*comment ñáéç *temp combat *set combat 0 *set combat +strength *if shapeshifting > 3 *set combat +4 *set combat +agility *if shapeshifting = 3 *set combat +2 *set combat +(fighting*1.5) *temp current_location *page_break *temp wealth1920 *set wealth1920 0 You return to your haven for the day. *set current_location chicago_haven_neighborhood *goto night_check *label night_check *if Blood > 15 *set blood 15 *goto night_check_2 *if Blood <= 15 *goto night_check_2 *label night_check_2 *set Blood -1 *if Blood <= 0 I'm out of blood. *page_break The hunger is too great... I cannot control it. *page_break I am covered with blood. There is a dead body before me... I don't recognize him. I am full, but now I must flee... *set Blood +10 *set Compassion %+10 *set Exposure +1 *set recent_misdeed 3 *set Wealth +10 *goto night_check *if Blood > 0 *set wealth +income *goto night_check_3 *label empty *goto little_italy *label night_check_3 *if blood < 4 It should be noted that you are hungry... if you are forced to any sort of exertion, you could lose control of yourself. *gotoref current_location *else *gotoref current_location *label blood_check *if Blood > 15 *set blood 15 *gotoref current_location *if Blood <= 15 *gotoref current_location *label uptown *goto uptown_2 *label uptown_2 Current Blood: ${blood} *line_break *set wealth1920 wealth/12 Current Wealth: ${wealth1920} *choice #I need to hunt. *if (combat <= 6) and (charm < 3) *if willpower <= 3 You are not up to the task. Only by unleashing the animal within are you able to subdue your prey, but that also means killing him. *set exposure +1 *set blood +10 *set compassion %+10 *set discretion %+5 *set wealth +10 *goto blood_check *else After an hour of stalking you prey, you are on the verge of losing control of yourself. Only your iron will manages to suppress the beast inside you. Desperate, turn to a stray cat nearby to assuage the hunger. *set blood +2 *goto blood_check *else This is not a problem. *set blood +4 *goto blood_check *if presented_chicago *if presented_chicago #I go see the Quaestor. Having already decided upon your course, you set out for the Drake. You can give word to Herbert that you need to speak with him, and wait to be brought before O'Donnell. *goto at_the_drake *if presented_chicago = false #I go see Violet. Violet did say that she would introduce you to the Quaestor. Following her instructions, you bide your time, and then head down to the Stroll to meet her. *goto meet_violet *label canaryville Current Blood: ${blood} *line_break *set wealth1920 wealth/12 Current Wealth: ${wealth1920} *choice #I need to hunt. *if (combat <= 6) and (charm < 3) *if willpower <= 3 You are not up to the task. Only by unleashing the animal within are you able to subdue your prey, but that also means killing him. *set exposure +1 *set blood +10 *set compassion %+10 *set discretion %+5 *set wealth +10 *goto blood_check *else After an hour of stalking you prey, you are on the verge of losing control of yourself. Only your iron will manages to suppress the beast inside you. Desperate, turn to a stray cat nearby to assuage the hunger. *set blood +2 *goto blood_check *else This is not a problem. *set blood +4 *goto blood_check *if presented_chicago *if presented_chicago #I go see the Quaestor. Having already decided upon your course, you set out for the Drake. You can give word to Herbert that you need to speak with him, and wait to be brought before O'Donnell. *goto at_the_drake *if presented_chicago = false #I go see Violet. Violet did say that she would introduce you to the Quaestor. Following her instructions, you bide your time, and then head down to the Stroll to meet her. *goto meet_violet *label little_italy Current Blood: ${blood} *line_break *set wealth1920 wealth/12 Current Wealth: ${wealth1920} *choice #I need to hunt. *if (combat <= 6) and (charm < 3) *if willpower <= 3 You are not up to the task. Only by unleashing the animal within are you able to subdue your prey, but that also means killing him. *set exposure +1 *set blood +10 *set compassion %+10 *set discretion %+5 *set wealth +10 *goto blood_check *else After an hour of stalking you prey, you are on the verge of losing control of yourself. Only your iron will manages to suppress the beast inside you. Desperate, turn to a stray cat nearby to assuage the hunger. *set blood +2 *goto blood_check *else This is not a problem. *set blood +4 *goto