*title Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven *author Jim Dattilo *scene_list startup BuildCharacter prologue chapter1 $ chapter2 $ chapter3 $ Part1SaveJaime $ chapter4 $zexshparttwo chapter5 $zexshparttwo chapter6 $zexshparttwo Part2Day3 $zexshparttwo chapter7 $zexshpartthree chapter8 $zexshpartthree chapter9 $zexshpartthree chapter10 $zexshpartthree chapter11 $zexshpartthree chapter12 ending CalculateDeductions $ CarryList ChangeStats $ CheckWeapons $ CraftItem $ EmptyWeapon $ FightCode $ GenCharacter $ GiveWeapon $ LevelSkills $ LoadWeapons $ LosePrimary $ MeleeSelect $zexshparttwo premade $ Part1Events $zexshparttwo Part2Events $zexshparttwo Part2CraftItem $ RangedSelect $ SelectVehicle $ SwapWeapons $ WeaponSelect $zexshpartthree Part3Events $zexshpartthree Part3Convos $zexshpartthree Part3CraftItem $zexshpartthree Part3GroupManage $zexshpartthree Part3Tasks $zexstoriesone shortstories *comment bug choice_beta for zexstoriesone *product zexshparttwo *product zexshpartthree *product skillpointbonus *product doubleskillbonus *product attbonus *product zexstoriesone *comment Save System/ *create hold_scene "dummy" *create hold_label "dummy" *create hold_spot "dummy" *create test_flip false *create current_chapter 0 *create game_milestone false *create_array save_name 3 "[empty]" *comment Weapon System/ *create dummy "dummy" *create dummynum 0 *create have_melee false *create have_ranged false *create have_weapon false *create carry_weapon false *create carry_ranged false *create carry_melee false *create p_weapon "none" *create p_mod 0 *create p_weaponmode "dummy" *create p_class "dummy" *create p_range 0 *create p_type "dummy" *create p_ammo "dummynum" *create p_arrow "dummy" *create p_suppressor false *create p_scope false *create p_lethal false *create p_ammo_num 0 *create s_weapon "none" *create s_mod 0 *create s_mode "dummy" *create s_weaponmode "dummy" *create s_class "dummy" *create s_range 0 *create s_type "dummy" *create s_ammo "dummynum" *create s_arrow "dummy" *create s_silent false *create s_suppressor false *create s_scope false *create s_lethal false *create s_ammo_num 0 *create temp_weapon "dummy" *create fatigue_mod 0 *create weapon_option 3 *comment 1=melee|2=ranged|3=either *create temp_mod "dummy" *create temp_weaponmode "dummy" *create temp_class "dummy" *create temp_range "dummy" *create temp_type "dummy" *create temp_ammo "dummy" *create temp_arrow "dummy" *create temp_suppressor "dummy" *create temp_scope "dummy" *create temp_lethal "dummy" *create temp_ammo_num "dummy" *create brody_weapon "dummy" *create brody_mod 0 *create brody_weaponmode "dummy" *create brody_class "dummy" *create brody_range 0 *create brody_type "dummy" *create brody_ammo "dummy" *create brody_arrow "dummy" *create parker_weapon "dummy" *create parker_mod 0 *create parker_weaponmode "dummy" *create parker_class "dummy" *create parker_range 0 *create parker_type "dummy" *create parker_ammo "dummy" *create parker_arrow "dummy" *create kelly_weapon "dummy" *create kelly_mod 0 *create kelly_weaponmode "dummy" *create kelly_class "dummy" *create kelly_range 0 *create kelly_type "dummy" *create kelly_ammo "dummy" *create kelly_arrow "dummy" *create sharif_weapon "dummy" *create sharif_mod 0 *create sharif_weaponmode "dummy" *create sharif_class "dummy" *create sharif_range 0 *create sharif_type "ranged" *create sharif_ammo "dummy" *create sharif_arrow "dummy" *create dep_weapon "dummy" *create dep_mod 0 *create dep_weaponmode "dummy" *create dep_class "dummy" *create dep_range 0 *create dep_type "dummy" *create dep_ammo "dummy" *create dep_arrow "dummy" *create target_difficulty 0 *create ranged_matters false *create target_range 0 *create range_difficulty 0 *create attack_result 0 *create curr_weapon "dummy" *create curr_mod 0 *create curr_class "dummy" *create curr_weaponmode "dummy" *create curr_range 0 *create curr_type "dummy" *create curr_ammo "dummy" *create curr_arrow "dummy" *create curr_lethal false *create curr_ammo_num 0 *create curr_suppressor false *create curr_scope false *create ammo_used 0 *create weapon_loaded false *create using_primary false *comment Attributes/ *create str 30 *create dex 30 *create agi 30 *create sta 30 *create cha 30 *create int 30 *create wil 30 *create per 30 *create max_str 0 *create max_dex 0 *create max_agi 0 *create max_sta 0 *create max_cha 0 *create max_int 0 *create max_wil 0 *create max_per 0 *create stat_pool 180 *create stat_hold "" *create stat_desc "" *create stat_val 0 *create temp_val 0 *comment Skills/ *create skill_level 0 *create ath_level 0 *create athletics 10 *create m_athletics 10 *create ath_value 0 *create ccw_level 0 *create ccw 10 *create m_ccw 10 *create ccw_value 0 *create cook_level 0 *create cooking 10 *create m_cooking 10 *create cook_value 0 *create craft_level 0 *create crafting 10 *create m_crafting 10 *create craft_value 0 *create drive_level 0 *create driving 10 *create m_driving 10 *create drive_value 0 *create ele_level 0 *create 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pet_fed 0 *create pet_health 99 *create labrador false *create germanshep false *create husky false *create wolfhound false *create chihuahua false *create pet_breed "" *create pet_name "" *create pet_faction 70 *create pet_alive false *comment Personality & Morality/ *create p_health 99 *create m_health 99 *create w_money 0 *create bank_money 0 *create fatigue 10 *create fatigue_1 false *create fatigue_2 false *create fatigue_3 false *create stress 10 *create w_food 20 *create w_water 20 *create out_of_water false *create water_message true *create gender "unknown" *create male false *create female false *create nb false *create guy "guy" *create buddy "buddy" *create name "unknown" *create firstname "" *create lastname "" *create military_rank "" *create sex_pref "unknown" *create like_males false *create like_females false *create asexual false *create aromantic false *create race "unknown" *create race_asian false *create race_black false *create race_eastindian false *create 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hobby_reading false *create hobby_book "" *create hobby_singing false *create dancing_times 0 *create running_times 0 *create drawing_times 0 *create exercising_times 0 *create knitting_times 0 *create gardening_times 0 *create meditating_times 0 *create music_times 0 *create instrument_times 0 *create instrument "" *create video_games_times 0 *create reading_times 0 *create singing_times 0 *create ashton_he "he" *create ashton_him "him" *create ashton_his "his" *create kendall_he "he" *create kendall_him "him" *create kendall_his "his" *create kendall_man "man" *comment Gear/ *create inv_count 0 *create max_count 0 *create item_count 0 *create craft_count 0 *create bp_count 2 *create duffel_count 3 *create tactical_vest_count 2 *create inventory "" *create gear "" *create consumables "" *create special_inventory "" *comment Ranged Weapons/ *create failed_roll false *create p_loaded false *create s_loaded false *create num_melee 0 *create num_ranged 0 *create have_spare_ranged false *create have_spare_melee false *create swapped_weapons false *create colt 0 *create colt_loaded true *create glock 0 *create glock_loaded true *create w_pistol 0 *create pistol_loaded true *create w_revolver 0 *create revolver_loaded true *create w_shotgun 0 *create shotgun_loaded true *create tactical_shotgun 0 *create tactical_shotgun_loaded true *create sawed_off 0 *create sawed_off_loaded true *create w_rifle 0 *create rifle_loaded true *create sniper_rifle 0 *create sniper_rifle_loaded true *create springfield 0 *create springfield_loaded true *create w_smg 0 *create smg_loaded true *create ar15 0 *create ar15_loaded true *create ak47 0 *create ak47_loaded true *create arsenal 0 *create arsenal_loaded true *create m16 0 *create m16_loaded true *create hk416 0 *create hk416_loaded true *create m4 0 *create m4_loaded true *create m9 0 *create m9_loaded true *create manns_lar 0 *create manns_lar_loaded true *create sks 0 *create sks_loaded true *create bow 0 *create bow_loaded true 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*create walking false *create woody_sedan false *create bike false *create riding_bike false *create riding_motorcycle false *create vehicle_num 0 *create vehicle_health 100 *create v_man 0 *create v_ram 0 *create police_car false *create supply_truck false *create van false *create coupe false *create pickup_truck false *create taxi_cab false *create sedan false *create luxury_car false *create sports_car false *create tractor false *create motorcycle false *create military_jeep false *create bandit_jeep false *create armored_suv false *create bandit_jeep_health 75 *create coupe_health 75 *create luxury_car_health 75 *create armored_suv_health 75 *create military_jeep_health 75 *create motorcycle_health 75 *create pickup_truck_health 75 *create police_car_health 75 *create sedan_health 75 *create suv_health 75 *create sports_car_health 75 *create supply_truck_health 75 *create taxi_health 75 *create tractor_health 75 *create van_health 75 *create bandit_jeep_man 20 *create coupe_man 15 *create luxury_car_man 20 *create armored_suv_man 20 *create military_jeep_man 15 *create motorcycle_man 40 *create pickup_truck_man 10 *create police_car_man 15 *create sedan_man 15 *create suv_man 15 *create sports_car_man 30 *create supply_truck_man 5 *create taxi_man 15 *create tractor_man 0 *create van_man 10 *create bandit_jeep_ram 25 *create coupe_ram 10 *create luxury_car_ram 10 *create armored_suv_ram 40 *create military_jeep_ram 25 *create motorcycle_ram 0 *create pickup_truck_ram 20 *create police_car_ram 20 *create sedan_ram 20 *create suv_ram 20 *create sports_car_ram 10 *create supply_truck_ram 35 *create taxi_ram 15 *create tractor_ram 40 *create van_ram 20 *create bandit_jeep_size 2 *create coupe_size 1 *create luxury_car_size 2 *create armored_suv_size 2 *create military_jeep_size 2 *create motorcycle_size 1 *create pickup_truck_size 3 *create police_car_size 1 *create sedan_size 1 *create suv_size 2 *create sports_car_size 1 *create supply_truck_size 3 *create taxi_size 2 *create tractor_size 2 *create van_size 3 *create vehicle_link "" *comment Clothes & Armor/ *create armor "none" *create have_armor false *create have_helmet false *create wearing_armor false *create wearing_helmet false *create leather_armors 0 *create football_pads 0 *create kevlar_vests 0 *create tactical_vests 0 *create helmet "none" *create football_helmets 0 *create combat_helmets 0 *create motorcycle_helmets 0 *create construction_outfit false *create white_coat false *create tailored_suit false *create tailored_dress