p_lip *set sean_faction %-(round(20-(empathy/7))) with the pierced lip. *goto ContSean *elseif p_nose *set sean_faction %-(round(20-(empathy/7))) with the pierced nose. *goto ContSean *elseif visible_tattoo > 0 *set sean_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) with the tattoo. *goto ContSean *else *set sean_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/10))) who lives on the left side of my house. *goto ContSean *label ContSean What's up?" "Just calling to *if morality >= 50 see how you're doing." *if morality < 50 find out if you've seen any infected in our neighborhood." *comment end/ "Listen, I'm about ready to lose my mind with all these crazy things running around the city, attacking people, and forcing us to stay inside. What the hell is the mayor doing to help? Where's the government? Let's get the freaking National Guard in here already. Where's all my tax dollars going? I can't even open my door without worrying that my throat will get ripped out!" You hear what sounds like ice cubes clinking in a glass, followed by a hard swallow. *fake_choice #"I'm sure the government is doing their best." *set ideal %+10 *set sean_faction %-(round(30-(empathy/5))) "Are YOU insane? Do you even understand how incompetent and corrupt these people are? #"The government is useless. They can't stop this outbreak." *set ideal %-10 *set sean_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "Finally, someone with some sense. #"You sound drunk, paranoid, or both." *set impulse %+10 *set sean_faction %-(round(40-(empathy/10))) "You insult me because I hold my government accountable? #"I agree with you, but we have to stay calm and do our best to keep clear heads." *set impulse %-10 *set sean_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "I'm trying to stay calm, but I don't trust that the government is doing their job. Our elected officials are probably sitting in vaulted bunkers sucking down martinis and watching the action on plasma TVs while we run out of food and hope the lights stay on." You hear a crash through the phone, and Sean yells an expletive away from the mouthpiece. "Sorry. Sorry. I'm having a hard time dealing with this quarantine. I know it hasn't been long, but I feel trapped, I'm running out of cigarettes, and all I've eaten today is a half a tuna sandwich. I'm going on and on about my woes. *if teenager or college_student Where are your parents?" *fake_choice *if heard_parents_dead #"I think they're dead." "Oh damn, kid. I'm sorry. What happened?" You go over the phone call, describing the way you called their cell phone's and spoke with a stranger who reported your mother's death. "That's awful. Listen, I know I come off to some people as a jerk, but if you need anything, you call me." "I will. Thanks," you say. "No problem. #"They're away for a few days." *if heard_parents_dead *set truth %-10 *if not(heard_parents_dead) *set truth %+10 "Okay, well if you need anything, you call me." "I will. Thanks," you say. "No problem. #"They'll be home later today," I say, not wanting Sean to know the truth. *set truth %-10 "Okay, well if you need anything, you call me." "I will. Thanks." "No problem. #"None of your business," I say. *set sean_faction %-(round(40-(empathy/5))) *set morality %-10 "All right, kid, I'm just looking out for you." "I'm fine." "Whatever. Anyway, what's on your mind?" *label SeanConvo *choice #"Are you home by yourself?" *set timecount +25 "Yeah. My wife's gone." *if morality >= 55 "I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do for you?" *if morality < 55 "Was it the outbreak?" *comment end/ "No, it wasn't the infection," he says with a laugh. You hear a low rattle in his lungs, likely from his cigarette smoking. "No, she's gone due to a mutual agreement to separate. In fact, we separated two weeks ago. Good timing if you ask me, because given her attitude, I'd probably throw her into a pack of zombies." *fake_choice #"That sounds harsh," I say. *set morality %+10 *set sean_faction %-(round(40-(empathy/5))) "Well, she cheated on me!" Sean yells. "What can I say? I hope she's living the dream? #"She sounds like a real pain in the ass," I say. *set truth %+10 *set sean_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "Exactly. Thank you," Sean says. "How can I say anything good about the woman? #"She sounds like a real pain in the ass," I say, just to get on Sean's good side. *set truth %-10 *set sean_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "Exactly. Thank you," Sean says. "How can I say anything good about the woman? I own a house that's now fifty percent hers when she paid nothing into it, and the lawyer fees will probably take the other half. I'll have the law firm taking up rooms in my house after the divorce is finalized just to pay them off." Sean goes on for a few more minutes about his separation, but you find an opportunity to change the subject. *goto SeanConvo #"Do you need anything?" *set morality %+10 *set sean_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) *set timecount +25 "Do I need anything?" he says in a loud voice. "Sorry, I'm not used to people being concerned about me. I'm kind of low on food and cigarettes. I'm good for a day or so. I don't even know how we'd exchange things. The news says we can't leave our houses, and frankly, I'm afraid to go outside with the infected running around. I will say that just talking to another person is great. I'm worried and stressed out and admittedly paranoid, so just chatting like this eases my mind. It's therapeutic. So, thank you." Knowing Sean is enjoying the conversation, you turn to a different subject. *goto SeanConvo #"Have you seen any infected people?" *set timecount +25 "Hell yes! At work I saw a few; heck, one of my clients showed signs of infection. But when I got home, I saw quite a few more roaming through our neighborhood. One attacked Mr. Hobard, the dentist, right in front of his home. I actually distracted the thing enough for Mr. Hobard to run inside his house. By the way, motorcycles really attract zombies. I actually coasted home to cut down on the noise." Through the phone, you hear liquid being poured into a glass. "What about you? Seen any zombies, or whatever the news is calling them?" *if house_attacked_zombies *gosub DiscussZombieWithSean *goto ZombieSean *else *set sean_asks_call_about_zombie true "Earlier today, but not since I got home. The news says they're everywhere." "Well, if you see any around here, give me a call. I'm not set up to handle this. I'm going to freaking die." *goto ZombieSean *label ZombieSean You talk to Sean for a few more minutes about the possibility of zombie attacks in the area, but after a while he suggests changing the subject. *goto SeanConvo #"What were you doing before the outbreak?" *set sean_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) *set timecount +25 "Well, as of this morning, I was…am a marketing executive. Ever watch that commercial where the supermodel goes on a date with the circus clown? That was my campaign. 'PrimeMatch.com—don't date a clown.' That slogan paid for my new motorcycle. *if (bank_robber) or ((con_artist) or (hacker)) What do you do for a living?" *fake_choice *if profession = "hacker" #"I'm a hacker." *set honor %+10 *set sean_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "What, like breaking into the FBI's computer or bank servers?" "I've done that in the past, but now I just do programming." "Well, if you get into any government sites and learn about the outbreak, let me know." *if con_artist #"I'm a con artist." *set sean_con_artist true *set honor %+10 *set sean_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) Sean remains silent. "Hello?" you ask after an uncomfortably long time. "Are you kidding?" Sean says. "No. I con rich people out of their hard-earned money." A thick smoker's laugh bellows from Sean's chest. "Well, you're not conning any zombies now. But that's cool, to know you did that." *if bank_robber #"I'm a bank robber." *set honor %+10 *set sean_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) Sean remains silent. "Hello?" you ask after an uncomfortably long time. "Are you kidding?" "No. Earlier today, I held up the Allied Bank of Chipper Ridge, until a few infected people interrupted." "Wow, all this time, and I had no idea I live next to a freaking bank robber. Well, with the way these banks have been robbing us, good for you." #"I'm an artist." *set truth %-10 "An artist? Well, at least you're not leaving a lot behind if this outbreak lasts for a while." #"I write for the newspaper." *set truth %-10 *set sean_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) "They still make newspapers? I figured the internet wiped them all out." #"I'm a teacher." *set truth %-10 *set sean_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "I had no idea. Quite a noble profession." #"I'm an entrepreneur." *set truth %-10 *set sean_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) "That means you're either broke or filthy rich. Either way, it doesn't matter much now." #"I'm an accountant." *set truth %-10 *set sean_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "Boring job, but someone's got to do it." #"I work in the military." *set truth %-10 *set sean_faction %-(round(20-(empathy/10))) "So you're one of the people who wastes my tax dollars?" "I'm low on the totem pole. I don't get the chance to waste money." "Doesn't matter now. All the taxes in the world won't save us." #"I work in the government." *set truth %-10 *set sean_faction %-(round(20-(empathy/10))) "So you're one of the people who wastes my tax dollars?" "I'm low on the totem pole. I don't get the chance to waste money." "Doesn't matter now. All the taxes in the world won't save us now." #"I work in health care." *set truth %-10 *set sean_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "I had no idea. Quite a noble profession." #"I work in hospitality." *set truth %-10 *set sean_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) "Boring job, but someone's got to do it." #"I'm a programmer." *set truth %-10 *set sean_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "Boring job, but someone's got to do it." #"I work in law enforcement." *set truth %-10 *set sean_faction %-(round(20-(empathy/10))) "I had no idea. Quite a noble profession." #"I'm in the pharmaceutical field." *set truth %-10 *set sean_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) "Boring job, but someone's got to do it." #"I work in retail." *set truth %-10 *set sean_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) "Boring job, but someone's got to do it." #"I'm unemployed." *set truth %-10 *set dep_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) "There's lots of job opportunities now that everyone's dying. Of course, the job market might shrink, too." *if college_student You're a college student, right?" *if college_degree = "undecided" "Yeah. I don't have a major yet." *if college_degree != "undecided" "Yeah, I'm a ${college_degree} major." *comment end/ "Well, I guess it doesn't matter much now that civilization's going down the drain," Sean says. *if prof_military *set sean_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) You work in the military, right?" "Yes, I do." "Shouldn't you be helping to quarantine the infected or keep the peace or something?" Sean asks in an annoyed tone. "I'm on call, but haven't been activated." "Well, don't get too comfortable. This thing is going to get worse." *if doctor *set sean_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) You're a doctor, right?" "Yes, I work in the ER at St. Matthias." "Good to know I have medical care nearby if I need it." *if engineer You're some kind of engineer, right?" "Yep. I was thinking of starting a new job soon, too." "Damn. I doubt you'll have to worry about that now." *if homemaker You stay at home, right?" "I am a homemaker, yes." "I should've been spending more time at your place, then." *if laborer You're a union laborer, right?" "Something like that. I was thinking of starting a new job soon, too." "Damn. I doubt you'll have to worry about that now." *if mma *set sean_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) You're one of those cage fighters, right?" "Yeah, a mixed martial artist." "Maybe you can show me how to fight, though I used to box as a teenager. Still, you'd probably kick my ass." *if movie_star *set sean_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) Of course, I know what you do for a living. I saw your last movie." "Did you like it?" you ask. "[i]Danger: Threat Zone[/i] was okay. I actually liked [i]Omega Dark[/i] better." "You're the only person I know who liked it." *if (nurse) or (social_worker) *set sean_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) You work at St. Matthias, right?" "Yes, I'm a ${profession} there." "Good to know I have medical care nearby if I need it." *if cop *set sean_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) You're a cop, right?" "Yep. Nightfall PD." "Shouldn't you be helping to quarantine the infected or keep the peace or something?" Sean asks in an annoyed tone. "I got sent home for now." "Well, don't get too comfortable. This thing is going to get worse." *if wrestler *set sean_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) You're a professional wrestler, right?" "Yes, I'm working my way up the ranks." "Isn't it all fake?" Sean asks. *if short_fuse "Screw you. Wrestling is my life," you say, ready to jump through the phone and beat his head in. *if not(short_fuse) "It's not fake when I get slammed to the mat, hit with a chair, or kicked in the head." *comment end/ "Okay, sorry. I didn't mean to piss you off," Sean says. *if scientist *set sean_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) You're some kind of scientist, right?" "Yes, I work in a lab that deals with dangerous viruses." "Shouldn't you be working on a cure?" Sean asks in an aggressive tone. "As soon as I can get to a lab, I'll do what I can." *if teenager I guess you're still in school, right?" *if truth >= 60 "I cut classes today to go to a party," you say. "I hope it was a good one. Not too much to celebrate now." *if truth < 60 "Yeah, I'm in my junior year." "I think school's out for now, kid." *comment end/ You spend a few more minutes discussing Sean's work in the marketing world, but the conversation will end soon. Next, you say… *goto SeanConvo #"Can you spare anything to help me?" *set morality %-10 *set sean_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) *set sean_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) "I'm not a department store over here. I barely have enough to keep myself alive if this thing goes beyond a few days." Next, you say… *goto SeanConvo #"I have to go now. Stay safe." "Okay. Give me a call if anything changes or just to chat. I'm going to be stir crazy by tomorrow, so keep in touch." You hang up the phone and consider your options. *goto ChapterChoices *if not(vince_called) #Call my neighbor, Vince. *gosub trial_end *set timecount +25 *set vince_called true *if first_call *set hold_name "Vince" *gosub FirstCall The phone rings six times with no answer, then voicemail clicks on. You leave a message for Vince asking him to call back anytime. *goto ChapterChoices *if robbed_bank #Call Reilly. *gosub trial_end *set timecount +25 *set stress %-(round(wil/5)) *set reilly_called true You dial your partner. The call connects, but no one answers, and you hear distant voices in the background. "Just shut up and go to Uncle Pat's. He'll keep you safe," Reilly says, though his voice is loud and echoey. "For once, just listen to me, you old witch!" A scratching, static noise comes through the phone line, and Reilly's voice comes through like normal. "What?" *choice #"Are you okay?" *set morality %+10 *set reilly_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "Yeah, I'm fine. This city, though, is going down the crapper, right along with the rest of the world. Based on what we saw at the bank and what I've seen since then, I'm pretty sure the world's ending." *goto NextReilly #"Who was that you were talking to?" *set reilly_mom true *set reilly_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "I was talking to my old buzzard of a mother. She's a hard-headed old bat who lives out in Tempe, Arizona. Since everyone's getting infected and turning psycho, I told her to go to my uncle's house out in the desert." You remember meeting Nora two years ago. You and Reilly picked her up from a female detention center after she'd served eighteen months for writing fake checks. "Anyway, I think she's convinced, but who knows what she's gonna do. At least she's a dead eye with that twenty-two rifle I gave her for Christmas last year." *goto NextReilly #"What the hell is going on out there?" *set ideal %-10 "The whole world is going to hell, and we're all riding first-class with it. That virus is spreadin', and no one's got the brains to figure out how to stop it. What the hell do we pay taxes for if the government can't do their damn jobs and prevent this kinda crap?" "You don't pay taxes." "I know I don't, but the people that do should be pissed." *goto NextReilly *label NextReilly "I'm just glad we made it out of the bank," you say. *if kept_bank_money "About that—you kept all the money from the job." *if not(kept_bank_money) "Don't forget—I still owe you for the job." *comment end/ "I wonder if money will be worth anything in the apocalypse." "No idea, but still, a job's a job, and right is right." *if kept_bank_money "Next time I see you, I'll give you your share," *if not(kept_bank_money) "Fine. Next time you see me, you can give me my share," you say. Reilly covers the phone and coughs. Through the line, you hear a hard hammering. "Someone's at my door. I'll talk to you later. Be safe, my friend." And before you can say another word, the line goes dead. *goto ChapterChoices *if sean_asks_call_about_zombie and house_attacked_zombies #Call Sean to tell him about the zombie attack. *gosub trial_end *set sean_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) *set stress %-(round(wil/5)) You call Sean's house, and a slurred voice answers. "Helluho." "Sean, it's ${firstname}. Are you okay?" You hear the sound of vomiting, followed by a toilet flushing. "Sorry. Yes. Fine," he says in a clearer voice. *gosub DiscussZombieWithSean You speak with Sean for a while about various other zombie sightings he's witnessed in the area. After you hang up, you feel better from speaking to him. *goto ChapterChoices *if dep_home and (not(sister_contacted)) #Call the hospital to speak with my sister. *gosub trial_end *set hold_spot "ChapterChoices" *goto CallSister *if clothes_count <= 5 *allow_reuse #Change clothes. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events ChangeUniform Now dressed, you close your closet door and head downstairs to the living room. *goto ChapterChoices *if check_gear_count <= 5 *allow_reuse #Check my gear. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene CarryList *gosub_scene Part1Events CheckGear *goto ChapterChoices *if not(online_research) #Check online for news on the viral outbreak and the government's response. *gosub trial_end *set online_research true *goto CheckOnline *if not(virus_researched) #Check the TV for news on the viral outbreak and the government's response. *gosub trial_end *set virus_researched true *goto WatchTV *if craft_count < 11 *allow_reuse #Craft an item. *gosub trial_end *set no_more_crafting false *gosub_scene CraftItem *label CraftAgain *set craft_count +1 *if craft_count >= 10 *goto ChapterChoices *if no_more_crafting *goto ChapterChoices *elseif choose_another *gosub_scene CraftItem *set choose_another false *goto CraftAgain *else You consider crafting another item… *choice *allow_reuse #Yes. *gosub_scene CraftItem *goto CraftAgain *allow_reuse #No. *goto ChapterChoices *if sat_phone #Examine the device Colonel Faulkner gave me. *gosub trial_end *set used_sat_phone_already true You take the satellite-phone-like device to the kitchen table and place it flat on the surface. The dark-gray screen lights up with a touch, popping on a digital display with a sequence of numbers: 40.056950, -106.346576. Assuming these are your current location coordinates, you inspect the rest of the screen. A dull gray icon hangs at the bottom right corner shaped like an envelope with a lightning bolt icon next to it. No other symbols or indicators appear on the display. Next, you check the back panel but find no seams nor compartments for batteries, USB ports, antennas, or even a place to plug in a recharger. As you flip the phone around and look for a way to charge it, two series of letters momentarily flash on the extended keypad: AS and FT. *if impulse >= 50 You press each once, but nothing lights up and no messages flash. Did pressing them do anything? *if impulse < 50 Until you know more about this device or talk to Colonel Faulkner, it's best not to press them. Having checked the phone as thoroughly as possible, you set it aside until it rings or provides an alert. *goto ChapterChoices *if pet_owner and (pet_fed = 0) #Feed ${pet_name}. *gosub trial_end *set pet_fed +1 You fill ${pet_name}'s bowl with pet food. With the bag almost empty and maybe one meal left, soon you'll have to use your own food for him or go out to obtain more. In fact, the odor and color of the kibble suggests it's on the verge of spoiling. It may not even last until tomorrow. *goto ChapterChoices *if (learned_about_water or (survival >= 45)) and (v_loc != "country") #Fill up the bathtub and sink with water in case it stops running later. *gosub trial_end *set filled_bathtub true *set timecount +25 *set w_water +4 *set watercount timecount You head to the bathroom on the second floor and turn on the faucet in the tub. Warm water still flows, and you stopper the drain so the tub fills up. You do the same to the sink, then collect some empty bottles and fill them up, collecting four bottles of water. You head back downstairs and plan to check later to turn off the water once both the sink and tub have been filled. *goto ChapterChoices *if v_loc = "country" #Fill up some water bottles to have for later use. *gosub trial_end *set w_water +12 *set timecount +25 Having well water sure comes in handy when other parts of Nightfall are running dry. You spend a few minutes filling a dozen bottles of water. *goto ChapterChoices *if not(supplies_gathered) #Gather my food and supplies. *gosub trial_end *set supplies_gathered true *goto GatherSupplies *if billie_offers_talk_dep and dep_home #Have ${dep_name} call Billie to talk to her for a while. *gosub trial_end *set morality %+15 *set humanity %+10 *set dep_treat %+15 *set stress %-(round(wil/5)) *set billie_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) ${dep_name} sits on the floor next to you and curls up in a ball: knees pressed to his chest, arms wrapped around his shins, head tucked down. "You okay?" you ask. *if morality >= 60 Your hand falls upon his shoulder. *if morality <= 40 "You need to snap out of this. The world is changing. We need to be prepared." *comment end/ Your nephew says nothing, but just stares past you at a photo on the wall of him and his mother last year at the Hoover Dam. She told you about the trip at the last family picnic, how ${dep_name} asked a million questions to the tour guide and had a chance to go into an employee-only control room. You call up Billie and ask her to talk to your nephew. Maybe she can help him better than you. When you hand him the phone, he stares at the photo. He listens mostly, nodding or wiping a tear away from time to time. He speaks in a whisper and even laughs once. His eyes drift away from the photo, and he peeks out the window. You watch from across the room and give him space. You flip on the television. Another news anchor on another station talks about a flood of refugees coming across the border from Mexico and how hospitals are overwhelmed by the infected. You flip the channel to a preacher, who swears he predicted the End and pleads for all to pray for forgiveness. Once more, you turn the channel and watch a nature show, something about lions and gazelles. Your nephew hangs up the phone and drops it into your lap. "Thanks, ${name_call}," he says and sits next to you, and the two of you watch lions in the wild. Time flows by, and when the nature show ends, you consider your next option. *goto ChapterChoices *if (alcohol > 0) #Have a drink of alcohol. *gosub trial_end *set stress %-(round(wil/3)) You pour the alcohol into a glass and take a sip. The room-temperature liquid coats the back of your throat and warms the way down to your stomach. The next taste goes down smoother, and before long the glass is empty. A cool fog lifts around your mind, not enough to dull your senses, but the pressures of the day float to the side and leave you in a moment of calmness. *goto ChapterChoices *if not(ate_today) #Have a meal. *gosub trial_end *set ate_today true Your stomach churns and throat feels dry, so you head into the kitchen for a quick meal. You haven't eaten since the morning and need to get some fuel into your body. Having a well-stocked kitchen means you have a wide range of food. You're not sure how long it will all last and have no idea when, where, or how you'll restock. Will grocery stores be open tomorrow? *if cooking >= 35 Being an excellent cook, you know how to stretch out your meals. *goto Pickfood *else Not knowing how to cook, your meals will be bland and simple, and you wish you knew how to stretch them out. *goto Pickfood *label Pickfood Considering you have ${w_food} meals worth of food, you… *fake_choice #Make a large meal. It's too early to conserve food. *set fatigue %-(round(sta/4)+40) *set stress %-(round(wil/5)+10) With food plentiful, you want to load up on protein and carbohydrates to have enough energy for whatever may come next. *if cooking >= 35 *if cookware > 0 *set w_food -5 *if cookware = 0 *set w_food -6 *set timecount +50 You cook a huge portion, and with your cooking skills you're able to combine ingredients and construct a meal that provides an abundance of nutrition. You ready the meal in less time than normal, too. *goto Cookedfood *else *if cookware > 0 *set w_food -6 *if cookware = 0 *set w_food -7 *set timecount +75 You cook a large portion and immediately feel the impact from the nutrition. Your head clears and body awakens, ready for whatever challenges you may face. *goto Cookedfood #Make a satisfying, normal-sized meal. *set fatigue %-(round(sta/5)+20) *set stress %-(round(wil/5)) Since the food in the house might have to last for several days at least, you decide to make a regular meal despite your overwhelming hunger. *if cooking >= 35 *if cookware > 0 *set w_food -3 *if cookware = 0 *set w_food -4 *set timecount +25 With your cooking skills, you're able to combine ingredients and construct a meal that provides an abundance of nutrition. You ready the meal in less time than normal, too. *goto Cookedfood *else *if cookware > 0 *set w_food -4 *if cookware = 0 *set w_food -5 *set timecount +50 You cook a reasonable portion and immediately feel the impact from the nutrition. Your head clears and body awakens, ready for whatever challenges you may face. *goto Cookedfood #Make a small meal to conserve resources. *if (cookware = 0) or (cooking < 35) *set w_food -2 *if (cookware > 0) and (cooking >= 35) *set w_food -1 *set fatigue %-(round(sta/5)+5) *set timecount +25 Despite your hunger, you know it's sensible to conserve food early, since it may have to last a few days at least. You gather a snack-sized portion instead of cooking a larger meal. *goto Cookedfood *label Cookedfood *temp first_ch true *if dep_home and (dep_fed = false) *set dep_fed true *set w_food -2 ${dep_name} sits next to you with a stack of comics and picks at his food. From time to time, he glances at you, but as soon as you look over, he turns away. This goes on throughout the meal until you take your last bite. He picks up a can of soda and scrapes the empty can with his fingernail. *gosub DependentChat *if add_alc After you finish your meal, you pour yourself a glass of whiskey and savor it for several long minutes. The outbreak, the dead turned back to life, the horrors of the day—all seem to disappear in the taste of the brown liquid and the haze it brings. *set first_ch false *if pet_owner and (pet_fed = 0) *set pet_fed +1 *if not(first_ch) You *if first_ch *set first_ch false After you finish your meal, you fill ${pet_name}'s bowl with pet food. With the bag almost empty and maybe one meal left, soon you'll have to use your own food for him or go out to obtain more. *if add_nic *if not(first_ch) You *if first_ch *set first_ch false After you finish your meal, you crack open a kitchen window and light up a cigarette, letting the smoke drift outside into the cool air. For five minutes, nothing seems to matter. *if vege *if not(first_ch) You *if first_ch *set first_ch false After you finish your meal, you look through your pantry and refrigerator and see that your fresh fruit and vegetables will run out in a few days, so you'll be left with canned food. *comment end/ After the meal, you consider your next move. *goto ChapterChoices *if ((had_candy = false) or ((had_coffee = false) or (had_soda = false))) and (snack_count < 6) *allow_reuse #Have a snack. *goto HaveSnack *if sean_asked_to_secure_home #Help Sean secure his home. *gosub trial_end *set timecount +100 *set morality %+10 *set humanity %+10 *set secured_seans_home true You give Sean a quick call back and inform him that you'll be stopping by with some tools and supplies to board up his home. *if dependent You ask ${dep_name} to stay inside and keep the door locked until you return, *if morality >= 60 and even build up the importance of him guarding the house, as if he were on a super-important mission. You also instruct him to run into a safe room and lock the door at the first sign of trouble. *if morality < 60 and though he wants to go with you to Sean's, you command him to stay inside the house, to be quiet, and to run into a safe room and lock the door at the first sign of trouble. *if pet_owner As soon as you unlock the back door, ${pet_name} tries to run outside, but you force him back in and secure the door behind you. *if night_blindness and (timecount >= 2000) The sky is dark, and you can barely see through the inky darkness. You can't help but feel anxious at the thought of moving outside without clear sight. *if w_flashlight = 0 *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/2)) *if w_flashlight > 0 *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/3)) Flipping on your flashlight, the path illuminates, and it helps to calms your concern. *if stealth >= 35 Though the backyards connecting your home to Sean's have high fences, you duck low and move across the grassy area as quietly as possible, should any wandering infected happen by. You reach the wooden fence and hop it into Sean's yard. Looking around, you spot no sign of another living or unliving soul and don't hear any sounds indicating that you've been noticed. *goto SecureSeansHome *else *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/8)) Once outside, you rush across your yard and keep watch for any signs of the infected. The grass underfoot crinkles as you run, and the sound seems deafening even in the short distance to cross. You step onto a fallen branch, which cracks, causing your heart to skip a beat. You make it halfway across the grassy area and hear a sudden burst of high-pitched, unnatural screaming. *if wil >= 60 Instead of turning back, you pick up the pace to Sean's house and hop the fence bordering your properties. Looking around, you spot no sign of another living or unliving soul, but the howls and screeches seem to be getting closer. *if wil < 60 *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) Petrified, you stop in your tracks and search for any signs that you've been spotted. Your body shakes and sweats uncontrollably. The howls and screeches sound closer than before, and you hear the trampling of feet from the woods past your fence. Fearing the worst, you rush forward to reach Sean's house. *goto SecureSeansHome *label SecureSeansHome *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/2.5)) *set w_money +200 *set sean_faction %+(round(empathy/4)) *set coffees +3 Sean's backyard looks like an area display at a garden show, with colorful plants and exotic flowerbeds neatly arranged around a central fountain. You dodge around each pot and flower to make it to his back porch and a double glass-door entrance. Before you can knock, a head pokes out from behind a curtain, and you've never been so happy to see Sean. *if not (saw_sean) *gosub DescSean *comment end/ Sean lets you into his house and slams the glass doors shut. A kitchen table sits on its side near the door with a lawn chair behind it. Trash lies everywhere: empty cigarette packs, a milk carton, balled-up newspapers, clothing. Underlying the trash is high-end furniture and electronics. A muted HD television hangs on the wall with images of the outbreak flashing past. A cappuccino machine hisses in the corner, steam rising up. You dodge around a floral-etched vase and lay your supplies down. "Want an espresso?" Sean asks and runs to the machine. You notice a *if ranged >= 45 .357 Magnum *if ranged < 45 large-caliber pistol in his hand now that he turned from the glass doors. After some pleasantries and a well-made shot of super caffeine, you work on securing his home. You nail in some support for the front doors to keep anyone from breaking in. You secure the windows with 2x4s and hang thick blankets over them to keep the infected from seeing inside. The glass doors pose a considerable risk of break-in, so you do your best to tape curtains across them and board up the middle area with plywood you found in Sean's basement. The whole process takes an hour, including the time spent for the coffee break. On your way out, Sean hands you a shopping bag. "It's all I can spare, some roast beef sandwiches, cheese crackers, enough coffee for three cups, *if not(teenager) *set alcohol +2 two bottles of beer and some cans of fruit cocktail. Oh, and here's two hundred bucks." *if not (vege) *set w_food +8 *if morality >= 60 "I can't take food from you, Sean," you say, knowing his supplies are dwindling. "Please, it's the least I can do. I insist." *if (vege) *set w_food +5 "Thanks, but I don't eat meat. You can have the roast beef sandwiches back," you say. "Don't eat meat? Why the hell not? How are you going to survive on just vegetables?" "I'm a vegetarian. I like the other things, though." Sean shrugs and takes back the sandwiches. *goto EndHelpSean *comment end/ You thank your neighbor, and he walks you to the double glass doors. *label EndHelpSean *achieve strangerhelp Once back at home, you consider your next course of action. *goto ChapterChoices *if fred_offered_resources and not(retrieved_freds_bag) #Meet Fred on the roof to get some supplies. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events FredRoof You head back inside the house and consider your next move. *goto ChapterChoices *if home_damage > 0 #Repair the damage to my home. *gosub trial_end *goto RepairHome *if (research_virus = false) and (science >= 65) #Research the Zeta virus. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events ResearchVirus *goto ChapterChoices *if timecount <= 2100 #Rest for a while. *gosub trial_end *if fatigue < 50 Conserving your energy in the hours to come could mean the difference between life or death, so you decide to rest. *goto EndRest *if fatigue < 70 You're already tired, so resting for a few minutes seems like a reasonable course of action. *goto EndRest *else You're already extremely tired, so resting for a few minutes seems like a reasonable course of action. *goto EndRest *label EndRest *set fatigue %-(round(sta/3)) *set stress %-(round(wil/4)) You sit on the couch and close your eyes. *if dog_owner ${pet_name} crawls up and sits on the floor beside you. *if cat_owner ${pet_name} crawls over and plops on the top of the couch. *if dep_home ${dep_name} thumps the floor as he lies down to read a comic book. Just as your eyes close, images of the day's events flicker through your mind: the infected, the chaos, the death. What is being done to stop this virus? Will we ever be safe again? How will we survive? In the haze of your half-asleep mind, you think of your family and friends, *if pet_owner ${pet_name}, *if dependent ${dep_name}, *if (teenager) or (college_student) your school, *if (teenager = false) and (college_student = false) your career, your life. Though you hope this apocalypse is just a dream, when you awake, you'll know the truth, and it's out there, waiting and hungry. *if deep_sleeper *set timecount +100 You sit up on the couch and rub your eyes. Your head feels foggy, and even though you only took a nap, you overslept and feel extra drowsy. *if v_impaired Your eyes sting, and you use wetting drops to clear your vision before putting on your glasses. *set timecount +100 *goto ChapterChoices *if met_fred_roof and (retrieved_freds_bag = false) #Retrieve the bag Fred dropped between our houses. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events FredsBag You head inside, bar the front door, and consider your next move. *goto ChapterChoices *if (home_boarded and (reinforce_options > 0)) *allow_reuse #Set up reinforcements to protect my home. (requires Crafting 45+) *gosub trial_end *set reinforced_home true To reinforce the house, you… *gosub_scene Part1Events ReinforceHome *if (home_defense > 7) and not(fortress_achieved) *achieve fortress *set fortress_achieved true With that project finished, you consider your next move. *goto ChapterChoices *if hobby_dancing #Take my mind off the outbreak with some dancing. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events DancingPractice *goto ChapterChoices *if hobby_running #Take my mind off the outbreak with some distance running. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events RunningPractice *goto ChapterChoices *if hobby_drawing #Take my mind off the outbreak with some drawing. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events DrawingPractice *goto ChapterChoices *if hobby_exercising #Take my mind off the outbreak by doing some exercise. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events ExercisingPractice *goto ChapterChoices *if hobby_knitting #Take my mind off the outbreak with some knitting. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events KnittingPractice *goto ChapterChoices *if hobby_gardening #Take my mind off the outbreak with some gardening. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events GardeningPractice *goto ChapterChoices *if hobby_music #Take my mind off the outbreak by listening to some music. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events MusicPractice *goto ChapterChoices *if hobby_meditating #Take my mind off the outbreak by meditating. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events MeditatingPractice *goto ChapterChoices *if hobby_flute #Take my mind off the outbreak by playing the flute. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events InstrumentPractice *goto ChapterChoices *if hobby_guitar #Take my mind off the outbreak by playing the guitar. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events InstrumentPractice *goto ChapterChoices *if hobby_keyboard #Take my mind off the outbreak by playing the keyboard. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events InstrumentPractice *goto ChapterChoices *if hobby_video_games #Take my mind off the outbreak by playing video games. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events VideoGamesPractice *goto ChapterChoices *if hobby_reading #Take my mind off the outbreak by reading a book. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events ReadingPractice *goto ChapterChoices *if hobby_singing #Take my mind off the outbreak by doing some singing. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events SingingPractice *goto ChapterChoices *if (v_loc = "suburbs") and (got_panels = false) #Take a few solar panels off the roof. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events RoofPanels *goto ChapterChoices *if need_to_tell_dep_mom and dep_home #Tell ${dep_name} about his mother. *gosub trial_end *set need_to_tell_dep_mom false ${dep_name} sits on the couch *if pet_owner with ${pet_name} and plays on his Nintendo DS. He seems distracted even as his plays his favorite game, [i]Ultimate Adventure of Earth Saviors.[/i] You sit on the couch next to him and watch him play. At the end of the level, he pauses the game but keeps staring at the screen. *if morality >= 60 *set dep_treat %+10 "${dep_name}, we need to talk about something. First of all, I want you to know I'm here for you. That's important for you to know." *if (morality < 60) and (morality >= 40) "Can we talk for a moment? There's something important we need to discuss." *if morality < 40 *set dep_treat %-10 "Hey, I need to tell you something. It's tough, but you need to know." *comment end/ ${dep_name} says nothing, but after a few moments, he stands and steps away from the couch. "It's about my mom." *gosub TalkDepMom Time goes by, and you finally decide upon your next course of action. *goto ChapterChoices *if dog_owner and (dog_command = false) *selectable_if ((survival >= 45) or (leadership >= 55)) #Train ${pet_name}. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events TrainDog *goto ChapterChoices *if (teenager or college_student) and (tried_to_call_parents = false) #Try to reach my parents on vacation. *gosub trial_end *label DiscussParents Your parents haven't called to check on you since they left for vacation. They left last week for West Palm Beach to stay with their friends from college, and they *if teenager felt comfortable enough to let you stay home alone. *if college_student asked you to watch over the house and not throw any parties. With the chaos caused by the outbreak, they may not have had a chance to call. When you think about it, your relationship with your parents is… *fake_choice #Great. They're supportive of me, and we're very close. You have such a close relationship with them that you're surprised they haven't called as soon as news of the outbreak reached them. #Fine. They act like typical parents. Your parents said they weren't going to call to check up on you while they're away, but that was before they knew about the outbreak. #Complicated. Do I love them? Yes. But our relationship is hard to describe. Regardless of your relationship, you know they would call to see how you're doing, given the dangers of the outbreak. *if college_student #Strained. I can't wait to move out and eventually graduate and gain financial independence. You can't wait to get away from your parents, and you're sure they'll be happy when you're gone. Still, you bet they want to know how you're doing as the outbreak rages in Nightfall. *if teenager #Strained. Turning eighteen can't come quick enough. I plan to leave as soon as I can. You can't wait to get away from your parents, and you're sure they'll be happy when you're gone. Still, you bet they want to know how you're doing as the outbreak rages in Nightfall. #Distant. We were close when I was younger, but as I got older, we drifted apart. Your parents don't have a real relationship with you anymore, but you're surprised they haven't called to check up, if even to see how the house is doing. #Difficult. They give me a place to live, but I feel like an orphan. You're surprised your parents haven't called—not for your sake—but to find out how their house is doing. *if parents_rel_check You stare down at your phone and… *set tried_to_call_parents true *choice #Call them. They must be worried. *set morality %+10 *set ideal %+10 *goto CallParents #Call them. I'll just get it over with. *set ideal %-10 *goto CallParents #Call them. To find out when they're coming home. I need them! *goto CallParents #Leave them alone. They are probably busy. When they have a chance, they'll call. *set impulse %-10 You are sure they'll call when they have a chance. For now, you… *goto MakeChoice #Put my phone away. If they want me, they know how to reach me. *set ideal %-10 If your parents cared, they would have called by now. Instead of spending anymore time wondering about them, you… *goto MakeChoice #Put my phone away. I don't care about them. *set morality %-10 You have already spent more time in the past minute thinking about your parents than they deserve. Now, you turn your attention to… *goto MakeChoice *else *goto CallParents *label CallParents *set heard_parents_dead true *set timecount +25 *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/2)) You dial your father first. He bought a belt clip that resembles a device from an old 60s sci-fi show, so he never goes anywhere without his phone. On the first ring, a message tells you the line has been disconnected. Crap. You dial your mother's phone. The line rings and rings. You redial, and the line rings. And rings. You hang up and *if short_fuse *set p_health %-(round((100-sta)/3)) slam your fist into a wall. Pain explodes in your hand, and your mind turns from anger to worry. You hold your hand and dance around the room, shaking your injured limb. As the pain subsides, you glance down at the red knuckles and bruised fingers. You really need to keep your anger in check. You redial. Nothing happens for an unbearable five minutes, and then the call connects. "Hello? Who's this?" It's a man's voice you've never heard before. *if (short_fuse = false) and (morality >= 40) "This is ${firstname}. I'm trying to find my mother…" *if (morality < 40) or (short_fuse) "Who's this? I'm calling my mother's phone. Who the hell are—" "She's dead. I'm sorry. I found the phone on a dead woman." "I—" you begin to say, but the call disconnects. You hang up. The room spins, and you feel dizzy. Is it true? Is your mother gone? And what of your father? *if dependent and dep_home ${dep_name} walks over to you, his expression a mix of curiosity and worry. He doesn't need to know about his grandparents. He's been through too much already. "Everything okay?" he asks. "Yep," you say flatly. ${dep_name} shrugs and walks out of the kitchen. Are your parents truly dead? Too many possibilities float inside your head. The phone could have been stolen. Your mother could have given the phone to someone else. You don't want to believe that man on the line. You can't believe him, at least for now. *goto ChapterChoices *if injured_to_zombie #Treat the gash in my ribs. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events GashRibs *goto ChapterChoices *if cut_arm #Treat my bleeding forearm. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events FixForearm *goto ChapterChoices *if asked_contact_freds_mom and (cb_radio > 0) #Use my CB radio to contact Fred's mom. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events CallFredsMom *goto ChapterChoices *if not(reviewed_legit_files) and legit_files #Use the files LEGIT gave me to learn more about the virus. *gosub trial_end *gosub_scene Part1Events ReviewLegitFiles *goto ChapterChoices *label FirstCall *set first_call false You search through your contacts in your smartphone and spot a number for ${hold_name}. You dial, half expecting the line to be dead, but you hear a dial tone. As you dial, you wonder if anyone will answer. You haven't spoken to ${hold_name} in a few days, and now is a good time to check on your neighbor. *return *label DescSean *set saw_sean true Brown hair pokes from his scalp in long, thin clumps like he's tried pulling out locks. He wears a white tank top with yoga pants and winter boots. A pot belly pokes out, and a cigarette hangs in his hand like it's an ornament. *return *label DiscussZombieWithSean *if zombie_outcome = 6 *set sean_asked_to_secure_home true *set sean_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "A zombie tried to break into my house earlier." "Really? You said 'tried,' so you must have had your property secured." "Yep, I'm pretty handy and have supplies to bar the doors and windows." "Do you think you can hook me up like that?" Sean asks. "I'd even pay you. *if teenager I got money. That's all I can offer." *if not(teenager) I got money and liquor. That's what I can spare." *comment end/ "Let me see if I have enough supplies and get back to you," you say, trying to be noncommittal. "Fair enough." *return *else *set sean_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/10))) "I had to deal with a zombie at my house earlier." "Damn! Are you okay? Did you get bit?" "I'm fine. It tried to bite me, but I defended myself." "Is it still there?" You explain how you *if zombie_outcome = 1 were able to kill it and subsequently dispose of the body. "Holy crap, you killed one. You're a freaking bad-ass!" *if zombie_outcome = 2 lured the zombie outside and killed it. "Holy crap, you killed one. You're a freaking bad-ass!" *if zombie_outcome = 5 tricked it and lured it back outside. "So those things are pretty stupid. Good to know. I gotta hand it to you, pretty smart way to deal with it." *if zombie_outcome = 4 *set sean_offers_help true locked it in your basement. "So it's still alive? I wonder if they die after a few days, you know, really die. Or hibernate." *if zombie_in_basement "I hope it dies. It finally stopped," you say, and as if on cue, the thing squawks from the basement. "Against my better judgment, I'll offer to help you get rid of the thing if you want. I'm not drunk enough now, but if you call me tomorrow, I'll help." *if not(zombie_in_basement) "I finally got rid of it," you say. "Good. I can't imagine what it would be like to have that thing in my house." *return *label TimeCheck *set minutes (timecount modulo 100) *if timecount < 1200 *set am_pm "am" *set hours (timecount - minutes)/100 *if (timecount >= 1200) and (timecount < 2400) *set am_pm "pm" *set hours ((timecount - minutes)-1200)/100 *if (timecount >= 2400) and (timecount < 2500) *set am_pm "am" *set hours 12 *if timecount >= 2500 *set am_pm "am" *set hours ((timecount - minutes)-2400)/100 *if minutes = 0 *set disp_mins "00" *if minutes = 25 *set disp_mins "15" *if minutes = 50 *set disp_mins "30" *if minutes = 75 *set disp_mins "45" *if hours = 0 *set hours 12 ${hours}:${disp_mins} ${am_pm}. *return *label GatherSupplies *set w_backpack +1 *set supplies_gathered true *set w_flashlight +1 *set batteries +1 *set pain_killers +10 *set soaps +2 *set shampoos +2 *set toothpastes +1 *set gps +1 *set alcohol +5 *set blankets +2 *set w_knife +1 *set timecount +100 *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/5)) *if not(home_boarded) *set hammer +1 *set wood_parts +10 *set metal_parts +4 Searching through the entire house, you gather a variety of useful things: a backpack, a knife, toiletries (two bars of soap, half a bottle of shampoo, half a tube of toothpaste), extra blankets, a bottle with some whiskey in it, a hammer, nails, and some wood, along with a half-full bottle of pain-killers. *if v_loc = "country" Being out in the country, you have the advantage of well water on your property, so you're not too worried about running out. *if dep_home ${dep_name} looks through a closet and brings you a GPS and flashlight with a pack of batteries. *if not(dep_home) In a closet in the living room, you find a GPS and flashlight with a pack of batteries. You create a pile on the first floor so everything is accessible when needed. *if pet_owner As you rush around the house, ${pet_name} watches you *if dog_owner with an excited stare. *if cat_owner with a pensive stare. *if sarge_bag *set m16 +1 *set m16_loaded true *set tactical_shotgun +1 *set tactical_shotgun_loaded true *set w_pistol +1 *set pistol_loaded true *set ammo_762 +1 *set ammo_shells +1 *set ammo_45 +1 *set duffel_bag +1 You check the duffel bag you took from the back of Sarge's SUV. In it you find an M16 automatic rifle, an M4 tactical shotgun, and a .45 caliber M1911 pistol, along with ammo for each weapon. *comment end/ After the initial search, you move through the house more carefully and collect anything else that might be of use. *if (homemaker_sales = "") and homemaker In a pile of mail, you see a check from eCraftSell.com, where you sell… *fake_choice #Homemade jewelry. *set homemaker_sales "homemade jewelry" You always had a knack for working metals and stone into stylish jewelry, and you've turned your hobby into a profitable business. #Homemade clothing. *set homemaker_sales "homemade clothing" You always had a knack for sewing and draping cloth into stylish, ready-to-wear clothing, and you've turned your hobby into a profitable business. #Painted miniature figurines. *set homemaker_sales "painted miniature figurines" You used to paint fantasy and science-fiction miniatures as a hobby, but after friends started buying your pieces, you turned your handiwork into a profitable business. #Homemade baked goods. *set homemaker_sales "homemade baked goods" Friends and family always begged you to bake cookies and cakes for parties and holiday gatherings, and in the past year, you've turned your hobby into a profitable business. #Antiques. *set homemaker_sales "antiques" About a year ago, you found a box of long-forgotten antiques in the attic, and you cleaned them up and sold them on eBay. Now you find bargains at flea markets and estate sales and sell them online. #Items I buy cheaper on other sites and resell. *set homemaker_sales "items I buy and resell" You scour eBay and local Craigslist auctions for items selling at a discount and repost them for profit on eCraftSell.com, which caters to wealthy foreign clients looking for rare goods. It's not a full-time job, but you enjoy selling from the comfort of home. The majority of your income comes from… *fake_choice #A class-action settlement against a former employer. *set homemaker_bg 1 The firm skimmed money off your commissions for years, then fired you without cause when you brought it to your supervisor's attention. Two years later, your attorney settled out of court for a sizable sum. #An inheritance from my late parents. *set homemaker_bg 2 Your parents passed away in a motor vehicle accident and left you with enough money to buy your current home and live for several years in comfort. #Benefits from my ex-spouse's pension. *set homemaker_bg 3 When your spouse passed away in a freak work-related accident, you received a sizable sum of cash as a death benefit and continue to receive monthly checks from a company-run pension program. #A lottery win. *set homemaker_bg 4 You have the distinction of winning the lowest prize in PrimeBall history. After taxes, you bought a house and car, paid off your debt, and will receive roughly 50,000 a year for the next eighteen years. *comment end/ *if v_loc = "city" *set pepper_spray +1 *set w_revolver +1 *set revolver_loaded true In your bedroom, you find a full can of *if cb_radio > 0 pepper spray. You almost forgot you even had it. *if cb_radio = 0 *set cb_radio +1 pepper spray and a CB radio. You almost forgot you even had them. While upstairs, you open the top drawer of your dresser and dig under folded clothes to find a .38 Special revolver *if teenager or college_student your parents *if (teenager = false) and (college_student = false) you bought for home protection. *if v_loc = "suburbs" *set hatchet +1 From the fireplace, you take a hatchet. *if cb_radio = 0 *set cb_radio +1 You head upstairs, and in your bedroom, you find a CB radio. You almost forgot you had one. While upstairs, you remember the solar panels *if teenager or college_student your parents *if (teenager = false) and (college_student = false) you had installed last year. If you ever need them for another purpose, you can take a few down. *if v_loc = "country" *set shovel +1 From storage, you take a shovel. *if cb_radio = 0 *set cb_radio +1 You head upstairs, and in your bedroom, you find a CB radio. You almost forgot you had one. *if ccw_level >= 3 You were hoping to practice with your close-combat weapon while on vacation, so you take out your… *label MeleeChoice *choice *allow_reuse #Cavalry sword. Your grandfather handed down his prized Civil War cavalry sword to you, which was passed down through your family tree. You recall summers at your grandfather's farm as a child, when you'd practice swinging the sword and pretending to be a soldier in a pivotal battle of the war. Later in life, you found a class in sword-fighting and have made the cavalry sword your weapon of choice ever since. *choice #Yes, I have a cavalry sword. *set w_sword +1 *goto CheckCooking *allow_reuse #On second thought, I own something else. *goto MeleeChoice *allow_reuse #Fire ax. An ax is an unconventional close-combat weapon, but you started out just cutting wood as part of a fitness routine and enjoyed it enough to practice using it for self defense. The steel head is perfect for cutting, and the hard wooden handle fits well in your hands. *choice #Yes, I have an ax. *set ax +1 *goto CheckCooking *allow_reuse #On second thought, I own something else. *goto MeleeChoice *allow_reuse #Katana. You never expected to train in the katana, though as a child, you were mystified by tales of the samurai and sword masters fighting for honor in feudal Japan. But one fateful day *if ccw >= 80 ten *if ccw < 80 two years ago, you happened by a kendo studio and got hooked. Since then, you've reached the rank of *if ccw >= 80 7-dan *if ccw < 80 3-dan and practice everyday with the sleek, deadly curved blade. *choice #Yes, I have a katana. *set katana +1 *goto CheckCooking *allow_reuse #On second thought, I own something else. *goto MeleeChoice *allow_reuse #Machete. You've always had an odd attraction to edged weapons, and over the past few years, you took up knife-fighting as a form of self defense. At a weapons show last spring, you picked up an authentic machete used by a soldier in the Vietnam War. Ever since, you've practiced with the machete and know it provides much of the versatility needed for a close-combat weapon. *choice #Yes, I have a machete. *set machete +1 *goto CheckCooking *allow_reuse #On second thought, I own something else. *goto MeleeChoice *allow_reuse #Sledgehammer. A sledgehammer is an unconventional close-combat weapon, but you started incorporating one as part of a fitness routine and enjoyed it enough to practice using it for self defense. The steel head is perfect for breaking bones or concrete, making it versatile enough for whatever you'll face in the coming test of survival. *choice #Yes, I have a sledgehammer. *set sledgehammer +1 *goto CheckCooking *allow_reuse #On second thought, I own something else. *goto MeleeChoice *allow_reuse #Trench knife. You've always had an odd attraction to edged weapons, and over the past few years, you took up knife-fighting as a form of self defense. At a weapons show last spring, you picked up an authentic World War Two trench knife. The double-edged blade and brass knuckles provide the versatility needed for close fighting. *choice #Yes, I have a trench knife. *set trench_knife +1 *goto CheckCooking *allow_reuse #On second thought, I own something else. *goto MeleeChoice *label CheckCooking *if cook_level >= 2 *set w_cleaver +1 *set cookware +1 Though you have cooking knives, you also bought a stainless-steel cleaver at a trade show. Surely it could come in handy. Also, you add your own set of portable cookware to your inventory. *if craft_level >= 2 *set crafting_tools +1 You gather all of your crafting tools and add them to the pile. *if craft_level >= 3 *set duct_tape +1 *if (drive_level >= 2) and (craft_level >= 2) *set mechanical_tools +1 Your neighbor asked you to work on his old Ford truck's engine, so you brought all of your mechanical tools out of storage recently. *if (mma_style = 0) and (hth_level >= 3) As you gather supplies, you shuffle past a pamphlet for a new karate dojo in town. You doubt the outbreak is a good time to check it out, but you have some proficiency in… *fake_choice #Boxing. *set mma_art "boxing" *set mma_style 1 You've trained in a gym to use your fists, to dodge attacks, and build endurance. #Street fighting. *set mma_art "street fighting" *set mma_style 1 Your training has been on the street in more unorthodox fighting, using any means necessary to take down an opponent. #Kickboxing. *set mma_art "kickboxing" *set mma_style 2 You've studied in a mixed-martial arts gym, focusing on kickboxing. #Muay Thai. *set mma_art "Muay Thai" *set mma_style 2 You've studied with several Muay Thai combatants, learning how to use your fists, feet, elbows, and knees. #Wrestling. *set mma_art "wrestling" *set mma_style 3 You've studied the art of grappling with numerous college-level instructors. #Ground and pound wrestling. *set mma_art "ground-and-pound wrestling" *set mma_style 3 While you initially studied the art of grappling, your instructor focused on getting an opponent to the ground and pummeling them. #Catch wrestling. *set mma_art "catch wrestling" *set mma_style 4 You've studied the art of grappling, with an emphasis on submitting your opponents. #Judo. *set mma_art "Judo" *set mma_style 3 You've studied the Japanese grappling style with high-level instructors. #Sambo. *set mma_art "sambo" *set mma_style 4 You've studied the Russian combat system with high-level instructors. *set mma_style 4 #Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. *set mma_art "Jiu-Jitsu" *set mma_style 4 You've studied the submission grappling style with high-level instructors. *goto PostMMA #Another style… A style called… *input_text mma_art *set custom_mma_style true $!