blood_check *if presented_chicago #I go see the Quaestor. Having already decided upon your course, you set out for the Drake. You can give word to Herbert that you need to speak with him, and wait to be brought before O'Donnell. *goto at_the_drake *if presented_chicago = false #I go see Violet. Violet did say that she would introduce you to the Quaestor. Following her instructions, you bide your time, and then head down to the Stroll to meet her. *goto meet_violet *label south_side *goto south_side_2 *label south_side_2 Current Blood: ${blood} *line_break *set wealth1920 wealth/12 Current Wealth: ${wealth1920} *choice #I need to hunt. *if (combat <= 6) and (charm < 3) *if willpower <= 3 You are not up to the task. Only by unleashing the animal within are you able to subdue your prey, but that also means killing him. *set exposure +1 *set blood +10 *set compassion %+10 *set discretion %+5 *set wealth +10 *goto blood_check *else After an hour of stalking you prey, you are on the verge of losing control of yourself. Only your iron will manages to suppress the beast inside you. Desperate, turn to a stray cat nearby to assuage the hunger. *set blood +2 *goto blood_check *else This is not a problem. *set blood +4 *goto blood_check *if presented_chicago *if presented_chicago #I go see the Quaestor. Having already decided upon your course, you set out for the Drake. You can give word to Herbert that you need to speak with him, and wait to be brought before O'Donnell. *goto at_the_drake *if presented_chicago = false #I go see Violet. Violet did say that she would introduce you to the Quaestor. Following her instructions, you bide your time, and then head down to the Stroll to meet her. *goto meet_violet *label lincoln_park *goto lincoln_park_4 *label lincoln_park_4 Current Blood: ${blood} *line_break *set wealth1920 wealth/12 Current Wealth: ${wealth1920} *choice #I need to hunt. *if (combat <= 6) and (charm < 3) *if willpower <= 3 You are not up to the task. Only by unleashing the animal within are you able to subdue your prey, but that also means killing him. *set exposure +1 *set blood +10 *set compassion %+10 *set discretion %+5 *set wealth +10 *goto blood_check *else After an hour of stalking you prey, you are on the verge of losing control of yourself. Only your iron will manages to suppress the beast inside you. Desperate, turn to a stray cat nearby to assuage the hunger. *set blood +2 *goto blood_check *else This is not a problem. *set blood +4 *goto blood_check *if presented_chicago *if presented_chicago #I go see the Quaestor. Having already decided upon your course, you set out for the Drake. You can give word to Herbert that you need to speak with him, and wait to be brought before O'Donnell. *goto at_the_drake *if presented_chicago = false #I go see Violet. Hopefully, she will take me to see the Quaestor. *goto meet_violet *label meet_violet You head back to the Royal Gardens Cafe. It's a little easier to make your way in this time. Pushing your way through the crowd and waving away the smoke, you catch sight of Violet, who greets you indifferently. "What you want, ${mr} ${surname}?" "I need to see O'Donnell," you reply. "It's important." She sighs, and leads you out onto 39th Street, where the two of you wait for a short while until a flivver rattles up. *if male She waits for you to open the door for her. *goto meet_violet_2 *if male = false She waits for Sam the driver to hop out, come around, and open the car door for the both of you. *goto meet_violet_2 *label meet_violet_2 Settling into your seats, she signals ignition and off the claptrap goes. Some thirty minutes of silence later, you pull up to the Drake Hotel. Once inside, O'Donnell demands to know what this audience is about. "I believe I met Mr. Thrasher two nights ago." O'Donnell is immediately on guard. *goto about_clyde_2 *label about_clyde_2 "He was busy... dealing with a human... when he was assaulted by one of our kind who later identified himself to me as Phineas. This Phineas forced Mr. Thrasher to flee, and then proceeded to lay out to me a plot to murder Mr. Thrasher and bring you down in the process." *if Status < 3 "These art allegations of the highest order that thou bring against Mr. Campbell. And according to the customs of our kind, a newcomer such as thyself shalt be reprimanded for thine insolence. "MR WALKER!" thunders O'Donnell. Herbert opens the door to the room. "Please