false *create covert_outfit false *create combat_uniform false *create formal_uniform false *create police_uniform false *create scrubs false *create chefs_uniform false *create close_combat_uniform false *create electronics_specialist_uniform false *create lab_tech_uniform false *create manufacturing_uniform false *create mechanics_uniform false *create sniper_suit false *comment Equipment/ *create no_more_crafting false *create w_binoculars 0 *create botany_book 0 *create canteen 0 *create compass 0 *create cookware 0 *create crafting_tools 0 *create duct_tape 0 *create firestarter 0 *create first_aid 0 *create first_aid_charges 5 *create fishing_pole 0 *create w_flashlight 0 *create generator 0 *create glasses 0 *create gps 0 *create handcuffs 0 *create laptop 1 *create mechanical_tools 0 *create microscope 0 *create ultrasound 0 *create w_multitool 0 *create w_nvg 0 *create phone 1 *create portable_stove 0 *create primepad 0 *create w_rope 0 *create respirator 0 *create sewing_kit 0 *create shovel 0 *create sleeping_bag 0 *create cb_radio 0 *create tarp 0 *create tent 0 *create thermal_goggles 0 *create water_purify 0 *create zip_ties 0 *comment Containers/ *create container "pocket" *create w_backpack 0 *create duffel_bag 0 *comment Consumables/ *create alcohol 0 *create antibiotics 0 *create bandages 0 *create batteries 0 *create blankets 0 *create bleach 0 *create candy 0 *create w_cigarettes 0 *create marijuana_cigarettes 0 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traps 0 *create explosive_charges 0 *create grenades 0 *create molotovs 0 *create gas_bombs 0 *create barbed_wire 0 *create workroom false *create improved_workroom false *create choose_another false *comment Special Items/ *create diamond_ring false *create gina_diamond_ring false *create legit_files false *create rabbit_keychain false *create sat_phone false *create zeta_virus_flashdrive false *create science_specimen_kit false *create science_notebook false *create achieved_specimen false *create brodys_rock false *create magazine_gun false *create magazine_porn false *create magazine_music false *create potato_crisps false *create cosmetics false *create rechargeable_battery false *create comics false *create dnd_manual 0 *create gun_mag 0 *create porn_mag 0 *create music_mag 0 *create potato_chips 0 *create item_cosmetics 0 *create item_rechargeable_battery 0 *create item_comics 0 *create short_story_book 0 *create car_mag 0 *create travel_mag 0 *create cheeseburgers 0 *create pretzels 0 *create item_birth_control 0 *create jillian_birth_control false *create medical_equipment false *comment Science/ *create hold_sample "dummy" *create research_virus false *create first_time_sample true *create zeta_arterial_blood 0 *create zeta_venous_blood 0 *create zeta_brainstem 0 *create zeta_lesion 0 *create zeta_cerebrospinal 0 *create samples_needed_culture 1 *create zeta_knowledge 1 *create specimen_difficulty 0 *create sample_type_difficulty 0 *create science_focus 0 *comment Challenges/ *create a_count 0 *create add_alc false *create alc_day 0 *create add_nic false *create cig_day 0 *create claustrophobic false *create allergy false *create deep_sleeper false *create delusions false *create dependent false *create fear_heights false *create hearing_impaired false *create kleptomaniac false *create night_blindness false *create pet_owner false *create ptsd false *create short_fuse false *create v_impaired false *create wearing_glasses true *create vege false *comment Relationships: like 0 none, 1=flirting 2=romantic 3=partner 9=manipulating/ *create bailey_faction 40 *create bailey_joined_group false *create bailey_like 0 *create bailey_other 0 *create bailey_alive true *create with_bailey true *create ben_faction 40 *create ben_alive true *create with_ben true *create billie_join false *create billie_faction 40 *create billie_introduced false *create billie_alive true *create with_billie true *create brody_introduced false *create brody_alive true *create brody_faction 40 *create brody_like 0 *create brody_other 0 *create brody_rival false *create with_brody true *create church_introduced false *create church_alive true *create with_church true *create church_faction 40 *create dante_faction 40 *create dante_alive true *create with_dante true *create dante_join false *create dante_joined_group false *create dante_introduced false *create deter_faction 40 *create deter_alive true *create driver_alive true *create driver_introduced false *create driver_faction 30 *create driver_met false *create with_driver false *create fred_faction 40 *create fred_join false *create fred_introduced false *create fred_alive true *create with_fred true *create with_gina true *create with_kevin true *create gina_joined_group false *create goodman_faction 40 *create goodman_introduced false *create goodman_alive true *create jillian_faction 40 *create jillian_introduced false *create jillian_like 0 *create jillian_other 0 *create with_jillian false *create with_jude false *create julianne_faction 40 *create julianne_other 0 *create julianne_alive true *create julianne_like 0 *create lyle_faction 40 *create lyle_introduced false *create kelly_join false *create kelly_faction 40 *create kelly_introduced false *create kelly_alive true *create kelly_like 0 *create kelly_other 0 *create with_kelly false *create lopez_like 0 *create lopez_other 0 *create with_lopez false *create madison_introduced false *create madison_alive true *create madison_faction 40 *create madison_like 0 *create madison_other 0 *create with_madison false *create rgroup_introduced false *create nathan_faction 40 *create nathan_alive true *create with_nathan true *create nora_introduced false *create nora_alive true *create nora_killed 0 *create nora_killed_by 0 *create nora_saw_kill 0 *create with_nora true *create nora_faction 40 *create jaime_introduced false *create jaime_alive true *create with_jaime true *create jaime_faction 60 *create jaime_like 0 *create jaime_other 0 *create parker_faction 40 *create parker_introduced false *create parker_alive true *create with_parker false *create rachel_faction 40 *create rachel_introduced false *create rachel_alive true *create with_rachel false *create rachel_like 0 *create rachel_other 0 *create ray_join false *create rosie_like 0 *create rosie_other 0 *create with_ray true *create ray_faction 50 *create ray_he "he" *create ray_him "him" *create ray_his "his" *create reilly_like 0 *create reilly_other 0 *create reilly_introduced false *create reilly_alive true *create with_reilly true *create reilly_faction 40 *create sean_faction 40 *create sean_join false *create sean_alive true *create with_sean true *create sean_introduced false *create sifer_introduced false *create sifer_faction 40 *create sifer_join false *create sifer_met false *create sifer_alive true *create rosie_alive true *create with_rosie false *create rosie_introduced false *create rosie_faction 30 *create tommy_faction 40 *create tommy_join false *create tommy_alive true *create with_tommy true *create tommy_like 0 *create tommy_other 0 *create tommy_introduced false *create woody_faction 40 *create woody_introduced false *create woody_alive true *create with_woody false *create woody_like 0 *create woody_other 0 *create ortega_alive true *create favorite_npc "" *create highest_faction 0 *create temp_faction 0 *create bailey_ex_ro false *create brody_ex_ro false *create gina_ex_ro false *create jaime_ex_ro false *create jillian_ex_ro false *create kelly_ex_ro false *create lopez_ex_ro false *create madison_ex_ro false *create rachel_ex_ro false *create reilly_ex_ro false *create rosie_ex_ro false *create tommy_ex_ro false *create woody_ex_ro false *comment Group Factions/ *create silverthorne_faction 40 *create rmbc_faction 40 *create riverdogs_faction 40 *create paynes_faction 40 *create new_army_faction 40 *create vanguards_faction 40 *create graves_faction 50 *create museum_faction 55 *create forest_rats_faction 25 *comment Other Variables - Prologue/ *create slim_met false *create spoke_to_neighbors false *create kept_bank_money false *create took_groceries false *create robbed_bank false *create homemaker_sales "" *comment homemade jewelry homemade clothing painted miniature figurines homemade baked goods antiques items I buy and resell/ *create homemaker_bg 0 *comment 1 settlement, 2 inheritance, 3 pension, 4 lottery/ *create milford_faction 50 *create wrestling_prologue false *create cop_prologue false *create hospital_prologue false *create movie_star_prologue false *create army_prologue false *create mma_prologue false *create met_milford false *comment if you met milford but not necessarily spoke to him/ *create intro_milford false *comment intro_milford is true if you spoke with him and he told you his name/ *create recognize_milford false *comment recognize milford but never met. Engineer/laborer see his painting, medical professions had him as a patient./ *create mma_style 0 *comment types of styles: 1 (strikes), 2 (kicking), 3 (wrestling), 4 (submission)/ *create mma_art "" *create custom_mma_style false *create w_type 0 *comment type of wrestler 1=fast, 2=presence, 3=size, 4=technical/ *create ring_name "" *create science_spec "a scientist" *create science_career "science" *create college_degree "" *create know_brain_kill false *create julianne_met false *create read_about_diangelo false *create shot_zombie_before false *create hit_zombie_before false *create killed_human_before false *create spoke_to_command false *create police_precinct false *create carter_dead false *create sarge_alive true *create sarge_bag false *create chandra_alive false *create crush "" *create uniform "street clothes" *create uniform_desc "street clothes" *comment Other Variables - Chapter 1/ *create clothes_count 0 *create check_gear_count 0 *create gear_count 0 *create hours 0 *create minutes 0 *create disp_mins "0" *create timecount 1400 *create am_pm "" *create event_count 0 *create got_panels false *create dep_home false *create mob_event false *create emergency_shelter_locations_known false *create reinforced_home false *create billie_called false *create vince_called false *create fred_called false *create parker_called_day1 false *create sean_called false *create reilly_called false *create twins_called false *create home_boarded false *create house_attacked_zombies false *create supplies_gathered false *create already_hacked_nightfall false *create max_defense 0 *create home_defense 0 *comment amount of home defense points after boarding the home/ *create home_damage 0 *comment scale of damage to home/ *create metal_doors false *create heavy_reinforce