*comment ñáéç *gosub_scene util check_flow *label stat_chart *temp west_prob false *temp imposter "the imposter" *if m_sib and patricide *set west_prob true *if stl_heard_of_wotton *set imposter "Wotton" *text_image stats_header.png center Choice of the Vampire Vampire Name: ${given_name} ${surname} *line_break @{(lore > 1) Dominus|Maker}: $!{sire_name} *line_break Choice of Prey: $!{feeding_style} *line_break *if presented_st_louis Bloodflow: ${bloodflow} *line_break *set income round(income) Income (US$2012): ${income} *line_break *set wealth round(wealth) Wealth (US$2012): ${wealth} *line_break *if municipal_debt > 0 Face Value of Memphis Municipal Bonds (US$1873): ${municipal_debt} *if amount_invested_freedmans > 0 *line_break *temp display_freedmans round(amount_invested_freedmans/17) Face Value of Freedman's Bank Bonds (US$1873): ${display_freedmans} *if learned_about_revolution Revolutionary Reputation: *if year >= 1879 *if revolutionary_credentials > 70 An ardent Revolutionary. *elseif revolutionary_credentials > 55 A Revolutionary sympathizer. *elseif revolutionary_credentials >= 45 Uncomitted or indifferent. *elseif revolutionary_credentials >= 30 A Loyalist sympathizer. *else An ardent Loyalist. *else *if revolutionary_credentials > 70 An ardent supporter of Stone. *elseif revolutionary_credentials > 55 A Stone sympathizer. *elseif revolutionary_credentials >= 45 Uncommitted or indifferent. *elseif revolutionary_credentials >= 30 Resistant to Stone's revolution. *else Ardent Opponent of Stone's revolution. *if shepherds_and_wolves *line_break Shepherd and Wolf Reputation: *if shepherd_credentials > 70 Ardent Shepherd *elseif shepherd_credentials > 55 Moderate Shepherd *elseif shepherd_credentials >= 45 Opportunist *elseif shepherd_credentials >= 30 Moderate Wolf *else Ardent Wolf *temp languages "" *temp comma false *line_break Literate? @{literate Yes|No}. *line_break *if (ethnicity = "choctaw") and (year != 1750) *set languages &"Choctaw" *set comma true *if speaks_english *if comma *set languages &", " *set languages &"English" *set comma true *if speaks_french *if comma *set languages &", " *set languages &"French" *set comma true *if speaks_german *if comma *set languages &", " *set languages &"German" *set comma true *if speaks_latin *if comma *set languages &", " *set languages &"Latin" *set comma true *if speaks_spanish *if comma *set languages &", " *set languages &"Spanish" *set comma true *if languages != "" *set languages &"." Language(s): ${languages} *gosub_scene prestation checkHasDebt *gosub_scene prestation checkOwesDebt *if hasAnyDebt and (year > 1750) *temp debts "" *temp comma false *line_break *if debt_from_aichinger *if comma *set debts &", " *set debts &"Aichinger" *set comma true *if debt_from_bailey *if comma *set debts &", " *set debts &"Bailey" *set comma true *if debt_from_becard *if comma *set debts &", " *set debts &"Bécard" *set comma true *if debt_from_bowater *if comma *set debts &", " *set debts &"Bowater" *set comma true *if debt_from_coffin *if comma *set debts &", " *set debts &"Coffin" *set comma true *if debt_from_carothers *if comma *set debts &", " *set debts &"Carothers" *set comma true *if debt_from_memeskia and memeskia_alive *if comma *set debts &", " *set debts &"Memeskia" *set comma true *if debt_from_page *if comma *set debts &", " *set debts &"Page" *set comma true *if debt_from_rios and rios_alive *if comma *set debts &", " *set debts &"Rios" *set comma true *if debt_from_walker *if comma *set debts &", " *set debts &"Walker" *set comma true *if debt_from_withers *if comma *set debts &", " *set debts &"Withers" *set comma true Debts Held: ${debts}. *if owesAnyDebt and (year > 1750) *temp favors "" *temp comma false *line_break *if debt_to_aichinger *if comma *set favors &", " *set favors &"Aichinger" *set comma true *if debt_to_bailey *if comma *set favors &", " *set favors &"Bailey" *set comma true *if debt_to_becard *if comma *set favors &", " *set favors &"Bécard" *set comma true *if debt_to_bowater *if comma *set favors &", " *set favors &"Bowater" *set comma true *comment *if debt_to_coffin *comment *if comma *comment *set favors &", " *comment *set favors &"Coffin" *comment *set comma true *if debt_to_carothers *if comma *set favors &", " *set favors &"Carothers" *set comma true *if debt_to_memeskia and memeskia_alive *if comma *set favors &", " *set favors &"Memeskia" *set comma true *comment *if debt_to_page *comment *if comma *comment *set favors &", " *comment *set favors &"Page" *comment *set comma true *if debt_to_rios and rios_alive *if comma *set favors &", " *set favors &"Rios" *set comma true *comment *if debt_to_walker *comment *if comma *comment *set favors &", " *comment *set favors &"Walker" *comment *set comma true *if debt_to_withers *if comma *set favors &", " *set favors &"Withers" *set comma true Debts Owed: ${favors}. *stat_chart text Agility text Charm text Intelligence text Strength text Willpower text Creation text Fighting text Finance text Lore text Perception text Shapeshifting text Stealth text Status text Streetwise text Technology *stat_chart opposed_pair Anachronism Adaptation Anachronism opposed_pair Compassion Callousness Compassion opposed_pair Discretion Hubris Discretion opposed_pair Independence Communalism Independence opposed_pair Rationalism Superstition Rationalism *if year > 1750 *temp object false Possessions of Note: *if (new_orleans_enterprise = 1) and (memphis_haven_torched = false) *set object true A small collection of books that are the epitome of Enlightenment theology and philosophy. *if tiozzo_portrait_1831 = 3 *set object true A portrait of you by Lady Tiozzo, painted in 1831. *if kept_clotho_letter *set object true A letter from Clotho proclaiming her eternal love for you. *if kept_silas_letter *set object true A letter from Silas proclaiming his eternal love for you. *if photo_1884_circus > 1 *set object true *if photo_1884_circus = 2 A portrait photograph *if photo_1884_circus = 3 A portrait photograph of you and Sabine Bécard *if photo_1884_circus = 4 A portrait photograph of you and Hiram Eliot from P.T. Barnum's circus, taken in 1884. *if book_awakening *set object true A first edition copy of [i]The Awakening[/i], inscribed to you by Kate Chopin. *if book_dracula *set object true A first edition copy of [i]Dracula[/i]. *if has_saw_manuscript = 3 *set object true A manuscript copy of Eusebius of Damascus's dialogue, [i]Of Shepherds and Wolves,[/i] lent to you by Abel Bowater. *if has_saw_manuscript = 4 *set object true A bound Latin copy of Eusebius of Damascus's dialogue, [i]Of Shepherds and Wolves.[/i] *if has_saw_manuscript = 5 *set object true A bound, modern Latin transcription of Eusebius of Damascus's dialogue, [i]Of Shepherds and Wolves.[/i] *if has_saw_manuscript = 6 *set object true A bound, English translation of Eusebius of Damascus's dialogue, [i]Of Shepherds and Wolves.[/i] *if has_saw_manuscript = 7 *set object true A bound, French translation of Eusebius of Damascus's dialogue, [i]Of Shepherds and Wolves.[/i] *if has_saw_manuscript = 8 *set object true A bound, German translation of Eusebius of Damascus's dialogue, [i]Of Shepherds and Wolves.[/i] *if has_saw_manuscript = 9 *set object true A bound, Spanish translation of Eusebius of Damascus's dialogue, [i]Of Shepherds and Wolves.[/i] *if object = false None. *choice *if (choice_randomtest = false) and (checkpoint != "startup") #I want to restore to my last checkpoint. *goto restore_game *selectable_if (sire_name != "unknown") #View the Vampires' Gallery. *text_image vampires_gallery.png center Vampires' Gallery *goto rogues_gallery #View the Mortals' Gallery. *text_image mortals_gallery.png center Mortals' Gallery *goto mortals_gallery *else *finish *label rogues_gallery *choice *if (heard_of_philomena or heard_of_buljan) or (heard_of_eusebius or heard_of_ethelmarr) #Ancients. *text_image vampires_gallery.png center Vampires' Gallery *if heard_of_buljan [b]Buljan[/b] was a bastard prince of Kiev in life, and in death a storied beast-hunter. He is—or was—the dominus of West and Gudhrun Björnsdotter. *if heard_of_ethelmarr [b]Ethelmarr[/b] is the dominus of Arthur Lockridge. *if heard_of_eusebius [b]Eusebius of Damascus[/b] was a vampire philosopher. His most famous work, [i]Of Shepherds and Wolves[/i] is considered a central philosophical text of vampires everywhere. *if knows_sack_of_tyre [b]Muttunbaal the Anointed[/b] was the scion of Nenet the Ancient. She was also destroyed at the Siege of Tyre in 332 BCE. [b]Nenet the Ancient[/b] was the ruler of the Phoenicians, until she was destroyed at the Siege of Tyre in 332 BCE. *if heard_of_philomena [b]Philomena of Ephesus[/b] was a vampire sibyl. She committed suicide sometime in the first century CE. *if read_saw_manuscript [b]Pinikirid the Elamite[/b] was a vampire of Susa. She is one of the characters in [i]Of Shepherds and Wolves[/i]. [b]Pulueser of Nineveh[/b] was a vampire of Nineveh. He is one of the characters in [i]Of Shepherds and Wolves[/i]. [b]Shabaqo the Nublian[/b] was a vampire of Meroë. He is one of the characters in [i]Of Shepherds and Wolves[/i]. *if heard_of_tryphon [b]Tryphon[/b] was a scion of Olympias. He relocated to Cap-Français in the hopes of creating a new Athens, but when his utopia began to crumble due to the uprisings of the enslaved Africans, he fled north. He fought with Memeskia in 1780—an encounter known to mortals as the Battle of Fort San Carlos—and sank into the earth to recuperate. *if (heard_of_tryphon = false) and (tryphon_identity > 1) A mystery vampire, a scion of Olympias, who relocated to Cap-Français in the hopes of creating a new Athens. When his utopia began to crumble due to the uprisings of the enslaved Africans, he fled north. He fought with Memeskia in 1780—an encounter known to mortals as the Battle of Fort San Carlos—and sank into the earth to recuperate. *goto rogues_gallery *if met_jesse or met_estefania #Citizens. *text_image vampires_gallery.png center Vampires' Gallery *if heard_of_aichinger [b]Lothar Aichinger[/b] is a citizen of St. Louis. *if whiskey_ring_plot He was involved with the Whiskey Ring conspiracy in the early and mid 1870s. *if met_aichinger He is portly and mostly bald, with a bushy, mostly-gray mustache. He is older, having likely been turned in his early fifties. *if presented_memphis [b]Dido Applethorp[/b] is the progeny of Apollo Carothers. She is tall for a woman, and her hair is cut close to her scalp. She is a former slave, and her often-bare arms are covered by a network of long-healed lashmarks. @{knows_applethorps_age She was born in 1815, and became a vampire in 1840.|} *if year > 1879 [b]Sabine Bécard[/b] is a citizen of St. Louis, but she resides in Jefferson City. The offspring of Memeskia, she is the child of a French trapper and a Miami woman, and was turned in her early thirties. She keeps her extremely long hair in two braids. *if heard_of_bjornsdotter and (year <= 1882) [b]Gudhrun Björnsdotter[/b] is a citizen of St. Paul, Minnesota. @{heard_of_buljan She is the scion of Buljan.|} *if calkins_status > 1 [b]Andrew Calkins[/b] @{(calkins_status < 4) is|was} a Quaker vampire. @{calkins_status |||You consumed his heartsblood.|He has been destroyed.|You decapitated him.} *if heard_of_crisp [b]John Crisp[/b] is the dominus of Wallace Winters. He was a Catholic partisan in Reformation England. *if heard_of_draper [b]James Draper[/b] is a vampire. He travels with [b]Orelia Tiozzo[/b]. *if heard_of_eliot [b]Hiram Eliot[/b] is a citizen of St. Louis. *if met_eliot He is of average height, with dark brown hair with a severe part, a wide face, and a large nose and ears. He was turned sometime in his late twenties, and still possess a youthful vigor. *if year > 1904 He was slain by West at the Louisiana Purchase Exhibition. *if heard_of_fragala and (year <= 1883) [b]Calogero Fragalà[/b] resides in Kansas City. *if met_fragala When he was alive, he was infected with leprosy. The disease continues to afflict him in death. He only recently arrived in the United States from Sicily. *if gould_plot > 2 [b]Jason "Jay" Gould[/b] @{(gould_plot < 5) is|was} the scion of [b]Edwin Lefferts[/b]. In life, he was a railroad tycoon most famous for nearly cornering the gold market in 1869. @{(year > 1904) He was destroyed during the Louisiana Purchase Exposition.