take ${mr} {surname} into custody, and hold him for Mr. Ciampa's arrival." A short time later, you find yourself in a car with Nicky Chomps and several other goons on your way to the edge of town. He grins sadistically at you as you step down to the street: "This is only gonna hurt... a lot." Inside, you are strapped to a steel gurney. Above you is a contraption made to direct and redirect sunlight. As the sun begins to rise, you can feel it singing the tips of your fingers. Before long, you are screaming as louder than you knew was possible, as your flesh and bones are disintegrated in slow motion beneath the unforgiving rays of the sun. Through it all, Nicky is standing there with a wet blanket, making sure you don't catch fire and burn to cinders. And to make sure you stay conscious for it all. After all, you haven't been sentenced to death. Just intense, unrelenting agony. Within an hour, your arm up to above the elbow has been turned to dust. Only then is the window closed, and you are allowed to rest. *page_break When you awake at sunset, you are immediately flooded with the remembrance of the day's suffering. It will take weeks for your arm to regrow, and you will require much in the way of blood in the meantime to fuel the healing process. Within a few minutes of waking, Nicky enters the room. He unstraps you from the gurney, hands you a coat to cover up the wound, and shortly kicks you out onto the street. "I suggest you find a new home for yerself, palooka." *page_break You make your way slowly back to your haven. Along the way, you slaughter an old woman, too weak to run from you in your dismantled state. Feasting on her warm blood, you feel a little better. The best thing, now, is to head to rest. *set compassion %+15 *set discretion %+5 *set blood 11 *goto rebuild_arm *if Status >= 3 O'Donnell directs you to let Herbert into the room. "Mr. Walker. If thou wouldst, be so kind as to summon Mr. Campbell to account for his actions." "Yes, Quaestor." "${mr} ${surname}, it may take a few evenings to locate and apprehend Mr. Campbell. If thou wilt consult with either Ms. Jones or Mr. Ciampa in the evenings, I shalt leave word with them regarding the necessity of thy presence." *page_break A few evenings later, you find yourself again with the Quaestor. This time in the company of Phineas. It seems that, in the interim, Phineas has managed to locate and exterminate Clyde. However, because Herbert and Nicky were alerted to Phineas' agenda, they were able to quickly locate and apprehend him in the aftermath. The guilty party stands before the Quaestor, silenced and unable to defend himself. No one ever said vampire 'justice' was fair. Phineas is sentenced to execution. When he escapes from captivity a few days later--clearly aided by someone on the outside--suspicion immediately falls upon you. Having seen the machinations of O'Donnell at work already, you elect to flee the city, rather than attempt to reason with him. *goto_scene timejump2 *label at_the_drake Returning to the Drake Hotel, you leave word with the bellhop that you need to speak with Mr. Walker. Mr. Walker appears much later that night. You communicate the urgency of your need to speak with Mr. O'Donnell. He invites you to return the following evening. *set current_location "drake" *goto night_check *label drake Returning the following night, you are ushered into the parlor again. Mr. O'Donnell seems displeased to see you again so soon. "Mr. O'Donnell, I am sorry to disturb you again, but I believe that I have made the acquaintance of your companion Mr. Thrasher, of whom you spoke when I was last here." *goto about_clyde_2 *label rebuild_arm *set blood 2 *choice #I need to hunt. *if combat <= 7 You are not up to the task. Only by unleashing the animal within are you able to subdue your prey, but that also means killing him. *set exposure +1 *set blood +10 *set compassion %+10 *set discretion %+5 *set wealth +10 *goto meet_horace_1 *else This is not a problem. *set blood +4 *goto meet_horace_1 *label meet_horace_1 *set horace_communique true A few nights later, your elbow is almost restored. The wound is still intensely painful, but somewhat less so. What hurts more is your pride. You have been humiliated in front of the vampires of the city. While your arm was burnt off, that pain will fade. The wound to your pride will live on, festering for eternity. You need to take a walk. You