false *create alarm_system false *create secure_perimeter false *create trap_door false *create setup_cameras false *create surround_barbed_wire false *create injured_to_zombie false *create deter_met false *create deter_prediction false *create met_fred_roof false *create retrieved_freds_bag false *create blanket_covers_window false *create freds_cat false *create learned_about_water false *comment if you know to fill up bins from the sinks and tub/ *create asked_contact_freds_mom false *create sean_bank_robber false *comment told sean you're a bank robber or con artist/ *create sean_con_artist false *create dug_trench false *create zombie_outcome 0 *create reilly_mom false *create filled_bathtub false *create bathtub_once false *create watercount 0 *create reinforce_options 0 *create tried_to_call_parents false *create heard_parents_dead false *create lj_gear false *create know_lyle_not_blind false *create lj_confrontation false *create confront_lyle_blind false *create disposed_of_lj false *create lj_inside false *create lj_outside false *create cut_arm false *create zombie_in_basement false *create lyle_and_jillian_join false *create lyle_and_jillian_kicked_out false *create lyle_and_jillian_turned_away false *create lyle_and_jillian_killed false *create lyle_alive true *create jillian_alive true *create lyle_blind true *create lj_tomorrow false *create choked_lj false *create asked_for_gear false *create told_lj_zombie false *create jaime_called false *create fred_offered_resources false *create dep_fed false *create ate_today false *create lj_love false *create found_out_sisters_dead false *create secured_seans_home false *create sean_offers_help false *create npd_website false *create used_sat_phone_already false *create tasered_zombie false *create peppered_zombie false *create virus_researched false *create acquired_first_vehicle false *create helped_makarov false *create sided_with_crowd false *create reviewed_legit_files false *create reviewed_zeta false *create reviewed_research false *create reviewed_spread false *create cracked4legit 0 *create first_time_reviewing true *create dep_add_comment false *create told_julianne_about_deaths false *create netcount 0 *create already_trapped_part1 false *create num_of_traps 0 *create v_trap "trap" *create told_jaime_ch1 false *create online_research false *comment chapter 2/ *create objective_1 "" *create objective_2 "" *create current_objective 0 *create watched_satellite 0 *create initial_time_leave_nephew true *create followed_lj false *create had_delusion_event false *create met_dillan false *create lj_robbed_day2 false *create left_nephew_before 0 *create first_time_outside true *create walked_dog false *create add_count 0 *create pet_join false *create dep_join false *create with_dep false *create jillian_join false *create lyle_join false *create left_lj false *create sean_not_answering false *create fred_not_answering false *create tried_calling_fred_day2 false *create billie_not_answering false *create parker_called_day2 false *create told_parker_about_dep_mom false *create went_to_billies false *create went_to_freds false *create went_to_seans false *create checked_neighborhood false *create unclean_water false *create saw_milford_ch2 false *create george_corpse false *create fallen_man false *create dispatched_dantes_zombies false *create walked_over false *create city_event false *create suburban_event false *create country_event false *create dante_event false *create dante_outside false *create dante_zombie false *create dante_house false *create use_car false *create rob_dante false *create killed_dante false *create zombies_killed_dante false *create dante_selfcentered false *create dante_cautious false *create already_tried_police false *create attacked_soldiers false *create white_alive true *create cowboy_alive true *create croston_alive true *create military_id true *create accused_soldiers false *create lopez_alive true *create lopez_join false *create lopez_met false *create lopez "Lopez" *create lopez_faction 40 *create gina_like 0 *create gina_other 0 *create gina_faction 40 *create gina_alive true *create gina_join false *create george_alive true *create met_gina false *create gina_attacked_george false *create robbed_gina false *create broken_nose false *create knee_injured false *create tv_day_2 false *create ask_parker_for_food false *create dep_discussed_theory_mother false *create offered_to_fix_woodys_laptop false *create learned_about_woodys_thesis false *create woody_continue false *create woody_wendigo false *create woody_allergy_meds false *create splinted_knee false *create already_inspected_knee false *create crowd_attacked false *create searched_for_car false *create new_car "" *create told_julianne_about_files false *create survnet_mission false *comment Inactive Active Offline/ *create chipper_ridge_server false *create first_baptist_server false *create news_van_server false *create one_nightfall_server false *create primenews_server false *create kents_shop_server false *create st_matthias_server false *create lancelot_server false *create discussed_jason false *create dillan "the leader" *create rosie "the red-haired woman" *create driver "the gunner" *create driver_friendly false *create took_lopez_gear false *create lopez_name false *create house_powered true *create laptop_powered true *create gas_gen_set false *create solar_gen_set false *create helped_tommy_mom false *create met_deter_ch2 false *create contacted_julianne_ch2 false *create tommy_photo false *create tommy_medallion false *create scavenged_tommys_house false *create shot_peters_shoulder false *create tommy_thomas false *create tommy_event false *create saw_figures_at_tommys 0 *create saw_tommy_dead false *create told_sifer_not_military false *create killed_tommy false *comment NearbyHomes/ *create saw_flora false *create first_floor_searched false *create told_greg_about_note false *create flora_alive true *create greg_friendly 0 *create greg_note false *create warned_flora false *create safe_combo false *create safe_loc false *create scav_success false *create dog_command false *create failed_ranged false *create weapon_empty false *create threestory_made_noise false *create nb_count 0 *create picked_hobbies false *create count 0 *create glasses_seans_house false *create glasses_lopez false *create glasses_croston false *create glasses_george false *create j_batt false *create j_pain false *create j_gave_back_stolen_items false *create saw_jillian_snooping false *comment chapter 3/ *create spoke_to_dillan false *create rosie_hurt false *create driver_hurt false *create dillan_hurt false *create asked_jaime_for 0 *create makarovs_failed_break_in false *create makarovs_broke_in false *create home_damaged_after_break_in false *create kelly_lied_about_uniform false *create parker_kelly false *create kelly_offer_supplies false *create kelly_offer_home false *create kelly_meets_woody false *create went_to_makarovs false *create saw_parker_day3 false *create saw_red_striped_cloth false *create killed_jillian_dock false *create woody_takes_jillians_gun false *create breakin_event false *create suspicious_about_rachel 0 *create leg_wound_antibiotics_used false *create leg_wound_cleaned false *create leg_wound_open false *create leg_wound_simple_stitches false *create leg_wound_steri_strips false *create leg_wound_covered false *create work_with_rachel false *create refuse_rachel false *create know_rachel_lying false *create shopbag_herbs 0 *create shopbag_fruit 0 *create shopbag_vegetables 0 *create shopbag_chicken 0 *create shopbag_beef 0 *create shopbag_bottled_water 0 *create shopbag_alcohol 0 *create shopbag_coffee 0 *create shopbag_bleach 0 *create shopbag_liquid 0 *create shopbag_shampoo 0 *create shopbag_soap 0 *create shopbag_tp 0 *create shopbag_cookware 0 *create shopbag_duct 0 *create shopbag_batteries 0 *create shopbag_candy 0 *create shopbag_soda 0 *create shopbag_cigarettes 0 *create shopbag_aspirin 0 *create shop_bag "" *create shop_bag_count 0 *create woody_home false *create myvehicle false *create ben_checked_leg false *create first_woody true *comment chapter 4/ *create jillian_kills_driver false *create jillian_kills_rosie false *create driver_join false *create rosie_join false *create driver_not_join false *create rosie_not_join false *create burnt_comics false *create saw_rachels_rifle false *create fortress_achieved false *create savior_achieved false *create ze_part5_bought false *create z_achieve 0 *create achieved_blindman false *create shared_snack false *create had_candy false *create had_soda false *create had_coffee false *create candy_with_dep false *create leg_wound_sutured false *create snack_count 0 *create told_tommy_makarovs false *create tommy_plan 0 *create tommy_breaking_point 0 *create tommy_humanity 70 *create reilly_cop false *create device_activated false *comment chapter 5/ *create helped_nora false *create survey_scene false *create bailey_join true *create ben_join true *create brody_join true *create church_join true *create jaime_join true *create madison_join true *create nathan_join true *create nora_join true *create parker_join true *create rachel_join true *create reilly_join true *create woody_join true *create dep_morality 0 *create dep_humanity 0 *create threatened_rachel false *create jaime_mediated false *create argue_brody false *create finn_alive true *create zombie_joe 0 *comment 0: keep Joe alive; 1: Church; 2: MC; 3: use for other reason; 4: use Joe for research; 5: Reilly kills/ *create lopez_saw_jaime_kiss false *create finn_faction 40 *comment unique specimens/ *create layla_specimen false *create layla_live_blood false *create nominated "" *create nominated_by "" *create voted_for "" *create gl_he "he" *create gl_his "his" *create gl_him "him" *create group_second "Rachel" *create mod_allegiance 0 *create jillian_vote_jb false *create num_of_survivors 13 *create contributed_by "anonymous" *create saw_tommys_medallion false *create parker_ran_phase1 false *create attacked_parker false *create bandit_jeep_gun_has_ammo true *create assigned_teams false *create driver_speaks_corpse false *create reilly_jaime_before_battle false *create finn_gear_mc false *create finn_gear_group false *comment Nathan gives backpack (1) of food (10) and water (5) to group inventory. *create kissed_reilly false *create jaime_saw_lopez_kiss false *create kelly_promised_kiss false *create rachel_speaks_out false *create social_skill 0 *create pc_saved_tommy false *create phase1_results 1 *create phase2_results 0 *create killnum 0 *create melee_attacked "" *comment _killed number = chapter/ *comment _killed_by = 0 (alive), 1 = player, 2 = npc, 3 = zombie 4 = infection *comment _saw_kill = 0 (alive), 1 = everyone saw it, 2 = no one saw it/ *create melee_he "he" *create melee_his "his" *create melee_him "him" *create bailey_killed 0 *create ben_killed 0 *create dep_killed 0 *create church_killed 0 *create dante_killed 0 *create driver_killed 0 *create gina_killed 0 *create jillian_killed 0 *create kelly_killed 0 *create lopez_killed 0 *create parker_killed 0 *create rosie_killed 0 *create sifer_killed 0 *create tommy_killed 0 *create woody_killed 0 *create bailey_killed_by 0 *create ben_killed_by 0 *create dep_killed_by 0 *create church_killed_by 0 *create dante_killed_by 0 *create driver_killed_by 0 *create gina_killed_by 0 *create jillian_killed_by 0 *create kelly_killed_by 0 *create lopez_killed_by 0 *create parker_killed_by 0 *create rosie_killed_by 0 *create sifer_killed_by 0 *create tommy_killed_by 0 *create woody_killed_by 0 *create bailey_saw_kill 0 *create ben_saw_kill 0 *create dep_saw_kill 0 *create church_saw_kill 0 *create dante_saw_kill 0 *create driver_saw_kill 0 *create gina_saw_kill 0 *create jillian_saw_kill 0 *create kelly_saw_kill 0 *create lopez_saw_kill 0 *create parker_saw_kill 0 *create rosie_saw_kill 0 *create sifer_saw_kill 0 *create tommy_saw_kill 0 *create woody_saw_kill 0 *create pet_killed 0 *create pet_killed_by 0 *create pet_saw_kill 0 *create group_killed_ch5 0 *create group_killed_ch7 0 *create nathan_saw_kill "" *create saw_nathan_see_you false *create num_killed_team_1 0 *create num_killed_team_2 0 *create num_killed_phase2 0 *create sifer_death_scene false *create jaime_interrupted_woody false *create killed_npc false *create dante_missing false *create ray_f false *create a_ray false *create weapon_for_dep false *create let_nephew_fight false *create rachel_kiss_fight false *create called_rachel_out false *create madison_saw_rachel false *create driver_joined_group false *create rosie_joined_group false *create jillian_joined_group false *create lopez_joined_group false *create tommy_joined_group false *create church_joined_group false *create had_dep_challenge false *create had_pet_challenge false *create won_battle_hill false *create no_leader_vote false *create reilly_said_love false *create rope_line false *create offer_to_teach_dep false *create dep_hides false *create dep_fakes false *create used_ranged_battle false *create gina_left_after_pc_attack false *create sop 0 *comment 1 democratic | 2 community | 3 military | 4 scavenge or fight | 5 raid and bandit/ *comment chapter 6/ *create reilly_pc "" *create main_ro "" *create main_ro_he "" *create main_ro_his "" *create main_ro_him "" *create second_ro "" *create second_ro_he "" *create second_ro_his "" *create second_ro_him "" *create pitched_tent false *create cb_powered false *create sifer_key false *create know_reilly_prison false *create reilly_bank_robber false *create discussed_killing_parker_with_kelly false *create kicked_out_gina false *create lopez_flirt_back false *create discuss_parker_with_kelly false *create lopez_romance "" *create meal_type 0 *create tried_deter_ch6 false *create contacted_julianne_ch6 false *create received_juliannes_email_1 false *create emailed_jason_1 false *create need_vinegar false *create with_target false *create main_target "" *create main_target_he "he" *create main_target_him "him" *create main_target_his "his" *create kissed_madison false *create saw_stalker_at_lake false *create saw_stalker_lens false *create mentioned_lake false *create camp_defense 0 *create achieved_camp_defense false *create hill_trench false *create smokeless_campfire false *create sky_nest false *create bodies_retrieved false *create group_sent_to_retrieve_bodies false *create group_went_despite_decision false *create mission_brody false *create mission_church false *create mission_dante false *create mission_driver false *create mission_gina false *create mission_jaime false *create mission_kelly false *create mission_lopez false *create mission_madison false *create mission_parker false *create rd_parker false *create mission_rachel false *create mission_reilly false *create mission_rosie false *create mission_tommy false *create mission_woody false *create group_punishment 0 *comment 1 = half rations | 2 = watch duty | 3 = threaten/ *create group_punish "" *create jason_email 0 *create coyote_ben false *create saw_brody_check_out_bailey false *create madison_shot_deer false *create sifer_gear_retrieved false *create silverthorne_wire 0 *create saw_all_graves false *create mass_grave_event false *create madison_hurt false *create jaime_hurt false *create dante_hurt false *create lopez_hurt false *create water_collector_set false *create scout_area false *create aunt_gina_heard false *create glasses_east_camp false *create living_subject false *create east_camp_notebook false *create saw_van_videos false *create assigned_count 0 *create failed_melee_kill false *create task_alarm_system 0 *create task_chores 0 *create task_clear_space 0 *create task_fishing 0 *create task_foraging 0 *create task_hunting 0 *create task_free 0 *create task_reinforce_gate 0 *create task_secure_perimeter 0 *create task_unassigned 0 *create task_scavenging 0 *create task_watch_duty 0 *create reinforced_gate false *create performed_tasks_ch7 false *create nephew_buried false *create hunted_ch6 false *create trained_pet_ch6 false *create rachel_permission false *create cat_command false *create met_puddles false *create spoke_madison_lake false *create skipped_watch_duty false *create gave_shampoo_to_madison false *create mc_watch_duty 0 *create end_ch6_with "" *create rachel_argument false *create drunk_ch6 false *create tommy_saw_brody false *create ben_coyote false *create end_with "" *create in_tent false *create desc_group_weapons false *create convinced_rachel false *create r_katana false *create r_trench_knife false *create r_tactical_shotgun false *create r_sniper_rifle false *create r_smg false *create venison_meat false *create madison_talks_tent false *create meal_multipler 1 *create went_to_lake false *comment chapter 7/ *create assign_target "" *create assigned_to_player "unassigned" *create assigned_to_bailey "unassigned" *create assigned_to_brody "unassigned" *create assigned_to_church "unassigned" *create assigned_to_dante "unassigned" *create assigned_to_driver "unassigned" *create assigned_to_gina "unassigned" *create assigned_to_jaime "unassigned" *create assigned_to_jude "unassigned" *create assigned_to_jillian "unassigned" *create assigned_to_kelly "unassigned" *create assigned_to_kevin "unassigned" *create assigned_to_lopez "unassigned" *create assigned_to_madison "unassigned" *create assigned_to_nora "unassigned" *create assigned_to_parker "unassigned" *create assigned_to_rachel "unassigned" *create assigned_to_ray "unassigned" *create assigned_to_reilly "unassigned" *create assigned_to_rosie "unassigned" *create assigned_to_tommy "unassigned" *create assigned_to_woody "unassigned" *create target_assigned_to "unassigned" *create keith_knows_junkyard false *create received_training_from_brody false *create received_training_from_bailey false *create received_training_from_church false *create received_training_from_jaime false *create received_training_from_kelly false *create received_training_from_madison false *create received_training_from_nora false *create received_training_from_rachel false *create received_training_from_reilly false *create received_training_from_dante false *create received_training_from_driver false *create received_training_from_gina false *create received_training_from_jillian false *create received_training_from_lopez false *create received_training_from_parker false *create received_training_from_ray false *create received_training_from_rosie false *create received_training_from_tommy false *create received_training_from_woody false *create rachel_revealed false *create no_train_others false *create no_training false *create no_spending false *create spent_time_with_brody false *create spent_time_with_bailey false *create spent_time_with_church false *create spent_time_with_jaime false *create spent_time_with_kelly false *create spent_time_with_madison false *create spent_time_with_nora false *create spent_time_with_rachel false *create spent_time_with_reilly false *create spent_time_with_dante false *create spent_time_with_driver false *create spent_time_with_gina false *create spent_time_with_jillian false *create spent_time_with_lopez false *create spent_time_with_parker false *create spent_time_with_ray false *create spent_time_with_rosie false *create spent_time_with_tommy false *create spent_time_with_woody false *create trainee "" *create trainee_he "he" *create trainee_his "his" *create trainee_him "him" *create cooking_training 0 *create skill_train "" *create trained_cooking "" *create trained_crafting "" *create trained_driving "" *create trained_electronics "" *create trained_empathy "" *create trained_intimidation "" *create trained_leadership "" *create trained_medicine "" *create trained_persuasion "" *create trained_scavenging "" *create trained_science "" *create trained_search "" *create trained_stealth "" *create trained_survival "" *create attacked_silverthornes_ch7 false *create mc_target "" *create nat_target "" *create benton_join false *create kelly_taken false *create keith_alive true *create wyatt_alive true *create natalie_alive true *create benton_alive true *create keith_hurt false *create natalie_hurt false *create benton_hurt false *create subdued_benton false *create benton_killed_by 0 *comment 20180405 *create trained_athletics 0 *create trained_ccw 0 *create trained_hth 0 *create trained_ranged 0 *create trained_athletics_p3 0 *create trained_ccw_p3 0 *create trained_hth_p3 0 *create trained_ranged_p3 0 *create silverthorne_consequences false *comment Part 2-2 *create aunt_gina "Aunt Gina" *create car_driver 0 *create silent_weapon false *create mentioned_ray_BMG false *create russet_potatoes false *create small_clothing false *create medium_clothing false *create large_clothing false *create buster_alive true *create buster_found false *create infected_dog_blood false *create classic_novel false *create holy_bible false *create went_to_farm false *create suv false *create zombie_scratch false *create station_gas false *create group_killed_dog false *create river_dogs_introduced false *comment river_dogs_introduced = you encountered Joe and friends at the gas station but did not meet them or learn their names/ *create river_dogs_met false *comment river_dogs_met = you met Joe/ *create know_river_dogs_location false *create mission_food 0 *create heard_about_dalton false *create killed_rd_gas_station false *create trade_food 0 *create woody_killed_silverthornes false *create zombie_joe_animated true *create zombie_captives 0 *create temp_zombies 0 *create teenager_mission false *create zombie_joe_defense false *create went_on_pharmacy_mission false *create met_stoke_family false *create kents_key_ring false *create kates_sunflower false *create bulletproof_panel 0 *create makeshift_shield 0 *create desert_eagle 0 *create desert_eagle_loaded true *create held_elections false *create tent_with_gina_and_jillian false *create robbed_family false *create jillian_shotgun false *create kent_faction 25 *create ed_faction 40 *create harriet_faction 40 *create aris_faction 50 *create kate_faction 60 *create trained_survivor_1 "" *create trained_survivor_2 "" *create trained_survivor_3 "" *create trained_survivor_4 "" *create trained_survivor_5 "" *create trained_survivor_6 "" *create trained_survivor_7 "" *create trained_survivor_8 "" *create trained_survivor_9 "" *create trained_survivor_10 "" *create trained_skill_1 "" *create trained_skill_2 "" *create trained_skill_3 "" *create trained_skill_4 "" *create trained_skill_5 "" *create trained_skill_6 "" *create trained_skill_7 "" *create trained_skill_8 "" *create trained_skill_9 "" *create trained_skill_10 "" *create passed_training_check false *create parker_killed_mission false *create drone 0 *create jude_faction 25 *create jude_met false *create jude_killed false *create jaime_killed_dillan false *create tried_to_kill_gina false *create gina_told_morale_items false *create nora_sitting_out false *create jillian_wyoming false *create v_size 1 *create parker_insulin 1 *create pharmacy_insulin false *create asked_jude_about_family false *create lopez_new_army false *create birth_control false *create goodman_call_chapter7 false *create shared_lancelot_coordinates_goodman false *create chrome_plated_rifle false *create chrome_plated_rifle_loaded true *create chrome_plated_rifle_looted false *create zombie_joe_specimen false *create jaime_talking_self_ray false *create parker_left_due_to_pharmacy_mission false *create ended_pharmacy_mission false *create kelly_dislikes_mc false *create parker_wounded false *create attributebonus false *create statpool_activated false *create told_jaime_concerns_rachel 0 *create dante_highrise false *create survivors_need_med false *create faulkner_died false *comment chapter 8 *create rosie_attracted false *create kevin_join false *create kevin_invited_madison false *create days_passed 7 *create team_offense 0 *create team_defense 0 *create simple_char false *create num_silverthornes_killed_ch7 0 *create bailey_approve false *create fred_approve false *create billie_approve false *create brody_approve false *create sean_approve false *create church_approve false *create dante_approve false *create driver_approve false *create gina_approve false *create jaime_approve false *create jillian_approve false *create kelly_approve false *create kevin_approve false *create lopez_approve false *create madison_approve false *create nora_approve false *create parker_approve false *create rachel_approve false *create reilly_approve false *create rosie_approve false *create tommy_approve false *create woody_approve false *create mission_bailey false *create mission_billie false *create mission_fred false *create mission_jillian false *create mission_kevin false *create mission_sean false *create junkyard_decision 1 *create promised_get_kelly false *create kelly_ro_before_taken false *create tried_to_breakup_with_reilly false *create kevin_faction 35 *create eli_faction 55 *create num_approve 0 *create sm_plan 0 *create rachel_reasons false *create reilly_reasons false *create rmbc_drive_by false *comment 1 = wait, 2 = not worried/do nothing, 3 = peace, 4 = vote, 5 = defend, 6 = kill them, 7 = join, 8 = not join *create bailey_hurt false *create bailey_available false *create billie_hurt false *create billie_available false *create brody_hurt false *create brody_heal_time 0 *create brody_available false *create church_hurt false *create church_available false *create dante_available false *create driver_available false *create fred_hurt false *create fred_available false *create gina_hurt false *create gina_available false *create jillian_hurt false *create jillian_available false *create jude_available false *create jude_hurt false *create jaime_available false *create kelly_hurt false *create kelly_available false *create kevin_available false *create kevin_hurt false *create lopez_available false *create madison_available false *create nora_hurt false *create nora_available false *create parker_hurt false *create parker_available false *create rachel_hurt false *create rachel_available false *create ray_hurt false *create ray_available false *create reilly_hurt false *create reilly_available false *create rosie_available false *create sean_hurt false *create sean_available false *create tommy_hurt false *create tommy_available false *create woody_hurt false *create woody_available false *create dep_hurt false *create dep_available false *create bailey_junkyard true *create billie_junkyard false *create brody_junkyard true *create church_junkyard true *create dante_junkyard true *create driver_junkyard true *create fred_junkyard false *create gina_junkyard true *create jaime_junkyard true *create jillian_junkyard true *create jude_junkyard true *create kelly_junkyard true *create kevin_junkyard true *create lopez_junkyard true *create madison_junkyard true *create nora_junkyard true *create parker_junkyard true *create rachel_junkyard true *create reilly_junkyard true *create rosie_junkyard true *create sean_junkyard false *create tommy_junkyard true *create woody_junkyard true *create dep_junkyard true *create parking_lot_1 "cars" *create parking_lot_2 "empty" *create shipping_container_1_1 "junk" *create shipping_container_1_2 "junk" *create shipping_container_2_1 "trash" *create shipping_container_2_2 "trash" *create rv_1_1 "empty" *create rv_1_2 "empty" *create trailer_1_1 "junk" *create trailer_1_2 "junk" *create house_1_1 "Eli" *create house_1_2 "empty" *create house_2_1 "Kevin" *create house_2_2 "empty" *create house_closet "empty" *create house_attic "empty" *create campervan_1_1 "empty" *create campervan_1_2 "empty" *create garage_apartment_1_1 "empty" *create garage_apartment_1_2 "empty" *create living_quarters "undecided" *create furnished false *create living_quarters_desc "undecided" *create roommate "undecided" *create brody_bailey_roomies false *create attic_and_closet_revealed false *create apartment_renters false *create day_tasks_set false *create night_tasks_set false *create asked_madison_roommate false *create rest_count 0 *create eli_join true *create with_pet false *create trained_pet_ch8 false *create pet_trained false *create scouted_south 0 *create paid_downpayment false *create told_madison_kevin false *create sharif_faction 40 *create shirley_faction 40 *create reilly_poison_gas false *create gas_mask 0 *create junkyard_land 1000 *create junkyard_defense 4 *create junkyard_offense 4 *create junkyard_trench 0 *create junkyard_trench_possible false *create task_chicken_coop 0 *create task_computer_lab 0 *create task_farm_plot 0 *create task_greenhouse 0 *create task_improved_workshop 0 *create task_infirmary 0 *create task_recreation_room 0 *create task_science_lab 0 *create task_trench_1 0 *create task_trench_2 0 *create task_vegetable_garden 0 *create task_watchtower_south 0 *create task_watchtower_north 0 *create task_workshop 0 *create task_zombie_generator 0 *create zombie_generator_partial 0 *create watchtower_north_started false *create watchtower_north_partial 0 *create watchtower_south_started false *create watchtower_south_partial 0 *create watchtower_north false *create watchtower_south false *create junkyard_trench_1_started false *create junkyard_trench_1_partial 0 *create junkyard_trench_2_started false *create junkyard_trench_2_partial 0 *create reinforce_gate_started false *create secure_perimeter_started false *create secure_perimeter_partial 0 *create alarm_system_started false *create alarm_system_partial 0 *create trapped_junkyard false *create clear_space_started false *create chicken_coop false *create chicken_coop_started false *create computer_lab false *create computer_lab_started false *create computer_lab_partial 0 *create farm_plot 0 *create farm_plot_started false *create farm_plot_partial 0 *create greenhouse false *create growing_marijuana false *create growing_herbs false *create growing_vegetables false *create set_plant false *create greenhouse_started false *create greenhouse_partial 0 *create improved_workshop_started false *create improved_workshop_partial 0 *create infirmary false *create infirmary_started false *create infirmary_partial 0 *create recreation_room false *create recreation_room_started false *create recreation_room_partial 0 *create science_lab false *create science_lab_started false *create science_lab_partial 0 *create vegetable_garden 0 *create vegetable_garden_started false *create vegetable_garden_partial 0 *create workshop_started false *create workshop_partial 0 *create zombie_generator false *create zombie_generator_started false *create chicken_coop_reported false *create computer_lab_reported false *create farm_plot_1_reported false *create farm_plot_2_reported false *create greenhouse_reported false *create improved_workshop_reported false *create infirmary_reported false *create alarm_system_reported false *create recreation_room_reported false *create reinforced_gate_reported false *create reinforced_gate_partial 0 *create science_lab_reported false *create secure_perimeter_reported false *create junkyard_trench_1_reported false *create junkyard_trench_2_reported false *create vegetable_garden_reported false *create workshop_reported false *create watchtower_north_reported false *create watchtower_south_reported false *create zombie_generator_reported false *create reset_chicken_coop false *create reset_computer_lab false *create reset_farm_plot false *create reset_greenhouse false *create reset_improved_workshop false *create reset_infirmary false *create reset_alarm_system false *create reset_recreation_room false *create reset_reinforced_gate false *create reset_science_lab false *create reset_secure_perimeter false *create reset_junkyard_trench false *create reset_vegetable_garden false *create reset_watchtower_north false *create reset_watchtower_south false *create reset_workshop false *create reset_zombie_generator false *create agreed_improvement