{mma_art} deals mostly in… *choice #Hand strikes. *set mma_style 1 You've studied with numerous high-level instructors. *goto PostMMA #Kicks and knee strikes. *set mma_style 2 You've studied with numerous high-level instructors. *goto PostMMA #Wrestling. *set mma_style 3 You've studied the art of grappling with numerous high-level instructors. *goto PostMMA #Submissions. *set mma_style 4 You've studied the submission grappling style with high-level instructors. *goto PostMMA *label PostMMA *gosub levelConvert Looking one last time at the brochure for the karate dojo, you toss it in a drawer. *goto CheckMed *label CheckMed *if med_level >= 2 *set first_aid +1 *set first_aid_charges +5 *set bandages 5 In the medicine cabinet, you find an unopened first aid kit and five bandages. *if nurse or (doctor or social_worker) From working in a hospital, you've added some additional supplies like Steri-strips and other wound-care items. *if med_level >= 3 *set antibiotics +2 While you're bringing them downstairs, you remember having several bottles of broad-spectrum antibiotics in your medical bag. *if homemaker *set sewing_kit +1 To the pile, you add your sewing kit. *if rang_level >= 3 You check your closet once more and bring out your firearm. You own a… *label RangedChoice *choice *allow_reuse #Colt Python revolver, your choice for close-range stopping power. Considered one of the finest handguns ever made, the Colt Python is known for its accuracy and power. Made popular by law enforcement, the six-inch barrel variant provides range and impact thanks to its .357 Magnum ammo, and with six shots, this revolver will cause bandits and looters to stop in their tracks when you draw it. *choice #Yes, I own a Colt Python. *set colt +1 *set ammo_357 +5 *goto CheckScav *allow_reuse #On second thought, I own something else. *goto RangedChoice *allow_reuse #Remington Model 870, a powerful and reliable pump-action shotgun. Accurate and deadly at close range, the shotgun is considered by many to be the best weapon for home defense. Who wouldn't want such a weapon when the world is on the brink of disaster? One of the most popular American pump-action shotguns, the Remington Model 870 is fast and reliable, and considering the infected's aggressive behavior, you'll be sure to take them down with the Remington's power. *choice #Yes, I own a Remington Model 870. *set w_shotgun +1 *set ammo_shells +5 *goto CheckScav *allow_reuse #On second thought, I own something else. *goto RangedChoice *allow_reuse #Bushmaster AR-15, a fast-shooting, high-capacity semiautomatic rifle. Based on the M-16, this semiautomatic rifle spits out bullets as fast as the trigger can be pulled. With thirty rounds in the magazine, this rifle will keep you firing in heavy gunfights. The AR-15 has an effective range of five hundred yards, and its ammo is common in the US due to the gun's popularity. *choice #Yes, I own an AR-15. *set ar15 +1 *set ammo_556 +5 *goto CheckScav *allow_reuse #On second thought, I own something else. *goto RangedChoice *allow_reuse #Marlin Model 336, a reliable, hard-hitting, lever-action rifle. As a sporting rifle, the Marlin Model 336 is known for its ease of use and simplicity. With its lever-action feeding system, the next round is always ready, and the potent 30-30 cartridges hit the target with heavy impact. At an effective range of three hundred yards, it has a shorter range than other rifles but makes up for it with speed and damage potential. *choice #Yes, I own a Marlin Model 336. *set w_rifle +1 *set ammo_3030 +5 *goto CheckScav *allow_reuse #On second thought, I own something else. *goto RangedChoice *allow_reuse #Springfield M1903, a far-shooting, powerful, bolt-action rifle. Bolt-action rifles tend to be the most reliable and accurate, and they have an effective shooting range of a thousand yards, giving credence to their use as sniper rifles in the World Wars. Slower to fire due to its firing mechanism, this weapon is useful in the hands of those who take great care in each shot but only need one bullet to bring the target down. If you had a scope, it would be even more accurate. *choice #Yes, I own a Springfield M1903. *set springfield +1 *set ammo_3006 +5 *goto CheckScav *allow_reuse #On second thought, I own something else. *goto RangedChoice *label CheckScav *if scav_level >= 2 *set w_rope +1 *set w_bat +1 Scouring the house, you locate numerous items hidden under boxes in the attic, including a heavy rope and an old baseball bat from your days of playing softball. *if scav_level >= 3 *set w_binoculars +1 *set compass +1 One crate has a pair of binoculars in working condition, along with a compass. *if drive_level >= 3 *set flares +3 You also bring out a set of three road flares you kept in storage. *if sea_level >= 3 *set w_money +1000 As you race through the house, you recall a petty cash fund in case of emergency. You pull down some tin cans from the back of a cupboard and locate a bundle of rolled cash totaling a thousand dollars. *if (sci_level >= 3) or (college_degree = "biomedical sciences") *set botany_book +1 You focus on any other items that might help. And then it clicks—your botany book. *if (sci_level >= 3) and ((teenager = false) and (college_student = false)) In college, you took a course on plant biology. *if (sci_level >= 3) and teenager In the summer before your sophomore year of high school, you audited a course at the local college on plant biology. *if (college_degree = "biomedical sciences") or college_student Last semester, you took a course on plant biology. Sure enough, the book sits high on your bookshelf. You flip through the book and know it will be invaluable for helping you identify edible plants should you need to find new sources of food. *if (profession = "scientist") and (science_spec = "a scientist") You have accumulated numerous books throughout your academic studies and career, many focused on your area of scientific interest… *fake_choice #Biochemistry, examining the life processes of viruses and bacteria. *set science_spec "biochemistry" *set science_career "a biochemist" #Bioengineering, researching methods to genetically modify microorganisms. *set science_spec "bioengineering" *set science_career "a bioengineer" #Cell Biology, examining the mechanisms by which viruses interact with host cells. *set science_spec "cell biology" *set science_career "a cell biologist" #Clinical Laboratory Science, specializing in investigating research questions pertinent to clinical laboratory practice. *set science_spec "clinical laboratory science" *set science_career "a laboratory scientist" #Evolutionary Biology, researching the evolution of microorganisms. *set science_spec "evolutionary biology" *set science_career "an evolutionary biologist" #Immunology, with special emphasis on changes to the immune system after viral infection. *set science_spec "immunology" *set science_career "an immunologist" #Virology, and more specifically, the study of epidemic-causing viruses. *set science_spec "virology" *set science_career "a virologist" *if surv_level >= 3 As you finish searching the house, you remember buying a few supplies for a camping trip you were hoping to take. *label CampingGear *if gear_count = 3 *goto EndSearch *if gear_count > 0 Next, you choose… *choice *if bow_available *allow_reuse #Compound bow. The compound bow's efficient design allows virtually anyone to draw the bow and shoot with impact and accuracy. The set came with twenty arrows. *fake_choice #Yes, I have a compound bow. *set bow +1 *set gear_count +1 *set bow_available false *allow_reuse #On second thought, I own something else. *goto CampingGear *if crossbow_available *allow_reuse #Crossbow. Crossbows offer several advantages over regular bows in that they shoot farther, hold more tension, and allow the patient hunter time to plan shots with the bow drawn back. Reload time is longer with a crossbow, though. *fake_choice #Yes, I have a crossbow. *set crossbow +1 *set gear_count +1 *set crossbow_available false *allow_reuse #On second thought, I own something else. *goto CampingGear *if fishing_pole_available *allow_reuse #Foldable fishing pole and a tackle box. The fishing pole's compact design allows for easy storage, and you'll never be hard-pressed to find a rich source of fish in Colorado's streams and rivers. *fake_choice #Yes, I have a fishing pole. *set fishing_pole +1 *set gear_count +1 *set fishing_pole_available false *allow_reuse #On second thought, I own something else. *goto CampingGear *if firestarter_available *allow_reuse #Firestarter kit. This pack of magnesium flint and tinder strips along with a metal striker makes lighting fires a snap. *fake_choice #Yes, I have a firestarter kit. *set firestarter +1 *set gear_count +1 *set firestarter_available false *allow_reuse #On second thought, I own something else. *goto CampingGear *if canteen_available *allow_reuse #Canteen and water-purifying tablets. The canteen contains a water filtering head, though the extra pack of purifying tablets help disinfect the water, as well. *fake_choice #Yes, I have a canteen and pack of purifying tablets. *set canteen +1 *set water_purify +1 *set gear_count +1 *set canteen_available false *allow_reuse #On second thought, I own something else. *goto CampingGear *if sleeping_bag_available *allow_reuse #Sleeping bag. An insulated double-wide sleeping bag provides warmth during cold nights, a comfortable place to sleep, and a water-resistant surface. *fake_choice #Yes, I have a sleeping bag. *set sleeping_bag +1 *set gear_count +1 *set sleeping_bag_available false *allow_reuse #On second thought, I own something else. *goto CampingGear *if tent_available *allow_reuse #Two-person camping tent. The dome-shaped tent provides protection from rain and wind, has easy access through two ports, and sets up in a few minutes. *fake_choice #Yes, I have a camping tent. *set tent +1 *set gear_count +1 *set tent_available false *allow_reuse #On second thought, I own something else. *goto CampingGear *if tarp_available *allow_reuse #Waterproof tarp. Measuring twelve feet by sixteen feet, the thick plastic tarp provides protection from moisture, sunlight, and wind. *fake_choice #Yes, I have a plastic tarp. *set tarp +1 *set gear_count +1 *set tarp_available false *allow_reuse #On second thought, I own something else. *goto CampingGear *label EndSearch *if delusions You wonder if you should have filled your prescription for your [i]condition[/i]. You doubt you'll need it anyway, as you haven't hallucinated in weeks and felt your doctor overreacted by prescribing them in the first place. *comment end/ Having searched the house high and low, you stack all of the supplies in the corner of the living room and *if p_weapon != "none" contemplate your next move. *goto ChapterChoices *else then consider how to arm yourself. As your primary weapon, you choose the… *set p_weapon "" *set temp_weapon "p_weapon" *set temp_mod "p_mod" *set temp_class "p_class" *set temp_weaponmode "p_weaponmode" *set temp_range "p_range" *set temp_type "p_type" *set temp_ammo "p_ammo" *set temp_arrow "p_arrow" *set temp_lethal "p_lethal" *set temp_ammo_num "p_ammo_num" *gosub_scene LoadWeapons *gosub_scene WeaponSelect As your backup weapon, you choose the… *set temp_weapon "s_weapon" *set temp_mod "s_mod" *set temp_class "s_class" *set temp_weaponmode "s_weaponmode" *set temp_range "s_range" *set temp_type "s_type" *set temp_ammo "s_ammo" *set temp_arrow "s_arrow" *set temp_lethal "s_lethal" *set temp_ammo_num "s_ammo_num" *gosub_scene LoadWeapons *gosub_scene WeaponSelect *goto ChapterChoices *label NephewTV *if house_attacked_zombies Though your nephew has already seen the infected, *if not(house_attacked_zombies) You're not sure if your nephew has already seen the infected, you'd rather not expose him to graphic scenes on television. *return *label WatchTV *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/4)) You flip on the TV in the living room. *if pet_owner and dep_home ${dep_name} joins you on the couch, and ${pet_name} sits between the two of you. *if dep_home and not (pet_owner) ${dep_name} joins you on the couch. *if pet_owner and not(dep_home) ${pet_name} sits right by your side. On the screen, a female announcer talks over images of police attempting to control a busy intersection in downtown Nightfall as the infected attack. "Here you see live coverage of police activity at Bridge and Langford Streets in the shopping district, where two infected charged a police barricade. Earlier, those two infected forced their way into a car driven by an unidentified local businessman and attacked him viciously." The announcer pauses and presses on an earpiece. "We have video of the earlier attack and remind everyone that this footage may not be suitable for young viewers or those sensitive to violence." *if dep_home *choice #I tell ${dep_name} to leave the room. He's too young to watch. *set morality %+10 *set honor %+10 *set dep_treat %+10 *set dep_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) *gosub NephewTV "Hey, ${dep_name}, go upstairs until I call you down." "Why?" he says in a high-pitched voice. He bounces on the couch with nervous energy. *if morality >= 45 "Just please go upstairs. I don't want you seeing what's on TV right now." *if morality < 45 "Just do what I ask and go upstairs." *comment end/ ${dep_name} stands with an expressive sigh and bangs his feet as he climbs the stairs. *if dog_owner "Come on, ${pet_name}," he says, and the dog hops up and follows him. *goto TVCont #I trick ${dep_name} into leaving the room so he doesn't see the footage. *set truth %-10 *set morality %+10 *gosub NephewTV *if pet_owner "Hey, ${dep_name}, take ${pet_name} upstairs please?" ${dep_name} turns to you and stares, scratching the side of his head, which he does when pondering some question or order you've given him. "Come on, ${pet_name}," he says and walks the dog upstairs. *goto TVCont *else "Hey, ${dep_name}, maybe you should wash up before it's too late in the day. The water might stop soon, too, so let's use as much as we can." ${dep_name} turns to you and stares, scratching the side of his head, which he does when pondering some question or order you've given him. "Do I have to?" *if morality >= 45 "Yes, please." *if morality < 45 "Just do what I ask and go upstairs." *comment end/ ${dep_name} stands with an expressive sigh and bangs his feet as he climbs the stairs. *if dog_owner "Come on, ${pet_name}," he says, and the dog hops up and follows him. *goto TVCont #I let ${dep_name} watch the news with me. It's best he learn the truth about the outbreak. *set honor %-10 *set dep_treat %+10 *goto DepViewsTV #I let ${dep_name} watch the news with me. I don't care if it freaks him out. *set morality %-10 *set dep_treat %-10 *label DepViewsTV *set dep_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) *set let_dep_watch_news true *if house_attacked_zombies Your nephew has already seen the infected, so there's no harm in him viewing the footage. *if not(house_attacked_zombies) You're not sure if your nephew has already seen the infected, but there's no use hiding the footage from him. He'll have to deal with many harsh realities soon enough, and he should be prepared to handle anything. *goto TVCont *label TVCont The newscaster shifts in her seat and drinks from a Channel 8 mug. "For those still with us, here is the video of that horrific attack." A scene flashes onscreen of a man in a business suit inside a silver luxury sedan waiting at a red light, when a group of infected surround the car. One smashes the driver-side window, and another climbs through the jagged hole. The audio picks up growls and screams as the infected squeeze into the car, ripping their own skin on broken glass. Blood spurts across the windshield from the inside, and the video freezes. *if let_dep_watch_news ${dep_name} turns to you and wipes a tear from the corner of his eye. His hands shake, and he breathes in shallow gulps. The announcer returns to the screen. *if (timecount >= 1600) and (timecount < 1800) "Authorities continue to respond to numerous reports of the infected around Greater Nightfall." *if (timecount >= 1800) and (timecount < 2000) "Governor Hickenlooper has issued a nine o'clock curfew and called in the National Guard to help quell disturbances throughout the greater Nightfall area." *if timecount >= 2000 "Health officials are asking everyone to avoid exposure to anyone showing symptoms, such as erratic behavior, jaundice-like or yellow skin, and green marks on the body. The infected cannot be reasoned with and are highly dangerous." *page_break The screen shifts to more footage of random attacks across the state. *if (timecount >= 1600) and (timecount < 1800) "Government officials are telling everyone to go home, secure your house, and remain inside until further notice. City and State police are patrolling the city and suburbs to handle disturbances. Should you come into contact with any infected individuals, you are instructed to notify police immediately by dialing 911." *if (timecount >= 1800) and (timecount < 2000) "Government officials are telling everyone to stay indoors, lock up, and not to open the door for anyone other than uniformed police or members of the National Guard. Avoid contact with infected individuals, and if someone you know becomes infected, you are instructed to quarantine them in another area of your home and notify police immediately by dialing 911." *if timecount >= 2000 "Government officials are telling everyone to lock themselves indoors, conserve food and water, gather emergency resources, and deny all from entering your home. Avoid contact with infected individuals, and if someone you know becomes infected, you are instructed to restrain them and notify police immediately by dialing 911." *comment end/ The station cuts into the national broadcast and joins Mark Jennings, a veteran newscaster with a deep voice. *if (timecount >= 1200) and (timecount < 1600) "The White House has made no official statement on the virus, but a press conference has been called for late this evening at ten o'clock Eastern time. The CDC has stated they are working to produce a vaccine and have provided state governments with emergency protocols. The Red Cross and FEMA are also working to help the areas most affected by the outbreak." *if (timecount >= 1600) and (timecount < 2000) His eyes are bloodshot, and the corner of his mouth twitches as he speaks. "The White House has only stated that this viral outbreak has been categorized as a global pandemic, and they are working with other countries and the World Health Organization to develop a plan to combat the disease. We expect the president to hold a press conference later this evening at ten o'clock Eastern time. The CDC, together with leading scientists, are developing a vaccine, and they are working with state governments on quarantine protocols. The Red Cross and FEMA are bringing in supplies and health aid to highly affected areas." *if timecount >= 2000 His normal energetic appearance has faded, his eyes are dark with heavy swelling, and his face twitches as he speaks. "The White House has declared this outbreak a 'national disaster of devastating proportions,' and they are working with other countries and the World Health Organization to develop a plan to manage the growing number of infected. The President will hold a press conference at any moment. The CDC has informed us that no vaccine or treatment is available, and they are working with state governments on disaster protocols. The Red Cross and FEMA are setting up centers close to highly affected areas." *set timecount +100 *goto ChapterChoices *label CheckOnline You sit at the desk in the living room and open your laptop. The internet still runs without a delay, and the instant you load the browser, a message flashes: *line_break [b]News on the Zeta Virus.[/b] Clicking the link loads a page of websites related to the outbreak. *label WebSites *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) *choice #Read the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's website. *set netcount +1 *set timecount +25 *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) You click the link to the CDC and find a press release related to the virus. *** *line_break For Immediate Release: May 11, 2012. *line_break "The Center for Disease Control and Prevention urges people to take steps to prevent Zeta virus infections. Outbreaks of the disease have been documented in the United States, with greater activity in densely populated areas. Thus far, ten states and two United States territories have reported Zeta virus infections in people. The total number of cases has reached over 10,000, all leading to a death-like state. Zeta virus is transmitted by person-to-person contact, either by blood or saliva. "It is clear we are seeing 100% infection rates with this virus," said Lucas Dodson, M.D., M.P.H., medical epidemiologist with the CDC's Viral Diseases division. "We cannot stress enough the importance of avoiding contact with infected people." The best approaches for preventing infection include the following: *line_break - Avoid highly populated areas such as hospitals, supermarkets, and other places where people congregate. *line_break - Stay indoors and secure the area from entry. *line_break - Know the symptoms of infection: yellowing of the skin, green "birthmark-like" lesions, aggressive behavior, imbalanced gait. There are no medications to treat or vaccines to prevent Zeta-virus infection. People exposed may appear normal for up to an hour before symptoms show, but no known prevention of full-blown infection exists. In the event someone you know becomes infected, quarantine the individual away from non-infected people and avoid contact at all times. *line_break *** After reading the CDC's website, you… *goto WebSites #Check out the City of Nightfall's home page. *set netcount +1 *set timecount +25 *set emergency_shelter_locations_known true Navigating to the city's page, you find a notice related to the outbreak. *** *line_break The City of Nightfall has activated the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), a coordinated and multi-agency team to organize information, manage resources, and plan strategic initiatives to deal with the outbreak city-wide. So far, the EOC is coordinating multiple activities: - Police are patrolling the city and detaining infected individuals. *line_break - Emergency medical personnel are setting up field locations to help treat those in need of medical attention. *line_break - The National Guard are on alert to assist the police. *line_break *** The site lists locations for emergency shelters being set up around the city, and you note these locations in your smartphone. *goto WebSites #Read discussion forums about the outbreak. *set netcount +1 *set timecount +25 *set know_brain_kill true *set learned_about_water true You sign into your favorite forums and find most of the active threads are discussing the outbreak. One thread piques your interest—[i]Zombie Apocalypse is NOW!!![/i] The thread contains hundreds of posts from people around North America: *** *line_break APOC_JOE_1994: Living in LA. Zombies all over. Just saw one eating a cop's face. This is real. PREPPERGUY714: To Misty: Kill her. Your mom's infected, so kill her before she turns. DONUTPANTS: Trapped in a house in Tampa. Zombies all around. Anyone reading this please come to 8941 Bridgeford Oaks Drive. Bring a gun! ER_TECH_NY: I'm an EMT in New York. LaGuardia Airport is locked down. Saw two infected people killed on the street. God help us all. MISTY_DETH: My mom's bit. She's feverish but looks fine otherwise. What do I do? PREPPERGUY714: Only way to kill the infected is to hit the brain. A gunshot or wound to the brainstem (above the back of the neck) is what it takes. Anything else barely slows them down. JACKZEN1001928271: Want cheap Ray-Ban Sunglasses? Click here. PREPPERGUY714: First thing you want to do is gather your supplies and secure your home. Fill your bathtubs and all containers with water, in case water pressure reduces or is lost. Your water heater also has a store of usable water. Zombies are attracted to light, movement, and noise, so block your windows with blankets and avoid making loud sounds. Let no one in after the doors are locked, not your father, your spouse, a lost child, or your church's reverend. *line_break *** Most of the thread goes on like this, and after reading for the next fifteen minutes, you feel stressed out by the influx of information. You close the forums and… *goto WebSites *if commander or ((medic or infantry)) #Log into the military's intranet. *set netcount +1 *set timecount +50 You enter the address to the Army Knowledge Online Portal and log in with your username and password. The main page has numerous articles laid out, all related to plans for dealing with the outbreak. You scan the top-level articles and high-priority orders to come up with the most important items: 1. All military personnel are on standby to report to duty stations. *line_break 2. Orders from POTUS and SECDEF are for the military to support federal, state, and local/tribal agencies in efforts to maintain basic services. *line_break 3. All infected humans ("zombies") are to be killed on sight. *if know_brain_kill The article confirms that the only sure *if not(know_brain_kill) *set know_brain_kill true The only known method of killing a zombie is to destroy the brain. You spend another twenty minutes reading reports from various military bases around the world of zombie attacks and counter-attacks by local authorities. The main thread running through all the reports—the outlook for civilization is grim. You log out of the portal and… *goto WebSites *if (cop) #Log into the Nightfall Police Department's intranet. *set netcount +1 *set timecount +50 *set npd_website true You enter the address to the Nightfall Police Department's intranet and enter your username and password. Not the most user-friendly or technologically advanced website, the police portal has little information, but you scan the pages for the most important items: 1. All emergency personnel and police are on standby to report for duty. *line_break 2. Orders from the chief of police and mayor are to maintain the peace, help civilians defend against zombie attacks, and to stop the looting of businesses and homes. *line_break 3. The CDC has confirmed that the infected are in a state of un-life, often called "zombies" in the popular media. *if know_brain_kill The portal confirms that the only sure *if not(know_brain_kill) The only known method of killing a zombie is to destroy the brain. You spend another twenty minutes reading reports from various police around the city of zombie attacks and mass looting and banditry. The main thread running through all the reports—the outlook for civilization is grim. You log out of the portal and… *goto WebSites *if electronics >= 70 #Hack into government sites to find out the truth about the outbreak. *gosub_scene Part1Events HackInternet *if julianne_met Next, you… *goto WebSites *else *page_break As you look through other sites to check, *goto DeterContacts *if julianne_met #Contact LEGIT to find out what news they have. *set netcount +1 You turn on your PC's firewall and open a security program you wrote which protects you