|} *if geronimo_vampire [b]Goyahkla[/b], called Geronimo, was a Chiricahua Apache leader and medicine man. He was apprehended by the US Army for a final time in 1886, and spent the next twenty years as a prisoner of war at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Memeskia turned him into a vampire in the hope of inducing him to lead a rebellion against the United States. *if heard_of_krupke [b]Walter Krupke[/b] is a citizen of Savannah. *if met_overstreet He seems to be some sort of bodyguard for Governor Overstreet. *if met_krupke He is not terribly large, but it is easy to imagine him being competent in a fight. He has sandy-blond hair, a lantern jaw, and a cleft chin. *if heard_of_lefferts [b]Edwin Lefferts[/b] is the broodmate of Siobhan Malloy@{heard_of_ogier and the offspring of Arnoult Ogier|}. *if heard_of_lesczynski [b]Ascher Lesczynski[/b] is a citizen of New York, and is a candidate for Senator of Memphis. *if met_lesczynski and able_to_identify_jews He sports a kippah and payot. *if lesczynskis_interest_in_memphis He is very curious to learn more about circumstances surrounding the founding of Memphis. *if malloy_out He has professed his support for Isaiah Stone. *if pickering_out He has professed his opposition to Isaiah Stone. *if ((maddox_num = 1) and (chasing_wilson = false)) and (wilson_embraced or (wilson_embraced_by_withers and knows_wilson_embraced)) *if wilson_embraced [b]Wilson Maddox[/b] is your offspring and your former mortal valet. *if wilson_embraced_by_withers [b]Wilson Maddox[/b] is the offspring of Samantha Withers, and your former mortal valet. He is missing an ear from his days as a slave. *if (literate = false) Unlike many of his former peers, he is literate. You @{wilson_embraced_by_withers were|are} grateful for this, @{wilson_embraced_by_withers as you relied|and you rely} on this skill often. *if heard_of_malloy [b]Siobhan Malloy[/b] is a citizen of Baltimore, and @{(year > 1878) was|is} a candidate for Senator of Memphis. *if met_malloy She is a redheaded Irishwoman, with a laugh like baritone windchimes: throaty, deep, and melodic. *if heard_of_ogier and (knows_ogier_heretic = false) She is the progeny of Arnoult Ogier, a Hugenot vampire from New Paltz. *elseif heard_of_ogier She is the progeny of Arnoult Ogier, a Hugenot vampire from New Paltz, who was accused of heresy and executed by Praetor Miele. *if heard_of_lefferts She is the broodmate of Edwin Lefferts. In the early days of her unlife, she gained some fame for her ability to wrangle vampires who did not honor the Rule of Respect. She is a well-known supporter of Isaiah Stone. *if (maddox_num = 2) and ((wilson_embraced or wilson_embraced_by_withers) and (chasing_wilson = false)) *if wilson_embraced [b]Anselm Martin[/b] is your offspring and your former mortal valet. *if wilson_embraced_by_withers and knows_wilson_embraced [b]Anselm Martin[/b] is the offspring of Samantha Withers and your former mortal valet. He is missing an eye from your flight from St. Charles parish. *if heard_of_pickering [b]Absalom Pickering[/b] is a citizen of Mobile, and is a candidate for Senator of Memphis. *if met_pickering He is a white man, with brown hair and eyes. He sports a goatee which hides what would otherwise be a weak chin. He parts his hair to the side, a bit low for your taste, and he speaks with an Alabaman drawl. As a mortal, he fought under Andrew Jackson during the conquest of Florida. *if pickering_and_pike and (knows_pickering_mason = false) He has some involvement with Albert Pike, a famous Freemason and former Confederate officer. *if knows_pickering_mason He is a Freemason. Not just a member of the mortal organization, but a member of the vampiric heresy! *if met_pickering He categorically rejects the deeds of Isaiah Stone. *if knows_pickering_is_shepherd Curiously, he claims to be a Wolf, but in his heart he is a Shepherd. *if heard_of_radegunda [b]Radegunda de Rochefort[/b] is the domina of Guillaume de Sainte-Chapelle. She is a citizen of Rochefort. *if met_estefania [b]Estefania Rios e Hidalgo[/b] is *if estefania_is_kin the broodmate of your dominus, Fernando de Villanueva e Itamaraca. *else a citizen of New Orleans. She has brown—almost black—eyes. She considers herself a connoisseur of blood, seeking to turn the act of feeding into something akin to an artform. *if rios_rapport > 60 The two of you enjoy each others' company. *elseif (rios_rapport >= 40) The two of you have a functioning relationship. *else The two of you do not get along. *if heard_of_tiozzo [b]Orelia Tiozzo[/b] is a painter of great reknown within the Society. She is originally from the Dalmatian city variously known as Fiume and Rijeka. She travels with [b]James Draper[/b]. *if (heard_of_villanueva and (year <= 1898)) and (sire_name != "Fernando de Villanueva e Itamaraca") *if (sire_name != "Pieter van der Velde") or (sire_alive) [b]Fernando de Villanueva e Itamaraca[/b] is a notorious pirate, known for his association with Jean Lafitte. He is the broodmate of Estefania Rios e Hidalgo. @{(year > 1898) He is Quaestor of Havana, having deposed Umar al-Baqa amid the Spanish-American War.|} *if met_jesse [b]Jesse Whitaker[/b] is *if jesse_is_broodmate your broodmate. *else the progeny of ${jesse_sire_name}. *if jesse_rapport > 60 You have a strong rapport with him. *elseif (jesse_rapport >= 40) The two of you have a functioning relationship. *else The two of you do not get along. *if jesses_revolutionary_credentials > 60 He is a well-known supporter of Stone. *if jesses_revolutionary_credentials < 40 His opposition to Isaiah Stone is well-known. *if jesse_for_senator He has thrown his hat into the ring for the position of Senator of Memphis. *if met_samantha and (presented_vicksburg = false) [b]Samantha Withers[/b] is a citizen of Savannah. She is the broodmate of Theresa Overstreet. She is much more attractive than Overstreet, though she gives off the air of being less serious. *if met_robert_yates [b]Robert Yates[/b] @{(year <= 1904) is|was} a citizen of Chicago. He @{(year <= 1904) is|was} the scion of Seamus O'Donnell@{(year > 1904) , until he was consumed at the Louisiana Purchase Exhibition|}. *goto rogues_gallery *if consul_praetor_explained #Consuls. *text_image vampires_gallery.png center Vampires' Gallery [b]Adonis[/b] is the Consul of the Society; he was the first vampire to claim that title. He is ancient, and he leads vampire-kind from his seat in Rome. [b]Isaiah Stone[/b] claims the title of Consul of the Americas. He leads his revolution from his home in Baltimore. *if knows_partridge_childe_of_stone Samson Partridge is his progeny. *if heard_of_sostrate [b]Sostrate[/b] was a Consul; she governed from her seat in Constantinople. Representatives of hers and Adonis negotiated the Three Rules in 325 CE, under the cover of the First Council of Nicaea. @{(tryphon_identity > 1) She was destroyed in 1204 CE during the Sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders.|} *if heard_of_olympias *if heard_of_nikomedes She was the dominus of Nikomedes and Olympias. *else She was the dominus of Olympias. *elseif heard_of_nikomedes She was the dominus of Nikomedes. *goto rogues_gallery #My Dominus. *text_image vampires_gallery.png center Vampires' Gallery *if sire_alive Your dominus is [b]${sire_name}[/b]. *if sire_name = "Padre Carlos" *gosub padre_carlos *elseif sire_name = "Guillaume de Sainte-Chapelle" *gosub chapelle *elseif sire_name = "Pieter van der Velde" *gosub vanderahe *elseif sire_name = "Wallace Winters" *gosub winters *elseif sire_name = "Fernando de Villanueva e Itamaraca" *gosub villanueva *if year > 1898 In the wake of the Spanish-American War, he has been appointed the Quaestor of Havana, having been instrumental in the deposition of Umar al-Baqa. *else He is considered a beast by most members of the Society, a vampire who foresakes others of his kind. *gosub west *goto rogues_gallery *else Your maker, [b]${sire_name}[/b], was slain by your hand at the Battle of New Orleans. *if sire_name = "Padre Carlos" *label padre_carlos_dead He was a thin, frail-looking man of Aragonian descent. He fingered his rosary-beads when his hands were not otherwise occupied. *elseif sire_name = "Guillaume de Sainte-Chapelle" *label chapelle_dead He was not terribly tall, and his long chestnut locks were kept in a loose ponytail. A French nobleman, he was fastidious in both his appearance and the appointment of his home. *elseif sire_name = "Pieter van der Velde" *label vanderahe_dead He was tall, and maintained the dress of the early Dutch settlers. *if heard_of_sandersdochter He had a broodmate, Beatrijs Sandersdochter. *elseif sire_name = "Wallace Winters" *label winters_dead He was of average height, with brown hair and blue eyes. *elseif sire_name = "Fernando de Villanueva e Itamaraca" *label villanueva_dead He was a dashing Castilian pirate who walked with a cutlass and a swagger. *else *label west_dead He moved like a cougar, conserving his energy in case he needed to pounce. He had piercing blue eyes and sandy blond hair. *goto rogues_gallery *if taught_about_governors #Governors. *text_image vampires_gallery.png center Vampires' Gallery Governors oversee a province, and appoint Quaestors to administer to specific cities in that province. *if heard_of_bjornsdotter and (year > 1882) [b]Gudhrun Björnsdotter[/b] is the Governor of St. Paul. @{heard_of_buljan She is the scion of Buljan.|} *if heard_of_garcia [b]Martin Garcia Vargas[/b] is the Governor of Cartagena. He is the dominus of Fernando de Villanueva e Itamaraca and Estefania Rios e Hidalgo. *if heard_of_maffi [b]Thérèse Maffi[/b] is the functional Governor of Cap-Haïtien. She slew or otherwise deposed Azamet Praz, but refuses to claim the title of governor for herself. She has successfully thwarted any attempt by other vampires to claim the title as well. *if heard_of_dinapoli [b]Elena of Naples[/b] is the Governor of Naples. She has held the position for at least six hundred years. *if heard_of_marcius [b]Gnaeus Marcius Rufus,[/b] colloquially known as Martial, is the Governor of London. He has held the position for over a thousand years. He is a scion of Adonis. *if heard_of_nikomedes [b]Nikomedes[/b] is the Governor of Paris, and is the scion of Sostrate. *if heard_of_olympias [b]Olympias[/b] is the Governor of Athens. @{heard_of_sostrate She is the offspring of Sostrate.|} *if heard_of_ortega [b]Tomas Ortega y Cortes[/b] is the Governor of Mexico City. He is a former conquistador, and is the dominus of Padre Carlos. *if heard_of_overstreet [b]Theresa Overstreet[/b] is the Governor of Savannah. *if met_overstreet In life, Theresa Overstreet was a short, homely woman with mousy hair. Undeath has not made her more physically attractive, but she radiates self-assurance and—frankly—power. *if great_swap or ashmores_sire She is the domina of Rebecca Ashmore, Senator of Philadelphia. *if met_maffi > 1 [b]Azamet Praz[/b] was the Governor of Cap-Français, until he was slain by Thérèse Maffi sometime around 1804. *if heard_of_saint_cyr [b]Louis-Joseph de Saint-Cyr[/b] is the @{(year > 1821) Governor|Quaestor} of Montréal. *if heard_of_sainte_chapelle He is the broodmate of Guillaume de Sainte-Chapelle. *if heard_of_aregund He is the progeny of Aregund de Rochefort and the broodmate of Radegunda de Rochefort. *if heard_of_townsend [b]Henry Townsend[/b] is the Governor of Philadelphia. *if great_swap He is the dominus of Abel Bowater, Senator of Savannah. *goto rogues_gallery *if rumors_of_west or (met_lynch or (chasing_wilson or (met_hugh_in_vicksburg or heard_of_macpherson))) #Outlaws. *text_image vampires_gallery.png center Vampires' Gallery *if heard_of_gallagher *if (gallagher_status = "free") or (((gallagher_status = "freed") or (gallagher_status = "staked")) or (gallagher_status = "buried")) [b]Hugh Gallagher[/b] is an Irish vampire. *if knows_santagostino_seeks_gallagher Chiara Santagostino seeks word of him. *if met_hugh There is a notable gap between his front teeth. *if heard_about_bounty_on_hugh According to Siobhan Malloy, there is a bounty on his head. *if tasked_hugh Carothers has directed you to collect this errant young vampire. *if gallagher_status = "freed" When you cornered him in 1878, you decided to let him go. *elseif gallagher_status = "staked" He is currently in your possession. *elseif gallagher_status = "buried" You buried him in a field outside of Memphis with a stake through his chest; you hope that he will remain there undisturbed, until you can better address his situation. *if (gallagher_status = "carothers") or (gallagher_status = "inquiry") [b]Hugh Gallagher[/b] is an Irish vampire. There is a notable gap between his front teeth. You turned him over to Carothers for disposition. *if (gallagher_status = "dead") or (gallagher_status = "decapitated") [b]Hugh Gallagher[/b] was an Irish vampire, but you killed him. There was a notable gap between his front teeth. *if (gallagher_status = "west") [b]Hugh Gallagher[/b] was an Irish vampire, but @{west_prob ${imposter}|West} consumed him. There was a notable gap between his front teeth. *if gallagher_status = "consumed" [b]Hugh Gallagher[/b] was an Irish vampire, but you drank his heartsblood. There was a notable gap between his front teeth. *if gallagher_status = "quaestor" [b]Hugh Gallagher[/b] was an Irish vampire with a bounty on his head. You sent his staked body to the Quaestor of New York for a reward. *if met_lynch *if kill_cecil [b]Cecil Lynch[/b] was a vampire who came to New Orleans, and failed to present himself to the quaestor there. You killed