*comment ñáéç *hide_reuse *advertisement *set lesczynski_out false *set malloy_out false *set pickering_out false *set simmons_waylaid false *temp can_waylay_davison false *temp can_waylay_simmons false *temp can_waylay_jesse false *temp party_prepped false *if overstreet_rapport >= 60 *set ashmore_rapport %+20 *if overstreet_rapport <= 40 *set ashmore_rapport %-20 *if status > 2 *set ashmore_rapport %+20 *if status <= 1 *set ashmore_rapport %-10 *temp waylaid_count 0 *temp month_count 0 *temp ashmore_count 0 *temp bailey_count 0 *temp bowater_count 0 *temp carothers_count 0 *temp coffin_count 0 *temp davison_count 0 *temp harding_count 0 *temp lesczynski_count 0 *temp lockridge_count 0 *temp malloy_count 0 *temp partridge_count 0 *temp pickering_count 0 *temp santagostino_count 0 *temp simmons_count 0 *temp timmers_count 0 *temp withers_count 0 *temp ashmore_letter 0 *temp bailey_letter 0 *temp bowater_letter 0 *temp carothers_letter 0 *temp coffin_letter 0 *temp davison_letter 0 *temp harding_letter 0 *temp lesczynski_letter 0 *temp lockridge_letter 0 *temp malloy_letter 0 *temp partridge_letter 0 *temp pickering_letter 0 *temp santagostino_letter 0 *temp simmons_letter 0 *temp timmers_letter 0 *temp withers_letter 0 *temp ashmore_inquiry false *temp bailey_inquiry false *temp bowater_inquiry false *temp coffin_inquiry false *temp davison_inquiry false *temp harding_inquiry false *temp lesczynski_inquiry false *temp lockridge_inquiry false *temp malloy_inquiry false *temp partridge_inquiry false *temp pickering_inquiry false *temp santagostino_inquiry false *temp simmons_inquiry false *temp timmers_inquiry false *temp harding_bigot_inquiry false *temp attendees_question true *temp macpherson_inquiry true *temp praetor_inquiry true *temp flirt_withers true *temp block_ashmore false *temp block_bailey false *temp block_simmons false *temp block_timmers false *temp block_withers false *temp vampire_disease_unasked true *temp result0 "" *temp result1 "" *temp result2 "" *temp result3 "" *temp result4 "" *temp result5 "" *temp result6 "" *temp result7 "" *temp result8 "" *temp result9 "" *temp result10 "" *temp result11 "" *temp result12 "" *temp result13 "" *temp result14 "" *temp result15 "" *temp result16 "" *temp effect false *temp old "hack" *temp current "hack" *temp harding_snub false *temp pickering_snub true *temp ashmore_first true *temp bowater_first true *temp bailey_west false *temp malloy_vampiric_conditions false *temp question_hesper false *if met_nbf *set question_hesper true *label addressee *if ashmore_count > 0 *set ashmore_count -1 *if bailey_count > 0 *set bailey_count -1 *if bowater_count > 0 *set bowater_count -1 *if carothers_count > 0 *set carothers_count -1 *if coffin_count > 0 *set coffin_count -1 *if davison_count > 0 *set davison_count -1 *if harding_count > 0 *set harding_count -1 *if lesczynski_count > 0 *set lesczynski_count -1 *if lockridge_count > 0 *set lockridge_count -1 *if malloy_count > 0 *set malloy_count -1 *if partridge_count > 0 *set partridge_count -1 *if pickering_count > 0 *set pickering_count -1 *if santagostino_count > 0 *set santagostino_count -1 *if simmons_count > 0 *set simmons_count -1 *if timmers_count > 0 *set timmers_count -1 *if withers_count > 0 *set withers_count -1 *comment endif To whom would you like to write? *label new_addressee *gosub waylaid_sub *choice *if (choice_randomtest = false) #There is no one to whom I wish to write. ${result1} ${result2} ${result3} ${result4} ${result5} ${result6} ${result7} ${result8} ${result9} ${result10} ${result11} The election cannot come soon enough. *if municipal_debt > 0 *set wealth +((municipal_debt * 0.14) * 17) On the bright side, you receive another interest payment from your municipal bonds. @{(finance > 0) Though, from what you understand, it is likely to be the last one. The city is on the verge of bankruptcy.|} *finish Next *if heard_of_ashmore and ((ashmore_contactable and (ashmore_count = 0)) and ((block_ashmore = false) or (choice_randomtest = false))) *allow_reuse #Rebecca Ashmore, Senator of Philadelphia. *goto write_to_ashmore *if heard_of_bailey and ((bailey_contactable and (bailey_count = 0)) and ((block_bailey = false) or (choice_randomtest = false))) *allow_reuse #John Bailey, Senator of St. Louis. *goto write_to_bailey *if heard_of_bowater and (bowater_contactable and (bowater_count = 0)) *allow_reuse #Abel Bowater, Senator of Savannah. *goto write_to_bowater *if carothers_count = 0 *allow_reuse #Apollo Carothers, Quaestor of Memphis. *goto write_to_carothers *if heard_of_coffin and (coffin_contactable and (coffin_count = 0)) *allow_reuse #Abigail Coffin, Senator of