while traversing the hidden layers of the internet. Once loaded, you turn on an alias so that any attempt to find your IP address turns up Using the information you obtained from Julianne, you log into a secure server on the DeepWeb, where members of LEGIT roam and post information. Once in the server, *label DeterContacts *set timecount +75 *set deter_met true your system freezes, and a command-line-like text window opens. *if julianne_met *** *line_break DETER>> Private area. Get out!!!!!!!! *line_break>> Sorry, Julianne gave me the details on this server and— *line_break *** *if not(julianne_met) *** *line_break DETER>> What are you doing? *line_break>> Searching for information on the Zeta virus— *line_break *** *comment end/ The command window disappears, and a new icon appears on your desktop named DeterChat. Without clicking it, you see the program run, and a small window appears with the face of a young man with a crew cut and polo shirt. His face nods and twitches like he has a nervous disorder, but he smiles. *if julianne_met "How do you know Julianne?" *choice *if like_females and (aromantic = false) #"We used to date." *set deter_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) *set truth %+10 "Really?!" Deter says and leaps up so far he goes offscreen. "No way!" "Yes, we did." "That's exceptional…that you dated her. Julianne is exceptional, too. *goto DeterCont #"We're friends." "Julianne has friends? Interesting. I wouldn't describe her as friendly [i]per se[/i]. *goto DeterCont #"She asked me to help LEGIT uncover the truth about the Zeta virus." *set honor %+10 *set deter_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "Well, that's specific. *goto DeterCont #"We work together." *set truth %-10 *set deter_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) "That's vague. Do you work together at her primary job, or on any number of her side gigs? Or do you work with her in the sense that she and I do…at uncovering information? *goto DeterCont #"I can't tell you that." I don't know Deter and don't want to give him too much information. *set ideal %-10 *set deter_faction %-(round(20-(empathy/8))) "You can't? Or won't? I assume you're trying to maintain anonymity and protect Julianne, which means that your statement isn't an act of defiance, but truth. *goto DeterCont *label DeterCont I appreciate your honesty, which I seldom find in these circles," he says, then rolls his eyes up as if mulling over an idea. "I should say, 'seldom do honest people travel in these circles.' I often find honesty, if I use it to mean 'truth.'" He lifts a can of Red Bull and slurps. "Sorry, a bit rude of me. Anyway, what's the purpose of your visit?" "Just trying to find information on this outbreak." "What do you want to know?" *goto AskDeter *else *set legit_files true "I see you have some cracking skills. So do I, and I'm looking for others like me. Have you ever heard of LEGIT?" "Can't say that I have." Deter smirks and slurps from a can of Red Bull. "We're an anonymous group of activists, so it isn't surprising you're unaware of our presence online. We've been investigating this virus for months, well before the governments or media exposed it." A small file-transfer progress bar appears on your screen. The names of dozens of files scroll across the bar. "I am now uploading files to your system, gathered by my group. While I refrain from unsubstantiated claims, some of our group are conspiracy theorists and believe there's a hidden truth to the virus's origin. These files were procured from government servers. Among them are clues to the truth we seek. We're looking to uncover intel and need help. The fact that you're snooping on protected servers gives me reason to think you should be one of us." "Well, I—" "You likely have questions. Feel free to ask—about LEGIT or anything else." *goto AskDeter *label AskDeter *set count +1 *choice #"How do I protect myself from infection?" "It's a fairly simple answer that does not imply an easy solution—don't get bitten. The virus is transmitted through blood or saliva. Due to the aggressive nature of the zombies, avoiding bites, as the proverb goes, is easier said than done. The CDC, World Health Organization, every health group has stated a 100% infection rate once transmitted." Deter continues on for the next five minutes, sharing data on infection rates. Once you have a moment to interrupt, you say… *goto AskDeter #"What's the government doing to stop the spread of the virus?" *set deter_prediction true "So far, their plan is to institute and enforce a curfew. Since most people today still have food, power, water, et cetera, they can remain inside their homes. Once those things run out, citizens will be forced to wander out of their homes to search for resources. When this happens, the potential for more infection goes up. So, the government wants to keep the electricity and water running and wants people to stay home. That's what they're working on for now." "What about a cure or a vaccine?" "Unlikely to be available. If anyone had such a thing, they would have distributed it and curtailed the outbreak. We're past the point of no return. Just evaluating this with rudimentary math, new zombies are being made at an exponential rate, and their population will eclipse the living in…" Deter wags his finger in the air and moves his lips as if counting. "About thirty hours, if we assume a conservative rate of one new infection per zombie per hour. Yes, around thirty hours or so." Next, you say… *goto AskDeter #"How long before we lose services like power, water, and internet?" *set learned_about_water true "How long things last depends on how dependent each service is upon human management. For electricity, more than fifty percent of the US's power is from coal plants. These require human intervention often enough that they'll be down in twelve to eighteen hours. Nuclear reactors require less human attention and could run for a week. But they supply twenty percent of our power here in America. These are the best-case estimates; in reality, blackouts in major cities will occur within four to six hours. "Water will go off soon after power is lost, but several dozens of gallons of water will be stored in the pipes. In addition, water heaters store many gallons of clean water." Next, you say… *goto AskDeter #"What can I do to help?" *set morality %+10 *set deter_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "I see you live in Colorado. That area has been hit hard for some reason. Well, we could use information on how your local government is handling things and any other important changes in the city. We're working on a new network to use once the internet goes down. Otherwise, just survive and be available when the time comes." Next, you say… *goto AskDeter *if julianne_met #"Have you heard from Julianne?" *set deter_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "Not in the last twenty-four hours. She was heading home and hasn't been online as far as my logs show. She's a bit of a keystone to our group. She manages our efforts and keeps us on track. Believe me, an unregulated group of hackers and sys-admin types on the DeepWeb can be prone to disarray." Deter chuckles and shakes his head. "Do you think she's alive?" "It's difficult to speculate. If a loaded gun was pointed at me and I had to offer a guess, I'd say she's alive. She's cunning and smart. She's a survivor. She's alive." Deter wipes his eye, which has turned red. Next, you say… *goto AskDeter #"Any tips on surviving this outbreak?" "Let's see…avoid everyone, the living and the undead. Stay inside and keep quiet. Zombies are attracted to noise. Maintain your health. A simple scratch can lead to infection. With no access to health care, even a typically benign injury could lead to death. Be wary of strangers and forget emotional decisions. Running outside of your secure house to save a child could lead to a confrontation with a zombie. Don't give in to guilt and humanity. Be jaded and paranoid." Next, you say… *goto AskDeter #"That's all I want to know." *achieve hacksystem Deter nods with a pensive stare. "Good speaking with you. I really hope you survive. I know that sounds flippant, but the next seventy-two hours are key to survival. We should keep in contact. LEGIT and other groups are working on a new method of long-distance communication for when all the common methods disappear. I voted to call it ApocCom, while a colleague gained support for SurvNet. We'll see. Anyway, best of luck, and remember, keep calm and kill zombies." The connection terminates, and you decide to… *if count < 3 *set timecount +25 *goto WebSites *elseif count < 5 *set timecount +50 *goto WebSites *else *set timecount +75 *goto WebSites *if zeta_virus_flashdrive #Check out the data on the flash drive that Mindy gave me. *set netcount +1 *set timecount +75 *set read_about_diangelo true You plug in the flash drive and open the folder containing numerous documents on the virus. After twenty minutes of reading infection rate spreadsheets and reports on viral adaptation mechanisms, you come across an article of interest. The document discusses work on the Zeta virus by Dr. Giovanni D'Angelo, who began investigating cases of a highly contagious bloodborne pathogen in Japan as early as June, 2010. He described the structure as a long coiled string with a polyhedral head, and even documented the very receptors where the virus invades cells. His work focused upon methods to weaken the virus, possibly for use in developing a vaccine. Your eyes cross and head aches. You've stared at the monitor for hours, and the remaining documents would take hundreds of hours to review. More pressing matters exist, and so you… *goto WebSites #Stop reading the web and do something else. You close down your browser and consider your next move. *goto ChapterChoices *label MakefoodForDependent *set dep_fed true ${dep_name} stands next to you, biting the edge of his fingernail. "${name_call}, can I eat something?" "Sure you can. What would you like?" "Pizza?" "I'm pretty sure we can't get delivery here at the moment." ${dep_name} stares back with a frown. "I know that, silly. We have frozen pizza." He runs into the kitchen, and *if dog_owner you and ${pet_name} follow. *if not(dog_owner) you follow. Your nephew yanks open the freezer door and slides out a box of Mama Maria's pepperoni pizza. Though he hasn't eaten all day, he usually only eats two pieces at a normal meal, and he's tearing open the box to heat the whole large pizza. *if empathy >= 45 You know he chose pizza because it's comfort food and makes him feel more normal during a highly irregular day. *choice #I let him make the whole thing. I can eat some and save the rest for breakfast. *set honor %-10 *label WholePizza *set dep_faction %+(round(10+(empathy/5))) ${dep_name}'s eyes go wide and mouth curls into a goofy grin as he takes out the whole pizza and loads it into the oven. *goto EndDepfood #I let him make the whole thing. It's been a stressful day, and this will boost his spirits. *set dep_treat %+10 *set morality %+15 *goto WholePizza #I cut the pizza in half so he can have a big meal, but we don't waste. *set morality %+10 *set honor %-5 *set dep_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) You take the pizza from ${dep_name} and split it in half. "We can't waste food right now, buddy. You can make half, which is more than you normally eat." ${dep_name} puts his finger to his temple. "That seems sensible." *label SensibleDep "Sensible? What a big word." "I surprised my teacher at school, too. I read lots of comics. Comic books make you smarter." *goto EndDepfood #I separate out two pieces and save the rest. We need to conserve. *set honor %-15 You take the pizza from ${dep_name} and split out two pieces. "We can't waste food right now, buddy. You can have two pieces, which is what you normally eat." "Okay, but just so you know, I'm super hungry," he says in an even tone, like he's stating news. *if persuasion >= 40 *set dep_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) "Okay, well if you're still hungry after this, we can make more." ${dep_name} puts his finger to his temple. "That seems sensible." *goto SensibleDep *elseif intimidation >= 45 *set dep_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) *set dep_treat %-10 You stare at ${dep_name}, and though you say no words, your displeasure is felt. "Two is fair," he says. "We're saving our food. It's sensible." *goto SensibleDep *else *set dep_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) *set dep_treat %-10 "Sorry. Two is all you get." ${dep_name} folds his arms across his chest and looks at the floor. "Two's good. I get it—we're saving our food. It's sensible." *goto SensibleDep *label EndDepfood *set timecount +50 As you wait for the oven to heat and the pizza to cook, you and ${dep_name} sit at the kitchen table. He picks up a can of soda and scrapes the empty can with his fingernail. *if not(spoke_dep_plans) *gosub DependentChat *comment end/ The oven timer dings, and you pull the pizza out. ${dep_name} eats in silence, and you can see his mind working as he sits at the kitchen table. He's right—you need a plan, and for now, you consider your next move. *goto ChapterChoices *label DependentChat *set spoke_dep_plans true *set timecount +25 "${name_call}, what are we going to do?" "We're going to stay here and be safe." "Yeah, but…we can't be here forever. *if found_out_sisters_dead We don't even need to be here now that Mom…" he says, but his words trail off. *if not(found_out_sisters_dead) We have to go find my mom, and we only have a little food left." *comment end/ "When we need to go out, we will. For now, this is the safest place." "Right, but we need a plan. Like Major Falcon in [i]Earth Saviors[/i] says. 'You always need a plan.' What's our plan?" ${dep_name} holds up a copy of his comic book and points at the graphic of a soldier in a green uniform with a falcon insignia. *if empathy >= 45 Knowing your nephew, he likes to help and give input into situations. *fake_choice #"I don't know yet, but you can count on me." *set truth %+10 *set morality %+10 *set dep_treat %+10 *set dep_faction %+(round(8+(empathy/5))) ${dep_name} smiles and slaps the table. "That's what Major Falcon would say! Have you read [i]Earth Saviors[/i]?" "Sorry. Can't say that I have." "That's okay. You see, Major Falcon leads the team," ${dep_name} says and begins a fifteen-minute tale of his favorite comic book. After today's events and the coming trials of tomorrow, you know any chance for him to relax and be a kid is worth your attention. #"That's a good question. Maybe you can help me make a plan," I say, just to make him feel like he's helping. *set truth %-10 *set morality %+10 *set dep_treat %+10 *set dep_faction %+(round(10+(empathy/5))) ${dep_name} smiles and leans across the table. "Of course I can help. Let me think about this." He walks to a counter and pulls out colored pencils and a pad of yellow lined paper, and back at the table he sketches and draws notes for some strategic initiative rattling around in his head. #"I don't know yet." *set truth %+10 *set morality %-5 *set dep_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) ${dep_name} bites the side of his mouth and looks up at the ceiling, which he does when deep in thought. "This could be a problem. Maybe I should work on a plan." He walks to a counter and pulls out colored pencils and a pad of yellow lined paper, and back at the table he sketches and draws notes for some strategic initiative rattling around in his head. #"Don't worry about plans. We'll do the best we can." *set honor %-10 *set dep_treat %-5 *set dep_faction %+(round(5+(empathy/5))) ${dep_name} bites the side of his mouth and looks up at the ceiling, which he does when deep in thought. "Well, okay for now, but we should figure out a plan at some point." He folds his arms and leans across the table, eyes fixed upon the window and the falling snow outside. #"Don't ask so many questions." *set morality %-10 *set dep_treat %-10 *set dep_faction %-(round(20-(empathy/10))) ${dep_name}'s eyes narrow. "Well, I have to ask questions. How else am I gonna learn things?" he asks in a high-pitched voice. *return *label CallSister *set timecount +50 *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/2.5)) *set found_out_sisters_dead true *set sister_contacted true The house phone has no dial tone, so you try St. Mary's Cancer Center on your smartphone. Busy signal. *if called_dep_school Just like when you tried to call ${dep_name}'s school, you redial over and over again. *if not(called_dep_school) You try again and again. After a dozen tries, someone answers. His voice shakes as he says, "St. Mary's Cancer Center." "I'm calling for a patient, last name is ${lastname}." "What is your relationship to Ms. ${lastname}?" *if doctor "I'm Dr. ${name}," you say in an authoritative tone. *if prof_military "I'm ${military_rank} ${name}," you say in a commanding tone. *if nurse "I'm ${name}, a nurse at St. Matthias Hospital," you say in an authoritative tone. *if cop "I'm Officer ${name} of the Nightfall Police Department," you say in an authoritative tone. *if scientist "I'm Dr. ${name}," you say in an authoritative tone. *if social_worker "I'm ${name}, a social worker at St. Matthias Hospital," you say in an authoritative tone. "She's my sister." Through the receiver, you hear alarms ringing, a crackling loudspeaker, screams, and shouts. The background noise makes hearing the receptionist almost impossible. *if hearing_impaired You adjust your hearing aid and can barely make out his voice. *comment end/ "Your sister…oh my god. I'm so sorry to tell you this over the phone. She's gone." "Gone? What do you mean, gone?" you yell, voice breaking. "I'm so sorry. She passed. I'm so sorry. You have no idea what's going on here. The police are moving the living. God help us. I'm so sorry." The line goes dead. *if short_fuse *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) You head into the first-floor bathroom, grab a towel, and scream into it as hard as you can. You spend a few minutes staring into the mirror, hand drawn back to punch it, but you opt for the wall instead. All your thoughts focus on your sister and how she died alone in a hospital in a far more violent way than the reason she was there, and the images swimming around your head are crushing. *if short_fuse You leave the bathroom and take a deep breath. *if dep_home Your nephew stares at you, his eyes swollen with tears and bottom lip quivering. *gosub TalkDepMom *if not(dep_home) *set need_to_tell_dep_mom true *comment end/ *gosub EndSisDied Time goes by, and you finally decide upon your next course of action. *goto {hold_spot} *label TalkDepMom *fake_choice #I hug him in my arms and comfort him as best I can. *set morality %+15 *set humanity %+10 You sit on the couch and open your arms. ${dep_name} straightens his back, arms by his side, and stares at you as tears slide down his cheeks. He walks forward, and with each step, the tears stream faster, and as he moves into your arms, the sobs overtake him. His body shakes, and you hug him, and this only seems to open the gates of emotion. #I sit him down and tell him the truth about his mother. *set truth %+15 *set honor %+15 "Come here," you say, waving ${dep_name} over. He stands still. "Listen, your mom…she…" You can't find the right words. How do you tell an eight-year-old his mom has passed away? "Your mother died. She was very sick, and I'm not sure how, but—" ${dep_name} runs forward and falls into your body. You wrap your arms around him, and this only seems to open the gates of emotion. He sobs and shakes, and though you cradle him and tell him everything will be okay and his mother is in a better place, his tears keep falling faster. #I tell him everything's okay with his mother. Now is not the time to tell him she died. *set truth %-15 "Everything's okay. She's just tired, and—" "You said she's gone," ${dep_name} yells, tears sliding down his cheeks. "You misunderstood me." "She's dead, and you're a liar! I want to talk to her if she's still here," he says and creeps closer toward you. With each step, the tears stream faster, and as he moves into your arms, the sobs overtake him. You don't even try to lie anymore; he knows the truth. His body shakes, and you hug him, and this only seems to open the gates of emotion. He falls into you and hugs you back, and there he stays until sleep overcomes him. *page_break You lay ${dep_name} across the couch and cover him with a blanket. He lost a mother, and you lost a sister. *return *label EndSisDied You're not sure how you feel, for a larger issue rushes into focus—survival. You might feel sad she's gone; hell, you might feel relieved she won't have to see the world turn to Armageddon, but whatever you feel, you know now is not the time to feel it. *if add_alc and not(add_nic) *set alcohol -1 You pop open a bottle of beer and drink until your thoughts disappear. *if add_alc and add_nic *set alcohol -1 *set w_cigarettes -1 You light a cigarette and take a hard drag. With your hands still shaking, you pop open a bottle of beer and drink until your thoughts disappear. *if add_nic and not(add_alc) *set w_cigarettes -1 You light up a cigarette and drag on it hard. *return *label DescZombie *if not(zombie_trench) A slender figure hobbles *if v_loc = "city" on your sidewalk, a man dressed in a blue blazer and black jeans. *if v_loc = "suburbs" across your lawn, a man dressed in a designer workout suit. *if v_loc = "country" across your back field, a man dressed in overalls and work boots. His arms hang by his side but bow outward, and his legs twitch as they take each step. When he turns toward the front of the house, you see the real signs of infection: the yellow skin, the green marks, the fogged-over eyes with dark pupils flitting around like goldfish in a cloudy bowl. Brown strands of drool waver from his mouth to his chin. And for some reason, whether coincidence or a hidden sense, he looks at your front door as if he knows something lives behind it. *return *label HouseAttackedByZombies *if dog_owner ${pet_name}'s ears pop up, and he rushes to the *if labrador window, sniffing wildly. A low growl emanates from his throat. *if husky window, sniffing wildly. A low howl emanates from his throat. *if germanshep window, staring rigidly toward the front of the house. His stance goes low to the ground. *if wolfhound front of your legs and stands at attention. *if chihuahua window, sniffing wildly. A low growl emanates from his throat. *if cat_owner ${pet_name} runs around in three quick circles and darts upstairs. *if setup_cameras Just then, your eyes catch movement in the camera feed on your laptop. *goto ZombieEarlyWarning *elseif alarm_system Just then, you hear bells ringing and realize something tripped your early warning system. You rush towards the sound of the bells in the front of the house and *if home_boarded peek through the space in the boards *if not(home_boarded) look past a curtain covering a side window. *goto ZombieEarlyWarning *elseif dug_trench *set zombie_trench true Just then, you hear heavy grunts and growls from the front of the house and rush to the window to *if home_boarded peek through the space in the boards covering a window. *if not(home_boarded) peer outside. The upper torso of a man pops up from one of the trenches you dug around the house. His arms flail and grasp at the dirt around the hole. When his head pivots, you see signs of infection: the yellow skin, the green marks, the fogged-over eyes with dark pupils flitting around like goldfish in a cloudy bowl. Brown strands of drool waver from his mouth to his chin. As you stand at the window staring out at the zombie, he claws and rakes and drags his body from the trench. Though it didn't stop him, the trench bought you time to figure out how to deal with him. *goto ZombieEarlyWarning *elseif search >= 55 Just then, your eyes catch movement through *if home_boarded space in the boards covering the front window, and you peer outside. *goto ZombieEarlyWarning *else Just then, the front door rattles, and you spin to face it just as the pounding starts. An inhuman growl calls out through the door as long, solid thuds shake the doorframe. *goto ZombieEarlyWarning *label ZombieEarlyWarning *gosub DescZombie *if secure_perimeter As he walks up the steps to your house, his movement becomes erratic, and he lifts his legs high in the air. Dark blood droplets appear behind each step. You notice the nails you laid out before are bent and coated in the infected man's blood. He climbs the stairs and stops at the front door, eyes fixed forward and head tilted to the side. *if dependent "It's one of those things," ${dep_name} says as he stares out the window. *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/2)) *label ZombieChoice *choice *if dependent #Tell ${dep_name} to go upstairs and wait there until all is clear. *set dep_here false *set morality %+10 *if morality >= 50 "${dep_name}, please go upstairs. It's not safe down here while that thing is outside," you say in a calm voice. *if morality < 50 "${dep_name}, get upstairs now," you say. *comment end/ ${dep_name} looks from you to the window and back to you again. His body shakes, and he holds his hands by his side. "Okay, ${name_call}. *if dog_owner and dog_here *set dog_here false Is it all right if I take ${pet_name} with me?" "Yes, just hurry up and be as quiet as you can, please." ${dep_name} nods and calls ${pet_name} over. *if labrador or (wolfhound or chihuahua) The dog rushes to your nephew's side and follows him up to the second floor. *if germanshep or husky The dog looks at you and waits for permission to go. You wave it away, and he follows you nephew up to the second floor. *if (dog_owner = false) or (dog_here = false) "I'll be real quiet." Your nephew scrambles up to the second floor. *comment end/ With ${dep_name} out of the way, you consider how to deal with the zombie. *goto ZombieChoice *if dog_owner and dog_here #Lock ${pet_name} in an upstairs bedroom to keep him from making noise and to ensure his safety should the zombie get in. *set morality %+10 *set dog_here false *if labrador or husky You take ${pet_name} by the collar and usher him upstairs. His feet drag along the floor, but you coax him up to the second floor and into your bedroom. He tries to follow you back to the hallway, but you close the door. He yelps and barks as you head downstairs. *if germanshep or wolfhound You call ${pet_name} to the stairs, and he follows you up to the second floor. "Good boy," you say and feed him a treat as he heads into your bedroom and sits on the floor. As you close the door, you hear him stand and scratch at the door, but you head back downstairs. *if chihuahua You lift ${pet_name} and cover his mouth while you head upstairs. High-pitched yelps pierce your fingers. "Sorry buddy, but I can't have you barking," you say and set him down in your bedroom. Once his paws hit the floor, he spins and runs toward the hallway, but you close the door. He yips and whines and scratches as you head downstairs. *comment end/ You look through the window; the zombie stands motionless on your porch. *goto ZombieChoice #There's no way he can break in. He'll eventually wander away. *set ideal %+10 *set impulse %-10 You keep watch through the window on the infected man on the porch, who seems intent right now to stand and stare at your front door. And you stare. Sweat drips across your nose until it plops on the windowsill. The lone figure's shadow shifts as the sun crosses the sky. Nothing moves, no sound is made, and time slithers by. *if dog_here ${pet_name} sits by your side for so long, he seems calm or bored. *if dep_here ${dep_name} hangs at the other first-floor window, peeking through the thick blankets. *comment end/ With no warning, the zombie lashes out and pounds the door. *label HomeDefense *set timecount +75 *if home_defense >= 1 *set home_damage (8 - home_defense) *set home_defense (home_defense - (round(home_damage/2))) *if home_defense < 1 *set home_defense 0 The thick boards across the door bulge with each thunderous crack. He butts his shoulder and head against the solid door and kicks with one undead foot to push through the wood. Each hammer sends a shock wave through the door. *if dog_here ${pet_name} sprawls at the front of your house, legs poised to leap at the infected man should he break through. *if dep_here ${dep_name} bolts from the window and runs into the kitchen, and you hear the clamor of tables and chairs. You spot him hiding under the kitchen table. *comment end/ *if home_defense >= 3 *set zombie_outcome 6 *set home_damage +1 You stand in wait and can't help but wonder if the man will break through. What should you do if he does? Is the best choice to do nothing while he claws and pounds at the door? A truck engine roars down the cross street by your home, and the zombie's head jerks away. His eyes narrow and mouth flares open, showing crooked, pure-white teeth. Blood coats his arms and hands where he hammered the door. His body lumbers to the side, towards the sound of the noisy motor, and he rushes down the front steps of your house. He continues down the path and leaves your property, content to chase the passing vehicle. *goto AfterZombie *else *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) *set home_damage +3 Another heavy hit and the front door splits down the center. The hinges creak and screws hit the floor. The foot of the creature kicks through the wood, which makes a hole, and then his head pushes through. You jump back and prepare to defend yourself as the zombie clears