him. *if knows_lynch_sire He was the offspring of Sir Robert ap Gruffyd. *if kill_cecil = false [b]Cecil Lynch[/b] is a vampire who came to New Orleans, and failed to present himself to the quaestor there. *if knows_lynch_sire He is the offspring of Sir Robert ap Gruffyd. *if helios_plot You sent him off, his head full of tales about the glory of ${helios}. *if heard_of_macpherson [b]Edward MacPherson[/b] is the elder broodmate of Elinor Harding and Apollo Carothers. He travels between the different courts of the New World. *if (wilson_embraced or wilson_embraced_by_withers) and (maddox_num = 1) *if (maddox_status = "free") or (maddox_status = "fled") *if wilson_embraced [b]Wilson Maddox[/b] is your progeny. *elseif wilson_embraced_by_withers [b]Wilson Maddox[/b], your former valet, is the progeny of Samantha Withers. He has fled the company of the Society and @{(year <= 1874) is rumored to be in Memphis|is hiding out in or around Memphis}. *elseif year >= 1878 *if wilson_embraced [b]Wilson Maddox[/b] was your progeny. *elseif wilson_embraced_by_withers [b]Wilson Maddox[/b], your former valet, was the progeny of Samanta Withers. *if maddox_status = "dead" He is now dead. *if maddox_status = "consumed" You drank his heartsblood. *if maddox = "withers" You have sent him to Withers to have his fate adjudicated. *if maddox = "freed" After confronting him in Memphis, you let him go. *if year > 1881 He was subsequently consumed by @{west_prob ${imposter}|West}. In life, he was a freedman, missing an ear from where a foreman tore it off when he was young. *if (wilson_embraced or wilson_embraced_by_withers) and (maddox_num = 2) *if (maddox_status = "free") or (maddox_status = "fled") *if wilson_embraced [b]Anselm Martin[/b] is your progeny. *if wilson_embraced_by_withers [b]Anselm Martin[/b], your former valet, is the progeny of Samantha Withers. He has fled the company of the Society and @{(year <= 1874) is rumored to be in Memphis|is hiding out in or around Memphis}. *if year >= 1878 *if wilson_embraced [b]Anselm Martin[/b] was your progeny. *if wilson_embraced_by_withers [b]Anselm Martin[/b], your former valet, was the progeny of Samanta Withers. *if maddox_status = "dead" He is now dead. *if maddox_status = "consumed" You drank his heartsblood. *if maddox = "withers" You have sent him to Withers to have his fate adjudicated. *if maddox = "freed" After confronting him in Memphis, you let him go. *if year > 1881 He was subsequently consumed by @{west_prob ${imposter}|West}. In life, he was a German-Cajun farmer who lost an eye defending you from the villagers of St. Charles parish. *if (heard_of_west) and (sire_name != "West") [b]West[/b] is a Beast, a vampire who mostly forsakes the company of other vampires. *if met_west *gosub west *if rumors_of_west_dead and (stl_heard_of_wotton = false) [b]West's Imposter[/b] is a Beast, a vampire who mostly forsakes the company of other vampires. *elseif stl_heard_of_wotton [b]Lewis Wotton[/b] is presumably a Beast, a vampire who mostly forsakes the company of other vampires. In life, he was an English colonist who arrived at Roanoke, Virginia with the White resupply in 1587. *goto rogues_gallery *if consul_praetor_explained or praetors_explained #Praetors. *text_image vampires_gallery.png center Vampires' Gallery Praetors are traveling investigators and judges, rooting out heresies and other unwanted ideologies that may sprout in the hearts of vampires. [b]Gianluca Miele[/b] was the Praetor for the Americas, appointed by Adonis. *if (sire_name = "Padre Carlos") and (sire_alive = false) *goto rogues_gallery *elseif (sire_name = "Padre Carlos") and sire_formerly_quaestor [b]Padre Chaime Carlos Borcha[/b], your dominus, is the new Praetor for the Americas, appointed by Isaiah Stone. *gosub padre_carlos *goto rogues_gallery *else *if heard_of_carlos [b]Padre Chaime Carlos Borcha[/b], a former Aragonese priest, is the new Praetor for the Americas, appointed by Isaiah Stone. *gosub padre_carlos *goto rogues_gallery *if (lore > 0) #Quaestors. *text_image vampires_gallery.png center Vampires' Gallery *if taught_about_governors Quaestors are appointed by a Governor to administer a city. In that city, their word is law. They serve at the pleasure of their Governor. *if sire_alive and ((sire_formerly_quaestor = false) and (sire_name != "West")) Your dominus, [b]${sire_name}[/b] is the Quaestor of New Orleans. *if sire_name = "Padre Carlos" *gosub padre_carlos *if sire_name = "Pieter van der Velde" *gosub vanderahe *if sire_name = "Wallace Winters" *gosub winters *if sire_name = "Guillaume de Sainte-Chapelle" *gosub chapelle *if sire_name = "Fernando de Villanueva e Itamaraca" *gosub villanueva *if heard_of_aregund [b]Aregund de Rochefort[/b] is the Quaestor of Rochefort. She is the dominus of Radegunda de Rochefort and Louis-Joseph de Saint-Cyr. *if heard_of_baqa *if year <= 1898 [b]Umar al-Baqa[/b] is the Quaestor of Havana. He is a well-known Loyalist. When Stone slew Miele, Havana—and most of the Caribbean—was reassigned to Governor Ortega y Cortes. *if year > 1898 [b]Umar al-Baqa[/b] was the Quaestor of Havana until the Spanish-American War. He is a well-known Loyalist. When Stone slew Miele, Havana—and most of the Caribbean—was reassigned to Governor Ortega y Cortes. *if presented_memphis [b]Apollo Carothers[/b] is the Quaestor of Memphis. He is an immense freedman, with hands of unbelievable size, and a voice like the rumble of boulders. He is the dominus of Dido Applethorp. *if met_hester_carothers He has a mortal daughter by the name of Hester Carothers, born in 1806. *if heard_of_clarkson [b]Morounranti "Moro" Clarkson[/b] is the Quaestor of @{(year > 1894) Brooklyn|Flatbush}, New York. *if heard_of_vdaniels [b]Vernon Daniels[/b] was the Quaestor of Cleveland. The offspring of Peter Townsend, he was murdered by mortal hunters in *if sod_founder = "duplessis" 1877. *else 1882. *if heard_of_fragala and (year > 1883) [b]Calogero Fragalà[/b] is the Quaestor of Kansas City. *if met_fragala When he was alive, he was infected with leprosy. The disease continues to afflict him in death. *if heard_of_harding [b]Elinor Harding[/b] is the Quaestor of Louisville and a known Loyalist. She is the @{heard_of_macpherson younger broodmate of Edward MacPherson and the|} elder broodmate of Apollo Carothers. @{knows_hardings_plan She blackmailed Samson Partridge into deadlocking the Memphis senatorial caucus.|} *if heard_of_memeskia [b]Memeskia[/b] is the Quaestor of St. Louis. He is Native American. *if met_memeskia He dresses as a European, but keeps his unshorn hair pulled away from his face with a red headwrap. *if (sire_name = "West") and (year >= 1879) He too is the offspring of West. *if heard_of_odonnell [b]Seamus O'Donnell[/b] is the Quaestor of Chicago. *if met_robert_yates He is the dominus of Robert Yates@{(met_herbert_walker > 2) and Herbert Walker|}. *if heard_of_page [b]Harold Page[/b] is the Quaestor of New York. *if heard_about_bounty_on_hugh *if (gallagher_status = "free") or (gallagher_status = "freed") He has announced a reward for the execution of Hugh Gallagher. *if debt_from_page You hold a debt from him for the execution of Hugh Gallagher. *if heard_of_quarrington [b]Giles Quarrington[/b] was the Quaestor of Cumberland, Maryland. He was slain by a mob of striking workers during the Great Railroad Strike of 1877. *if quarringtons_allegiances He was a well-known Loyalist. *if heard_of_quintana [b]Isabella Quintaña Garcia[/b] is the Quaestor of Mobile, Alabama, and the dominus of Absalom Pickering. *if heard_of_schaap [b]Henning Schaap[/b], a Rhinelander, is Quaestor of Baltimore. *if sire_alive and (sire_formerly_quaestor and (sire_name != "Pieter van der Velde")) [b]Pieter van der Velde[/b] is the Quaestor of New Orleans, since replacing your dominus in 1865. *gosub vanderahe *if ((sire_alive = false) and (sire_name != "Pieter van der Velde")) or (sire_name = "West") [b]Pieter van der Velde[/b] is the Quaestor of New Orleans. *gosub vanderahe *if (sire_alive = false) and (sire_name = "Pieter van der Velde") [b]Fernando de Villanueva e Itamaraca[/b] is the Quaestor of New Orleans. *gosub villanueva *if (year > 1898) and ((sire_alive) or (sire_name != "Pieter van der Velde")) [b]Fernando de Villanueva e Itamaraca[/b] is the Quaestor of Havana. *gosub villanueva *if sire_formerly_quaestor and (sire_name = "Fernando de Villanueva e Itamaraca") He was previously the Quaestor of New Orleans, until he was replaced by Pieter van der Velde in 1865. *if presented_vicksburg [b]Samantha Withers[/b] is the Quaestor of Vicksburg. She is the broodmate of Theresa Overstreet. She is much more attractive than Overstreet, though she gives off the air of being less serious. *if flirting_with_withers She has responded positively to your demonstrations of affection. *if wilson_embraced_by_withers She @{(maddox_status = "dead") was|is} the dominus of Wilson Maddox, your former valet. *if chasing_wilson She @{(maddox_status = "dead") |has} charged you with retrieving her errant offspring for her. *if hasty_exit_from_vicksburg Though she did not formally exile you from Vicksburg, she made it painfully clear that you are no longer welcome there. *if exiled_from_vicksburg She has exiled you from her city. *if heard_of_zappas or eliot_in_greece [b]Evangelis Zappas[/b] [i]histoire[/i] was the Quaestor of Targoviste. He is the dominus of Hiram Eliot. *goto rogues_gallery *if senators_representation and ((year > 1866) or (heard_of_schaap or heard_of_maerszen)) #Senators. *text_image vampires_gallery.png center Vampires' Gallery Senators represent the larger interests of the Society to a city. *if heard_of_ashmore [b]Rebecca Ashmore[/b] is the Senator of Philadelphia. *if met_ashmore She wears the dress of a southerner—even going so far as to retain a fan—while still keeping up with the latest fashions. *if great_swap or ashmores_sire She is the progeny of Theresa Overstreet. *if heard_of_bailey [b]John Bailey[/b] is the Senator of St. Louis. *if met_bailey He is fair-haired, clean-shaven and youthful looking. Based upon his carriage, it is easy to assume that he was a soldier, likely in the Contintal Army. His age has not prevented him from keeping up with the fashions, and his outfit is exquisitely assembled. He is well-known for his support of Isaiah Stone. *if heard_of_bowater [b]Abel Bowater[/b] is the Senator of Savannah. *if met_bowater He continues to dress and speak as a Quaker, even after several decades of undeath. *if great_swap or bowaters_sire He is the progeny of Henry Townsend. *if heard_of_coffin [b]Abigail Coffin[/b] is the Senator of Cincinnati. *if met_coffin Two centuries later, she still dresses like the early Puritan pilgrims of the Massachussetts Bay Colony. She was clearly given the gift of the blood sometime in her late forties; a life of pious toil took its toll on her body before she became a vampire. *if heard_of_davison [b]Anne Davison[/b] is the Senator of Montréal. *if met_davison She is not conventionally pretty, but she moves with a predatory grace that has an alluring quality. She is a staunch supporter of Consul Stone. *if heard_of_lockridge [b]Arthur Lockridge[/b] is the Senator of Charleston. @{met_lockridge His dress is outmoded by several decades, but his power is undoubted. A plantation-owner in life and undeath, when he speaks, he expects others to take heed.|} @{knows_lockridge_wolf He is a well-known Wolf.|} He is not shy about his support of Adonis and his disdain for Isaiah Stone. *if heard_of_partridge [b]Samson Partridge[/b] is the Senator of Louisville. *if met_partridge He is brown-haired, bearded, and youthful looking. As a mortal, he was an attorney, and still dress as though he were standing before a judge. A born orator, his voice unconsciously booms through a room. *if heard_of_sandersdochter [b]Beatrijs Sandersdochter[/b] is the Senator of Manhattan. *if heard_of_maerszen She is the offspring of Hector Maerszen. She is the broodmate of Pieter van der Velde. *if heard_of_chiara_santagostino [b]Chiara Santagostino[/b] is the Senator of New Orleans. *if met_chiara She was given the gift of the blood as a young woman. She has curly blond hair and a large nose, which somehow suits her face. *if knows_santagostino_seeks_gallagher She is seeking Hugh Gallagher, the Irish vampire who has refused to present himself to Quaestor Carothers. *if heard_of_schaap and (heard_about_revolution = false) [b]Isaiah Stone[/b] is the Senator of Baltimore. *if heard_of_simmons [b]Charles Simmons[/b] is the Senator of Mobile. *if met_simmons He is of average height, with brown hair and eyes. He has a large head and a strong brow, with a chin that comes down nearly to a point. He most striking feature, however, is his almost completely bald pate; it consists of whisps around the side of his head. He wears a wig to hide his baldness. He also wears a pair of spectacles and smokes a pipe. He is generally considered to be a Loyalist. *if heard_of_timmers [b]Gerard Timmers[/b] is the Senator of Buffalo. *if met_timmers His height and striking blond hair marks him as being of Dutch extraction. *if timmers_sire His domina is Beatrijs Sandersdochter. *goto rogues_gallery #View the Mortals' Gallery. *text_image mortals_gallery.png center Mortals' Gallery *goto mortals_gallery #Return to the Stat Chart. *goto stat_chart *label padre_carlos *if met_carlos He is a thin, frail-looking man of Aragonese descent. He fingers his rosary-beads when his hands are not otherwise occupied. *return *label chapelle He is not terribly tall, and his long chestnut locks are kept in a loose ponytail. A French nobleman, he is fastidious in both his appearance and the appointment of his home. *return *label vanderahe He is tall, and maintains the dress of the early Dutch settlers. *if heard_of_sandersdochter He has a broodmate, Beatrijs Sandersdochter. *return *label villanueva He is a dashing Castilian pirate who walks with his cutlass and a swagger. *return *label west He moves like a cougar, conserving his energy in case he needs to pounce. He has piercing blue eyes and sandy blond hair. *if rumors_of_west There are rumors that he is going—or perhaps has gone?