false *create chicken_coop_ch 0 *create greenhouse_ch 0 *create farm_plot_1_ch 0 *create farm_plot_2_ch 0 *create vegetable_garden_ch 0 *create junkyard_space 200 *create current_building "" *create junkyard_score 0 *create max_junkyard_space 1000 *create train_ath false *create train_ccw false *create train_cook false *create train_craft false *create train_drive false *create train_ele false *create train_emp false *create train_hth false *create train_int false *create train_lead false *create train_med false *create train_pers false *create train_rang false *create train_scav false *create train_sci false *create train_sea false *create train_stealth false *create train_surv false *create saw_na_insignia false *create assigned_to_billie "unassigned" *create assigned_to_fred "unassigned" *create assigned_to_sean "unassigned" *create scouted_area false *create met_rmbc false *create living_space_choice 0 *create riverdogs_group_met false *create told_sharif_silverthornes false *create recovered_kelly false *create conv_store_mission false *create shot_by_trap "" *create shotgun_nail_hits false *create bug_shot false *create end_ch8_with "" *create lone_wolf false *create dep_zombie_scout false *create sharif_declined_camp false *create sharif_riverdogs false *create shirley_alive 0 *comment 0 = alive | 1 = killed by player | 2 = killed by Reilly *create sharif_doesnt_know true *create threatened_shirley false *create reilly_killed_shirley false *create asked_reilly_kill_shirley false *create told_madison_girlfriend false *create rmbc_denied false *create rmbc_allied false *create kevin_talk_ch8 false *create fought_with_madison false *create sex_with_ch8_1 "" *create sex_ch8_2 "" *create sex_with_gina_and_jillian_ch8 false *create sex_with_jaime_and_lopez_ch8 false *create madison_uncle_doug false *create brody_bailey_rel false *create checked_chore_board false *create player_task_status 0 *comment 1 = worked on it 100%|2 = delayed but completed|3 = skipped it *create dep_roommate false *create casey_name "" *create rd_spotted 0 *comment 1 = do nothing|2 = greet/talk|3 = follow to camp|4 = bring them back for questioning *create rachel_manip false *create rachel_follows false *create talked_to_rd false *create jaime_group_strangers false *create rachel_group_strangers false *create stranger_mission false *create talked_casey_cb false *create riverdogs_agreed_trade false *create riverdogs_demand 0 *comment 1 = all of the deer meat|2 = Everything you have|3 = long-term supplies|4 = Jaime took their deer meat *create riverdogs_border 0 *comment 1 = told about border|2 = River dogs agreed to border *create overheard_jaime false *create casey_wheelchair false *create emily_hurt 0 *comment 1 = PC *create amir_hurt 0 *comment 1 = Church|2 = Rachel|3 = Reilly|4 = PC *create athena_hurt 0 *comment 1 = Gina|2 = PC *create parker_convinced_rd false *create jillian_flirted_rd false *create offered_alliance_riverdogs false *create asked_about_riverdogs false *create team_persuasion 0 *create team_intimidation 0 *create team_leadership 0 *create junkyard_powered true *create junkyard_power 40 *create new_convenience_store false *create plan_to_talk_madison_kevin false *create jaime_disagree_rd 0 *create talked_to_eli_house false *comment chapter 9 *create visited_greenhouse_pinky false *create visited_greenhouse_brain false *create visited_arc false *create arc_power_restored false *create read_report false *create finished_report_once false *create chicken_coop_partial 0 *create searched_main_house false *create told_madison_leather_jack false *create told_brody_leather_jack false *create told_bailey_leather_jack false *create told_tommy_leather_jack false *create fathersname "" *create mothersname "" *create warned_about_arc_by_alan false *create madison_sorry_alan false *create close_combat_possible false *create interrogate_benton_with "" *create would_not_torture "" *create benton_faction 20 *create benton_threshold 30 *create benton_interrogated false *create benton_tortured false *create know_about_council false *create silverthornes_map false *create benton_approach 0 *comment 1 = befriend|2 = interrogate|3 = bargain|4 = subversive|5 = torture| *create npc_interrogates_benton false *create asked_shooter_brain false *create examined_gray_zombies false *create embalmed_zombie false *create research_center_microscope false *create murphy_faction 40 *create murphy_alive true *create reilly_killed_murphy 0 *comment 1 = In Reilly's chamber|2 = Near the elevator as you're leaving *create murphy_at_arc true *create laurel_faction 40 *create told_laurel_name false *create searched_storage false *create arc_cc_survnet_server false *create visited_arc_control_center false *create laurel_knows_loc_junkyard false *create murphy_met false *create murphy_marijuana false *create spare_tools false *create prevented_reilly_kill_murphy 0 *comment 1 = Persuaded him as friends|2 = Convinced him to let Murphy die alone|3 = Ordered him not to kill Murphy|4 = Dive to knock away gun|5 = Threatened to kick him and Nora out of the Junkyard *create captured_arc false *create paynes_research_mission false *create lied_facility_move false *create scripted_death false *create nephew_training false *create temp_num_survivors false *create junkyard_battle_killed 0 *create discussed_nephews_revolver false *create brody_punished false *comment Graves Trainyard *create graves_met false *create enola_alive true *create enola_injured false *create john_alive true *create john_injured false *create lewis_alive true *create lewis_injured false *create eric_alive false *create attacked_graves false *create graves_left_camp false *create graves_surrendered false *create graves_all_dead false *create graves_ute false *create told_graves_medical false *create stereo_system false *create hid_in_rv false *create danced_with_bailey false *create danced_with_brody false *create danced_with_gina false *create danced_with_jaime false *create danced_with_jillian false *create danced_with_kelly false *create danced_with_lopez false *create danced_with_madison false *create danced_with_rachel false *create danced_with_reilly false *create danced_with_rosie false *create danced_with_tommy false *create danced_with_woody false *comment Museum Stats *create museum_group_met false *create gilbert_faction 40 *create percy_faction 40 *create checkers_faction 45 *create cruz_faction 40 *create mel_faction 40 *create lena_faction 40 *create gilbert_alive true *create checkers_alive true *create lena_alive true *create percy_alive true *create skelly_alive true *create brick_alive true *create luis_alive true *create tammy_alive true *create cruz_alive true *create cruz_injured true *create jude_join false *create jude_alive true *create eli_alive true *create jude_killed_by_mc false *create jude_killed_in_museum false *create met_thelma false *create thelma_pissed false *create museum_fight_side 0 *comment 1 = fought with RMBC against museum|2 = fought with museum against RMBC *create jude_museum false *create bailey_museum false *create lopez_museum false *create tommy_museum false *create drake_hurt false *create museum_battle 0 *comment 1 = museum wins|2 = RMBC wins *create thelma_killed_checkers false *create mel_survives_alone false *create trade_for_prisoners false *create prisoners_released false *create negotiated_peace_museum false *create prom_dj 1 *create flirting_with "" *create flirt_he "he" *create rejected_flirting false *comment chapter 11 *create asked_kevin_garage_apartment false *create fern_met false *create stopped_ferns_cottage false *create asked_arm false *create med_fern_arm false *create fern_faction 40 *create told_junkyard_about_treatment false *create performed_experiment false *create serum_achieved false *create cultured_virus 0 *create research_breakthrough false *create survnet_servers_placed 0 *create jefferson_laptop false *create read_jason_reply false *create emailed_jason_2 false *create told_jason_about_julianne false *create deter_new_army false *create emailed_julianne_ch11 false *create chatted_julianne_ch11 false *create read_julianne_email_ch11 false *create told_julianne_deter false *create video_julianne false *create sam_activated false *create hired_facility false *create activated_chapter11 false *create told_faulkner_identity false *create told_title false *create faulkner_faction 50 *create new_army_friendly false *create jaime_said_love false *create woody_said_love false *create spoken_to_goodman 0 *create faulkner_helping false *create read_personnel_files false *create lancelot_delivery_schedule false *create katrinas_thumbdrive false *create security_event false *create gave_fern_fake_name false *create know_new_army_fern false *create met_billetts false *create leave_in_vehicle false *create in_stock_vehicle false *create rigged_container false *create safe_haven_tristan "" *create safe_haven_gareth "" *create rachel_percival 0 *comment 0=Don't know Rachel went into the safe haven|1=Suspect she's not telling you the truth but didn't have a chance to ask|2=Know Rachel went in the safe haven *create desc_sh_trip 1 *comment 1=Told them all details|2=I went into the depot but didn't venture far|3=I scouted the outside but never went into the depot. I'll tell them know about the New Army but nothing else.