Cincinnati. *goto write_to_coffin *if heard_of_davison and (davison_contactable and (davison_count = 0)) *allow_reuse #Anne Davison, Senator of Montréal. *goto write_to_davison *if heard_of_harding and (harding_contactable and ((harding_count = 0) and (harding_snub = false))) *allow_reuse #Elinor Harding, Quaestor of Louisville. *goto write_to_harding *if heard_of_lesczynski and (lesczynski_contactable and ((lesczynski_count = 0) and (lesczynski_out = false))) *allow_reuse #Ascher Lesczynski, candidate. *goto write_to_lesczynski *if heard_of_lockridge and (lockridge_contactable and (lockridge_count = 0)) *allow_reuse #Arthur Lockridge, Senator of Charleston. *goto write_to_lockridge *if heard_of_malloy and (malloy_contactable and ((malloy_count = 0) and (malloy_out = false))) *allow_reuse #Siobhan Malloy, candidate. *goto write_to_malloy *if heard_of_partridge and (partridge_contactable and (partridge_count = 0)) *allow_reuse #Samson Partridge, Senator of Louisville. *goto write_to_partridge *if heard_of_pickering and (pickering_contactable and ((pickering_count = 0) and (pickering_out = false))) *allow_reuse #Absalom Pickering, candidate. *goto write_to_pickering *if heard_of_chiara_santagostino and (santagostino_contactable and (santagostino_count = 0)) *allow_reuse #Chiara Santagostino, Senator of New Orleans. *goto write_to_santagostino *if heard_of_simmons and ((simmons_contactable and (simmons_count = 0)) and ((block_simmons = false) or (choice_randomtest = false))) *allow_reuse #Charles Simmons, Senator of Mobile. *goto write_to_simmons *if heard_of_timmers and ((timmers_contactable and (timmers_count = 0)) and ((block_timmers = false) or (choice_randomtest = false))) *allow_reuse #Gerard Timmers, Senator of Buffalo. *goto write_to_timmers *if (withers_count = 0) and ((block_withers = false) or (choice_randomtest = false)) *allow_reuse #Samantha Withers, Quaestor of Vicksburg. *goto write_to_withers *allow_reuse #There is no one that I want to write to this month. *set current "skip_this_month" *set month_count +1 *label skip_this_month *if effect *set independence %-5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You enjoy the respite from politics. *goto end_of_month *if month_count >= 8 *if (waylaid_count <= 2) and ((davison_waylaid = false) and (can_waylay_davison)) #Instead of writing to someone, I'm going to organize the waylaying of Senator Davison. *set davison_waylaid true *set current "waylay_ad" *set month_count +1 *label waylay_ad *if effect *set old current *goto resolve_end You put the necessary arrangements into effect. *goto end_of_month *if (waylaid_count <= 2) and ((simmons_waylaid = false) and (can_waylay_simmons)) #Instead of writing to someone, I'm going to organize the waylaying of Senator Simmons. *set simmons_waylaid true *set current "waylay_cs" *set month_count +1 *label waylay_cs *if effect *set old current *goto resolve_end You put the necessary arrangements into effect. *goto end_of_month *if (waylaid_count <= 2) and ((jesse_waylaid = false) and (can_waylay_jesse)) #Instead of writing to someone, I'm going to organize the waylaying of Jesse Whitaker. *set jesse_waylaid true *set current "waylay_jw" *set month_count +1 *label waylay_jw *if effect *set old current *goto resolve_end You put the necessary arrangements into effect. *goto end_of_month *if preparing_for_party_1877 and ((party_prepped = false) and ((month_count >= 9) and (month_count <= 13))) *if memphis_reception_planner = given_name #I'd like to get a jump on preparations for the reception. *set party_preparations +1 *set party_prepped true *set current "prep_self" *set month_count +1 *if party_preparations_1873 != "na" *setref ("result"&month_count) "Reflecting on your efforts in preparation for the reception, you are confident that you have improved upon your previous efforts." *if party_preparations_1873 = "na" *setref ("result"&month_count) "Reflecting on your efforts in preparation for the reception, you are confident that you have done better than you would have, had you waited until the last moment to begin preparations." *label prep_self *if effect *set old current *goto resolve_end *if party_preparations_1873 != "na" By devoting some extra time to the design and execution of the affair, you hope that you will see more success than last time. *if party_preparations_1873 = "na" By devoting some extra time to the design and execution of the affair, you estimate that you will do better than you otherwise would have. *goto end_of_month *if memphis_reception_planner = "Clotho" #Clotho and I should really get started on the preparations for the reception. *set party_preparations +1 *set