—mad. *return *label winters He is of average height, with brown hair and blue eyes. *return *label mortals_gallery *choice *if (year >= 1874) #Chicago. *text_image mortals_gallery.png center Mortals' Gallery [b]Allan Pinkerton[/b] is the founder of the Pinkerton Security Agency, or "the Pinkertons." The Pinkertons provide private security to those who are willing to pay, as well as serving as private investigators available to pursue criminals in cases such as train and bank robberies. They are also frequently hired to provide infiltrators and [i]agents provacateurs[/i] to be deployed against workers' movements, as well as hiring and organizing scabs and strike-breakers. *if year > 1892 [b]Ida B. Wells[/b] is a journalist who attended school in Memphis following the death of her parents in the 1878 Yellow Fever epidemic. She later won a judgment against the Chesapeake, Ohio, and Southwestern Railroad, until the decision was overturned by the Tennessee Supreme Court in 1887. Since then, she has taken a strident role in the examination and denunciation of the pogrom of lynchings across the United States. One particular pamphlet, [i]Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases[/i], led to her newspaper's office being fire-bombed and her eventual flight from Memphis. *if year > 1894 With the assitance of several British abolitionists, Wells traveled to the United Kingdom on two speaking tours. Before the second tour, she persuaded the editor of the [i]The Daily Inter-Ocean[/i] to pay her for her articles, thereby becoming the first black international correspondant for a major white newspaper. *if year > 1895 After her speaking tours were concluded, she settled in Chicago permanently and subsequently married a widower by the name of Ferdinand Barnett. The two continue to publish numerous articles, journals, and newspapers about the black condition in the United States and the manifest cruelties associated with Jim Crow laws, lynchings, and segregation. *goto mortals_gallery *if presented_memphis #Memphis. *text_image mortals_gallery.png center Mortals' Gallery *if barnum_thompson_plot [b]Mr. Barnum[/b] @{(year <= 1874) is|was} the superintendant of schools for Memphis. *if year > 1874 He was relieved of his duties in the summer of 1874, and returned to his home in Pennsylvania thereafter. [b]Robert Reed Church[/b] @{(year <= 1912) is|was} a mixed-race entrepreneur of Memphis. He was shot and left for dead during the race riot of 1866. *if year > 1878 During the fever of 1878, he invested heavily in distressed properties; when the citizens returned, he profited greatly. @{(year > 1912) He died in 1912.|} [b]Nathan Bedford Forrest[/b] was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Confederate Army, famous for his victory at Fort Pillow. After the war, he was instrumental in the expansion of the Ku Klux Klan, becoming the organization's first Grand Wizard, as well as becoming President of the Marion & Memphis Railroad. [b]Napoleon Hill[/b] is a merchant-prince of Memphis. A co-founder of the Memphis Cotton Exchange, he both inherited money and then multiplied it by venturing to California during the Gold Rush. [b]Olivia Polk Hill[/b] is the daughter of Napoleon Hill. [b]Harriet Lane[/b] is an Irish temperance worker, who assists Elizabeth Avery Meriwether in the founding of the Women's Christian Temperance Union in Memphis. *if met_percival_little [b]Percival Little[/b] *if year <= 1873 is a banker with the Freedmans Savings & Trust bank. *else was a banker with the Freedmans Savings & Trust bank, before it collapsed in 1874. *if founded_school_for_the_blind He is now the director for the new ${blind_school_name}. [b]Sally Little[/b] is his wife. [b]Jeremiah Koonce[/b] is a local dandy. @{(year >= 1874) He is also a prominent member of the People's Protective Union.|} [b]Minor Meriwether[/b] is a Major in the Confederate Army, and a close associate of Nathan Bedford Forrest. He is married to Elizabeth Avery Meriwether, and brother to Niles. *if year >= 1874 He organized the People's Protective Union, an organization of former Confederates opposed to the debt obligations incurred by the Republican administrations of Memphis. *if year >= 1879 The PPU succeeds in its petition to the State of Tennessse in 1879, revoking the municipal charter of Memphis and rendering all bonds issued by that entity null and void. Like his brother, [b]Niles Meriwether[/b] was also a Major in the Confederate Army, assigned to the engineering corps. He is married to Lide Smith Meriwether. After the war, he found employment with the Memphis & Charleston Railroad. *if year >= 1879 He is appointed City Engineer of Shelby County in February 1879, remaining in that position for fourteen years. *comment Minor and Niles are grandsons of Thomas Meriwether and Nancy Minor. Thomas was the younger brother of William H., both sons of Nicholas Meriwether. Their only sister was Elizabeth Meriwether Lewis, mother of Meriwether Lewis (of Lewis & Clark). *if (year > 1870) and (stlouis_valet_num != 4) [b]Franklin Ross[/b] @{(franklin_dead or (year >= 1878)) was|is} your valet in Memphis. *if met_stennis and (stennis_dead = false) [b]Stennis[/b] is a man hired to keep an eye out for ${wilson}. *elseif stennis_dead [b]Stennis[/b] was hired to keep an eye out for ${wilson}. He is now dead. *if barnum_thompson_plot [b]Mrs. Thompson[/b] is a *if year <= 1874 black teacher who is under investigation by Superintendant Barnum. A lengthy public debate about her competence as a teacher is playing out in the newspapers. *else teacher at the Clay Street school. She was educated in Ohio, and returned home to educate other blacks. Superintendant Barnum had her fired after a lengthy public debate and show trial, but when he was replaced, she was reinstated. *if (year >= 1887) and (year <= 1892) [b]Ida B. Wells[/b] is a young schoolteacher and journalist who won a judgment against the Chesapeake, Ohio, and Southwestern Railroad, until the decision was overturned by the Tennessee Supreme Court in 1887. *goto mortals_gallery *if avoided_new_orleans = false #New Orleans. *text_image mortals_gallery.png center Mortals' Gallery [b]Pierre-Louis Babineaux[/b] @{((year <= 1827) or (love_clotho = false)) is|was} a wealthy sugar-planter who @{((year <= 1827) or (love_clotho = false)) owns|owned} a plantation outside of New Orleans. *if love_clotho [b]Clotho[/b] @{(year <= 1827) is|was} a Voodoo Priestess of New Orleans. *if attended_marignys_party or (priest and ((avoided_new_orleans = false) and (exiled_from_new_orleans = false))) [b]Louis-Guillaume-Valentin Dubourg[/b] *if year < 1816 is the apostolic administrator of Louisiana. *if priest In theory, he has the power to restore you to your position in the Church. *elseif year < 1826 is the first Bishop of Louisiana, stationed in St. Louis. *if priest In theory, he has the power to restore you to your position in the Church. *elseif year < 1833 was the first Bishop of Louisiana, stationed in St. Louis until 1826. He has since been recalled to France. *else was the first Bishop of Louisiana, stationed in St. Louis. He was recalled to France in 1826, and died in 1833. [b]Peter Duplessis[/b] @{(year <= 1827) is|was} the US Marshal of Louisiana. @{(love_clotho and (year > 1827)) Clotho helped him ensnare Pierre-Louis Babineaux.|} *if love_clotho [b]Guidry[/b] @{(year <= 1830) is|was} a fixture of Jackson Square. *if (invitation_to_hebert_ignored = false) and (year >= 1823) [b]Yves Hébert[/b] @{(year <= 1830) is|was} a local bachelor that lives off the largesse of his family. @{(perception <= 1) According to Estefania, his|His} blood has a delightful [i]terroir[/i]. [b]General Andrew Jackson[/b] led the American soldiers to victory at the Battle of New Orleans. *if met_andrew_jackson When you later confronted him at the George Washingon Ball, you were surprised to discover that he knew you for what you were. *if year >= 1818 Along with John Overton, he founded Memphis, TN in 1818. *if (year >= 1829) He became the seventh President of the United States in 1829. *if year >= 1830 He signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830, authorizing the forced migration of the Five Civilized Tribes of Native Americans west of the Mississippi. *elseif year > 1837 He was the seventh President of the United States, serving from 1829 to 1837. As President, he signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830, authorizing the forced migration of the Five Civilized Tribes of Native Americans west of the Mississippi. When his second term concluded he retired to his plantation, the Hermitage, outside of Nashville. *if year >= 1845 He died at home and surrounded by his adopted children and grandchildren in 1845. *if attended_marignys_party [b]Jean Lafitte[/b] @{(year <= 1822) is|was} a pirate that fought alongside the Americans at the Battle of New Orleans. After the battle he was pardoned for his former crimes, but his colony at Barataria Bay had been destroyed by the British forces. *if year <= 1822 He has since migrated west, and taken up residence in Galveston Bay. *if (sire_surname = "Villanueva") and ((patricide = false) and (avoided_new_orleans = false)) Your dominus seems to have a particular affection for the man. *else He migrated west, taking up residence in Galveston Bay, from which he continued his operations until he was mortally wounded trying to seize a pair of Spanish ships off Honduras in 1823. *if (sire_surname = "Villanueva") and ((patricide = false) and (avoided_new_orleans = false)) Your dominus seems to have had a particular affection for the man. He was deeply grieved by his death. *if attended_marignys_party [b]Bernard Xavier Philippe de Marigny de Mandeville[/b] @{(year <= 1868) is|was} a mixed-race entrepreneur and politician that *if year <= 1828 dominates the social and political life of New Orleans. He is responsible for the introduction of [i]crapaud[/i] to the Americas. *elseif year <= 1868 is in the midst of losing his fortune to bad deals and gambling. He formerly dominated the social and political landscape of the city, and is responsible for bringing [i]crapaud[/i] to the Americas. *else dominated the social and political life of New Orleans for decades, before a series of bad deals and a penchant for gambling left him destitute. He was responsible for bringing [i]crapaud[/i] to the Americas. He @{(year <= 1868) claims|claimed} responsibility for the alliance between General Andrew Jackson and the pirate Jean Lafitte at the Battle of New Orleans. *if heard_of_laveau [b]Marie Laveau[/b] @{(year <= 1881) is|was} the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans. *if (invitation_to_hebert_ignored = false) and (year >= 1823) [b]M. Theriot[/b] @{(year <= 1830) is|was} an ursurer of New Orleans. *goto mortals_gallery *if avoided_new_orleans or exiled_from_new_orleans #St. Charles parish. *text_image mortals_gallery.png center Mortals' Gallery *temp is "is" *if presented_vicksburg *set is "was" [b]M. Badeau[/b] [i]père[/i] ${is} a local landowner. [b]M. Badeau[/b] [i]fils[/i] ${is} his son. *if year = 1824 [b]Père Jean-Théodule le Breton[/b] is a priest newly assigned to St. Charles parish. *if year >= 1825 [b]Père Jean-Théodule le Breton[/b] was a priest assigned to St. Charles parish. He was made unwelcome, and soon left. [b]Estrehan's Cupidon[/b] ${is} a slave belonging to M. d'Estrehan. *if (avoided_new_orleans) or (exiled_from_new_orleans) *if (year < 1826) [b]Louis-Guillaume-Valentin Dubourg[/b] is the first Bishop of Louisiana, stationed in St. Louis. *if priest In theory, he has the power to restore you to your position in the Church. *if (year >= 1826) and (year < 1833) [b]Louis-Guillaume-Valentin Dubourg[/b] was the first