the hole. *goto FightZombie *else *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) *set home_damage +4 The thick door bulges with each thunderous crack. He butts his shoulder and head against the solid surface and kicks with one undead foot to push through the wood. Each hammer sends a shock wave through the door. *if dog_here ${pet_name} sprawls at the front of your house, legs poised to leap at the infected man should he break through. *if dep_here ${dep_name} bolts from the window and runs into the kitchen, and you hear the clamor of tables and chairs. You spot him hiding under the kitchen table. *comment end/ Another heavy hit and the front door splits down the center. The hinges creak and screws hit the floor. The foot of the creature kicks through the wood, which makes a hole, and then his head pushes through. You jump back and prepare to defend yourself as the zombie clears the hole. *goto FightZombie #Without hesitation, I kill him. He might attract other zombies or find a way inside. *set impulse %+15 *set zombie_outcome 1 The zombie stands at your front door, his eyes searching for a way in. He's not going anywhere and needs to be put out of his unliving misery. *if ((p_weapon = "") or (s_weapon = "")) or ((p_weapon = "none") or (s_weapon = "none")) *label ChooseNew You look around the room and consider the weapons you'll use to kill the zombie. For a primary weapon, you choose the… *set p_weapon "" *set temp_weapon "p_weapon" *set temp_mod "p_mod" *set temp_class "p_class" *set temp_weaponmode "p_weaponmode" *set temp_range "p_range" *set temp_type "p_type" *set temp_ammo "p_ammo" *set temp_arrow "p_arrow" *set temp_lethal "p_lethal" *set temp_ammo_num "p_ammo_num" *gosub_scene LoadWeapons *gosub_scene WeaponSelect As your backup weapon, you choose the… *set temp_weapon "s_weapon" *set temp_mod "s_mod" *set temp_class "s_class" *set temp_weaponmode "s_weaponmode" *set temp_range "s_range" *set temp_type "s_type" *set temp_ammo "s_ammo" *set temp_arrow "s_arrow" *set temp_lethal "s_lethal" *set temp_ammo_num "s_ammo_num" *gosub_scene LoadWeapons *gosub_scene WeaponSelect *goto KillZombie *else You consider your weapons—${p_weapon} and ${s_weapon}. *choice #I use these weapons. *goto KillZombie #I choose new weapons. *goto ChooseNew #I'll sneak around the house and deal with him out in the open. *set honor %-15 The zombie stands at your front door, his eyes searching for a way in. He's not going anywhere and needs to be put out of his unliving misery. *if night_blindness and (timecount >= 2000) *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) Unfortunately, with your night blindness, there's no way you're going to be sneaking around right now. You'll have to think of another way to deal with him. *goto ZombieChoice *if ((p_weapon = "") or (s_weapon = "")) or ((p_weapon = "none") or (s_weapon = "none")) *label WeaponsSneak You look around the room and consider the weapons you'll use to kill the zombie. For a primary weapon, you choose the… *set p_weapon "" *set temp_weapon "p_weapon" *set temp_mod "p_mod" *set temp_class "p_class" *set temp_weaponmode "p_weaponmode" *set temp_range "p_range" *set temp_type "p_type" *set temp_ammo "p_ammo" *set temp_arrow "p_arrow" *set temp_lethal "p_lethal" *set temp_ammo_num "p_ammo_num" *gosub_scene LoadWeapons *gosub_scene WeaponSelect As your backup weapon, you choose the… *set temp_weapon "s_weapon" *set temp_mod "s_mod" *set temp_class "s_class" *set temp_weaponmode "s_weaponmode" *set temp_range "s_range" *set temp_type "s_type" *set temp_ammo "s_ammo" *set temp_arrow "s_arrow" *set temp_lethal "s_lethal" *set temp_ammo_num "s_ammo_num" *gosub_scene LoadWeapons *gosub_scene WeaponSelect *goto SneakKill *else You consider your weapons—${p_weapon} and ${s_weapon}. *choice #I use these weapons. *goto SneakKill #I choose new weapons. *goto WeaponsSneak *label SneakKill You head to the kitchen and unlock the back door. *if pet_owner "Stay here, ${pet_name}," you say as he looks past you at the back yard. *if dep_here "What are you doing?" ${dep_name} asks. "I'm going to get rid of that man." As you close the door, you hear the soft patter of his feet running away. *comment end/ You cross the yard and leave through the back gate, then circle around your property out to the main road. Your neighborhood is quiet, and the ground is slick from melting snow banks. In front of your house, the zombie stands on your porch, a slight unsteady stance like a tree blowing in gusts of wind. You crouch and creep along the *if v_loc = "city" parked cars and neighbor's trash cans. Today was trash pick-up day, but apparently the outbreak delayed it. *if (v_loc = "suburbs") or (v_loc = "country") property line, moving between the bushes and trees for cover. You move in close to the infected man, who faces away from you, unaware of your approach. *if stealth >= 35 *goto SneakZombie *else But as you hit the pavement outside of your house, his head jerks to the side, and his mouth cranes open. *goto FailedSneak *label FightZombie *set zombie_outcome 1 The zombie bursts inside, hands outstretched and swinging in wild swipes, growls filling the air. You fall back near the couch in the center of the room, nearly tripping over the edge of an area rug. *if dep_here ${dep_name} screams and runs into the kitchen. The zombie ignores him and comes at you, hands reaching for your throat. You twist away and kick the coffee table into the zombie's legs, sending him to the floor. While the infected man tries to stand up, you consider how to deal with him. *goto ZChoices *elseif dog_here ${pet_name} *if labrador bounds forward, tail wagging and jumping with his front paws out. *if husky or (germanshep or chihuahua) bounds forward, snapping and barking at the strange man. *if wolfhound runs in front of you, quietly growling at the strange man. The zombie swats at the dog, which hops to the side. While the infected man's distracted, you consider how to deal with him. *goto ZChoices *else The infected man wastes no time in rushing towards you, and in that split second, you decide to… *goto ZChoices *label ZChoices *choice #Attack the zombie. *goto UseWeapon #Lead him into the basement and trap him inside. *goto LeadZombie #Get him to follow me outside. *goto OutsideZombie *label CheckArmor Leaning back, you trip over your own feet. *if armor = "Kevlar vest" You feel pressure near your ribs, but your Kevlar vest absorbs the impact. Your brain barely registers the twinge as the infected man dives *if armor != "Kevlar vest" *set injured_to_zombie true You feel a sudden sharp twinge near your ribs, but you're focused on the infected man, who dives down, teeth gnashing. *return *label UseWeapon *set timecount +25 *if (p_weapon = "pepper spray") *set know_brain_kill true *set peppered_zombie true *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) You raise the canister and spray the zombie. It seems little more than a nuisance, and he rushes forward and swats at your face. *gosub CheckArmor *set hold_spot "AfterKill" *goto BackupAttack *elseif (p_weapon = "taser") *set know_brain_kill true *set tasered_zombie true *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) You raise the taser and fire at the zombie. You hear the distinct sound of the electrical charge, but it seems little more than a nuisance, and he rushes forward and swats at your face. *gosub CheckArmor *set hold_spot "AfterKill" *goto BackupAttack *elseif p_type = "ranged" You raise the ${p_weapon}. *if shot_zombie_before You've fired at a zombie before. *if (shot_zombie_before = false) and (killed_human_before) You've shot someone before, but never a zombie, and this shot feels more important. *if ranged >= 60 *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/5)) The weapon feels light in your hands, and moving targets have never given you trouble. But this is different. *if (ranged >= 30) and (ranged < 60) *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/6)) *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/3)) The target moves in an erratic pattern. Your pulse quickens and mouth goes dry. Sweat wets your palms, but you hold the ${p_weapon} steady, knowing this shot means everything. *if ranged < 30 *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/4)) *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/2.5)) You're no professional with this weapon and pray you can hit this thing. The target moves in an erratic pattern. Your pulse quickens and mouth goes dry. Your stomach churns. The ${p_weapon} shakes. This zombie, this thing, has one purpose—to kill. You can't reason with it, and he can't be scared into submission or ordered to stop. If you miss, there's a good chance you'll die, and those odds are terrible. *if (p_weapon = "crossbow") You pull the trigger and hear the sharp twang of the drawstring. *if know_brain_kill *goto HeadShot *else *set know_brain_kill true The bolt tears through his neck, and the force of impact spins him around. Blood dribbles from the wound down his torso, and his eyes focus upon you. [i]How the hell is he still standing?[/i] The zombie lumbers forward, and you reload and fire. His body jerks from the impact to his shoulder, but he keeps rushing forward. Sidestepping his attack, you reload again. You feel *if armor = "Kevlar vest" pressure near your ribs, but your Kevlar vest absorbs the impact of the infected man's clawed hand. As he swings again, you jump back and *if armor != "Kevlar vest" *set injured_to_zombie true a sudden sharp twinge near your ribs, and your hands strain to steady the crossbow. The zombie reaches out, and you jam the weapon into his face and pull the trigger. Blood flies from the back of the man's head, and the bolt sticks through the eye socket and out of the back of his skull. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto AfterKill *elseif (p_weapon = "compound bow") You draw the string and let it loose. You hear a [i]swoosh[/i] as the arrow flies. *if know_brain_kill *goto HeadShot *else *set know_brain_kill true The arrow tears through his neck, and the force of impact spins him around. Blood dribbles from the wound down his torso, and his eyes focus upon you. [i]How the hell is he still standing?[/i] The zombie lumbers forward, and you reload, draw, and fire. His body jerks from the impact to his shoulder, but he keeps rushing forward. Sidestepping his attack, you nock another arrow and try to turn to line up a shot. You feel *if armor = "Kevlar vest" pressure near your ribs, but your Kevlar vest absorbs the impact of the infected man's clawed hand. As he swings again, you jump back and *if armor != "Kevlar vest" *set injured_to_zombie true a sudden sharp twinge near your ribs, and your hands strain to steady the bow. The zombie reaches out, and you raise the weapon to his face and release the string. Blood flies from the back of the man's head, and the bolt sticks through the eye socket and out of the back of his skull. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto AfterKill *elseif (p_weapon = "shotgun") You squeeze the trigger and hear the heavy sound of the weapon firing. *if know_brain_kill The zombie's head cracks in half, and his body seizes up. Blood and bone disintegrate from the man's head. The base of his jaw is missing, along with all of the other parts up to the eye, which hangs out of what's left and still blinks. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto AfterKill *else *set know_brain_kill true The buckshot tears through his stomach, and the force of impact spins him around. Blood spouts from the wound, and you can see straight through the cavity the blast created. Organs undulate and veins dangle like loose wires around the hole. [i]How the hell is he still standing?[/i] The zombie lumbers forward, and you fire again, hitting his shoulder. His body jerks from the impact, but he keeps rushing forward. You sidestep his attack and fire again, this time hitting his hip. A chunk of flesh and bone fly off of his body, and his torso twists as if dislocated. You feel *if armor = "Kevlar vest" pressure near your ribs, but your Kevlar vest absorbs the impact of the infected man's clawed hand. As he swings again, you jump back and *if armor != "Kevlar vest" *set injured_to_zombie true a sudden sharp twinge near your ribs, and your hands strain to steady the weapon. The zombie reaches out, and you jam the weapon into his face and pull the trigger. You cry out. Blood and bone disintegrate from the man's head. The base of his jaw is missing, along with all of the other parts up to the eye, which hangs out of what's left and still blinks. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto AfterKill *else You squeeze the trigger. The weapon jolts. *if know_brain_kill *label HeadShot The zombie's head flops backward in one swift motion, and his body seizes up, legs stiffening and arms straightening to the side. A moaning whimper seeps from his mouth. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto AfterKill *else *set know_brain_kill true The bullet tears through his neck and spins him around. Blood dribbles from the wound down his torso, and his eyes focus upon you. [i]How the hell is he still standing?[/i] The zombie lumbers forward, and you fire again. His body jerks, but he keeps moving, unaffected by the impact of the shot. You sidestep his attack and fire over and over again. Evading his attacks as best you can, he swings a clawed hand and hits your side near your ribs. You feel *if armor = "Kevlar vest" pressure, but your Kevlar vest absorbs the blow. As he swings again, you jump back and *if armor != "Kevlar vest" *set injured_to_zombie true a sudden sharp twinge, but you keep focus upon the zombie. Your hands strain to hold the ${p_weapon} up. His hands reach out to grab you, but you jam the weapon's barrel into his face and pull the trigger. You yell. Blood flies from the man's head. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto AfterKill *elseif (p_weapon = "hands") *set hold_spot "AfterKill" *goto FirstBareHands *else You raise the ${p_weapon}. *if ccw >= 50 *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/5)) You've been trained to use this weapon. It feels light, and your muscles are relaxed. This should be the same as countless other times you've attacked before. But this is different. This fight means more. This zombie, this thing, has one purpose—to kill. *if (ccw >= 40) and (ccw < 50) *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) *if hit_zombie_before You've hit a zombie before, but this time feels different. *if not(hit_zombie_before) You've never swung this weapon at a human before with as much purpose. The weapon feels heavy, your muscles tense. The target moves in an erratic pattern. Your pulse quickens and mouth goes dry. Sweat wets your palms, but you hold the ${p_weapon} steady. You know this means everything. *if ccw < 40 *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/3)) *if hit_zombie_before You've hit a zombie before, but this time feels different. *if not(hit_zombie_before) You've never held a weapon like this before, especially to kill something. The weapon feels heavy, your muscles tense. The target moves in an erratic pattern. Your pulse quickens and mouth goes dry. Your stomach churns. The ${p_weapon} shakes. You know this means everything. *comment end/ The zombie lumbers forward, cranes his mouth wide, and lifts his hands. Strands of thick saliva connect his top and bottom rows of teeth, and a long tongue darts out of his mouth like a hissing snake. *if (p_class = "club") You swing. *if know_brain_kill Knowing the only way to kill the infected is by destroying the brain, you aim for the head. The ${p_weapon} cracks the zombie's skull, shattering the bone in one blow. A large wad of flesh hangs off of his forehead, exposing the brownish-pink brain behind it. His body seizes up, and a low growl rises in his throat. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. He stirs, and you step forward and bring the ${p_weapon} down once more and end the zombie's life. *goto AfterKill *else *set know_brain_kill true The ${p_weapon} cracks the zombie's neck, knocking his head to the side. A bone splits from his throat, and he spins from the force of the impact. Blood dribbles from the wound down his torso, and his eyes focus upon you. [i]How the hell is he still standing?[/i] The zombie lunges, and you swing again. The weapon collides with his chest, cracking the bony plate, and he jerks backward. His hands reach out to grab you, teeth gnashing, but you bring the ${p_weapon} down on his wrist, splitting the long bone. The blow knocks his arm away, but he keeps coming, unfazed. His eyes never leave their target, and his hands reach out to grab you, teeth gnashing. You sidestep his next attack and swing over and over again. No bruise, no injury seems to matter, and your arms grow tired from the constant effort. At one point, you dodge an attack, trip and fall, and feel a sudden sharp pressure over your ribs. *if armor = "Kevlar vest" Your Kevlar vest absorbs the blow. *if armor != "Kevlar vest" *set injured_to_zombie true You struggle to rise and evade his teeth from snapping on your face. Finally, one blow bashes his skull, and his head lolls to the side and body seizes up. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto AfterKill *elseif (p_class = "sword") You swing. *if know_brain_kill Knowing the only way to kill the infected is by destroying the brain, you aim for the head. The top edge of the ${p_weapon} slices the zombie's skull just above the ear. Blood and flesh fly from your blade as the zombie's head flops forward, his body seizing up. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. He stirs, and you step forward and bring the ${p_weapon} down once more, ending the zombie's life. *goto AfterKill *else *set know_brain_kill true The top edge of the ${p_weapon} slices the zombie's neck. A clot of blood spits from it, and he spins to the side from the force of the blade's impact. Blood dribbles from the wound down his torso, and his eyes focus upon you. [i]How the hell is he still standing?[/i] The zombie lunges, and you swing again. The weapon slashes through the flesh of his chest, and he jerks backward. His eyes never leave their target, and his hands reach out to grab you, teeth gnashing. You bring the ${p_weapon} down on his wrist, slicing the long bone. The blow knocks his arm away, but he keeps coming, unfazed. You sidestep his next attack and swing over and over again. No cut, no injury seems to matter, and your arms grow tired from the constant effort. At one point, you dodge an attack, trip and fall, and feel sudden sharp pressure over your ribs. *if armor = "Kevlar vest" Your Kevlar vest absorbs the blow. *if armor != "Kevlar vest" *set injured_to_zombie true You struggle to rise and evade his teeth from snapping on your face. Finally, one slash cleaves his skull, and his head lolls to the side. His body seizes up, and a low growl rises in his throat. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto AfterKill *elseif (p_class = "hack") *if know_brain_kill Knowing the only way to kill the infected is by destroying the brain, you aim for the head. The tip of the ${p_weapon} splits the zombie's skull. A large wad of flesh hangs off of his forehead, exposing brownish-pink brain behind it. His body seizes up, and a low growl rises in his throat. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. He stirs, and you step forward and bring the ${p_weapon} down once more, ending the zombie's life. *goto AfterKill *else *set know_brain_kill true The tip of the ${p_weapon} splits the zombie's neck, a thick line of blood shooting out of the wound. A bone juts through his throat, and he spins in a semi-circle from the force of the impact. Blood dribbles from the wound down his torso, and his eyes focus upon you. [i]How the hell is he still standing?[/i] The zombie lunges, and you swing again. The weapon slashes through the flesh of his chest, and he jerks backward. His eyes never leave their target, and his hands reach out to grab you, teeth gnashing. You bring the ${p_weapon} down on his wrist, hacking the long bone. The blow knocks his arm away, but he keeps coming, unfazed. You sidestep his next attack and swing over and over again. No cut, no injury seems to matter, and your arms grow tired from the constant effort. At one point, you dodge an attack, trip and fall, and feel a sudden sharp pressure over your ribs. *if armor = "Kevlar vest" Your Kevlar vest absorbs the blow. *if armor != "Kevlar vest" *set injured_to_zombie true You struggle to rise and evade his teeth from snapping on your face. Finally, one slash cleaves his skull, and his head lolls to the side and body seizes up. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto AfterKill *else *if know_brain_kill Knowing the only way to kill the infected is by destroying the brain, you aim for the head. The edge of the ${p_weapon} slides into the zombie's skull just above the ear. You draw away the blade with a quick snap, and blood and flesh fly off the edge as the zombie's head flops forward. His body seizes up, and a low growl rises in his throat. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. He stirs, and you step forward and bring the ${p_weapon} down once more, ending the zombie's life. *goto AfterKill *else *set know_brain_kill true The top edge of the ${p_weapon} slices the zombie's neck. A clot of blood spits from it, and he spins to the side from the force of the impact. Blood dribbles from the wound down his torso, and his eyes focus upon you. [i]How the hell is he still standing?[/i] The zombie lunges, and you swing again. His body jerks, but he keeps rushing forward. His eyes never leave their target, and his hands reach out to grab you, teeth gnashing. You bring the ${p_weapon} down across his wrist, cutting the long bone. The blow knocks his arm away, but he keeps coming, unfazed. You sidestep his next attack and swing over and over again. No cut, no injury seems to matter, and your arms grow tired from the constant effort. At one point, you dodge an attack, trip and fall, and feel a sudden sharp pressure over your ribs. *if armor = "Kevlar vest" Your Kevlar vest absorbs the blow. *if armor != "Kevlar vest" *set injured_to_zombie true You struggle to rise and evade his teeth from snapping on your face. Finally, one thrust impales his skull, and his head lolls to the side and body seizes up. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto AfterKill *label LeadZombie *set timecount +50 *set zombie_outcome 4 *set zombie_in_basement true *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/2.5)) *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/2.5)) The broken step. You run upstairs, and the zombie follows. He grunts and growls from behind, and you muster all of your strength to stay ahead of him. At the top of the stairs, you turn the corner and run towards the master bedroom. Knowing the layout of your house helps you predict turns, but the zombie keeps pace with an endless amount of energy and persistence. You stay just out of reach, constantly feeling the weight of his presence, the stench of his decomposing body. Past your bed and out of the room, you lead the zombie into the hall, taking him on a tour of the second floor. You rush back downstairs. *if dependent and dep_here "${dep_name}, open the cellar door, now!" you yell. Your nephew appears below and swings the door open just past the stairs. You leap over the broken bottom two steps and land at the foot of the cellar. Sidestepping, you push your nephew to the side with you. The zombie barrels down the stairs and hits the bottom step, which angles with his weight. He falters and tumbles forward. His fingers scrape the cellar wall to slow his descent, but he falls face-first into the darkness of the waiting cellar. *if (dependent = false) or (dep_here = false) Just as you reach the bottom, you leap over the broken bottom two steps and land at the foot of the cellar. Sidestepping, you yank the cellar door open. The zombie barrels down the stairs and hits the bottom step, which angles with his weight. He falters and tumbles forward. His fingers scrape the cellar wall to slow his descent, but he falls face-first into the darkness of the waiting cellar. *comment end/ You slam the cellar door shut, bar it closed, and collapse to the floor, exhausted. *goto AfterZombie *label OutsideZombie *set zombie_outcome 5 *set timecount +50 *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/3)) You don't need to kill the zombie, but you need him out of your house. You run to the kitchen, eyes on the back door, hoping to lead him through the yard and lose him in the chase. The zombie stays on your heels, grunting and growling, and you navigate around the kitchen table, knocking over chairs and the trash can to block the man's movement. You crash into the door, scramble to unlock it, throw it open, and dash into the yard. *if v_loc = "city" Crossing the narrow distance to the back gate, you slide the bolt barring it shut and rush through the opening. The zombie lumbers from the house and swipes at your back just as you make it into the alley. *if athletics >= 45 *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/6)) He barrels after you, missing and crashing into the alley wall. Wasting no time, you climb back over the high stone wall surrounding your yard. The zombie leaps and claws at your leg just as you pull it over. You land and close the yard door, knowing the metal gate will keep him out. Back inside your kitchen, you slam the door shut and drop into a kitchen chair to rest. *if athletics < 45 *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/7)) *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/4)) You slam the door shut and rush through the narrow path leading away from your house. You hear the zombie as he storms into the alley, his howls more desperate. The alley turns, and you continue along the narrow, stone-walled corridor until you come to a neighboring yard with the back door open. Stepping inside, you swing the door closed, taking care to make no noise, and wait. The zombie growls as it passes, and you crouch, still and quiet. His grunts grow faint. Minutes pass, and when you feel like he's truly gone, you slip from the yard and return to your house. Once you've reached the kitchen and locked the back door, you collapse to the floor, exhausted. *goto AfterZombie *else As the zombie bursts from the kitchen, you rush across the yard and fling open the back gate. He barrels after you, and you sprint through a small grass field past your house. *if athletics >= 45 *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/6)) A grove of tight trees block a path turning towards the main road, and you leap through the middle and land on a bed of weeds. The zombie slams into the tangle of tree trunks, momentum knocking him to the ground. While he struggles to rise, you cut back toward your home and climb over the side wall to your yard. The zombie rises and lunges toward you, slamming his body into the fence. You land and close the yard door, locking him out. Back inside your kitchen, you slam the door shut and drop into a kitchen chair to rest. *if athletics < 45 *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/7)) *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/4)) You hear the zombie as he storms out, but you run with purpose. His howls grow closer and more desperate, and you hear the pounding of his shoes on the wet ground. The melting snow runs through the grass, and you keep watch for patches of ice. If you slip or falter even once, it likely means your death. Ahead of you, a small playground sits in the back lot of a toy store. You run around the see-saw and jungle gym and leap over the corner of a sandbox, which is muddy from a snowdrift. You glance back and spot the zombie stepping into the box and slipping in the mud-filled pile. His face hits the concrete, leaving a smear of blood as he looks up. As he tries to rise, his hands slip on the ice, sending him crashing down again. While the zombie struggles to stand, you cut back, run from the playground, and run home. The zombie's grunts grow faint, and you slip into your yard and return to your house. Once you've reached the kitchen and locked the back door, you collapse to the floor, exhausted. *goto AfterZombie *label KillZombie You unlock the door and remove the wood you laid against the frame. As the door swings open, you retreat a few steps. *if dep_here ${dep_name} screams and runs into the kitchen. *if dog_here ${pet_name} *if labrador bounds forward, tail wagging and jumping with his front paws out. *if husky or (germanshep or chihuahua) bounds forward, snapping and barking at the strange man. *if wolfhound runs in front of you, quietly growling at the strange man. The zombie swats at the dog, which hops to the side. *comment end/ *if trap_door *set zombie_outcome 6 The zombie crosses the threshold and snags his leg against the clothesline set along the floor. The trap you set earlier works—the nail-spiked board slashes across the zombie's path and smashes his legs and lower torso. The barbs rip into his skin, holding him in place. He twists and tears at the board to free himself, and you prepare to defend yourself if he gets loose. But in one swift motion, he tears the board off the wall, spins his body around, tumbles on the threshold, and falls to the ground. You hear a meaty thud; one of the large nails has impaled the base of his skull. Blood seeps from the man's head. The nail sticks through his skull past his eyes. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. *goto AfterKill *else *goto UseWeapon *label FailedSneak *set timecount +50 *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/5)) *if (p_weapon = "pepper spray") *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) *set peppered_zombie true You raise the canister of pepper spray and shoot the zombie. It seems little more than a nuisance, and he rushes forward and swats at your face. You lean back, trip over a crack in the sidewalk, and feel *if armor = "Kevlar vest" a sudden pressure in your ribs. Your Kevlar vest absorbs the blow. Before you can rise, the infected man *if armor != "Kevlar vest" *set injured_to_zombie true a sudden, sharp jab in your ribs. You block out the pain and focus upon the infected man, who dives down, teeth gnashing. You kick out and shove the man to the side. He slips on a patch of snow, and you use the opportunity to hop up. Rushing down the sidewalk, you try to come up with a new plan. You hear the zombie close behind, the sound of his growling getting closer and louder. You run alongside a parked car and lose your balance on a patch of ice. Dropping to the ground, your butt hits the floor, and the zombie rushes forward. When he hits the ice, he slips as well, and his head slams into the car so hard that he cracks the window. *set hold_spot "AfterKill" *goto BackupAttack *elseif (p_weapon = "taser") *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) *set tasered_zombie true You raise the taser and shoot the zombie. The barb flips out and attaches to his cheek, and you hear the electrical discharge. It seems little more than a nuisance, and he rushes forward and swats at your face. You lean back, trip over a crack in the sidewalk, and feel *if armor = "Kevlar vest" a sudden pressure in your ribs. Your Kevlar vest absorbs the blow. Before you can rise, the infected man *if armor != "Kevlar vest" *set injured_to_zombie true a sudden, sharp jab in your ribs. You block out the pain and focus upon the infected man, who dives down, teeth gnashing. You kick out and shove the man to the side. He slips on a patch of snow, and you use the opportunity to hop up. Rushing down the sidewalk, you try to come up with a new plan. You hear the zombie close behind, the sound of his growling getting closer and louder. You run alongside a parked car and lose your balance on a patch of ice. Dropping to the ground, your butt hits the floor, and the zombie rushes forward. When he hits the ice, he slips as well, and his head slams into the car so hard that he cracks the window. *set hold_spot "AfterKill" *goto BackupAttack *elseif p_type = "ranged" *if shot_zombie_before You've fired at a zombie before. *if (shot_zombie_before = false) and (killed_human_before) You've shot someone before, but never a zombie, and this shot feels more important. You raise your ${p_weapon}. *if ranged >= 60 *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/5)) You've fired it many times. It feels light in your hands, and moving targets have never given you trouble. But this is different. *if (ranged >= 30) and (ranged < 60) *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/10)) *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/3)) You haven't fired this weapon much before, or any weapon for that matter. It feels heavy in your hands. The target moves in an erratic pattern. Your pulse quickens and mouth goes dry. Sweat wets your palms, but you hold the ${p_weapon} steady. You know this shot means everything. *if ranged < 30 *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/2.5)) You've never fired a weapon before. It feels heavy in your hands. The target moves in an erratic pattern. Your pulse quickens and mouth goes dry. Your stomach churns. The ${p_weapon} shakes. You know this shot means everything. This zombie, this thing, has one purpose—to kill. You can't reason with it. He can't be scared into submission. He can't be ordered to stop. If you miss, there's a good chance you'll die, and those odds are terrible. *if (p_weapon = "crossbow") You pull the trigger and hear the sharp twang of the drawstring. *if know_brain_kill *goto HeadKill *else *set know_brain_kill true The bolt tears through his neck, and the force of the impact spins him around. Blood dribbles from the wound down his torso, and his eyes focus upon you. [i]How the hell is he still standing?[/i] The zombie lumbers forward, and you reload and fire. His body jerks from the impact, but he keeps rushing forward. You sidestep his attack and reload again. Your hands strain to steady the crossbow, and the zombie reaches out to grab you. You jam the weapon into his face and pull the trigger. You yell. Blood flies from the man's head. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto KillOutside *elseif (p_weapon = "compound bow") You draw the string and let it loose. You hear a [i]swoosh[/i] as the arrow flies. *if know_brain_kill *goto HeadKill *else *set know_brain_kill true The arrow tears through his neck, and the force of the impact spins him around. Blood dribbles from the wound down his torso, and his eyes focus upon you. [i]How the hell is he still standing?[/i] The zombie lumbers forward, and you reload, draw, and fire. His body jerks, but he keeps rushing forward. You sidestep his attack and draw another arrow. Your hands strain to steady the bow, and the zombie reaches out to grab you. You jam the weapon into his face and pull the trigger. You yell. Blood flies from the man's head. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto KillOutside *elseif (p_weapon = "shotgun") You squeeze the trigger and hear the heavy sound of the weapon firing. *if know_brain_kill The zombie's head cracks in half, and his body seizes up. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto KillOutside *else *set know_brain_kill true The buckshot tears through his stomach, and the force of the impact spins him around. Blood dribbles from the wound down his torso, and his eyes focus upon you. [i]How the hell is he still standing?[/i] The zombie lumbers forward, and you fire again. His body jerks, but he keeps rushing forward. You sidestep his attack and fire again, this time hitting his hip. Your hands strain to steady the shotgun, and the zombie reaches out to grab you. You jam the weapon into his face and pull the trigger. You yell. Blood and bone flies from the man's head. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto KillOutside *else You squeeze the trigger. The weapon jolts. *if know_brain_kill *label HeadKill A dark spot opens in the zombie's head, which snaps backward. His growl dies in his throat, and his jaw clenches shut. The wound on his forehead leaks a brown, milky fluid, and the zombie's body seizes up and falls over. *goto KillOutside *else *set know_brain_kill true The bullet tears through his neck and spins him around. Blood dribbles from the wound down his torso, and his eyes focus upon you. [i]How the hell is he still standing?[/i] The zombie lumbers forward, and you fire again. His body jerks, but he keeps rushing forward. You sidestep his attack and fire over and over again. His hands reach out to grab you, and you jam the weapon's barrel into his face and pull the trigger. You yell. Blood flies from the man's head. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto KillOutside *elseif (p_weapon = "hands") *set hold_spot "KillOutside" *goto FirstBareHands *else You raise the ${p_weapon}. *if ccw >= 50 You've been trained to use this weapon. It feels light, and your muscles are relaxed. This should be the same as countless other times you've attacked before. But this is different. This fight means more. This zombie, this thing, has one purpose—to kill. *if (ccw >= 40) and (ccw < 50) *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/10)) You've never swung this weapon at a human before with so much purpose. It feels heavy, and your muscles are tense. The target moves in an erratic pattern. Your pulse quickens and mouth goes dry. Sweat wets your palms, but you hold the ${p_weapon} steady. You know this swing means everything. *if ccw < 40 *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) You've never held a weapon like this before, especially to kill something. It feels heavy, your muscles tense. The target moves in an erratic pattern. Your pulse quickens and mouth goes dry. Your stomach churns. The ${p_weapon} shakes. You know this swing means everything. *comment end/ *if (p_class = "club") You swing. *if know_brain_kill Knowing the only way to kill the infected is by destroying the brain, you aim for the head. The top edge of the ${p_weapon} cracks the zombie's head. A large wad of flesh hangs off of his forehead, exposing the brownish-pink brain behind it. His body seizes up, and a low growl rises in his throat. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. He stirs, and you step forward and bring the ${p_weapon} down once more, ending the zombie's life. *goto KillOutside *else *set know_brain_kill true *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/5)) The top edge of the ${p_weapon} cracks the zombie's neck. A bone splits from his throat, and he spins to the side from the force of the impact. Blood dribbles from the wound down his torso, and his eyes focus upon you. [i]How the hell is he still standing?[/i] The zombie lunges, and you swing again. The weapon collides with his chest, cracking the bony plate, and he jerks backward. His hands reach out to grab you, teeth gnashing, and you bring the ${p_weapon} down on his wrist, splitting the long bone. The blow knocks his arm away, but he keeps coming, unfazed. His eyes never leave their target, and his hands reach out to grab you, teeth gnashing. You sidestep his next attack and swing over and over again. No bruise, no injury seems to matter, and your arms grow tired from the constant effort. At one point, you dodge an attack, trip and fall, and feel a sudden sharp pressure over your ribs. You struggle to rise and evade his teeth, which are snapping at your face. Finally, one blow bashes his skull, and his head lolls to the side and body seizes up. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto KillOutside *elseif (p_class = "sword") You swing. *if know_brain_kill Knowing the only way to kill the infected is by destroying the brain, you aim for the head. The top edge of the ${p_weapon} slices the zombie's head just above the ear. Blood and flesh fly off your blade as the zombie's head flops forward. His body seizes up, and a low growl rises in his throat. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. He stirs, and you step forward and bring the ${p_weapon} down once more, ending the zombie's life. *goto KillOutside *else *set know_brain_kill true *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/5)) The top edge of the ${p_weapon} slices the zombie's neck. A clot of blood spits from it, and he spins to the side from the force of the impact. Blood dribbles from the wound down his torso, and his eyes focus upon you. [i]How the hell is he still standing?[/i] The zombie lunges, and you swing again. The weapon slashes through the flesh of his chest, and he jerks backward. His eyes never leave their target, and his hands reach out to grab you, teeth gnashing. You bring the ${p_weapon} down on his wrist, slicing the long bone. The blow knocks his arm away, but he keeps coming, unfazed. You sidestep his next attack and swing over and over again. No cut, no injury seems to matter, and your arms grow tired from the constant effort. At one point, you dodge an attack, trip and fall, and feel a sudden sharp pressure over your ribs. You struggle to rise and evade his teeth, which are snapping at your face. Finally, one slash cleaves his skull, and his head lolls to the side. His body seizes up, and a low growl rises in his throat. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto KillOutside *elseif (p_class = "knife") You swing. *if know_brain_kill Knowing the only way to kill the infected is by destroying the brain, you aim for the head. The top edge of the ${p_weapon} slides into the zombie's head just above the ear. Blood and flesh fly from your blade as the zombie's head flops forward. His body seizes up, and a low growl rises in his throat. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. He stirs, and you step forward and bring the ${p_weapon} down once more, ending the zombie's life. *goto KillOutside *else *set know_brain_kill true *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/5)) The top edge of the ${p_weapon} slices the zombie's neck. A clot of blood spits from his neck, and he spins to the side from the force of the impact. Blood dribbles from the wound down his torso, and his eyes focus upon you. [i]How the hell is he still standing?[/i] The zombie lunges, and you swing again. The weapon slashes through the flesh of his chest, and he jerks backward. His eyes never leave their target, and his hands reach out to grab you, teeth gnashing. You sidestep his next attack and swing over and over again. No cut, no injury seems to matter, and your arms grow tired from the constant effort. Finally, you draw back the ${p_weapon} and thrust it into his eye socket. You cry out, enraged. Blood flies from the man's head. The blade sticks through his skull, and you yank it out. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto KillOutside *else You swing. *if know_brain_kill Knowing the only way to kill the infected is by destroying the brain, you aim for the head. The top edge of the ${p_weapon} sticks into the zombie's head just above the ear. Blood and flesh fly from your blade as the zombie's head flops forward. His body seizes up, and a low growl rises in his throat. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. He stirs, and you step forward and bring the ${p_weapon} down once more, ending the zombie's life. *goto KillOutside *else *set know_brain_kill true *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/5)) The top edge of the ${p_weapon} slices the zombie's neck. A clot of blood spits from it, and he spins to the side from the force of the impact. Blood dribbles from the wound down his torso, and his eyes focus upon you. [i]How the hell is he still standing?[/i] The zombie lunges, and you swing again. The weapon slashes through the flesh of his chest, and he jerks backward. His eyes never leave their target, and his hands reach out to grab you, teeth gnashing. You sidestep his next attack and swing over and over again. No cut, no injury seems to matter, and your arms grow tired from the constant effort. Finally, you draw back the ${p_weapon} and swing it at the top of his skull. You cry out, enraged. Blood flies from the man's head. The blade sticks through his skull past his eyes, and you yank it out. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto KillOutside *label SneakZombie *set sneak_success true *set zombie_outcome 3 *set timecount +25 *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/3)) *if (p_weapon = "pepper spray") *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) *set peppered_zombie true You raise the canister of pepper spray, jump off the porch, and shoot the zombie. It seems little more than a nuisance, and he rushes forward and swats at your face. You lean back, trip over a crack in the sidewalk, and feel *if armor = "Kevlar vest" a sudden pressure in your ribs. Your Kevlar vest absorbs the blow. Before you can rise, the infected man *if armor != "Kevlar vest" *set injured_to_zombie true a sudden, sharp jab in your ribs. You block out the pain and focus upon the infected man, who dives down, teeth gnashing. You kick out and shove the man to the side. He slips on a patch of snow, and you use the opportunity to hop up. Rushing down the sidewalk, you try to come up with a new plan. You hear the zombie close behind, the sound of his growling getting closer and louder. You run alongside a parked car and lose your balance on a patch of ice. Dropping to the ground, your butt hits the floor, and the zombie rushes forward. When he hits the ice, he slips as well, and his head slams into the car so hard that he cracks the window. *set hold_spot "AfterKill" *goto BackupAttack *elseif (p_weapon = "taser") *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) *set tasered_zombie true You raise the taser and shoot the zombie. The barb flips out and attaches to his cheek, and you hear the electrical discharge. It seems little more than a nuisance, and he rushes forward and swats at your face. You lean back, trip over a crack in the sidewalk, and feel *if armor = "Kevlar vest" a sudden pressure in your ribs. Your Kevlar vest absorbs the blow. Before you can rise, the infected man *if armor != "Kevlar vest" *set injured_to_zombie true a sudden, sharp jab in your ribs. You block out the pain and focus upon the infected man, who dives down, teeth gnashing. You kick out and shove the man to the side. He slips on a patch of snow, and you use the opportunity to hop up. Rushing down the sidewalk, you try to come up with a new plan. You hear the zombie close behind, the sound of his growling getting closer and louder. You run alongside a parked car and lose your balance on a patch of ice. Dropping to the ground, your butt hits the floor, and the zombie rushes forward. When he hits the ice, he slips as well, and his head slams into the car so hard that he cracks the window. *set hold_spot "AfterKill" *goto BackupAttack *elseif p_type = "ranged" *if shot_zombie_before You've fired at a zombie before. *if (shot_zombie_before = false) and (killed_human_before) You've shot someone before, but never a zombie, and this shot feels more important. You raise your ${p_weapon}, aiming at the zombie's head. *if ranged >= 60 *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/5)) You've fired this weapon many times. It feels light in your hands, and moving targets have never given you trouble. But this is different. *if (ranged >= 30) and (ranged < 60) *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/10)) *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/3)) You haven't fired this weapon much before, or any weapon for that matter. It feels heavy in your hands. The target moves in an erratic pattern. Your pulse quickens and mouth goes dry. Sweat wets your palms, but you hold the ${p_weapon} steady. You know this shot means everything. *if ranged < 30 *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/2.5)) You've barely fired a weapon before. It feels heavy in your hands. The target moves in an erratic pattern. Your pulse quickens and mouth goes dry. Your stomach churns. The ${p_weapon} shakes. You know this shot means everything. This zombie, this thing, has one purpose—to kill. You can't reason with it. He can't be scared into submission. He can't be ordered to stop. If you miss, there's a good chance you'll die, and those odds are terrible. *if (p_weapon = "crossbow") You pull the trigger and hear the sharp twang of the drawstring. *goto HeadKill *elseif (p_weapon = "compound bow") You draw the string and let it loose. You hear a [i]swoosh[/i] as the arrow flies. *goto HeadKill *elseif (p_weapon = "shotgun") You squeeze the trigger and hear the heavy sound of the weapon firing. The zombie's head cracks in half, and his body seizes up. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto KillOutside *else You squeeze the trigger. The weapon jolts. *goto HeadKill *elseif (p_weapon = "hands") *set hold_spot "KillOutside" *goto FirstBareHands *else You raise the ${p_weapon} and aim it at his head. *if ccw >= 50 You've been trained to use this weapon. It feels light, and your muscles are relaxed. This should be the same as countless other times you've attacked before. But this is different. This fight means more. This zombie, this thing, has one purpose—to kill. *if (ccw >= 40) and (ccw < 50) *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/10)) You've never swung this weapon at a human before with so much purpose. It feels heavy, and your muscles are tense. The target moves in an erratic pattern. Your pulse quickens and mouth goes dry. Sweat wets your palms, but you hold the ${p_weapon} steady. You know this swing means everything. *if ccw < 40 *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) You've never held a weapon like this before, especially to kill something. It feels heavy, and your muscles are tense. The target moves in an erratic pattern. Your pulse quickens and mouth goes dry. Your stomach churns. The ${p_weapon} shakes. You know this swing means everything. *comment end/ You swing. *if (p_class = "club") The ${p_weapon} cracks the zombie's head, which flops forward, *if (p_class = "sword") The top edge of the ${p_weapon} slices the zombie's head just above the ear. Blood and flesh fly from your blade as the zombie's head flops forward, *if (p_class = "hack") The tip of the ${p_weapon} cleaves the zombie's head, which flops forward, *if (p_class = "knife") The edge of the ${p_weapon} slides into the zombie's head just above the ear. Blood and flesh fly from your blade as the zombie's head flops forward, and his body seizes up. Milky, brownish blood oozes from his hairline. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. He stirs, and you step forward and bring the ${p_weapon} down once more and end the zombie's life. *goto KillOutside *label FirstBareHands *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/5)) *if hth >= 50 You've fought before, attacked someone with your bare hands. This should be the same as countless other times. But this is different. This fight means more. This zombie, this thing, has one purpose—to kill. *if (hth >= 40) and (hth < 50) *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/10)) You've fought before, attacked someone with your bare hands. But this is no normal fight. No one angered you at a party or hurt your ego. This is different. The target moves in an erratic pattern, jaws snapping at you. Your pulse quickens and mouth goes dry. Sweat wets your palms as they ball up into fists. You know this fight means everything. *if hth < 40 *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) You've never fought a person before, let alone a zombie. And this is no normal fight to begin with. The target moves in an erratic pattern, jaws snapping at you. Your pulse quickens and mouth goes dry. Sweat wets your palms as they ball up into fists. You know this fight means everything. *comment end/ *if (mma_style = 1) or (mma_style = 2) You throw a quick jab, and the infected man's head snaps back. A line of blood seeps from his nose. The blow should have knocked him out, but he keeps coming. He throws his body forward, and you dodge to the side. He comes with purpose, mouth wide with rows of hooked teeth ready to infect. *if dog_owner ${pet_name} dances around the two of you, nipping at the zombie's feet. *if (hth >= 70) and know_brain_kill Knowing you have to destroy his brain, you change your approach and lunge at him with a quick strike *if mma_style = 1 to the chest *if mma_style = 2 to the knee to knock him down. He tumbles over, and you stomp the back of his head into the ground. Teeth rattle out of his mouth, followed by brownish blood. Another kick, and his legs stiffen and arms go limp. *goto {hold_spot} *elseif hth >= 50 *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/5)) You lash out with your fists, but nothing stops him. Every punch strikes soft flesh and hard bone, and wounds dot his face from your attacks. But as you press the fight, your arms tire, knuckles turning red and raw. Your back bumps the wall of your house, and the man lunges, brown blood dripping off his chin, hands lifted with curled fingers. You sidestep to your left and kick the inside of his leg at the shin. The man trips, and his head smacks the ground, knocking teeth from his mouth. You drop a knee to the back of his head. You cry out, enraged. Blood flies from the man's head. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Exhausted, you crash down to the floor beside him. *goto {hold_spot} *else *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/5)) You struggle to punch him, but each blow weakens you. This is a losing strategy. You turn and run and try to come up with a new plan. *if hold_spot = "AfterKill" In your haste, you trip on the carpet and fall. You turn in time to see the zombie rise to his knees. He scampers along the floor, mouth open with a line of saliva dripping from his bottom lip. You roll to the side, and your hand clenches around something on the floor—a knife. You spin just as the zombie lunges. You swing the blade and thrust it into his eye socket. You cry out, enraged, as blood flies from the man's head. The blade sticks through his skull and snaps off at the hilt. The zombie's growls cease, and his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto {hold_spot} *else You hear the zombie close behind, the sound of his growling getting closer and louder. You run alongside a parked car and lose your balance on a patch of ice. Dropping to the ground, your butt hits the floor, and the zombie rushes forward. When he hits the ice, he slips as well, and his head slams into the car so hard that he cracks the window. *label UseShard You roll to the side, and your hand clenches around something on the floor—a shard of broken glass. You spin just as the zombie lunges, brown blood dripping off his chin, hands lifted with curled fingers. You draw your arm back and thrust the shard into his eye socket. You cry out. Blood squirts from the man's eye, and his mouth cranes open with a howl. The glass shard snaps in his socket, and you scramble away. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto {hold_spot} *else You lunge at the infected man's legs and drive him to the ground. His hands thrash at your back, and you sit back and lift his legs to keep him off balance. You grab an ankle and twist it, feeling the bone grind beneath your hand. The joint snaps and foot spins in the opposite direction, but the man ignores the broken bone. You drop the limb and slide to his chest, pinning his arms to the side of his body with your knees. He bucks to throw you off as you pummel his face. *if dog_owner ${pet_name} bites the man's leg and twists and shakes. Your right fist strikes his jaw, and your left one bashes his nose. His head turns from each blow, and blood marks his diseased flesh. *if (hth >= 70) and know_brain_kill Knowing you have to destroy his brain, you raise your forearm above his head and slam it into the bridge of his nose. Several more hard slams, and the creature's head collapses inward from the force. *goto {hold_spot} *elseif hth >= 50 *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/5)) As you raise your fist to strike again, he worms his arms out and claws at your face. You lean back to avoid his swinging hands, but this frees up his upper body. His jaw snaps next to the flesh of your thigh. You lift your forearm and slam it into his forehead. His orbital bone caves in, but you keep hammering. Blood flies from the man's head. His legs stiffen, but his arms go limp. You crash down to the floor beside him, exhausted. *goto {hold_spot} *else *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/3)) *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) You struggle to punch him, but each blow weakens you. This is a losing strategy. As you raise your fist to strike again, he worms his arms out and claws at your face. You lean back to avoid his swinging hands, but this frees up his upper body. His jaw snaps next to the flesh of your thigh. You stand and run, trying to come up with a new *if hold_spot = "AfterKill" plan, but in your haste, you trip on the carpet and fall. You turn in time to see the zombie rise to his knees. He scampers along the floor, mouth open with a line of saliva dripping from his bottom lip. You roll to the side, and your hand clenches around something on the floor—a knife. You spin just as the zombie lunges. You swing the blade and thrust it into his eye socket. You cry out, enraged, as blood flies from the man's head. The blade sticks through his skull and snaps off at the hilt. The zombie's growls cease, and his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto {hold_spot} *else plan. You hear the zombie close behind, the sound of his growling getting closer and louder. You run alongside a parked car and lose your balance on a patch of ice. Dropping to the ground, your butt hits the floor, and the zombie rushes forward. When he hits the ice, he slips as well, and his head slams into the car so hard that he cracks the window. You roll to the side, and your hand clenches around something on the floor—a shard of broken glass. You spin just as the zombie lunges. His hands reach out to grab you, and you bring the shard back and thrust it into his eye socket. You cry out, enraged, as blood flies from the man's head. The shard sticks through his skull and snaps in half, leaving the sharp edge embedded in his brain. The zombie's growls cease, and his arms go limp. Like a falling tree, he teeters to the side and crashes to the ground. *goto {hold_spot} *label BackupAttack *if (s_class = "rifle") or ((s_class = "shotgun") or ((s_class = "burst") or (s_class = "bow"))) You try to pull out your backup weapon, but the ${s_weapon} is too large to maneuver with the zombie looming overhead. *goto UseShard *elseif ((s_class = "sword") or ((s_weapon = "fire ax") or ((s_weapon = "baseball bat") or ((s_weapon = "crowbar") or ((s_weapon = "shovel") or (s_weapon = "sledgehammer")))))) You try to pull out your backup weapon, but the ${s_weapon} is too large to maneuver with the zombie looming overhead. *goto UseShard *else You reach for your backup weapon and yank out your ${s_weapon}. As the zombie lowers his mouth to bite, you *if s_class = "pistol" place the barrel against his head and fire. The sound of the discharge deafens you, and blood rains down from a hole in the zombie's head. You roll away as the zombie falls, and a ringing in your ears has replaced the deafness. You rise and wipe your face of the creature's blood, a brown, milky substance that smells of rot. *goto {hold_spot} *elseif (s_class = "hack") or (s_class = "knife") swing the ${s_weapon} and embed the blade into the side of his head. Blood rains down from the wound, and the growl in his throat dies out. His body stiffens, and you roll out of the way as he collapses. You pull the ${s_weapon} out, along with some rubbery brain matter, and wipe away his milky-brown blood from your face. *goto {hold_spot} *elseif s_class = "club" swing the ${s_weapon} and bash the side of his head. Blood rains down from the point of impact, and the zombie falls to the side. You scramble to rise and slam the ${s_weapon} into the back of his skull, caving the bone and exposing the brownish-pink brain. His body stiffens, and the growl in his throat dies out. *goto {hold_spot} *elseif s_class = "taser" fire. A barb flies from the small device and clips to his cheek. You hear the electrical discharge, but the zombie ignores the shock and slams his teeth into the side of your face. As he rends your flesh, you cry out from the deep, searing pain. You bash the side of his head with the taser, but he ignores the blow as he chews into the meat of your face. You thrash and claw to push him away, but nothing seems to work as he feasts. Your strength ebbs and vision fades, and the last sound you hear is the gnashing of teeth as darkness closes in. *goto DeadEnd *elseif s_class = "spray" spray his eyes. He ignores the toxic liquid and slams his teeth into the side of your face. As he rends your flesh, you cry out from the deep, searing pain. You bash the side of his head with the pepper spray canister, but he ignores the blow as he chews into the meat of your face. You thrash and claw to push him away, but nothing seems to work as he feasts. Your strength ebbs and vision fades, and the last sound you hear is the gnashing of teeth as darkness closes in. *goto DeadEnd *else *if hth >= 40 swing and hit the side of his head. Blood rains down from the point of impact, and the zombie falls to the side. You scramble to rise and slam your heel into the back of his skull, caving the bone and exposing the brownish-pink brain. His body stiffens, and the growl in his throat dies out. *goto {hold_spot} *else swing and hit the side of his head. He ignores the blow and slams his teeth into the side of your face. As he rends your flesh, you cry out from the deep, searing pain. You hammer the side of his head with the heel of your hand, but it doesn't stop him as he chews into the meat of your face. You thrash and claw to push him away, but nothing seems to work as he feasts. Your strength ebbs and vision fades, and the last sound you hear is the gnashing of teeth as darkness closes in. *goto DeadEnd *label KillOutside *set zombie_outcome 2 *if research_virus *set specimen_difficulty 20 Staring down at the zombie's fresh corpse, you reach for your specimen collection kit. *gosub_scene Part1Events AcquireSpecimen *page_break *set humanity %-15 *set timecount +50 *set zombie_kills +1 You walk up the path to your house and draw out your keys. Why did that man come to your house? Will more come? These and other questions fill your mind as you move inside your home. Dirt stains on your pants are reminders of what just happened. *if dependent ${dep_name} follows you upstairs to your bedroom. *label AfterCleanup *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/5)) *if injured_to_zombie *set p_health %-(round((100-sta)/2.5)) Your side hurts, so you lift your shirt and spot a sizable gash along your ribcage. It seems to have stopped bleeding, but needs to be treated and bandaged. *comment end/ You wash your hands and face and change your clothes. *if dependent You try to explain what happened to ${dep_name} and just say *if morality >= 45 the man was sick and you ended his pain. *if morality < 45 the man wanted to hurt you and had to be stopped. *label ZombieFeel Thinking of what just happened, you feel… *fake_choice #Concerned about my survival. I need to protect myself. *set honor %-15 A zombie attacking your home puts the dangers of this outbreak into a spotlight. With civilization breaking down, you need to prioritize your survival needs. Food and water will become even more important as supplies dwindle and essential services fail. In a short time, people will run out of resources and do anything to survive: steal, hurt, even kill. As more and more people succumb to the virus, zombies will become an increasing threat. *if zombie_outcome <= 4 #Sad that people are being turned into zombies. *set humanity %+15 Zombies are real, and the infection isn't just killing people, but condemning them to a terrible existence of pain and hunger. That zombie *if zombie_outcome = 4 locked in your basement had friends and a family not long ago. He had hopes and dreams. The virus took them all away. It's hard to fathom the suffering all around. Are you cut out for life in the outbreak? #Demoralized, knowing that life as I knew it is over. *set ideal %-15 You feel different, detached. The truth that zombies are real weighs on your mind. It's not an isolated experience. In a flash, everything comes to light: the infection will claim more and more of the living, zombies will rise, and civilization will collapse. It's just a matter of time. *if zombie_outcome < 4 #Upset at the taking of a life. The man was infected, but he was still a man. *set humanity %+15 Killing in self-defense is still murder. That thing you killed was a man before, with friends and a family. He had hopes and dreams. The virus took them all away, and you ended what's left. Will you be forced to kill just to survive? Are you cut out for life in the outbreak? *if dependent #Concerned about ${dep_name}'s well-being. *set morality %+15 *set dep_faction %+(round(empathy/5)) With zombies rising from the dead, nowhere on earth is truly safe. Civilization will soon fall, resources will dwindle, and the remaining few living people will fight to survive. How can you keep ${dep_name} alive? He's your priority, and you'll do what it takes to ensure that he has a future. #Afraid for my safety. I don't want to die. *set morality %-15 *set ideal %-10 It didn't take long in this outbreak for a zombie to attack your home. More will come. It's just a matter of time. You can't shake the feeling that the next knock on the door will be death, and you don't want this life to end. #Intrigued. Is there any way to use the outbreak to my advantage? *set truth %-15 Zombies are real. The virus has come to Nightfall, and everything's about to change. Civilization will soon break down: food and water supplies will dwindle, essential services will fail, and chaos will reign. When the demand for resources goes up, people will do anything to obtain them, and you'll be the one selling them their means to survive. #Excited to use my skills and knowledge to survive. *set impulse %+15 Zombies are real, and civilization is breaking down. As food and water dwindle and essential services fail, life will be a struggle, but you have what it takes to survive. Until this very moment, your whole life has prepared you for this turn in human existence. You have no idea what the future holds, but you're ready to find out. #Glad society is falling. I embrace anarchy and the freedom to do what I want. *set humanity %-15 Society has been breaking down for a long time, but the outbreak pushed it over the edge. With people returning from the dead, hell has come to earth. Soon, governments will fall, the police and military will disband or devolve into militias, and civilization will crumble. Finally, you'll have the freedom to do whatever you want. Survival of the fittest is the new way of life. #Anxious to find and help other survivors. *set humanity %+10 *set honor %+15 Zombies are real. The virus has come to Nightfall, and everything's about to change. Society will soon break down, plunging the world into a new dark age. People everywhere will struggle to survive, and you need to seek them out and aid them in any way possible. *comment end/ Time passes, and you know the outbreak won't wait while you contemplate the threat of the infected. *goto ChapterChoices *label AfterKill *page_break *set humanity %-10 *set timecount +50 *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/5)) *set zombie_kills +1 You sit beside the dead zombie. *if morality >= 50 That thing you killed was a man before, with friends and a family. He had hopes and dreams. The virus took them all away, and you ended what's left. *if morality < 50 A foul smell seeps from the creature, more rank than when it was still alive. Was it alive? Are zombies living? *if research_virus *set specimen_difficulty 20 Staring down at the zombie's fresh corpse, you reach for your specimen collection kit. *gosub_scene Part1Events AcquireSpecimen *comment end/ You find a sheet of plastic in storage and roll the body up. *if dependent ${dep_name} sits and watches, his face like stone. You don't think about the task, but just work to clean the blood and drag the body outside. The details blur, and you don't think of what you're doing until it's over. *goto AfterCleanup *label RepairHome You survey the damage to your house. *if home_damage <= 2 The zombie cracked the door with a large hole near the lock, and the right-hand living room window shows a hairline crack. *if (home_damage > 2) and (home_damage <= 4) The zombie created a large crack down the center of the door; you can see outside through the hole. Cold air circulates through several broken windows. *if home_damage > 4 The zombie nearly tore the front door off its hinges, and cold air circulates through numerous broken windows. *comment end/ *if supplies_gathered You locate tools, wood, and nails from the gathered supplies *if not(supplies_gathered) *set timecount +25 You collect tools, wood, and nails from the basement and set out to repair the damage. *if (crafting_tools > 0) and retrieved_freds_bag In addition, you use the tools that Fred gave you. *comment endif/ *if crafting >= 60 Repairing the damage should be no problem given your crafting skills. *if home_damage <= 2 *set timecount +25 *set home_damage 0 *set home_defense max_defense *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/2.5)) First, you cover the hole in the door with plywood. Next, you lay thick boards over the door and reinforce them with 2x4s a few feet apart, using bolts and screws with wood glue to adhere the surfaces. You fasten boards over the windows as well, anchoring them to the wall with a masonry bit and wood screws. The zombie that attacked your home showed superior strength, so you use duct tape to seal any gaps, which also helps with keeping out the cold air. The whole process takes just fifteen minutes, thanks to your tools and know-how. *goto EndHomeBoard *elseif home_damage <= 4 *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/2)) *set timecount +50 *set home_damage 0 *set home_defense max_defense First, you repair the front door by covering it with plywood boards and reinforcing them with 2x4s a few feet apart, using bolts and screws to fasten the surfaces. You fasten boards over the windows, as well, anchoring them to the wall with a masonry bit and wood screws. The whole process takes just thirty minutes, thanks to your tools and know-how. *goto EndHomeBoard *else *set timecount +75 *set home_damage 0 *set home_defense +2 *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/2)) First, you repair the hinges to the door as best you can given your limited resources. Next, you cover the front door with plywood boards and reinforce them with 2x4s a few feet apart. You fasten boards over the windows as well, anchoring them to the wall with a masonry bit and wood screws. The whole process takes a forty-five minutes; it would have taken much longer without your tools and know-how, though. *goto EndHomeBoard *elseif crafting >= 45 You have a fair understanding of carpentry and home repair, and now is the time to put your knowledge to the test. *if home_damage <= 2 *set timecount +50 *set home_damage 0 *set home_defense max_defense *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/2)) First, you cover the hole in the door with plywood. Next, you lay thick boards over the door and reinforce them with 2x4s a few feet apart, using bolts and screws with wood glue to adhere the surfaces. You screw boards over the windows as well, anchoring them to the wall with a masonry bit and wood screws. The whole process takes just thirty minutes, thanks to your tools and know-how. *goto EndHomeBoard *elseif home_damage <= 4 *set home_damage 0 *set home_defense max_defense *set timecount +75 *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/2)) First, you repair the front door by covering it with plywood boards and reinforcing them with 2x4s a few feet apart. You fasten boards over the windows as well, anchoring them to the wall with a masonry bit and wood screws. The whole process takes just forty-five minutes, thanks to your tools and know-how. *goto EndHomeBoard *else *set home_damage -3 *set home_defense +1 *set timecount +100 *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/1.5)) First, you repair the hinges to the door as best you can given your limited resources. Next, you cover the front door with plywood boards. You fasten boards over the windows as well, anchoring them to the wall with a masonry bit and wood screws. The damage to the home isn't completely repaired, but it will be more difficult for anyone to break in. The whole process takes an hour. *goto EndHomeBoard *else Crafting and home repair aren't your strongest skills, but you do your best given your limited knowledge and resources. *if home_damage <= 2 *set timecount +100 *set home_damage 0 *set home_defense max_defense *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/1.5)) First, you cover the hole in the door with plywood to repair the existing damage. Next, you reinforce the door by nailing thick boards across the surface and nailing them to the existing drywall. You screw boards over the windows, as well. The whole process takes an hour of hard labor. *goto EndHomeBoard *elseif home_damage <= 4 *set home_damage -2 *set home_defense +1 *set timecount +100 *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/1.5)) First, you repair the front door by covering it with plywood boards and reinforcing them with 2x4s a few feet apart. You fasten boards over the windows to stop easy access and block the cold air. The damage to the home isn't completely repaired, but it will be more difficult for anyone to break in. The whole process takes forty-five minutes of hard labor. *goto EndHomeBoard *else *set home_damage -3 *set timecount +100 *set fatigue %+(round((100-sta)/1.5)) First, you repair the hinges to the door as best you can given your limited resources. Next, you cover the front door with plywood boards. You fasten boards over the windows as well, nailing them to the drywall. The damage to the home isn't completely repaired, but it will be more difficult for anyone to break in. The whole process takes an hour of hard labor. *goto EndHomeBoard *label EndHomeBoard Afterwards, you clean up the mess from repairing your home and rest for a few minutes. *goto ChapterChoices *label DependentComesHome *set dep_home true *set dep_here true *set timecount +50 You hear a bus outside and rush to the door to greet your nephew. His book bag swings on his back as he runs up the sidewalk, glasses crooked on his face. "${name_call}, it's all over school, and we had to go to the auditorium until the buses showed up, and policemen were there to walk us out!" You bring him inside and lock the door. He tosses his bag to the side. *if pet_owner ${pet_name} runs into the living room to greet your nephew. "The bus driver had to drive around jeeps and army guys on the road, and at one point, this guy Timmy called him a zombie, tried to get on the bus, and we kept driving." *if morality >= 50 "Okay, let's talk for a minute. It's important we both stay inside and keep the door locked. If anyone comes to the door, please tell me. We'll be safe here until the government gets everything under control." *if morality < 50 "Listen for a moment. We have to stay inside now. No going outside, no answering the door, and you tell me if you go upstairs or downstairs or anywhere." *comment end/ "Got it," your nephew says. "Go get yourself a snack." *goto ChapterChoices *label AfterZombie *page_break You sit on the couch and consider what you just went through. Your hands shake, but not from fear or anxiety. They just shake. *if dependent ${dep_name} *if not(dep_here) creeps downstairs after a while and asks a lot of questions. You struggle to answer them. How do you explain this to an eight-year-old? *if zombie_in_basement He hears it moaning under the stairs, but knows not to unlock the door. He says he feels safe, but he's a smart kid—he knows what answer you want to hear. *if (dependent = false) and zombie_in_basement Time passes. You hear no more sounds from the basement: no scraping, no moaning, no banging. Did the zombie get fed up with trying to get out? Do zombies relax? *goto ZombieFeel *label MobEvent *set mob_event true *set timecount +25 *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) *if dependent "${name_call}, come quick!" ${dep_name} yells, and you dash to the window beside him. *if not(dependent) A commotion from outside draws your attention to the front window. *if home_boarded It's tough to see through the boards, but you're glad you thought ahead and made viewing ports. A sizable group of your neighbors are crowding the curb outside a home in the middle of the block. *if night_blindness Unfortunately, since it's nighttime, it's hard for you to see many details. *if not(night_blindness) From the first-floor window, a tall, older man with a thick gray-and-black beard leans out and yells at the people gathered. *if hearing_impaired You can't make out what's being said, but shouts are going back and forth between the crowd and the old man. *if not(hearing_impaired) Shouts are exchanged back and forth between the crowd and the old man. "Send him outside!" *line_break "He's infected!" *line_break "Bring him here!" *if night_blindness Based on the house, you deduce the crowd must be yelling at *if not(night_blindness) You recognize the older man as Sam Makarov, a retired firefighter who lives with his teenage son, Peter. They moved in two years ago, and though you've exchanged a "good morning" here and there, neither has been approachable. Among the crowd are mainly strangers, some holding long sticks, and one has a baseball bat over his shoulder. In the back is Mrs. Ortega, a middle-aged woman who lives around the corner, and next to her stands Tommy Monroe, who must be home from college. *if college_student He was going to Nightfall University for a while, and you even shared an English course, but he transferred last year to the University of Colorado. *if like_males and not(asexual) As a baseball player, Tommy had a strong, athletic build and very striking, almost mature facial features. *if impulse >= 55 You even tried to flirt with him, *if male or nb and while he reciprocated, he left school before you could get too close. *if female but it turned out he wasn't interested in women. *if impulse < 55 You always thought he was cute. *if teenager He was a senior at your high school when you were a freshman. *if like_males and not(asexual) As a baseball player, Tommy had a strong, athletic build and very striking, almost mature facial features. *if impulse >= 55 You even tried to flirt with him, *if male or nb and while he reciprocated, you knew he'd never be seen dating a freshman. *if female but it turned out he wasn't interested in girls. *if impulse < 55 You always thought he was cute. *if mma He used to train in Jiu-Jitsu at Prime MMA, but left after a month when he moved away to Denver to attend the University of Colorado. *comment end/ As you stare out the window, you notice the crowd is getting more and more riled, and Mr. Makarov slams his window shut and pulls the shade down. Through the edge of the blinds peek two hands and the shadow of a head, but they quickly disappear. Instead of anyone in the mob leaving, a few people bang on the front door, then a bottle flies and shatters against the brick wall. A woman in the front of the pack seems to lead them as she points at the door and rallies the crowd. Seeing this, you decide to… *choice *if not(already_tried_police) #Call the police. I want to help, but not to risk my life. *set morality %+10 *set honor %-10 *set timecount +25 You grab your smartphone and dial 911 while keeping watch on the mob outside. [i]You have reached the Nightfall Emergency Response System. Due to high call volume, all operators are occupied. Please stay on the line.[/i] Outside, the crowd has pushed further onto Mr. Makarov's pavement, and some are pounding on the walls and rattling the storm door. Some of your neighbors wander away, probably sensing the impending violence. *if dependent "Why are they doing this?" ${dep_name} says as he presses his face against the window for a better view. You ignore your nephew as a female voice comes over the phone line. *comment end/ "Nightfall 911. What's your emergency?" *if cop "This is Officer ${name}. I'm not on duty, but I want to report a break-in in progress on 20th and Spruce Street." *if not(cop) "We need police on 20th and Spruce Street. People are trying to break into my neighbor's house." *comment end/ "Are the infected involved?" "Infected? I don't know. I don't think so. It's an old man and his son, and people are rioting outside—" "$!{sir}, is anyone in physical danger or is damage being done to the property?" *if short_fuse *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) "Look, people are breaking into this guy's home. *if cop Send a squad car now, and stop wasting both our time." *if not(cop) You're the police. It's your job to stop it." You feel yourself growing angrier, as this stupid woman isn't listening to a word you're saying. "I understand you're upset, but we're currently experiencing emergencies across the city, with officers responding to numerous calls. We *if not(short_fuse) "Not yet, but it's on the verge of turning violent." "We will try to send someone as soon as possible. As part of our emergency response procedure, I must advise you to stay inside and avoid contact with any infected individuals." And with that, the call ends. You turn your attention back outside, where the mob has grown louder and angrier. Bottles and rocks now strike the Makarov home as people shout and pound on the front door. *if not(hearing_impaired) "We know he's infected!" *line_break "Bring him out, or we're coming in!" *line_break "He's going to turn!" *goto MobInside #Ignore it. The police have bigger problems to deal with, and so do I. *set impulse %-15 There's no reason to involve yourself with the mob or Mr. Makarov. Why risk your own safety? How would you stop the mob, anyway? Outside, the crowd has pushed further onto Mr. Makarov's pavement, and some are pounding on the walls and rattling the storm door. Some of your neighbors wander away, probably sensing the impending violence. You look for *if v_loc = "city" Fred *if v_loc = "suburbs" Sean *if v_loc = "country" Billie or Vince, but neither seems to be among the mob. They must hear the commotion, and you wonder if the noise will draw the infected out. So many people in one area would be decimating should zombies attack. *if dependent "What are we doing?" ${dep_name} says. "Shouldn't we go out and help Mr. Makarov?" *if impulse <= morality "It's too dangerous. We can't risk going out there." *if impulse > morality "How would it benefit us to go out there? Mr. Makarov can take care of himself." *comment end/ You nephew sighs and lifts his elbows onto the windowsill to lean over for a better view outside. *comment end/ Mrs. Ortega turns from the back of the crowd and hurries away as the crowd pushes closer to Mr. Makarov's house and become more animated in their verbal assaults. Bottles and rocks now strike the Makarov house as people shout and pound on the front door. Threats follow, and the crowd chants their demands. *if hearing_impaired You try to adjust your hearing aid but can't distinguish their words. *if not(hearing_impaired) "We know he's infected!" *line_break "Bring him out, or we're coming in!" *line_break "He's going to turn!" *goto MobInside #Go outside and approach the crowd to learn more about what's going on. *set impulse %-15 *set timecount +25 You can't stay inside while all of the action's out there. What if the crowd turns violent, and it becomes a riot which threatens your home? And why is this crowd interested in the Makarovs? Heading over is the only way to find out. *goto MobOutside #Go outside and approach the crowd to stop any violence that might break out. *set morality %+10 *set honor %+10 *set stop_crowd true *set timecount +25 You can't stay inside while an angry mob threatens one of your neighbors. There's a strong likelihood this crowd will turn violent. If you don't intervene, people could get hurt. *goto MobOutside *label MobInside *set timecount +25 As the crowd chants their demands, the second-floor window opens, and Mr. Makarov leans outside and shouts down at the mob. "Get out of here! All of you!" He draws a rifle through the window and fires it once into the air with a boom. Panicked screams rise from the crowd, and people scatter in all directions. Some run behind parked cars, while most sprint down the street or return to their own homes to escape the madness of what's unfolding. A few courageous, defiant neighbors stay behind to argue and continue their shouting, but Mr. Makarov aims down at a trash can and fires, sending the bin into the porch of a nearby house. Garbage flies into the air, littering the area. From the far edge of the street, a voice booms through a bullhorn. "This is the National Guard. Your area is under a strict curfew. Return to your homes." A trio of armored Humvees roll through the street in a line, and the voice of the soldier reverberates through mounted speakers, repeating the message. Spotlights shine from each vehicle, shooting bright circles from house to house. Doors open and close, curtains slide past windows, and the street turns desolate save for the three roaring military trucks. Even Mr. Makarov and his rifle disappear. As the spotlight passes your home, invading it with a beam of bright white, you turn away from the window and listen as the Humvees pass. *goto ChapterChoices *label MobOutside *set timecount +25 *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) *if dependent *if morality < 50 As you unlock the front door, your nephew runs over. "What are you doing?" *comment end/ "I'm going out there. If anything happens to me, or things get out of hand, lock the door and call 911." "Okay," ${dep_name} says and grabs the receiver of the cordless house phone. His expression seems one of *if impulse >= morality excitement. *if impulse < morality concern. *comment end/ *if night_blindness You head outside and can barely see in the creeping darkness of the early evening. *if w_flashlight = 0 *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/3)) With street lights and houses in the area, you can manage, but your poor night vision causes you some concern as you *if w_flashlight > 0 *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) You're forced to use your flashlight as you *if not(night_blindness) You leave your home and rush down the street towards the crowd. As you approach, Mrs. Ortega steps up to greet you. "Hello, ${firstname}. Do you believe this? An infected person in our neighborhood!" You can barely hear her over the noise of the crowd, and her Spanish accent seems more pronounced as she yells. *if like_females and (asexual = false) She wears a floral-print dress which accentuates her shapely body. You remember hearing a rumor that she's a former Ms. Puerto Rico. *comment end/ "Isn't that Mr. Makarov's house?" you say, standing tall to see over the heads of the mob. "Yes, his son has the virus. The people here keep telling him to take his son to the hospital, that it's dangerous, but he won't listen. Do you know Kelly? She's in charge." Mrs. Ortega points to the front of the crowd, and you spot Kelly Kline, who's holding a stick in her hand and waving it at the Makarov house. You've never met her before, but you've seen her segment on the local news when she reviews hipster restaurants and music venues. *if like_females and (asexual = false) Her long black hair whips around her face as she moves, and she wears a black T-shirt which shows off her tattooed arms. *comment end/ As you speak with Mrs. Ortega, Tommy steps up to greet you. *if college_student or teenager *set tommy_faction %+(round(empathy/3)) He wraps his arms around you for a quick moment. "Hey! Remember me?" "Hi, Tommy. Of course I remember you," you say and glance around at the crowd, which seems to have added even more people since you left your house. "This is some crowd." *goto MetTommy *elseif movie_star or wrestler *set tommy_faction %+(round(empathy/3)) "Oh my God, I can't believe you're here! I'm such a huge fan, and it's an honor to meet you." *if morality >= 50 "Thank you. It's great to meet you too." *if morality < 50 You're so used to this reaction from fans, you tend to play off such introductions. "This is one hell of a crowd." *goto MetTommy *elseif cop *set tommy_faction %+(round(empathy/7)) "Hey there! Aren't you a cop? You live right down the street, right?" He points to your house and steps in close as he talks. "It's so loud out here. I can't hear myself think." *if truth >= 50 "Yes, I'm a police officer for the NPD. *if truth < 50 "So, what's going on here? This is some crowd." *goto MetTommy *elseif mma *set tommy_faction %+(round(empathy/5)) "Hey there! It's me—Tommy. We met at the Prime Gym," he says and moves in close. With the noise of the crowd, you can still barely hear him. "Yep, I remember you. So what's going on here? This is some crowd." *goto MetTommy *elseif doctor *set tommy_faction %+(round(empathy/7)) "Hey there! Aren't you a doctor? You live right down the street, right?" He points to your house and steps in close as he talks. "It's so loud out here. I can't hear myself think." *if truth >= 50 "Yes, I'm a doctor at St. Matthias. *if truth < 50 "So, what's going on here? This is some crowd." *goto MetTommy *elseif prof_military *set tommy_faction %+(round(empathy/7)) "Hey there! Aren't you in the military? Are you still active, 'cause Nightfall needs all the soldiers it can get." *if truth >= 50 *if sat_phone "I'm still active duty," *if not(sat_phone) "I was active, but now I'm just trying to survive like everyone else," *if truth < 50 "It's a bit more complicated than I can go into right now," you say and glance around the crowd, which seems to have added even more people since you left your house. "This is some crowd." *goto MetTommy *else "Hey there! Aren't you ${firstname}? You live right down the street, right?" He points to your house and steps in close as he talks. "It's so loud out here. I can't hear myself think." *goto MetTommy *label MetTommy *set timecount +25 *set tommy_introduced true Mrs. Ortega leans in close to speak over the noise of the crowd. "I'm going now. Be safe." "Can you believe this?" Tommy says, catching your attention once more. "Zombies and infected people. This is crazy." He drags out 'crazy' for emphasis, though you can barely hear him over the crowd. *if like_males and not(asexual) *set tommy_faction %+(round(empathy/5)) He looks different than you remember him, with shorter hair that's shaved on the sides, and a few of the front locks are dyed blond and stick out against the chestnut brown. He wears a form-fitting sweatshirt that doesn't hide his toned physique. *comment end/ "So do you think there's an infected person in there? In Mr. Makarov's house?" you ask. "That's the word on the street. I never met Mr. Makarov or his son. I'm a bit older than Peter. *if college_student or teenager You're around the same age. You must have met him at some point." *if (college_student = false) and (teenager = false) You must have met him at some point, since you live right across the street from him." *comment end/ Before you can answer, someone bumps your back, pushing you into Tommy. Chants of "bring him out!" repeat over and over again like cheers at a football game. Standing among dozens of agitated people has you on edge, and you keep watch for any sudden movements or hints that this mob is turning violent. "It's too crowded here. Let's move up. There's someone you should meet," Tommy shouts. "Come with me." *page_break Tommy grabs your arm and pulls you around the edge of the crowd to lead you to the front. As you approach the Makarovs' home, Kelly Kline stands out as she leads the crowd in shouts and chants demanding Mr. Makarov bring his son outside. "Kelly, this is ${firstname}," he says as you reach the front line of the mob. "$!