party_prepped true *set current "prep_clotho" *set month_count +1 *if party_preparations_1873 != "na" *setref ("result"&month_count) "Reflecting on your efforts in preparation for the reception, you are confident that the two of you have improved upon your previous efforts." *if party_preparations_1873 = "na" *setref ("result"&month_count) "Reflecting on your efforts in preparation for the reception, you are confident that the two of you have done better than you would have, had you waited until the last moment to begin preparations." *label prep_clotho *if effect *set old current *goto resolve_end You and Clotho set about preparing for the reception. The two of you make an excellent team, and you feel the two of you growing closer in working towards a common goal. *goto end_of_month *if (memphis_reception_planner != "Clotho") and (memphis_reception_planner != given_name) #I help ${memphis_reception_planner} with the preparations for the reception. *set party_preparations +1 *set party_prepped true *set current "prep_other" *set month_count +1 *if party_preparations_1873 != "na" *setref ("result"&month_count) "Reflecting on the previous reception, you are confident that the two of you together have improved over last time." *if party_preparations_1873 = "na" *setref ("result"&month_count) "Reflecting on the previous reception, you are confident that you can best Dido's showing." *label prep_other *if effect *set old current *goto resolve_end You set about helping ${memphis_reception_planner} to prepare for the reception. *if party_preparations_1873 != "na" You are confident that the two of you together can improve upon last time. *if party_preparations_1873 = "na" You hope that the two of you together can do better than either alone. *goto end_of_month *if lockridge_treatise = 3 #I want to spend some time reading Lockridge's treatise. *set discretion %-5 *set month_count +1 *set current "na" *gosub_scene util read_lockridge_treatise *goto end_of_month *label ashmore_sub *set ashmore_count 2 *set ashmore_letter +1 *set month_count +1 *return *label bailey_sub *set bailey_count 2 *set bailey_letter +1 *set month_count +1 *return *label bowater_sub *set bowater_count 2 *set bowater_letter +1 *set month_count +1 *return *label carothers_sub *set carothers_count 2 *set carothers_letter +1 *set month_count +1 *return *label coffin_sub *set coffin_count 2 *set coffin_letter +1 *set month_count +1 *return *label davison_sub *set davison_count 2 *comment it takes just a little longer for letters to reach Montréal and come back. (removed; need to rethink how to handle that.) *set davison_letter +1 *set month_count +1 *return *label harding_sub *set harding_count 2 *set harding_letter +1 *set month_count +1 *return *label lesczynski_sub *set lesczynski_count 2 *set lesczynski_letter +1 *set month_count +1 *return *label lockridge_sub *set lockridge_count 2 *set lockridge_letter +1 *set month_count +1 *return *label malloy_sub *set malloy_count 2 *set malloy_letter +1 *set month_count +1 *return *label partridge_sub *set partridge_count 2 *set partridge_letter +1 *set month_count +1 *return *label pickering_sub *set pickering_count 2 *set pickering_letter +1 *set month_count +1 *return *label santagostino_sub *set santagostino_count 2 *set santagostino_letter +1 *set month_count +1 *return *label simmons_sub *set simmons_count 2 *set simmons_letter +1 *set month_count +1 *return *label timmers_sub *set timmers_count 2 *set timmers_letter +1 *set month_count +1 *return *label withers_sub *set withers_count 2 *set withers_letter +1 *set month_count +1 *return *label waylaid_sub *set waylaid_count 0 *if simmons_waylaid *set waylaid_count +1 *if davison_waylaid *set waylaid_count +1 *if jesse_waylaid *set waylaid_count +1 *return *label write_to_ashmore *if ashmore_first *set ashmore_first false *if (lore > 2) and (great_swap = false) *set great_swap true *set ashmores_sire true Senator Ashmore is the offspring of Governor Overstreet. She was "elected" to the position of Senator of Philadelphia at the same time that Abel Bowater, the offspring of Governor Townsend, was "elected" Senator of Savannah. Some members of the Society refer to this as the Great Swap. *choice *if ashmore_correspondence or (met_ashmore and ashmore_contactable) *if (bailey_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bailey) and (bailey_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact John Bailey, Senator of St. Louis. *gosub ashmore_sub *set bailey_inquiry true *set discretion %+5 *if ashmore_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Bailey." *set current "rajbc" *label rajbc *if effect *set