Bishop of Louisiana, stationed in St. Louis until 1826. He has since been recalled to France. *if year >= 1833 [b]Louis-Guillaume-Valentin Dubourg[/b] was the first Bishop of Louisiana, stationed in St. Louis. He was recalled to France in 1826, and died in 1833. *comment endif [b]Badeau's Endymion[/b] ${is} a slave belonging to M. Badeau. [b]Ansdam Engles[/b] ${is} an impoverished local farmer. [b]M. d'Estrehan[/b] ${is} a local landowner. He ${is} easily known by his missing arm, lost in a farming accident. He ${is} sheriff of the parish. [b]M. Heidel[/b] ${is} a sugar-planter and shopkeeper. [b]Jakob Labranche[/b] ${is} a local landowner. He @{presented_vicksburg had|has} a son, [b]Jost[/b]. *if anselm_hired [b]Anselm Martin[/b] ${is} your valet in St. Charles parish. [b]M. Mayeux[/b] ${is} the parish judge and a local landowner. [b]Rixner's Peter[/b] ${is} a slave belonging to M. Rixner. [b]M. Riehl[/b] ${is} a local small landowner. He tend@{presented_vicksburg ed|s} his fields himself, unable to afford slaves. [b]Sophie Riehl[/b] is the daughter of M. Riehl. *if year >= 1826 The community offered her to you as a maid—or food. [b]M. Rixner[/b] ${is} a local landowner. He @{presented_vicksburg had|has} a daughter, [b]Clarisse[/b]. [b]M. Rodrigue[/b] ${is} a local landowner. *if (year >= 1825) [b]Padre Segura[/b] ${is} a priest who took up residence in the Red Church of St. Charles Borromeo. [b]M. Simoneaux[/b] ${is} a physician and local landowner. [b]Mayeux's Thomas[/b] ${is} a slave belonging to M. Riehl. *if year <= 1825 [b]Mme. Trepagnier[/b] is a wealthy widow of St. Charles parish. Her husband was killed in the Slave Revolt of 1811. *if year > 1825 [b]Mme. Trepagnier[/b] was a wealthy widow of St. Charles parish. Her husband was killed in the Slave Revolt of 1811. *goto mortals_gallery *if presented_st_louis #St. Louis. *text_image mortals_gallery.png center Mortals' Gallery *if (year > 1896) [b]Gaetano Baiamonte[/b] is a Sicilian immigrant who has become a leader in the worker's rights movement. To the dismay of Gompers and his ilk, he argues for equity among all workers, without regard to skill or race. [b]James Overton Broadhead[/b] @{(year < 1882) is|was} a St. Louis-based attorney, originally from Virginia. He @{(year < 1882) shares|shared} a legal practice with his friend Alonzo Slayback@{(year < 1882) | until 1882}. In addition to being a representative at the Missouri State Constitutional Convention in 1875, he was involved in the investigation and prosecution of the Whiskey Ring bribery cases in 1876. He became the first president of the American Bar Association in 1878. *if year > 1881 During his campaign to represent the 9th District of Missouri in the United States Congress, his history of questionable dealings and his ongoing relationship with Jay Gould came under fire from the [i]Post-Dispatch[/i] at the direction of John Cockerill. *if year > 1882 Despite the controversies surrounding his campaign, he was elected in 1882. [b]Robert Brookings[/b] is a partner in Cupples & Marston, a homegoods distributor. *if year >= 1895 Along with Samuel Cupples, Brookings organizes the construction of Cupples Station, an immense railroad station and depot in St. Louis. [b]Adolphus Busch[/b] is the Hessian-born cofounder of Anheuser-Busch—along with his father-in-law, Eberhard Anheuser. *if heard_of_jh_cavender [b]John H. Cavender[/b] is a real estate developer who was tasked by the Police Board to put down the Great Uprising of 1877. *if year >= 1900 Twenty-three years later, he is again tasked with putting down the Streetcar Strike. *if (year > 1895) and ((((stlouis_enterprise = 1) or (stlouis_enterprise = 5)) or (creation > 2)) and speaks_english) [b]Kate Chopin[/b] @{(year <= 1904) is|was} a journalist and novelist. She @{(year <= 1904) is|was} originally from St. Louis, before moving with her husband to rural Louisiana. Upon his death, she and her children returned to St. Louis, where she @{(year <= 1904) has|} found work as a journalist. *if year >= 1899 Her second novel, [i]The Awakening[/i], has been well-received by local critics. *if year > 1904 She died of a brain aneurism while attending the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. *if francis_cockrell_resolution > 1 [b]Francis Cockrell[/b] was a Confederate colonel during the siege of Vicksburg, where he was wounded in the hand. After the war, Cockrell was elected to the United States Senate, serving five terms there. @{(year > 1905) He retired from the Senate in 1905 and went on to serve in several other Federal posts until his death in 1915.|} *if lpe_member = 2 [b]Minor Cockrell[/b] is @{(francis_cockrell_resolution > 1) a nephew of Francis Cockrell|a member of an extended political clan of the region}. He was born in 1880. [b]John Cockerill[/b] @{(year < 1883) is|was} the managing editor of the [i]St. Louis ${post_dispatch}[/i]. He shot Alonzo Slayback to death in November, 1882. *if post_dispatch_result = "sacked" A large, angry mob gathered outside the newspaper offices that night. The mob turned violent and sacked the building, destroying the presses in the process. *if cockerill_condition = "lynched" In their fury, the mob even went to far as to lynch Cockerill. *if cockerill_condition = "imprisoned" Following a trial, Cockerill was found guilty of manslaughter, and sentenced to five years. *if (cockerill_condition != "lynched") and (cockerill_condition != "imprisoned") A grand jury refuses to indict Cockerill, but the newspaper experiences a continued decline as long as Cockerill remains editor. Therefore, Pulitzer sends Cockerill to New York to manage the newly-purchased [i]New York World[/i] in January, 1883. [b]Thomas Crittenden[/b] *if year < 1882 is a United States Representative. *elseif year <= 1885 is Governor of Missouri, formerly a United States Congressman (1877-1881). *else was formerly a United States Congressman (1877-1881) and Governor of Missouri (1881-1885). *if heresy_of_masons > 0 He is a Freemason. *if year > 1888 [b]Thomas Stearns Eliot[/b] is the great-nephew of Hiram Eliot. @{(year > 1904) He bears an uncanny resemblance to his great-uncle.|} *if saw_annie [b]Richard "Dick" Elliot[/b] is a carnival barker and the husband of [b]Annie Jones[/b]. *if (stlouis_affair = 5) or (stlouis_affair = 4) You murdered him. *elseif stlouis_affair = 6 He murdered his spouse and fled St. Louis. *elseif (year > 1895) and (stlouis_affair < 4) He and Jones divorced in 1895. *if year >= 1900 [b]Joseph Folk[/b] @{(year <= 1904) is|was} the circuit attorney for St. Louis. He has made himself a name by prosecuting white-collar fraud and corruption cases throughout the city. *if year = 1904 Based upon those successes, he is campaigning for governor. *if year > 1904 Due to those successes, he was elected governor in 1904. *if (year >= 1885) and (year < 1889) [b]David Rowland Francis[/b] is mayor of St. Louis. *elseif (year >= 1889) [b]David Rowland Francis[/b] is governor of Missouri. He was formerly mayor of St. Louis, 1885-1889. *elseif (year >= 1894) [b]David Rowland Francis[/b] was formerly mayor of St. Louis, 1885-1889, and governor of Missouri, 1889-1893. He is a grain merchant. *elseif (year >= 1898) [b]David Rowland Francis[/b] the chairman of the Louisiana Purchase Exhibition. He was formerly mayor of St. Louis, 1885-1889, and governor of Missouri, 1889-1893. He is a grain merchant. *if stlouis_valet_num = 3 [b]Ernst Geissler[/b] @{stlouis_valet_alive is|was} your valet in St. Louis. *if (year > 1895) [b]Reginald "Reggie" Gilchrist[/b] is a farmer from Ste. Genevieve. Following an attack on a local matron, he was apprehended and subsequently he disclosed the belief that he is a werewolf, cursed to change form under the full moon. *if (year > 1865) and (gould_plot < 3) [b]Jason "Jay" Gould[/b] is a railroad tycoon from New York. *if year > 1869 His first burst of fame comes when he nearly corners the gold market in September, 1869 through his connections with President Grant. Despite the plot being foiled, he still manage to break even on the affair. *if (year >= 1886) and (geronimo_vampire = false) [b]Goyahkla[/b], called Geronimo, @{(geronimo_murdered or (year > 1909)) was|is} a Chiricahua Apache leader and medicine man. He was apprehended by the US Army for a final time in 1886, and @{(geronimo_murdered or (year > 1909)) lived the rest of his life as|has been} a prisoner of war at Fort Sill, Oklahoma@{(geronimo_murdered or (year > 1909)) | ever since}. *if saw_annie [b]Annie Jones,[/b] better known as "the Bearded Lady," *if stlouis_affair = 12 was a sideshow headliner with the Barnum & Bailey Circus. She was consumed by @{west_prob ${imposter}|West}. *elseif stlouis_affair = 11 was a sideshow headliner with the Barnum & Bailey Circus. She died of tuberculosis in her mother's home in Brooklyn. *elseif stlouis_affair = 10 was a sideshow headliner with the Barnum & Bailey Circus. You drank her dry. *elseif stlouis_affair = 5 was a sideshow headliner with the Barnum & Bailey Circus. You murdered her and her partner, Dick Elliot. *elseif stlouis_affair = 13 was a sideshow headliner with the Barnum & Bailey Circus. After moving to St. Louis to be with you, she died of tuberculosis. *elseif stlouis_affair = 6 was a sideshow headliner with the Barnum & Bailey Circus. She was murdered by her husband, Dick Elliot. *else @{(year <= 1902) is|was} a sideshow headliner with the Barnum & Bailey Circus. *if stlouis_valet_num = 2 [b]Maeve Keegan[/b] @{stlouis_valet_alive is|was} your valet in St. Louis. [b]Albert Lambert[/b] is the *if (year < 1896) heir to Lambert Pharmaceuticals. The company—which holds the right to the production of Listerine—is held in trust until his twenty-first birthday. *elseif (year <= 1925) president of Lambert Pharmaceuticals. The company holds the rights to the production of Listerine. *if year >= 1889 [b]Jordan Lambert[/b] was a pharmaceutical magnate who died in 1889. He was the father of Albert Lambert. [b]Meriwether Lewis[/b] was an explorer recruited by President Thomas Jefferson to map the Louisiana Purchase with his friend William Clark. After the expedition, Lewis settled in St. Louis, where he died in 1809. @{(heresy_of_masons > 0) He was the founder of the first Freemason Lodge of St. Louis.|} He was the cousin once removed of Minor and Niles Meriwether. [b]John G. Priest[/b] is the first to wear the mantle of the Veiled Prophet. He is acting president of the Metropolitan Police's Board of Commissioners. [b]Joseph Pulitzer[/b] is the owner of the [i]St. Louis ${post_dispatch}[/i], a newspaper which he formed by purchasing and merging two individually failing newspapers in 1878. *if year >= 1883 Pulitzer was already looking to expand his reach when Cockerill slew Slayback, and purchased the [i]New York World[/i] shortly thereafter. *if (cockerill_condition != "lynched") and (cockerill_condition != "imprisoned") By the end of 1883, he followed Cockerill to New York. *if (cockerill_condition = "lynched") or (cockerill_condition = "imprisoned") After appointing a new editor for the [i]Post-Dispatch[/i], he relocated to New York to oversee the [i]World[/i]. *comment endif [b]Florence Wyman Richardson[/b] is a local philanthropist @{(missouri_suffrage > 1) and advocate for women's suffrage|}. She is also president of the local Theosophical Society. *if (stlouis_valet_num = 4) and stlouis_valet_alive [b]Franklin Ross[/b] @{stlouis_valet_alive is|was} your valet in Memphis, and you brought him with you to St. Louis. [b]Sigrid[/b] is the valet of Lothar Aichinger. [b]Alonzo Slayback[/b] was a colonel in the Confederate army. Along with his brother Charles, he organized the founding of the Veiled Prophet Society in 1878. *if year > 1883 He was shot to death in November, 1882 when he angrily barged into the office of John Cockerill at the St. Louis [i]Post-Dispatch[/i]. [b]Charles Slayback[/b] was a soldier in the Confederate army. Along with his brother Charles, he organized the founding of the Veiled Prophet Society in 1878. [b]Susie Slayback[/b] is the daughter of Charles. She was the first Queen of Love and Beauty of the Veiled Prophet Society. *if met_sosostris [b]Mme. Sosostris[/b] @{(year <= 1904) is|was} a fortune-teller in the employ of P. T. Barnum's Greatest Show on Earth & Howes' Great London Circus & Sanger's Royal British Menagerie. *if year = 1904 She has separated from Barnum and set up her own shop on the Pike at the Louisiana Purchase Exhibition. *elseif year > 1904 She broke with the circus and had her own tent on the Pike at the Louisiana Purchase Exhibition. She is presumably still on the exhibition circuit. *if stlouis_valet_num = 1 [b]George Sutton[/b] @{stlouis_valet_alive is|was} your valet in St. Louis. [b]James Milton Turner[/b] @{(year < 1881) is|was} a member of the Committee of Twenty-Five, organized to assist the Exodusters. Previously, he was the first US Ambassador to Liberia. *if year > 1895 Since 1895, Turner has lived