|4=Nothing about my trip other than scouting outside. *create told_group_sat_device false *create jaime_angry false *create lopez_river_dogs_factory false *create madison_fire_trick false *create spoke_to_faulkner false *comment chapter 12 *create watch_duty_bailey false *create watch_duty_billie false *create watch_duty_brody false *create watch_duty_dante false *create watch_duty_fred false *create watch_duty_gina false *create watch_duty_jaime false *create watch_duty_jillian false *create watch_duty_kelly false *create watch_duty_lopez false *create watch_duty_madison false *create watch_duty_parker false *create watch_duty_rachel false *create watch_duty_reilly false *create watch_duty_rosie false *create watch_duty_sean false *create watch_duty_tommy false *create watch_duty_woody false *create forest_rats_broke_in false *create forest_rats 10 *create brody_shot_by_raiders false *create jacob_alive true *create rob_alive true *create angel_alive true *create brody_infection false *create forest_rats_choice 1 *comment 1 = gave food|2 = gave food once|3 = no food, scarce|4 = no food, can't reward|5 = threaten|6 = attack with Rachel|7 = assault|8 = killed Angel|9 = flanked intruders|10 = intruders retreated|11 = Jude snipes|12 = Kevin and Fred snipe *create mc_brody_gsw false *create silverthorne_security false *create forest_rats_retreated false *create allison_join false *create allison_faction 40 *create august_join false *create august_faction 40 *create silverthorne_choice 1 *comment 1 = negotiate peace|2 = deal with them now|3 = get Kelly back|4 = bring Benton back|5 = scout and learn security|6 = strike while we have advantage|7 = don't need to deal with them now *create promised_to_break_with_main false *create jillian_pregnant false *create jillian_told_pregnant false *create rosie_left_group false *create detected_allison false *create with_benton false *create anders_faction 40 *create special_item 0 *create waited_in_line false *create infected_benton false *create monica_met false *create monica_faction 40 *create keith_poisoned 0 *comment 1 = cyanide|2 = rat poison|3 = gas bomb *create rmbc_haven_location false *create glasses_tavern false *create rmbc_helping_group false *create silverthorne_defense 1 *comment 1 = Help the Silverthornes|2 = Leave camp|3 = Attack Silverthornes|4 = Rescue Kelly|5 = Observe this Silverthorne defense *create attacked_silverthornes_ch12 false *create daniel_alive false *create shot_at_sullivan false *create group_killed_ch12 0 *create told_rachel_civilians false *create rachel_angry_civilian_gear false *create mc_shot_ribs false *create civilians_killed_explosion false *create attacked_tower false *create glasses_silverthornes_camp false *create rachel_civilian_tent false *create jude_killed_ch 0 *create jude_killed_by 0 *create jude_saw_kill 0 *create kelly_rescued false *create silverthornes_denied false *create silverthornes_allied false *create invited_mam false *create benton_killed_vehicle false *create monica_join false *create missy_join false *create missy_faction 40 *create anders_join false *create joined_silverthornes "" *create asked_bailey_brody false *create brody_info false *comment Told Brody to stop giving out information about the group and the Junkyard. *create disc_3way_jaime false *create rosie_weasel 0 *create reilly_ray false *create reilly_pretzels false *create aa_met false *create camp_outcome 1 *create kelly_refused false *create benton_released false *create benton_killed_before_returned false *create kelly_waved_keith false *create offered_to_return_benton false *create lied_about_benton false *create mission_allison false *create mission_august false *create mission_monica false *create mission_anders false *create mission_pet false *create captured_zombies 0 *create task_choice false *create anders_met false *create forest_rats_met false *create tommy_silverthornes false *achievement civilized visible 10 Civilized End with 75 or greater humanity Exceptional Humanity *achievement depraved visible 10 Depraved End with 25 or lower humanity Abysmal Humanity *achievement moralcompass visible 10 Moral Compass End with 75 or greater morality Exceptional Morality *achievement amoral visible 10 Morally Abandoned End with 25 or lower morality Abysmal Morality *achievement unpredictable visible 10 You're Unpredictable End with 75 or greater impulse Exceptionally Impulsive *achievement premeditative visible 10 Premeditative End with 75 or greater calculated Exceptionally Calculated *achievement truthful visible 10 Straight-shooter End with 75 or greater straightforward Exceptionally Straightforward *achievement manipulator visible 10 Master Manipulator End with 75 or greater manipulative Exceptionally Manipulative *achievement heroic visible 10 Heroic Survivor End with 75 or greater honorable Exceptionally Honorable *achievement rational visible 10 Ultra-Rational End with 75 or greater pragmatic Exceptionally Pragmatic *achievement utopian visible 10 Utopian Thinker End with 75 or greater idealistic Exceptionally Idealistic *achievement pessimist visible 10 Perfect Pessimist End with 75 or greater cynical Exceptionally Cynical *achievement zombiekiller visible 10 Zombie Killer Kill 10 or more zombies Killed 10 or more zombies *achievement zombieslayer visible 20 Zombie Slayer Kill 20 or more zombies Killed 20 or more zombies *achievement zombieslaughter visible 30 Zombie Slaughterer Kill 30 or more zombies Killed 30 or more zombies *achievement zombiedemo visible 40 Zombie Demolisher Kill 40 or more zombies Killed 40 or more zombies *achievement zombieext visible 50 Zombie Exterminator Kill 50 or more zombies Killed 50 or more zombies *achievement pacifist visible 25 Pacifist Kill no zombies or living beings Killed no zombies or living beings *achievement homicidal visible 25 Homicidal Tendencies Kill 5 or more living people Killed 5 or more living people *achievement savior visible 25 Savior Save a survivor from certain death Saved a survivor from certain death *achievement strangerdanger hidden 25 Stranger Danger hidden Invited Lyle and Jillian into your home *achievement fortress visible 25 Impenetrable Fortress Make your home as secure as can be Made your home a true safe haven *achievement apexpatrol visible 25 Apex Patrol Play the video game, Apex Patrol: Lone Survivor by Allen Gies Played the video game, Apex Patrol: Lone Survivor by Allen Gies *achievement justabitoutgunned hidden 25 Just a Bit Outgunned hidden You died to the soldiers because you were outgunned *achievement actionmoviehero visible 25 Stock Action Movie Hero Choose a military or law enforcement professional with a dog and a nephew Played a military or law enforcement professional with a dog and a nephew *achievement strangerhelp visible 25 Won't You Be My Neighbor Get help or supplies from a neighbor at the start of the outbreak A neighbor aided your survival *achievement madeofiron visible 25 Made of Iron Finish the game with no injuries Finished the game with no injuries *achievement ironwill visible 25 Iron Will Finish the game with perfect mental health Finished the game with perfect mental health *achievement specimenobtained visible 25 Hands-on Researcher Acquire a specimen from one of the infected Acquired a specimen from one of the infected *achievement hacksystem visible 25 Hack the System Make contact with LEGIT Made contact with Deter from LEGIT *achievement shoplifter visible 25 Five-finger Discount Shoplift from a store without getting caught Shoplifted from Thelma's Convenience Store without getting caught *achievement startrel visible 25 This Seems Like a Good Time Despite the chaos of the outbreak, start a new relationship Despite the chaos of the outbreak, you started a new relationship *achievement concons hidden 25 Welcome to the Con Game hidden Con Jillian and Lyle out of their gear. *achievement blindman hidden 25 I See Right Through You hidden Figured out on your own Lyle is lying about being blind. *achievement dealtwithz hidden 25 You're Not Welcome Here hidden Dealt with the zombie trapped in your basement *achievement savedlj hidden 25 Guardian Angel hidden Followed Lyle and Jillian to the parking lot and saved them from the bandits *achievement truesafehaven hidden 25 True Safe Haven hidden Secured your home enough to stop looters from breaking into your home *achievement mercystrong hidden 25 Mercy is for the Strong hidden Saved the red-headed bandit in the Chipper Ridge auditorium. *achievement placedserver hidden 25 Server Up hidden Placed a SurvNet server in Chipper Ridge High School *achievement useddevice hidden 25 First Contact hidden Received a call through your military device. *achievement load_save visible 10 Old Hand Load a save from Zombie Exodus *achievement becameleader visible 25 Lead the Group Become leader of the survivors. Became leader of the survivors *achievement landslide visible 25 Landslide Victory Become leader of the survivors with a unanimous vote Became leader of the survivors with a unanimous vote *achievement wonhill hidden 25 Won the Battle on the Hill hidden Your group successfully defended the hill from the zombie horde *achievement campsecured visible 25 Secured the Hilltop Campsite Build enough defenses to secure the campsite (camp defense 7+) Your group successfully secured the hilltop against intruders *comment Part 2-2 *achievement depzombie hidden 10 Zombie-Killer-in-Training hidden Helped your nephew kill his first zombie. *comment Part 3 *achievement viralimmunity hidden 10 Viral Immunity hidden You have gained an immunity to the Zeta virus. *achievement hybridspecies hidden 10 Zombie Hybrid hidden You have become a human–zombie hybrid. *set ath_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set ccw_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set cook_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set craft_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set drive_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set ele_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set emp_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set hth_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set int_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set lead_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set med_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set pers_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set rang_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set scav_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set sci_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set sea_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set stealth_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set surv_max_lvl normal_max_lvl *set p_mod dummynum *set s_mod dummynum *set temp_mod dummynum *set p_range dummynum *set s_range dummynum *set temp_range dummynum *if not(choice_is_web or choice_is_steam) *temp skip_description *config skip_description false *if skip_description *goto purchased *check_purchase adfree *if choice_purchase_supported and not(choice_purchased_adfree) Zombies rise again at the dawn of Apocalypse! In this companion to the smash-hit [i]Zombie Exodus,[/i] can you survive the first few days of the zombie outbreak as the dead rise, society collapses, and the living struggle to survive? [i]Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven[/i] is a series of thrilling interactive survival-horror novels by Jim Dattilo, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without animation or sound effect—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination. Customize a character using a variety of professions, backgrounds, special challenges, and skills to survive in a brutal and chaotic city as the Zeta virus spreads. Will you be an honorable soldier, searching through neighborhoods to aid survivors? Or will you be a ruthless bandit who loots and robs others for needed supplies? How about a paranoid hacker, psychopathic con artist, pragmatic scientist, or idealistic teenager? Dozens of options allow you to play the character of your choice. Set in the [i]Zombie Exodus[/i] world, the first part of [i]Safe Haven[/i] focuses on the first few days of a viral outbreak which changes the infected into mindless zombies. Explore the changes to society at the start of the pandemic. Board your house, gather supplies, meet over a dozen other characters, and survive encounters with the living dead and even other survivors. Scavenge numerous locations, craft items, and use a variety of skills to survive the many challenges of the apocalypse. The [i]Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven[/i] series will continue with future stories in new locations in the coming years. • Play as male, female or nonbinary, gay, straight, bi, asexual, or aromantic.