bailey_contactable true *set bailey_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You @{literate write|dictate} the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bailey moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting St. Louis yourself." *set current "rajbnc" *label rajbnc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bowater_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bowater) and (bowater_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abel Bowater, Senator of Savannah. *set discretion %+5 *gosub ashmore_sub *set bowater_inquiry true *if ashmore_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a way to write to Abel Bowater." *set current "raabc" *label raabc *if effect *set bowater_contactable true *set bowater_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bowater moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Savannah yourself." *set current "raabnc" *label raabnc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (coffin_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_coffin) and (coffin_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abigail Coffin, Senator of Cincinnati. *set discretion %+5 *gosub ashmore_sub *set coffin_inquiry true *if ashmore_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Coffin." *set current "raacc" *label raacc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set coffin_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Coffin moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Cincinnati yourself." *set current "raacnc" *label raacnc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (davison_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_davison) and (davison_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Anne Davison, Senator of Montréal. *set discretion %+5 *gosub ashmore_sub *set davison_inquiry true *if ashmore_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Davison." *set current "raadc" *label raadc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set davison_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Davison moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Montréal yourself." *set current "raadnc" *label raadnc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (harding_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_harding) and (harding_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Elinor Harding, Quaestor of Louisville. *set discretion %+5 *gosub ashmore_sub *set harding_inquiry true *if ashmore_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a way to write to Elinor Harding." *set current "raehc" *label raehc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set harding_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Quaestor Harding moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "raehnc" *label raehnc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lesczynski_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lesczynski) and (lesczynski_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Ascher Lesczynski, candidate. *gosub ashmore_sub *set lesczynski_inquiry true *if ashmore_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a way to write to Ascher Lesczynski." *set current "raalc" *label raalc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set lesczynski_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Lesczynski moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting New-York yourself." *set current "raalnc" *label raalnc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lockridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lockridge) and (lockridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Arthur Lockridge, Senator of Charleston. *set discretion %+5 *gosub ashmore_sub *set lockridge_inquiry true *if ashmore_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Lockridge." *set current "raslc" *label raslc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set lockridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Lockridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Charleston yourself." *set current "raslnc" *label raslnc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (malloy_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_malloy) and (malloy_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Siobhan Malloy, candidate. *set discretion %+5 *gosub ashmore_sub *set malloy_inquiry true *if ashmore_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a way to write to Siobhan Malloy." *set current "rasmc" *label rasmc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set malloy_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Miss