primarily in Oklahoma, where he has been involved with the fight for recognition by the Cherokee, Choctaw, and Chickasaw Freedmen. [b]Othello Turner[/b] is the great-nephew of James Milton Turner. *if memphis_baseball or (year >= 1885) [b]Chris Von der Ahe[/b] is the owner of the St. Louis Brown Stockings, a charter member of the American Association baseball league. A saloon-owner, he purchased the team in 1881 as a way to sell beer. *if (year >= 1885) The team wins pennants four years in a row, beginning in 1885. *comment endif *if heard_of_ellis_wainwright *if year <= 1901 [b]Ellis Wainwright[/b] is the president of the St. Louis Brewing Association. *if (year > 1889) and wainwright_built The Wainwright Building is named for him; he owns a controlling interest in it. *if year >= 1899 [b]Edward Whitaker[/b] is a local banker who becomes famous when he organizes a streetcar monopoly St. Louis. Upon achieving a monopoly, he immediately hiked fares and cut services, resulting in a massive strike by the city's workers. *if eliot_in_greece [b]Evangelis Zappas[/b] [i]recit[/i] was the mortal descendant of Evangelis Zappas [i]histoire[/i], who served his ancestor and was eventually replaced by him. He lived in Wallachia for most of his life, except when he was fighting for Greek independence from 1821-1828. *goto mortals_gallery *if presented_vicksburg #Vicksburg. *text_image mortals_gallery.png center Mortals' Gallery *if love_hope [b]Michael Compton[/b] was a sergeant in the Confederate Army and a friend of Silas Hope. *if (year > 1874) [b]Peter Crosby[/b] is the deposed Sheriff of Warren County. He was elected by popular vote, but was deposed by a white militia almost immediately thereafter. His attempt to regain his office was thwarted by the militia and resulted in the militia murdering scores of formerly enslaved people. [b]Jefferson Davis[/b] @{(year <= 1865) is the first President|was the first—and only—President} of the Confederate States of America. *if (francis_cockrell_resolution > 2) and (year < 1878) [b]Frances Cockrell[/b] was a Confederate colonel who helped defend Vicksburg. [b]Duff Green[/b] is a mortal cotton-planter who lives next door to Samantha Withers. @{(year >= 1863) His wife gives birth during the early days of the siege.|} *if love_hope [b]Silas Hope[/b] @{(year <= 1863) is|was} a young lieutenant in the Confederate Army, a member of the Jeff Davis Rebels, Company E, 46th Mississippi Infantry. *if maddox_num = 2 [b]Anselm Martin[/b] @{(maddox_status = "alive") is|was} your valet in Vicksburg as well. He lost an eye to the villagers of St. Charles parish when the two of you were fleeing your home there. *else [b]Wilson Maddox[/b] @{(maddox_status = "alive") is|was} your valet. He @{(maddox_status = "alive") is|was} missing an ear, lost to the whip of an over-enthusiastic foreman. *if background = 3 [b]Mr. Troutwine[/b] is a wealthy landowner who lives in Vicksburg. *goto mortals_gallery #Go to the Vampires' Gallery *text_image vampires_gallery.png center Vampires' Gallery *goto rogues_gallery #Return to the Stat Chart. *goto stat_chart *label restore_game *set agility sagility *set charm scharm *set oblivio soblivio *set intelligence sintelligence *set strength sstrength *set willpower swillpower *set creation screation *set fighting sfighting *set finance sfinance *set lore slore *set perception sperception *set shapeshifting sshapeshifting *set stealth sstealth *set streetwise sstreetwise *set technology stechnology *set background sbackground *set just_embraced sjust_embraced *set year syear *set month smonth *set blood sblood *set bloodflow sbloodflow *set combat scombat *set exposure sexposure *set income sincome *set status sstatus *set wealth swealth *set male smale *set trans strans *set changed_surname schanged_surname *set mr smr *set he she *set him shim *set his shis *set sir ssir *set massa smassa *set bow sbow *set es_suh ses_suh *set ethnicity sethnicity *set given_name sgiven_name *set surname ssurname *set archaic_name sarchaic_name *set original_name soriginal_name *set original_surname soriginal_surname *set original_he soriginal_he *set original_him soriginal_him *set original_his soriginal_his *set financial_donor sfinancial_donor *set your_maker syour_maker *set heretic sheretic *set literate sliterate *set speaks_english sspeaks_english *set speaks_french sspeaks_french *set speaks_german sspeaks_german *set speaks_spanish sspeaks_spanish *set speaks_latin sspeaks_latin *set priest spriest *set religious_tradition sreligious_tradition *set feeding_style sfeeding_style *set suicide ssuicide *set knows_about_vegetarianism sknows_about_vegetarianism *set atrocities satrocities *set thief sthief *set vampires_consumed svampires_consumed *set taste_for_vampire_blood staste_for_vampire_blood *set methuselahs_thirst smethuselahs_thirst *set humanity_regained shumanity_regained *set killed_by_vampire skilled_by_vampire *set killed_by_hunter skilled_by_hunter *set killed_by_mortal skilled_by_mortal *set sleeping_place ssleeping_place *set renter srenter *set haven_value shaven_value *set haven_decrepit shaven_decrepit *set torpor storpor *set nest_founded snest_founded *set quaestor squaestor *set quaestor_released squaestor_released *set idea_for_cult sidea_for_cult *set anachronism sanachronism *set compassion scompassion *set discretion sdiscretion *set independence sindependence *set rationalism srationalism *set revolutionary_credentials srevolutionary_credentials *set shepherd_credentials sshepherd_credentials *set local_fame slocal_fame *set sire_rapport ssire_rapport *set sire_alive ssire_alive *set fled_from_sire sfled_from_sire *set patricide spatricide *set sire_name ssire_name *set sire_surname ssire_surname *set sires_faith ssires_faith *set sire_religious_tradition ssire_religious_tradition *set sire_formerly_quaestor ssire_formerly_quaestor *set heard_about_new_orleans_quaestor_change sheard_about_new_orleans_quaestor_change *set sirethoughthewasagod ssirethoughthewasagod *set embrace_of_affection sembrace_of_affection *set norestraint snorestraint *set diablerie sdiablerie *set diablerized sdiablerized *set governorfavor sgovernorfavor *set exposurerisk sexposurerisk *set recent_misdeed srecent_misdeed *comment Vampire *set calkins_rapport scalkins_rapport *set calkins_status scalkins_status *set heard_of_aichinger sheard_of_aichinger *set met_aichinger smet_aichinger *set met_aichinger_scion smet_aichinger_scion *set debt_from_aichinger sdebt_from_aichinger *set debt_to_aichinger sdebt_to_aichinger *set aichinger_rapport saichinger_rapport *set met_applethorp smet_applethorp *set applethorp_rapport sapplethorp_rapport *set applethorp_alive sapplethorp_alive *set applethorp_human_contact sapplethorp_human_contact *set knows_applethorps_age sknows_applethorps_age *set heard_of_aregund sheard_of_aregund *set heard_of_ashmore sheard_of_ashmore *set met_ashmore smet_ashmore *set ashmore_rapport sashmore_rapport *set ashmore_contactable sashmore_contactable *set ashmore_correspondence sashmore_correspondence *set ashmore_determined sashmore_determined *set ashmore_position sashmore_position *set ashmore_revolutionary sashmore_revolutionary *set ashmore_support sashmore_support *set ashmores_sire sashmores_sire *set ashmore_banks sashmore_banks *set debt_to_ashmore sdebt_to_ashmore *set debt_from_ashmore sdebt_from_ashmore *set heard_of_bailey sheard_of_bailey *set met_bailey smet_bailey *set bailey_rapport sbailey_rapport *set bailey_contactable sbailey_contactable *set bailey_correspondence sbailey_correspondence *set bailey_position sbailey_position *set debt_to_bailey sdebt_to_bailey *set debt_from_bailey sdebt_from_bailey *set heard_of_baqa sheard_of_baqa *set becard_rapport sbecard_rapport *set becard_scarred sbecard_scarred *set debt_from_becard sdebt_from_becard *set debt_to_becard sdebt_to_becard *set becard_aliens sbecard_aliens *set heard_of_bjornsdotter sheard_of_bjornsdotter *set met_bjornsdotter smet_bjornsdotter *set bjornsdotter_rapport sbjornsdotter_rapport *set heard_of_bowater sheard_of_bowater *set met_bowater smet_bowater *set bowater_rapport sbowater_rapport *set bowater_contactable sbowater_contactable *set bowater_correspondence sbowater_correspondence *set bowater_determined sbowater_determined *set bowater_for_player sbowater_for_player *set bowater_position sbowater_position *set bowater_revolutionary sbowater_revolutionary *set bowaters_sire sbowaters_sire *set can_ask_bowater_for_saw_text scan_ask_bowater_for_saw_text *set debt_to_bowater sdebt_to_bowater *set debt_from_bowater sdebt_from_bowater *set heard_of_buljan sheard_of_buljan *set heard_of_carlos sheard_of_carlos *set met_carlos smet_carlos *set carlos_rapport scarlos_rapport *set carothers_rapport scarothers_rapport *set carothers_humanity scarothers_humanity *set heard_of_clarkson sheard_of_clarkson *set heard_of_coffin sheard_of_coffin *set met_coffin smet_coffin *set coffin_rapport scoffin_rapport *set coffin_contactable scoffin_contactable *set coffin_correspondence scoffin_correspondence *set coffin_position scoffin_position *set coffin_knows_of_patricide scoffin_knows_of_patricide *set knows_coffin_anti_semitic sknows_coffin_anti_semitic *set debt_from_coffin sdebt_from_coffin *set heard_of_crisp sheard_of_crisp *set heard_of_vdaniels sheard_of_vdaniels *set vdaniels_alive svdaniels_alive *set heard_of_davison sheard_of_davison *set met_davison smet_davison *set davison_rapport sdavison_rapport *set davison_contactable sdavison_contactable *set davison_correspondence sdavison_correspondence *set davison_position sdavison_position *set heard_of_dinapoli sheard_of_dinapoli *set heard_of_draper sheard_of_draper *set met_draper smet_draper *set draper_rapport sdraper_rapport *set heard_of_eliot sheard_of_eliot *set met_eliot smet_eliot *set eliot_rapport seliot_rapport *set eliot_in_greece seliot_in_greece *set eliot_consumed seliot_consumed *set eliot_heretic seliot_heretic *set heard_of_ethelmarr sheard_of_ethelmarr *set heard_of_eusebius sheard_of_eusebius *set heard_of_fragala sheard_of_fragala *set met_fragala smet_fragala *set fragala_rapport sfragala_rapport *set debt_to_fragala sdebt_to_fragala *set heard_of_garcia sheard_of_garcia *set heard_of_gruffyd sheard_of_gruffyd *set heard_of_harding sheard_of_harding *set met_harding smet_harding *set harding_rapport sharding_rapport *set harding_contactable sharding_contactable *set harding_correspondence sharding_correspondence *set rebuffed_by_harding srebuffed_by_harding *set harding_bigot_known sharding_bigot_known *set harding_ethnicity_deceived sharding_ethnicity_deceived *set harding_animosity_known sharding_animosity_known *set heard_of_krupke sheard_of_krupke *set met_krupke smet_krupke *set heard_of_lefferts sheard_of_lefferts *set met_lefferts smet_lefferts *set lefferts_status slefferts_status *set heard_of_lesczynski sheard_of_lesczynski *set met_lesczynski smet_lesczynski *set able_to_identify_jews sable_to_identify_jews *set lesczynski_rapport slesczynski_rapport *set lesczynski_credentials slesczynski_credentials *set lesczynski_contactable slesczynski_contactable *set lesczynski_correspondence slesczynski_correspondence *set lesczynski_position slesczynski_position *set lesczynskis_interest_in_memphis slesczynskis_interest_in_memphis *set lesczynskis_interest_unused slesczynskis_interest_unused *set lesczynski_out slesczynski_out *set debt_to_lesczynski sdebt_to_lesczynski *set met_lockridge smet_lockridge *set heard_of_lockridge sheard_of_lockridge *set lockridge_rapport slockridge_rapport *set lockridge_contactable slockridge_contactable *set lockridge_correspondence slockridge_correspondence *set lockridge_position slockridge_position *set knows_lockridge_wolf sknows_lockridge_wolf *set met_lynch smet_lynch *set lynch_rapport slynch_rapport *set kill_cecil skill_cecil *set knows_lynch_sire sknows_lynch_sire *set maddox_rapport smaddox_rapport *set maddox_status smaddox_status *set wilson_embraced swilson_embraced *set wilson_embraced_by_withers swilson_embraced_by_withers *set knows_wilson_embraced sknows_wilson_embraced *set maddox_num smaddox_num *set heard_of_macpherson sheard_of_macpherson *set heard_of_maerszen sheard_of_maerszen *set heard_of_maffi sheard_of_maffi *set met_maffi smet_maffi *set heard_of_malloy sheard_of_malloy *set maffi_rapport smaffi_rapport *set maffi_contactable smaffi_contactable *set met_malloy smet_malloy *set malloy_rapport smalloy_rapport *set malloy_for_senate smalloy_for_senate *set malloy_contactable smalloy_contactable *set malloy_correspondence smalloy_correspondence *set malloy_position smalloy_position *set malloy_out smalloy_out *set heard_of_marcius sheard_of_marcius *set heard_of_memeskia sheard_of_memeskia *set met_memeskia smet_memeskia *set memeskias_sire smemeskias_sire *set memeskia_at_cahokia smemeskia_at_cahokia *set memeskia_rapport smemeskia_rapport *set memeskia_alive smemeskia_alive *set m_sib sm_sib *set