[n/] • Part One alone is over 600,000 words long. You'll read 50,000 words each time you play. Given the number of paths from beginning to end, you'll want to play numerous times.[n/] • Nineteen backgrounds/professions including Soldier, Teenager, Professional Wrestler, Bank Robber, and Doctor. Or create your own custom class.[n/] • Choose your skill levels in eighteen different apocalyptic skills such as Stealth, Ranged Weapons, Scavenging, and Survival. Level up your skills after each chapter and choose from hobbies to round out your character.[n/] • Select optional challenges for your survivor. Take care of a dependent child or a pet, or deal with a phobia, compulsion, addiction, or affliction.[n/] • Meet other survivors each with their own personalities, motivations, desires, and flaws. Even form romantic relationships with those you meet. [i]You can play the first chapter for free. Purchase the rest of Part 1 below.[/i] *if choice_is_advertising_supported [i]Purchasing the rest of Part 1 will also turn off in-game advertisements.[/i] *comment endif *purchase_discount adfree 2022-03-10 $7.99 $4.99 purchased *if choice_is_advertising_supported *page_break_advertisement *if not(choice_is_advertising_supported) *page_break Play Now for Free *label purchased *label menu *image intro.jpg center ZOMBIE EXODUS: SAFE HAVEN *gosub setup_plus_plus *check_purchase zexshparttwo zexshpartthree zexstoriesone *if choice_randomtest *rand new_char_bonus 0 1 *if new_char_bonus = 1 *rand new_char_bonus 1 2 *set new_char_bonus * 25 *finish *choice #Play the game from the beginning. *gosub setup_plus_plus *set ze_part 1 How do you want to play? *check_purchase attbonus skillpointbonus doubleskillbonus *choice #A normal character. *finish Begin the story #New character plus (Bonus Skill and Attribute Points). *temp start_scene "BuildCharacter" *label new_game_plus_start *check_purchase attbonus skillpointbonus doubleskillbonus *if choice_purchased_attbonus *set attributebonus true *set new_char_bonus 0 *if choice_purchased_skillpointbonus *set new_char_bonus +1 *if choice_purchased_doubleskillbonus *set new_char_bonus +1 *check_achievements *if choice_achieved_load_save *set ze_part5_bought true *if ze_part5_bought *set new_char_bonus +1 *label new_game_plus_loop *check_purchase attbonus skillpointbonus doubleskillbonus *set new_char_max 0 *if choice_purchased_skillpointbonus *set new_char_max +1 *if choice_purchased_doubleskillbonus *set new_char_max +1 *check_achievements *if choice_achieved_load_save *set ze_part5_bought true *if ze_part5_bought *set new_char_max +1 You have ${new_char_bonus * 25} bonus skill points@{attributebonus , and 20 extra Attribute Points|}. Select what bonuses you want: *check_achievements *choice #Play with these options. *set new_char_bonus * 25 *goto_scene {start_scene} *if (attributebonus) #Disable the 20 bonus Attribute Points. *set attributebonus false *goto new_game_plus_loop *if ((choice_purchased_attbonus) and (not(attributebonus))) #Enable 20 bonus Attribute Points. *set attributebonus true *goto new_game_plus_loop *if (new_char_bonus < new_char_max) #Add 25 extra skill points. *set new_char_bonus +1 *goto new_game_plus_loop *if (new_char_bonus > 0) #Subtract 25 bonus skill points. *set new_char_bonus -1 *goto new_game_plus_loop *if (not(choice_purchased_everything)) #Purchase additional bonuses. *goto menu *if (not(ze_part5_bought)) #For players of Zombie Exodus, restore your game here for your reward. *restore_game cancel=menu #Return to the main menu. *goto menu *if (not(ze_part5_bought)) #For players of Zombie Exodus, click here for your reward. *restore_game cancel=menu *label ze_part5_bought *set ze_part5_bought true *achieve load_save Thank you for purchasing the complete Zombie Exodus series. You are granted 25 skill points for future characters in Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven. *goto menu *label not_qualified This saved game does not qualify for a reward. To receive one, you must have reached the end of the Zombie Exodus series (Part 5). *goto menu *if (not(choice_purchased_attbonus)) #Enable 20 extra attribute points. *check_purchase attbonus *if choice_purchased_attbonus *label Boughtatt You are granted 20 attribute points for future characters in Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven. *goto menu *else This option provides 20 extra attribute points for your characters to use. Extra attribute points are not necessary to enjoy or finish the game. The entire story is balanced for characters with no extra attribute points. You will also earn skill points throughout the game. This one-time purchase will allow you to enrich your characters and add on new attribute levels for all future games. *purchase attbonus $0.99 Boughtatt *page_break No, Thanks *goto menu *if (not(choice_purchased_skillpointbonus)) #Enable 25 extra skill points. *check_purchase skillpointbonus *if choice_purchased_skillpointbonus *label Bought25 You are granted 25 skill points for future characters in Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven. *goto menu *else This option provides 25 extra skill points for your characters to use. Extra skill points are not necessary to enjoy or finish the game. The entire story is balanced for characters with no extra skill points. You will also earn skill points throughout the game. This one-time purchase will allow you to enrich your characters and add on new skill levels for all future games. *purchase skillpointbonus $0.99 Bought25 *page_break No, Thanks *goto menu *if (choice_purchased_skillpointbonus and not(choice_purchased_doubleskillbonus)) #Enable another 25 extra skill points. *check_purchase doubleskillbonus *if choice_purchased_doubleskillbonus *label Bought50 You are granted another 25 skill points for future characters in Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven. *goto menu *else This option provides another 25 extra skill points for your characters to use. Extra skill points are not necessary to enjoy or finish the game. The entire story is balanced for characters with no extra skill points. You will also earn skill points throughout the game. This one-time purchase will allow you to enrich your characters and add on new skill levels for all future games. *purchase doubleskillbonus $0.99 Bought50 *page_break No, Thanks *goto menu *selectable_if ((choice_purchased_adfree) or (choice_purchased_zexshparttwo)) #Play Part Two${part_two_requires_adfree}. *label Part2 *check_purchase zexshparttwo *if choice_purchased_zexshparttwo or not(choice_purchase_supported) *set ze_part 2 How do you want to start Part Two? *choice #Build a new character. *goto_scene GenCharacter #New character plus (Bonus Skill and Attribute Points). *temp start_scene "GenCharacter" *goto new_game_plus_start #Use a premade character. *goto_scene premade #Restore a saved game. *restore_game cancel=menu #Return to the main menu. *goto menu *gosub_scene ZeshPart2 p2promo *purchase_discount zexshparttwo 2022-03-10 $7.99 $4.99 Part2 *page_break No, Thanks *goto menu *selectable_if ((choice_purchased_zexshparttwo) or (choice_purchased_zexshpartthree)) #Play Part Three${part_three_requires_adfree}. *label Part3 *check_purchase zexshpartthree *if choice_purchased_zexshpartthree or not(choice_purchase_supported) *set ze_part 3 How do you want to start Part Three? *choice #Build a new character. *goto_scene GenCharacter #New character plus (Bonus Skill and Attribute Points). *temp start_scene "GenCharacter" *goto new_game_plus_start #Use a premade character. *goto_scene premade #Restore a saved game. *restore_game cancel=menu #Return to the main menu. *goto menu *gosub_scene ZeshPart3 p3promo *purchase_discount zexshpartthree 2022-03-10 $7.99 $4.99 Part3 *page_break No, Thanks *goto menu #Read Stories from the Outbreak. @{choice_purchased_zexstoriesone |[i](Requires Separate In-App Purchase)[/i]} *label Stories1 *check_purchase zexstoriesone *if choice_purchased_zexstoriesone *goto_scene shortstories Stories from the Outbreak chronicles events of key members of the main character's group at various points throughout [i]Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven[/i]. [b]These ten stories are noninteractive[/b] but focus on characters in the game and provide their backstories and events as they struggle to survive. Each short story ranges from 1,800 to 4,000 words for a total of over 26,000 original words of content. [b]Note: These stories contain spoilers for those players who have not read through Part 1 and Part 2.[/b] • Learn how Billie, Fred, and Sean teamed up in the Apocalypse shortly after the outbreak began.[n/] • How did Brody and Madison survive after snow-a-palooza?[n/] • Read how the nephew and his pet Wolfhound survived during the Battle on the Hill.[n/] • What was Rachel doing on day 0 of the outbreak?[n/] • And more stories including Reilly, Nora, Finn, Woody, Tommy, Lopez, and Sifer.[n/] *purchase_discount zexstoriesone 2023-02-09 $2.99 $1.99 Stories1 *page_break No, Thanks *goto menu #Restore a saved game. *restore_game cancel=menu *label setup_plus_plus *check_achievements *if choice_achieved_load_save *set ze_part5_bought true *check_purchase adfree zexshparttwo zexshpartthree skillpointbonus doubleskillbonus attbonus zexstoriesone *temp part_two_requires_adfree "" *if not((choice_purchased_adfree) or (choice_purchased_zexshparttwo)) *set part_two_requires_adfree "—requires purchase of Part One" *temp part_three_requires_adfree "" *if not((choice_purchased_zexshpartthree)) *set part_three_requires_adfree "—requires purchase of Part Two" *temp cannot_use_plus_plus_note "" *if not(ze_part5_bought and choice_purchased_skillpointbonus) *set cannot_use_plus_plus_note "—requires ZE reward and extra skill points enabled" *return