need to clear your head, and decide what your next steps will be. *page_break A voice echoes around you. Inside you. Someone - other than yourself - is inside your head. ::${given_name}, we have little time for introductions,:: says the voice. Looking up and down the street, you are unable to identify the source of the... voice? People are walking to and fro without taking notice of you. ::Stop drawing attention to yourself. Just keep walking. One of the Quaestor's minions is probably watching you.:: You make an almost comic attempt to straighten your walk and while studiously ignoring the world around you. "How do I..." you whisper aloud. ::Just think it. Don't even whisper.:: ::Like that?:: ::Yes, you sap. Now listen. You met Phineas, the vampire with the wings. You have put him in grave danger, but if you help him, you can exact revenge on the Quaestor. But if you are too much fo a coward, and want to leave town, I suppose I cannot stop you.:: *choice #::I seek revenge.:: *set discretion %+15 ::I am glad to hear it. Now...:: ::But, wait, who are you? And where are you?:: ::I am nearby. And I prefer to retain some anonymity for just a little while longer. Next Thursday evening, go to the Stroll. Phineas will meet with you there. Keep an eye out for anyone following you.:: With that, the voice in your mind... ceases. *goto phineas_rejected #::I will leave town.:: *set discretion %-10 *if patricide *goto patricide *else ::I am disappointed in you, but it does seem our kind have increasingly turned to bestowing the Gift on cowards as of late. I trust I will not see you in Chicago again.:: The voice... presence... departs from you consciousness. You return to your haven immediately, pack your things, and prepare to depart from Chicago. *page_break Over the next few months, you hear rumors about the vampires of Chicago. It seems that O'Donnell went missing and, in his absence, Phineas was made Quaestor of the city by the Governor. Such are the ways of the undead. *goto_scene timejump2 *label patricide ::I'm not sure that you quite understand the gravity of your situation, ${mr} ${surname}. Your maker was ${sire_name}, if I am not mistaken.:: At that, your blood runs cold. You can almost feel what is coming next before it does. ::It's funny how he hasn't been seen in some time. I don't suppose you know anything about that?:: ::I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about.:: ::Oh, ${mr} ${surname}, I'm sure that you do! If you do not go assist Mr. Campbell, Governor Bjornsen himself will hear of your crimes. We will see how much your miserable unlife is worth then.:: *choice #::I will help Phineas.:: ::I am thrilled to see such a change in your attitude. The day after tomorrow, go to the Stroll. Phineas will meet with you there. Keep an eye out for anyone following you.:: *if speaks_english With that, the voice in your mind... ceases. *goto phineas_rejected *else ::But, how will we communicate? We don't speak the same language!:: ::He will be prepared.:: With that, the voice in your mind... ceases. *goto phineas_rejected #::Do your worst.:: *set discretion %+20 ::And so I shall,:: and with that, the voice quiets. You return to your haven immediately, pack your things, and otherwise prepare to depart from Chicago. Your exit from the city is utterly lacking in grace, but sometimes expediency trumps such things. *page_break *goto_scene timejump2 *label phineas_rejected You arrive at the Stroll on the appointed day. Your arm has made some marginal developments, but you are still days away from regaining its use. *if perception > 2 You notice Phineas approaching from aways off. You lock eyes long enough for him to know that you've noticed him. He may have some talents, but apparently remaining unseen is not one of them. *goto phineas_rejected_2 *else *goto phineas_rejected_2 *label phineas_rejected_2 Stopping beside you, Phineas evaluates your arm (as best he can beneath your coat). "You know, Nicky probably enjoyed doing that to you." "Thank you for reminding me." "Considering the amount of trouble you've caused me by snitching to O'Donnell, I'd say you deserved it." "What was I supposed to think? I thought you were off your nuts, parading around in those wings of yours." Phineas pauses before responding: "I'm not here to fight. We need to deal with Nicky and Herbert, if we're going to take O'Donnell down." *goto_scene chicago_nicky_and_herbert