debt_to_memeskia sdebt_to_memeskia *set debt_from_memeskia sdebt_from_memeskia *set investigate_memeskia sinvestigate_memeskia *set heard_of_nikomedes sheard_of_nikomedes *set heard_of_ogier sheard_of_ogier *set knows_ogier_heretic sknows_ogier_heretic *set ogier_unused sogier_unused *set heard_of_olympias sheard_of_olympias *set heard_of_ortega sheard_of_ortega *set overstreet_rapport soverstreet_rapport *set overstreet_contactable soverstreet_contactable *set heard_of_overstreet sheard_of_overstreet *set met_overstreet smet_overstreet *set heard_of_page sheard_of_page *set debt_from_page sdebt_from_page *set page_correspondence spage_correspondence *set page_rapport spage_rapport *set heard_of_partridge sheard_of_partridge *set met_partridge smet_partridge *set partridge_rapport spartridge_rapport *set partridge_contactable spartridge_contactable *set partridge_correspondence spartridge_correspondence *set partridge_position spartridge_position *set knows_partridge_childe_of_stone sknows_partridge_childe_of_stone *set knows_partridges_secret sknows_partridges_secret *set heard_of_philomena sheard_of_philomena *set met_pickering smet_pickering *set heard_of_pickering sheard_of_pickering *set pickering_rapport spickering_rapport *set pickering_contactable spickering_contactable *set pickering_correspondence spickering_correspondence *set pickering_position spickering_position *set pickering_bigot spickering_bigot *set pickering_bigot_unused spickering_bigot_unused *set pickering_and_pike spickering_and_pike *set pickering_and_pike_unused spickering_and_pike_unused *set pickering_deceived_ethnicity spickering_deceived_ethnicity *set pickering_out spickering_out *set knows_pickering_mason sknows_pickering_mason *set heard_of_quarrington sheard_of_quarrington *set quarringtons_allegiances squarringtons_allegiances *set heard_of_quintana sheard_of_quintana *set met_quintana smet_quintana *set quintana_rapport squintana_rapport *set heard_of_radegunda sheard_of_radegunda *set rios_rapport srios_rapport *set heard_of_rios sheard_of_rios *set met_estefania smet_estefania *set estefania_is_kin sestefania_is_kin *set estefanias_protection sestefanias_protection *set debt_to_rios sdebt_to_rios *set debt_from_rios sdebt_from_rios *set told_estefania_about_jackson stold_estefania_about_jackson *set knows_estefania_likes_musicians sknows_estefania_likes_musicians *set flirting_with_estefania sflirting_with_estefania *set rios_alive srios_alive *set consumed_rios sconsumed_rios *set heard_of_saint_cyr sheard_of_saint_cyr *set heard_of_sainte_chapelle sheard_of_sainte_chapelle *set heard_of_sandersdochter sheard_of_sandersdochter *set heard_of_chiara_santagostino sheard_of_chiara_santagostino *set santagostino_rapport ssantagostino_rapport *set santagostino_contactable ssantagostino_contactable *set santagostino_correspondence ssantagostino_correspondence *set santagostino_position ssantagostino_position *set met_chiara smet_chiara *set flirting_with_chiara sflirting_with_chiara *set spurned_chiara sspurned_chiara *set heard_of_schaap sheard_of_schaap *set heard_of_simmons sheard_of_simmons *set met_simmons smet_simmons *set simmons_rapport ssimmons_rapport *set simmons_contactable ssimmons_contactable *set simmons_correspondence ssimmons_correspondence *set simmons_position ssimmons_position *set heard_of_sostrate sheard_of_sostrate *set heard_of_timmers sheard_of_timmers *set met_timmers smet_timmers *set timmers_rapport stimmers_rapport *set timmers_contactable stimmers_contactable *set timmers_correspondence stimmers_correspondence *set timmers_position stimmers_position *set timmers_cr stimmers_cr *set timmers_sire stimmers_sire *set heard_of_tiozzo sheard_of_tiozzo *set met_tiozzo smet_tiozzo *set tiozzo_rapport stiozzo_rapport *set townsend_rapport stownsend_rapport *set heard_of_townsend sheard_of_townsend *set heard_of_tryphon sheard_of_tryphon *set tryphon_identity stryphon_identity *set heard_of_villanueva sheard_of_villanueva *set villanueva_rapport svillanueva_rapport *set heard_of_west sheard_of_west *set met_west smet_west *set rumors_of_west srumors_of_west *set rumors_of_west_dead srumors_of_west_dead *set history_of_west shistory_of_west *set west_exposure swest_exposure *set heard_of_zaruela sheard_of_zaruela *set jesse_rapport sjesse_rapport *set jesse_is_broodmate sjesse_is_broodmate *set jesse_embarrassed sjesse_embarrassed *set lied_to_jesse_about_poem slied_to_jesse_about_poem *set told_jesse_about_jackson stold_jesse_about_jackson *set jesses_sire_formerly_quaestor sjesses_sire_formerly_quaestor *set jesse_sire_name sjesse_sire_name *set frenzied_on_jesse sfrenzied_on_jesse *set flirting_with_jesse sflirting_with_jesse *set met_jesse smet_jesse *set jesse_dead sjesse_dead *set jesses_revolutionary_credentials sjesses_revolutionary_credentials *set story_of_jesse_in_haiti sstory_of_jesse_in_haiti *set jesse_knows_about_clotho sjesse_knows_about_clotho *set knows_jesse_mason sknows_jesse_mason *set withers_rapport swithers_rapport *set met_samantha smet_samantha *set withers_embarrassed swithers_embarrassed *set encourage_withers sencourage_withers *set can_do_nothing_about_withers scan_do_nothing_about_withers *set flirting_with_withers sflirting_with_withers *set debt_offered_from_withers sdebt_offered_from_withers *set debt_to_withers sdebt_to_withers *set debt_from_withers sdebt_from_withers *set heard_of_zappas sheard_of_zappas *set new_orleans_quaestor_rapport snew_orleans_quaestor_rapport *set new_orleans_quaestor_given_name snew_orleans_quaestor_given_name *set new_orleans_quaestor_surname snew_orleans_quaestor_surname *set new_orleans_quaestor_address snew_orleans_quaestor_address *set new_orleans_enterprise snew_orleans_enterprise *comment lover *set met_clotho smet_clotho *set love_clotho slove_clotho *set clotho_ordered_killed sclotho_ordered_killed *set love_hope slove_hope *set fubar_clotho sfubar_clotho *set fubar_hope sfubar_hope *set clothos_letter_in_karlstein sclothos_letter_in_karlstein *set kept_clotho_letter skept_clotho_letter *set kept_silas_letter skept_silas_letter *set silas_denied_blood ssilas_denied_blood *set outburst_over_silas soutburst_over_silas *set saw_annie ssaw_annie *set stlouis_affair sstlouis_affair *set annie_nb sannie_nb *set stl_neopronouns sstl_neopronouns *comment Lore/Heresy *set helios shelios *set helios_plot shelios_plot *set heard_of_helios_cult sheard_of_helios_cult *set sod_founder ssod_founder *set sod_plot ssod_plot *set rumors_of_sod srumors_of_sod *set taught_three_rules staught_three_rules *set reserve_on_families sreserve_on_families *set taught_about_governors staught_about_governors *set senators_explained ssenators_explained *set senators_representation ssenators_representation *set shepherds_and_wolves sshepherds_and_wolves *set heard_of_shepherds_and_wolves sheard_of_shepherds_and_wolves *set knows_about_shepherds_and_wolves_text sknows_about_shepherds_and_wolves_text *set can_request_lockridges_treatise scan_request_lockridges_treatise *set lockridge_treatise slockridge_treatise *set overheard_rios_and_krupke soverheard_rios_and_krupke *set knows_parts_dont_work sknows_parts_dont_work *set consul_praetor_explained sconsul_praetor_explained *set praetors_explained spraetors_explained *set tribune_explained stribune_explained *set voting_explained svoting_explained *set knows_blood_can_be_poisoned sknows_blood_can_be_poisoned *set knows_how_to_heal_bites sknows_how_to_heal_bites *set knows_about_torpor sknows_about_torpor *set knows_about_stakes sknows_about_stakes *set knows_about_territories sknows_about_territories *set beast_of_gevaudan sbeast_of_gevaudan *set knows_about_silver sknows_about_silver *set heresies_explained sheresies_explained *set heresy_of_abraham sheresy_of_abraham *set heard_of_heresy_of_abraham sheard_of_heresy_of_abraham *set abraham_apostate sabraham_apostate *set heresy_of_osiris sheresy_of_osiris *set heard_of_heresy_of_osiris sheard_of_heresy_of_osiris *set osiris_apostate sosiris_apostate *set heresy_of_masons sheresy_of_masons *set heard_of_heresy_of_masons sheard_of_heresy_of_masons *set masonic_apostate smasonic_apostate *set learn_of_masons slearn_of_masons *set rejected_masons srejected_masons *set heard_of_heresy_of_lilith sheard_of_heresy_of_lilith *set heresy_of_lilith sheresy_of_lilith *set histoire_recit shistoire_recit *set debt_check sdebt_check *set knows_sack_of_tyre sknows_sack_of_tyre *set hre_theory shre_theory *set heard_of_heresy_of_lazarus sheard_of_heresy_of_lazarus *set read_saw_manuscript sread_saw_manuscript *comment library_variables *set book_awakening sbook_awakening *set book_dracula sbook_dracula *set has_saw_manuscript shas_saw_manuscript *comment global *set goal sgoal *set experience_unfed_hug sexperience_unfed_hug *comment New Orleans *set met_andrew_jackson smet_andrew_jackson *set attended_marignys_party sattended_marignys_party *set marigny_investment smarigny_investment *set exiled_from_new_orleans sexiled_from_new_orleans *set hebert_debt_cancelled shebert_debt_cancelled *set failed_to_curry_favor_with_quaestor sfailed_to_curry_favor_with_quaestor *set met_guidry smet_guidry *set invitation_to_hebert_ignored sinvitation_to_hebert_ignored *set dazzled_overstreet sdazzled_overstreet *set heard_of_laveau sheard_of_laveau *set fed_from_laveau sfed_from_laveau *set nola_duel_status snola_duel_status *set nola_met_gonsoulin snola_met_gonsoulin *set haitian_sugar_plot shaitian_sugar_plot *set tiozzo_portrait_1831 stiozzo_portrait_1831 *comment St. *set avoided_new_orleans savoided_new_orleans *set need_to_be_told_about_exile sneed_to_be_told_about_exile *set anselm_hired sanselm_hired *set designed_plantation sdesigned_plantation *set taught_crapaud staught_crapaud *set pitchforks_in_saintcharles spitchforks_in_saintcharles *set ending_saintcharles_rapport sending_saintcharles_rapport *set fed_from_duplessis sfed_from_duplessis *comment Vicksburg Vicksburg *set met_mitch_compton smet_mitch_compton *set wrong_side_of_history_argument swrong_side_of_history_argument *set waiting_on_the_war swaiting_on_the_war *set fled_from_vicksburg sfled_from_vicksburg *set slept_through_vicksburg sslept_through_vicksburg *set learned_harmonica slearned_harmonica *set exiled_from_vicksburg sexiled_from_vicksburg *set hasty_exit_from_vicksburg shasty_exit_from_vicksburg *set fed_from_davis sfed_from_davis *set francis_cockrell_resolution sfrancis_cockrell_resolution *set warned_sam_about_calkins swarned_sam_about_calkins *comment Memphis Memphis *set fed_from_forrest sfed_from_forrest *set fed_from_pike sfed_from_pike *set learned_about_revolution slearned_about_revolution *set chasing_wilson schasing_wilson *set wilson_lately swilson_lately *set wilson swilson *set maddox smaddox *set depot_burned sdepot_burned *set heard_about_revolution sheard_about_revolution *set met_hugh_in_vicksburg smet_hugh_in_vicksburg *set met_hugh smet_hugh *set heard_of_gallagher sheard_of_gallagher *set debt_from_gallagher sdebt_from_gallagher *set heard_about_bounty_on_hugh sheard_about_bounty_on_hugh *set knows_santagostino_seeks_gallagher sknows_santagostino_seeks_gallagher *set gallagher_status sgallagher_status *set mentioned_gallagher_to_carothers smentioned_gallagher_to_carothers *set rejected_sam_wilson srejected_sam_wilson *set carothers_ignorant_of_pb scarothers_ignorant_of_pb *set letter_from_jesse_about_quaestor_of_new_orleans sletter_from_jesse_about_quaestor_of_new_orleans *set introduction_made_to_carothers_by_withers sintroduction_made_to_carothers_by_withers *set met_olivia_hill smet_olivia_hill *set ruined_relationship_olivia_hill sruined_relationship_olivia_hill *set met_nbf smet_nbf *set charmed_nbf scharmed_nbf *set kkk_1869_resolution skkk_1869_resolution *set invitation_to_join_kkk_extended sinvitation_to_join_kkk_extended *set joined_kkk sjoined_kkk *set history_of_klan shistory_of_klan *set watching_james swatching_james *set saved_lynchee ssaved_lynchee *set memphis_haven smemphis_haven *set observing_kkk sobserving_kkk *set preparing_for_party_1877 spreparing_for_party_1877 *set party_preparations sparty_preparations *set party_preparations_1873 sparty_preparations_1873 *set debt_to_carothers sdebt_to_carothers *set debt_from_carothers sdebt_from_carothers *set carothers_debt_wilson scarothers_debt_wilson *set acquiring_vessels sacquiring_vessels *set acquiring_vessels_1877 sacquiring_vessels_1877 *set memphis_reception_planner smemphis_reception_planner *set memphis_reception_planner_1873 smemphis_reception_planner_1873 *set indifferent_to_temperance_workers_plight sindifferent_to_temperance_workers_plight *set amount_invested_freedmans samount_invested_freedmans *set met_percival_little smet_percival_little *set invitation_to_reception_accepted sinvitation_to_reception_accepted *set lockridge_judging_party slockridge_judging_party *set offer_to_help_coffin_stop_ascher soffer_to_help_coffin_stop_ascher *set discovered_telepathy sdiscovered_telepathy *set