{he} *if nb are *if not(nb) is *if medic a doctor in the Army. $!{he} can examine Peter Makarov to see if he's infected." *goto KellyKline *elseif infantry a soldier in the Army and knows all about the virus." *goto KellyKline *elseif commander a commander in the Army and knows all about the virus." *goto KellyKline *elseif prof_health a *if doctor doctor. *if nurse nurse. $!{he} can examine Peter Makarov to see if he's infected." *goto KellyKline *elseif movie_star a movie star. $!{he} can convince Mr. Makarov to let us see his son." *goto KellyKline *elseif cop a cop. $!{he} can make Mr. Makarov bring his son outside." *goto KellyKline *elseif wrestler a superstar wrestler. $!{he} can convince Mr. Makarov to let us see his son." *goto KellyKline *elseif scientist a scientist and knows all about the virus." *goto KellyKline *elseif social_worker a social worker. $!{he} can convince Mr. Makarov to let us see his son." *goto KellyKline *elseif teenager or college_student a friend of Peter Makarov. $!{he} can get Peter to come outside." *goto KellyKline *else a friend of Sam Makarov. $!{he} can get Peter to come outside." *goto KellyKline *label KellyKline *set kelly_introduced true "Hey, glad you're here," she says and takes you to the front of the Makarov house. "The kid in there is infected. His father won't admit it and won't bring his son out here so we can see for ourselves. But maybe he'll listen to you." If what she says is true—an actual infected person living in your neighborhood—the virus could easily spread, endangering everyone. Plus, he'll eventually turn to a zombie. But it sounds like Kelly and the rest of the crowd only suspect that he's infected. Kelly turns and faces the crowd. "Hey everyone, listen up! *if wrestler ${firstname} is a celebrity, and ${he} *if nb know *if not(nb) knows the Makarovs. *goto KellyChoice *elseif movie_star You may not believe this, but ${name} is actually here, and ${he} *if nb know *if not(nb) knows the Makarovs. *goto KellyChoice *else We have a *if medic or doctor doctor here now. *goto KellyChoice *elseif nurse nurse here now. *goto KellyChoice *elseif infantry or ((uniform = "combat") or (uniform = "service")) soldier here now. *goto KellyChoice *elseif commander commander in the Army here now. *goto KellyChoice *elseif cop or (uniform = "cop") police officer here now. *goto KellyChoice *elseif scientist scientist here now. *goto KellyChoice *elseif social_worker social worker here now. *goto KellyChoice *elseif teenager or college_student friend of Peter Makarov here now. *goto KellyChoice *else friend of Sam Makarov here now. *goto KellyChoice *label KellyChoice $!{he} will make the infected kid come out." *if nurse or scientist Even though you're not a doctor, you expect Kelly will want you to examine the son. She turns to you and leans in close. "Should we knock on the door, or do you want to talk to the crowd first?" As you speak with Kelly, the crowd pushes closer to the house, and some are readying rocks and bottles to throw. *label CrowdOption *choice #"What proof do you have that he's infected?" I ask Kelly. I need to know more before I make a decision. *set impulse %-10 "I was doing a report on the restaurant around the corner, and my car is parked over here," Kelly says and points to a silver hybrid by the curb. "I passed by the window and saw this guy, maybe in his late teens, standing there, shivering and huddled under a blanket. His skin looked yellow, and he was twitching and making weird facial expressions. I'm telling you, he's infected, and when he turns into a zombie, he'll kill that old man and likely kill a lot more." The crowd in earshot of Kelly's speech all show signs of support and appear on the edge of breaking down the front door. A bottle passes overhead and shatters on the brick wall. Kelly holds up her hands to hold back any further action. "What's it going to be? You bringing that kid out, or do we have to do it?" *goto CrowdOption #"Why are you assuming I'm going to help?" I ask Kelly. *set impulse %-10 *set kelly_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) Kelly jerks her head to the side in a look of anger and surprise. "You're a *if scientist scientist. If he's infected, don't you want to examine him? *goto ProfKelly *elseif medic or prof_health medical professional. If he's infected, don't you want to examine him? *goto ProfKelly *elseif prof_military or ((uniform = "combat") or (uniform = "service")) soldier. Aren't you here to protect us? *goto ProfKelly *elseif movie_star movie star. Peter Makarov will listen to you. *goto ProfKelly *elseif cop or (uniform = "cop") police officer. It's your job to protect us citizens. *goto ProfKelly *elseif wrestler wrestler. You can make people listen to you. *goto ProfKelly *elseif social_worker social worker. You can convince Peter Makarov to let us examine his son. *goto ProfKelly *elseif teenager or college_student friend of Peter Makarov. He'll listen to you. *goto ProfKelly *else friend of Sam Makarov. He'll listen to you. *goto ProfKelly *label ProfKelly If you don't want to help, then step aside and let us handle it." Kelly steps away, and a heavily tattooed man behind you bumps into your back. "Come on!" he yells as he passes. "Do something!" "Either way, make a decision." Kelly slings her stick over her shoulder and paces along the curb like a general gearing up her troops for battle. *goto CrowdOption *if prof_health or (scientist or medic) #"I'm not going to examine Peter," I tell Kelly. Maybe she'll leave me alone. *set ideal %-10 *set truth %+10 "Sorry, I just assumed you would want to, considering your background," she says. Kelly places her hand on your shoulder and turns you towards the Makarov house. "What's the plan? You want us to move in and get the kid? Or do you want to try to talk to the old man and have him send the kid out?" *goto CrowdOption #I convince the crowd that the son isn't infected, so they all leave and no one gets hurt. *set honor %+10 *set morality %+10 *set truth %+15 *set helped_makarov true *set kelly_faction %-(round(30-(empathy/5))) *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) *set timecount +25 If the crowd keeps getting more riled up, they'll break into this man's home and hurt him, his son, or both. *if persuasion >= 60 Convincing them that the son isn't infected will end this witch hunt without violence. You face the crowd and stand on the bottom step leading up to the porch of the Makarov house. As you raise your hands, the crowd quiets, allowing you to speak. "Everyone listen up! I highly doubt Peter Makarov is infected. We can't break down someone's door just on the suspicion of someone being infected. How would you feel if someone did that to you or your family?" Murmurs spread through the crowd, and some people on the edges of the group walk away. Kelly strides next to you, arms folded over her chest, her face a mixture of disbelief and confusion. "Peter Makarov is sick with the virus, and he's gonna infect all of us!" *if teenager She whips around to face you. "Are we supposed to stand here and listen to a kid?" *if college_student She whips around to face you. "Are we supposed to stand here and listen to some kid in college?" *comment end/ You step in front of her, wearing an air of confidence, and shout over her. *if medic "I am an Army medic and have enough training to know that we can't jump to conclusions without the facts. *goto MakPersuade *elseif doctor "I am a medical doctor and have enough training to know that we can't jump to conclusions without the facts. *goto MakPersuade *elseif nurse "I am an emergency room nurse and have enough training to know that we can't jump to conclusions without the facts. *goto MakPersuade *elseif movie_star A few voices in the crowd say your name, and some snap photos with their phones. "Look everyone, I'm not jumping to conclusions about the Makarov kid without knowing the facts. *goto MakPersuade *elseif wrestler A few voices in the crowd say your ring name, and some snap photos with their phones. "Look everyone, I'm not jumping to conclusions about the Makarov kid without knowing the facts. *goto MakPersuade *elseif cop As the crowd looks on, you hold up your badge for all to see. "Look everyone, I'm not jumping to conclusions about the Makarov kid without knowing the facts. *goto MakPersuade *elseif scientist "I'm a research scientist specializing in ${science_spec}, and I was briefed this morning on the Zeta virus. I'm not jumping to conclusions about the Makarov son without knowing the facts. *goto MakPersuade *elseif teenager "I might be young, but I'm smart enough to know that we shouldn't jump to conclusions without knowing the facts. *goto MakPersuade *elseif college_student "I might be in college, but at least I know that we shouldn't jump to conclusions without knowing the facts. *goto MakPersuade *else "Look everyone, I'm not jumping to conclusions about the Makarov kid without knowing the facts. *goto MakPersuade *label MakPersuade Now, I know we're all worried and want to take precautions to keep our families safe, but breaking into this house and assaulting these innocent, healthy people is no way to do it. There's nothing to do here. Turn around and go home. Be safe. Be with your family." The shouts and hum of the crowd die out, and its members meander away. Most even look embarrassed and ashamed as they walk from the Makarov house. Kelly and a few others remain behind, casting scowls at you, but soon even they wander away. *goto HelpedMakarov *elseif leadership >= 55 Taking control of the situation will end this witch hunt without violence. *gosub SpeechCrowd "What are we doing here? What proof do we have that this teenager is infected? Last time I checked, we live in America, where people are not persecuted without cause. We shouldn't be attacking these people, but supporting and defending them. If we are to survive this outbreak, we should be standing together, not picking each other apart. We are a community, and we should not be breaking down this man's door, but coming together to find out how we can overcome anything this outbreak throws at us." Everyone on the street breaks into cheers and applause, and though Kelly tries to regain control of the crowd, your speech has turned them into a rally of support. Over the next few minutes, the group breaks up, some returning home, some wandering down the street. A few people even stop to show you their support with a handshake or a hug. *goto HelpedMakarov *elseif intimidation >= 50 It's time to push back and end this witch hunt without violence. *gosub SpeechCrowd "What the hell is wrong with you people? You're ready to break down this man's door because you [i]think[/i] someone's infected? What if someone did that to you? What if someone stood at your door and yelled for you to drag your child outside into the hands of a mob? This is crazy, and *if impulse >= 50 I won't allow it to go any further. If you want to force this man's son to come outside, you'll have to go through me first." *if impulse < 50 I think most of you agree with me but are too afraid to say it. Forget about these people, and go home where it's safe. Leave these people alone." *comment end/ The shouts and hum of the crowd die out, and its members meander away. Most even look embarrassed and ashamed as they walk from the Makarov house. Kelly and a few others remain behind, casting scowls at you, but soon even they wander away. *goto HelpedMakarov *else *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) Convincing them that the son isn't infected will end this witch hunt without violence. *gosub SpeechCrowd "Everyone listen up! The reason I came here is to inform you that Peter Makarov is not infected. I know this for a fact." Murmurs spread through the crowd, but the faces of its members show confusion and anger. Kelly steps next to you, arms raised to the crowd with a look of rage. "How do you know he's not infected? That kid is sick, and he's gonna infect all of us!" The front row of onlookers push towards the front of the house, forcing you to move out of their way. *goto FailedMakarov #I get the crowd riled up so they break into the house. *set truth %-15 *set morality %-10 *set timecount +25 *set sided_with_crowd true *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) *set kelly_faction %+(round(empathy/5)) Having an infected human living in your neighborhood endangers everyone. By inciting the crowd further, you can push them to break into the Makarov home and deal with the situation with little risk to you. *gosub SpeechCrowd "Everyone listen up! We've never faced anything as serious as this viral outbreak before, and our society can't sit back and wait for the government to protect us. We have to take action to keep our neighborhood safe!" Your words are met with a ripple of applause through the crowd. People move in closer around you, and Kelly hushes the murmurs and cheers as you speak again. "We're not here to hurt anyone or break the law. We're here to find out whether or not a lethal virus is incubating in this home. We don't know for a fact that anyone in this house is infected, but we're here to learn the truth. If his son is healthy, then why won't Mr. Makarov send him out here and show us? What's he hiding? We can't sit back and let this virus spread through our community. We need answers, and it's our right…NO, our duty to find out the truth!" *goto FailedMakarov #I knock on the door and ask to speak to the man and his son. We need to be civilized about this. *set honor %+15 *set timecount +25 *set kelly_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) *set helped_makarov true If the crowd gets any more incited, they'll riot and break into the Makarov house. Violence will likely erupt, and you need to help mediate the situation before it leads to that. You climb the front steps and knock on the front door. "Mr. Makarov, this is *gosub TalkMak *if morality >= 50 May I please speak with you? The people out here are worried, and if I could speak with you for a few minutes, maybe we can resolve—" *if morality < 50 Why don't you come out here and talk to me? No one will hurt you or your son. We just want to know—" *comment end/ "Go away! Damn you all!" Mr. Makarov yells through the door, and you hear the stomping of boots walking away from inside. *goto FailedMakarov #I tell the crowd to go home. If the son is infected, the authorities should deal with it. *set honor %+10 *set truth %+10 *set helped_makarov true *set kelly_faction %-(round(30-(empathy/5))) *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) *set timecount +25 The government and military are working to keep everyone safe, and it's too soon for people to take such desperate action and attack someone they suspect of having the virus. Before this crowd turns violent, you need to calm their fears and convince them that the authorities will handle the situation. *gosub SpeechCrowd "People, listen! This is crazy! We don't know that anyone in this house is sick. We're no experts. The police and National Guard are patrolling the area and handling all reports of infection. We need to have faith in them to do their job. They've asked us to stay inside our homes and avoid these kinds of situations, and it's in our best interest to stay out of their way. Let's all go home, lock the doors, and be with our families." *if (persuasion >= 70) or (leadership >= 55) The shouts and hum of the crowd die out, and its members meander away. Most even look embarrassed and ashamed as they walk from the Makarov house. Kelly and a few others remain behind, casting scowls at you, but soon even they wander away. *goto HelpedMakarov *else Murmurs spread through the crowd, but the faces of its members show confusion and anger. Kelly steps next to you, arms raised to the crowd with a look of rage. "We have called the police and reported this house. No one came! We can't sit back and wait for the government to protect us. We have to take action to keep our neighborhood safe!" The front row of onlookers pushes toward the front of the house, forcing you to move out of their way. *goto FailedMakarov #I demand to enter the house and break in if necessary. I want to examine the son for myself. *set impulse %+15 *set timecount +25 *set kelly_faction %+(round(empathy/5)+10) *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) *set sided_with_crowd true Having an infected human living in your neighborhood endangers everyone. You're not waiting around and letting the virus incubate in the neighborhood where you live. It's time for action. You march up the front steps and bang the front door. "Mr. Makarov, we need to talk. This is *gosub TalkMak We need to know if your son is infected. Now, we can do this the easy way, and you can bring him out to us. If not, we'll have no choice but to force our way inside. You have five seconds—" "Go away! Damn you all!" Mr. Makarov yells through the door, and you hear the stomping of boots walking away from inside. *goto FailedMakarov #I head back home. I don't want to have anything to do with this mob or Mr. Makarov. *set honor %-10 You don't know whether or not Mr. Makarov's son is infected or not, but you do know that this mob is on the verge of rioting. It won't be safe to be here when the violence starts. *if impulse >= 50 *set kelly_faction %-(round(30-(empathy/5))) "I'm out of here, Kelly," you say and turn to walk away. "Where the hell are you going?" she yells, grabbing the back of your shirt. "People like you make me sick. You want the rest of us to make the world safe. Forget you, then! We'll do this on our own." *if impulse < 50 *set kelly_faction %-(round(25-(empathy/5))) As you think of a way out of the situation, a man in a security guard uniform steps up to Kelly, and the two lean in close to talk. While she's distracted, you slip away from her side. *goto FailedMakarov *label TalkMak *if cop Officer ${name} of the Nightfall Police Department. *return *elseif prof_military ${military_rank} ${name}. *return *elseif doctor Doctor ${name}. *return *elseif nurse ${name}, a nurse at St. Matthias Hospital. *return *elseif movie_star ${name}. You probably know me from my movies. *return *elseif wrestler ${name}. You probably know me, since I'm a professional wrestler. *return *else ${name}, your neighbor from down the street. *return *label SpeechCrowd You face the mob and stand on the bottom step leading up to the porch of the Makarov house. *if (uniform = "combat") or ((uniform = "service") or (uniform = "cop")) Standing at the base of the steps in your uniform has an effect on the crowd, and they quiet, allowing you to speak. *return *elseif (uniform = "scrubs") or (uniform = "white coat") Standing at the base of the steps in your ${uniform_desc} has an effect on the crowd, and they quiet, allowing you to speak. *return *elseif cop Flashing your badge has an effect on the crowd, and they quiet, allowing you to speak. *return *elseif movie_star A few people point and shout your name, while others take out their phones and snap photos. *return *elseif wrestler A few people point and shout your ring name, while others take out their phones and snap photos. *return *else As you raise your hands, the crowd quiets, allowing you to speak. *return *label FailedMakarov *set stress %+(round((100-wil)/5)) *set timecount +25 The mob grows louder and angrier. A bottle flies overhead, striking the brick wall behind you, showering the pavement in glass. Rocks now strike the windows, and a few people in the mob rush up and pound on the front door. Voices rise above it all, calling for the infected boy to be delivered outside. As the crowd chants their demands, the second-floor window opens, and Mr. Makarov leans outside and shouts down at the mob. "Get out of here! All of you!" He draws a long rifle through the window, aims it, and fires it once into the air with a boom. Panicked screams rise from the crowd. People scatter in all directions. Some run behind parked cars, while most sprint down the street or return to their own homes to escape the madness of what's unfolding. You are tossed aside as several large figures barrel into you on their way past. Kelly stands her ground at the front steps. "Your son is sick. He'll infect us all—" "Leave my home!" Mr. Makarov yells, and he aims down at a trash can and fires, sending the bin into the porch of a nearby house. Garbage flies into the air, littering the area. At this, even Kelly rushes away, and you cross the street and head home, unsure of what Mr. Makarov might target next. From the far edge of the street, a voice booms through a bullhorn. "This is the National Guard. Your area is under a strict curfew. Return to your homes." A trio of armored Humvees roll through the street in a line, and the voice of the soldier reverberates through mounted speakers, repeating the message. You rush down the street. Spotlights shine from each vehicle, shooting bright circles from house to house. Doors open and close, curtains slide past windows, and the street turns desolate save for the three roaring military trucks. Mr. Makarov and his rifle disappear, and the lights turn off in his home. As the spotlight passes your home, invading it with a beam of bright white, you run inside and lock the doors. From a distance comes the shrill howl of the living dead mixed with gunfire, reminding you that this is the safest place to be for now. *goto ChapterChoices *label HelpedMakarov *set stress %-(round(wil/5)) *set timecount +25 A curtain moves on the second-floor window of the Makarov home, and a pale light flickers on. You glance up at Sam Makarov staring at the street below. He holds a slender object in his hand, and though it's too dark in the room where he stands to make out the details, you detect the gun-metal color and shape of a rifle. His eyes meet your gaze, *if morality >= 50 and you nod, in some way expecting acknowledgement of your role in diffusing the mob. Instead, he *if morality < 50 and you wonder if he knows how you went out of your way to diffuse the mob. He snaps the curtain shut, and the pale glow of light dies in the second-floor room. From the far edge of the street, a voice booms through a bullhorn. "This is the National Guard. Your area is under a strict curfew. Return to your homes." A trio of armored Humvees roll through the street in a line, and the voice of the soldier reverberates through mounted speakers, repeating the message. You rush down the street, unsure of what the military will do to people who break the curfew. Spotlights shine from each vehicle, shooting bright circles from house to house. Doors open and close, curtains slide past windows, and the street turns desolate save for the three roaring military trucks. As the spotlight passes your home, invading it with a beam of bright white, you run inside and lock the doors. From a distance comes the shrill howl of the living dead mixed with gunfire, reminding you that this is the safest place to be for now. *goto ChapterChoices *label EndDay *if dependent You bring ${dep_name} upstairs to his room and help him get ready for bed. He insists on leaving his clothes on in case of an emergency. Who can argue with that? He climbs into bed and pulls the covers up. *if v_loc = "city" Streetlights cast a glow into the room, and as you close the curtains to block the light, your nephew asks you to leave them open. *if v_loc != "city" The only light in the room streams in from the hallway, so your nephew asks for a nightlight. "I'd feel better that way." "No problem. Good night," you say. *if not(spoke_dep_plans) "${name_call}, can I ask you something?" "Sure. What's on your mind?" *gosub DependentChat "I'm going to head to bed now, we'll talk more in the morning." "Thanks for everything, ${name_call}." *comment end/ You step into your bedroom and skip the nightly pre-sleep ritual. Instead, you crash into bed fully clothed, *if impulse > 40 finally feeling safe in your own bed. *if impulse <= 40 *if p_weapon != "hands" with your *if (p_weapon = "taser") or (p_weapon = "pepper spray") ${p_weapon} clenched in your hand, *if (p_weapon != "taser") and (p_weapon != "pepper spray") ${p_weapon} laid across your chest, ready at a moment's notice to deal with whatever the outbreak throws at you. Gunshots, zombie cries, helicopters, military vehicles—all join the sounds of the ${v_loc} in an unharmonious symphony, but somehow you fall asleep. *page_break *if timecount < 2200 *set fatigue %-(round(sta/4)) *if timecount < 2400 *set fatigue %-(round(sta/6)) *page_break *set hold_scene "chapter2" *page_break Continue—Raise Skills *goto_scene LevelSkills *label HaveSnack *set snack_count +1 With all the pressures of the apocalypse, you need something to brighten your mood—to give you some sense of normalcy in this manic, stressful existence. *choice *if (had_candy = false) *allow_reuse *selectable_if (candy > 0) #Candy. *gosub_scene Part1Events EatCandy *goto ChapterChoices *if (had_coffee = false) *allow_reuse *selectable_if (coffees > 0) #Coffee. *gosub_scene Part1Events DrinkCoffee *goto ChapterChoices *if (had_soda = false) *allow_reuse *selectable_if (sodas > 0) #Soda. *gosub_scene Part1Events DrinkSoda *goto ChapterChoices *allow_reuse #I'd rather not have a snack. Instead, you… *goto MakeChoice *label levelConvert You consider yourself *if hth_level < 3 [i]a beginner[/i] *if hth_level = 3 [i]adept[/i] *if hth_level = 4 [i]advanced[/i] *if hth_level = 5 [i]superior[/i] *if hth_level = 6 [i]an expert[/i] *if hth_level = 7 [i]a master[/i] in the discipline. *return *label DeadEnd *goto_scene ending dead *label trial_end *label end_trial *check_purchase adfree *if choice_purchased_adfree or not(choice_purchase_supported) *label purchased *return Remember earlier how we told you that the first chapter is available for free? This is the end of the free content. [i]To find out what happens next, please purchase the remaining chapters.[/i] *purchase_discount adfree 2019-03-28 $7.99 $4.99 purchased *abort