learn_of_jesses_presence_in_memphis slearn_of_jesses_presence_in_memphis *set frenzied_on_santagostino sfrenzied_on_santagostino *set apologized_to_santagostino sapologized_to_santagostino *set memphis_chance_encounter smemphis_chance_encounter *set confrontation_bailey_chance_encounter sconfrontation_bailey_chance_encounter *set rumors_of_plague srumors_of_plague *set jesse_for_senator sjesse_for_senator *set player_for_senator splayer_for_senator *set player_candidate_1873 splayer_candidate_1873 *set knows_pickering_is_shepherd sknows_pickering_is_shepherd *set simmons_waylaid ssimmons_waylaid *set outing_with_jesse souting_with_jesse *set outing_invitation_rejected souting_invitation_rejected *set first_memphis_reception_attended sfirst_memphis_reception_attended *set first_memphis_caucus_attended sfirst_memphis_caucus_attended *set second_memphis_reception_attended ssecond_memphis_reception_attended *set second_memphis_caucus_attended ssecond_memphis_caucus_attended *set memphis_coffin_convo smemphis_coffin_convo *set memphis_lesczynski_convo smemphis_lesczynski_convo *set memphis_lockridge_convo smemphis_lockridge_convo *set memphis_malloy_convo smemphis_malloy_convo *set memphis_partridge_bailey_convo smemphis_partridge_bailey_convo *set memphis_bailey_couldnt_communicate smemphis_bailey_couldnt_communicate *set memphis_pickering_convo smemphis_pickering_convo *set memphis_santagostino_convo smemphis_santagostino_convo *set question_quintana_unasked squestion_quintana_unasked *set bounty_on_hugh sbounty_on_hugh *set tasked_hugh stasked_hugh *set partridge_betrayal spartridge_betrayal *set notice_partridge_betrayal snotice_partridge_betrayal *set partridge_uncommitted spartridge_uncommitted *set knows_hardings_plan sknows_hardings_plan *set promised_debt_from_bailey_over_partridge spromised_debt_from_bailey_over_partridge *set met_albert_pike smet_albert_pike *set player_obstinate splayer_obstinate *set frenzied_on_lesczynski sfrenzied_on_lesczynski *set exposed_plague sexposed_plague *set bloodsweats sbloodsweats *set afflicted_vicksburg safflicted_vicksburg *set afflicted_memphis safflicted_memphis *set jaundiced sjaundiced *set carothers_casey scarothers_casey *set joined_memphis_masonic_lodge sjoined_memphis_masonic_lodge *set barnum_thompson_plot sbarnum_thompson_plot *set clay_street_foundation sclay_street_foundation *set memorial_poem_memphis smemorial_poem_memphis *set avoiding_second_reception savoiding_second_reception *set great_swap sgreat_swap *set clotho_schoolroom sclotho_schoolroom *set memphis_affair smemphis_affair *set municipal_debt smunicipal_debt *set bought_memphis_bonds sbought_memphis_bonds *set memphis_profiteer smemphis_profiteer *set davison_waylaid sdavison_waylaid *set jesse_waylaid sjesse_waylaid *set booted_from_memphis_reception_1873 sbooted_from_memphis_reception_1873 *set met_stennis smet_stennis *set stennis_dead sstennis_dead *set stennis_theory sstennis_theory *set transformation_chamber_found stransformation_chamber_found *set cotton_warehouse_fire scotton_warehouse_fire *set merodach_alive smerodach_alive *set merodach_discourse smerodach_discourse *set franklin_dead sfranklin_dead *set memphis_haven_torched smemphis_haven_torched *set timmers_on_heresy_of_abraham stimmers_on_heresy_of_abraham *set timmers_details_on_abraham stimmers_details_on_abraham *set santagostino_waylays_simmons ssantagostino_waylays_simmons *set lockridge_waylays_davison slockridge_waylays_davison *set mason_sign_in_memphis smason_sign_in_memphis *set knows_pb_diseased sknows_pb_diseased *set r_count sr_count *set cr_count scr_count *set senator_count ssenator_count *set learned_of_ppu slearned_of_ppu *set noticed_paving snoticed_paving *set letter_directing_to_stennis sletter_directing_to_stennis *set temperance_movement stemperance_movement *set wctu swctu *set democratic_convention sdemocratic_convention *set met_hester_carothers smet_hester_carothers *set apollo_and_hester sapollo_and_hester *set achieve_meet_senators sachieve_meet_senators *set achieve_vegetarian sachieve_vegetarian *set whiskey_ring_plot swhiskey_ring_plot *set whiskey_ring_counsel swhiskey_ring_counsel *set whiskey_ring_status swhiskey_ring_status *set fayette_railroad_bonds sfayette_railroad_bonds *set met_robert_reed_church smet_robert_reed_church *set founded_school_for_the_blind sfounded_school_for_the_blind *set blind_school_name sblind_school_name *set memphis_baseball smemphis_baseball *set heard_about_great_railroad_strike sheard_about_great_railroad_strike *set invitation_to_st_louis sinvitation_to_st_louis *set spencer_sister_status sspencer_sister_status *set lied_to_carothers_about_pb slied_to_carothers_about_pb *set exiled_from_memphis sexiled_from_memphis *comment St. Louis *set coupe scoupe *set aichinger_southern_hotel saichinger_southern_hotel *set stlouis_enterprise sstlouis_enterprise *set stlouis_haven sstlouis_haven *set dead_in_stlouis sdead_in_stlouis *set stlouis_estate_lawyer sstlouis_estate_lawyer *set stlouis_valet sstlouis_valet *set stlouis_valet_num sstlouis_valet_num *set stlouis_valet_motivation sstlouis_valet_motivation *set stlouis_valet_loyalty sstlouis_valet_loyalty *set stlouis_valet_lover sstlouis_valet_lover *set stlouis_valet_alive sstlouis_valet_alive *set laborvscapital slaborvscapital *set stlouis_business_climate sstlouis_business_climate *set stlouis_race_relations sstlouis_race_relations *set stlouis_arsonist_investigation sstlouis_arsonist_investigation *set stl_reach_church_rebuilt sstl_reach_church_rebuilt *set valet_he svalet_he *set valet_him svalet_him *set valet_his svalet_his *set fed_from_wilde sfed_from_wilde *set fed_from_pulitzer sfed_from_pulitzer *set fed_from_james sfed_from_james *set fed_from_chopin sfed_from_chopin *set heard_of_jh_cavender sheard_of_jh_cavender *set post_dispatch_result spost_dispatch_result *set cockerill_condition scockerill_condition *set stl_praetor_carlos sstl_praetor_carlos *set pulitzer_prize spulitzer_prize *set post_dispatch spost_dispatch *set stl_cardinals sstl_cardinals *set three_eyed_jack_visited sthree_eyed_jack_visited *set met_wheeler_and_turner smet_wheeler_and_turner *set heard_ragtime sheard_ragtime *set met_brookings smet_brookings *set met_sosostris smet_sosostris *set west_widow swest_widow *set stl_west_volunteer sstl_west_volunteer *set circus_1884 scircus_1884 *set circus_1884_date scircus_1884_date *set circus_1888_date scircus_1888_date *set becardeliot_romance sbecardeliot_romance *set circus_pickpocket_deal scircus_pickpocket_deal *set circus_pickpockets_nixed scircus_pickpockets_nixed *set met_henshaw smet_henshaw *set stl_saw_guitar sstl_saw_guitar *set photo_1884_circus sphoto_1884_circus *set wainwright_built swainwright_built *set wainwright_stories swainwright_stories *set wainwright swainwright *set heard_of_ellis_wainwright sheard_of_ellis_wainwright *set anti_james_sentiment santi_james_sentiment *set streetcar_strike_1900 sstreetcar_strike_1900 *set schnaiders_closed sschnaiders_closed *set baseball_failed sbaseball_failed *set browns_sundays_moved sbrowns_sundays_moved *set norris_arena snorris_arena *set stlouis_orchestra sstlouis_orchestra *set exodusters sexodusters *set stlouis_exoduster_artists_recruited sstlouis_exoduster_artists_recruited *set spalding_sporting_goods sspalding_sporting_goods *set sporting_goods ssporting_goods *set sporting_goods_success ssporting_goods_success *set browns_saved sbrowns_saved *set stl_vda_debt sstl_vda_debt *set stlouis_baseball_corruption sstlouis_baseball_corruption *set budweiser sbudweiser *set beer_antitrust sbeer_antitrust *set slba sslba *set slba_formed sslba_formed *set slba_subjugated sslba_subjugated *set stlouis_cult sstlouis_cult *set stlouis_cult_power sstlouis_cult_power *set stlouis_cult_purpose sstlouis_cult_purpose *set stlouis_cult_celebration sstlouis_cult_celebration *set stlouis_cult_name sstlouis_cult_name *set stlouis_cult_address sstlouis_cult_address *set heard_about_helios_stlouis sheard_about_helios_stlouis *set cuba_return scuba_return *set cuba_connection scuba_connection *set fed_from_geronimo sfed_from_geronimo *set geronimo_vampire sgeronimo_vampire *set geronimo_murdered sgeronimo_murdered *set skip_hunting_check sskip_hunting_check *set stl_kid_name sstl_kid_name *set stl_kid_nick sstl_kid_nick *set stl_kid_ethnicity sstl_kid_ethnicity *set stl_kid_origin sstl_kid_origin *set stl_kid_met sstl_kid_met *set stlouis_hideout sstlouis_hideout *set stlouis_tribune sstlouis_tribune *set stl_pig_farm sstl_pig_farm *set stl_coal_smuggler sstl_coal_smuggler *set stl_opium_smuggler sstl_opium_smuggler *set stl_electricity sstl_electricity *set keeley_gold_cure skeeley_gold_cure *set werewolf_hysteria swerewolf_hysteria *set missouri_prohibition smissouri_prohibition *set missouri_prohibition_passed smissouri_prohibition_passed *set missouri_suffrage smissouri_suffrage *set missouri_suffrage_passed smissouri_suffrage_passed *set egans_rats_plot segans_rats_plot *set egans_rats segans_rats *set stl_kinney sstl_kinney *set stl_bjornsdotter_convo sstl_bjornsdotter_convo *set met_robert_yates smet_robert_yates *set robert_yates_rapport srobert_yates_rapport *set robert_yates_loyalty srobert_yates_loyalty *set robert_yates_baseball srobert_yates_baseball *set spoke_stl_applethorp sspoke_stl_applethorp *set spoke_stl_rios sspoke_stl_rios *set carothers_ford_reveal scarothers_ford_reveal *set heard_of_white_city sheard_of_white_city *set stl_public_diablerie sstl_public_diablerie *set stl_patricide_tribunal sstl_patricide_tribunal *set heard_of_kelloggs sheard_of_kelloggs *set stl_chinese_soul_food sstl_chinese_soul_food *set stl_met_cousins sstl_met_cousins *set tuberculosis_vaccine stuberculosis_vaccine *set joined_stl_masonic_lodge sjoined_stl_masonic_lodge *set fed_from_gould sfed_from_gould *set stl_merchants_bridge sstl_merchants_bridge *set stl_met_stickney sstl_met_stickney *set stl_heard_of_wotton sstl_heard_of_wotton *set stl_seen_wotton sstl_seen_wotton *set stl_met_preston sstl_met_preston *set exiled_from_stlouis sexiled_from_stlouis *set early_chicago_entry searly_chicago_entry *set stl_postscript sstl_postscript *set stl_vda_drama sstl_vda_drama *set in_the_railyard sin_the_railyard *set lpe_success slpe_success *set lpe_masterwork slpe_masterwork *set lpe_member slpe_member *set lpe_event slpe_event *set corgi_power scorgi_power *set stlouis_quaestor sstlouis_quaestor *set stlouis_quaestor_num sstlouis_quaestor_num *set stl_cahokia_sacrifice sstl_cahokia_sacrifice *set stl_fought_west sstl_fought_west *set gould_plot sgould_plot *set stl_met_slattery sstl_met_slattery *set stl_met_joe_folk sstl_met_joe_folk *set fed_from_joplin sfed_from_joplin *set columbia_coterie scolumbia_coterie *set dynamiteWest sdynamiteWest *comment Chicago variables *set heard_of_odonnell sheard_of_odonnell *set odonnell_rapport sodonnell_rapport *set fed_from_capone sfed_from_capone *set loan_to_capone sloan_to_capone *set chicago_haven_neighborhood schicago_haven_neighborhood *set knows_sals sknows_sals *set knows_cats_meow sknows_cats_meow *set fled_from_nicky sfled_from_nicky *set violet_intro_to_quaestor sviolet_intro_to_quaestor *set violet_killed sviolet_killed *set violet_hates_player sviolet_hates_player *set violet_interrogated sviolet_interrogated *set violet_coopted sviolet_coopted *set clyde_coopted sclyde_coopted *set clyde_killed sclyde_killed *set met_nicky smet_nicky *set nicky_coopted snicky_coopted *set nicky_killed snicky_killed *set nicky_hates_player snicky_hates_player *set herbert_coopted sherbert_coopted *set herbert_killed sherbert_killed *set walker_rapport swalker_rapport *set heard_of_herbert_walker sheard_of_herbert_walker *set met_herbert_walker smet_herbert_walker *set debt_from_walker sdebt_from_walker *set phineas_killed sphineas_killed *set phineas_hates_player sphineas_hates_player *set phineas_humming sphineas_humming *set horace_hates_player shorace_hates_player *set horace_communique shorace_communique *set odonnell_killed sodonnell_killed *set odonnell_hates_player sodonnell_hates_player *set shopping_spree sshopping_spree *set current_location scurrent_location *set canaryville_commotion scanaryville_commotion *set vigil svigil *set powers_and_dandrea spowers_and_dandrea *set pool_trounce spool_trounce *set evanston sevanston *set questions_for_willie squestions_for_willie *set rainer srainer *set well_yes swell_yes *set protest_in_lincoln_park sprotest_in_lincoln_park *set knows_about_chicago_union_hall sknows_about_chicago_union_hall *set quaestor_presence squaestor_presence *set progression_in_time sprogression_in_time *set anti_german_sentiment santi_german_sentiment *set push_for_desegregation spush_for_desegregation *set train_charm strain_charm *set train_stealth strain_stealth *set train_status strain_status *set train_strength strain_strength *if sire_name = "unknown" *bug restore failed *set checksum schecksum *redirect_scene {checkpoint} restore_checkpoint