Malloy moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Baltimore yourself." *set current "rasmnc" *label rasmnc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (partridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_partridge) and (partridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Samson Partridge, Senator of Louisville. *set discretion %+5 *gosub ashmore_sub *set partridge_inquiry true *if ashmore_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Partridge." *set current "raspc" *label raspc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set partridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Partridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "raspnc" *label raspnc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (pickering_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_pickering) and (partridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Absalom Pickering, candidate. *set discretion %+5 *gosub ashmore_sub *set partridge_inquiry true *if ashmore_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a way to write to Absalom Pickering." *set current "raapc" *label raapc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set pickering_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Pickering moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "raapnc" *label raapnc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (santagostino_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_chiara_santagostino) and (santagostino_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Chiara Santagostino, Senator of New Orleans. *set discretion %+5 *gosub ashmore_sub *set santagostino_inquiry true *if ashmore_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a way to write to Chiara Santagostino." *set current "racsc" *label racsc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set santagostino_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Pickering moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting New Orleans yourself." *set current "racsnc" *label racsnc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (simmons_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_simmons) and (simmons_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Charles Simmons, Senator of Mobile. *set discretion %+5 *gosub ashmore_sub *set simmons_inquiry true *if ashmore_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Simmons." *set current "rassc" *label rassc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set simmons_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Simmons moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "rassnc" *label rassnc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (timmers_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_timmers) and (timmers_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Gerard Timmers, Senator of Buffalo. *set discretion %+5 *gosub ashmore_sub *set timmers_inquiry true *if ashmore_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a way to write to Gerard Timmers." *set current "ragtc" *label ragtc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set timmers_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Timmers moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Buffalo yourself." *set current "ragtnc" *label ragtnc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if harding_snub and ((harding_bigot_known = false) and (harding_bigot_inquiry = false)) #I ask her why Quaestor Harding has not responded to my letters. *set discretion %+5 *gosub ashmore_sub *set harding_bigot_inquiry true *if ashmore_rapport > 50 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she explains that Quaestor Harding takes certain dispositions a bit too far. Though Ashmore apologizes for Harding's rudeness, she implies that she herself does not totally disagree with Harding's patronization of the negroes and Indians." *set current "raeh_bigot" *label raeh_bigot *if effect *set harding_bigot_inquiry false *set old current *set harding_bigot_known true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "Though you wait patiently for a response from Senator Ashmore, it is in vain. One does not come." *set current "raeh_bigot2" *label raeh_bigot2 *if effect *set harding_bigot_inquiry false *set old current *set ashmore_rapport %-10 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (ashmore_banks = 2) and (municipal_debt > 0) #I write to inquire if there is some sort of relief that she can arrange for the city of Memphis and its debts. *set discretion %+5 *set compassion %-10 *gosub ashmore_sub *if ashmore_revolutionary or (ashmore_rapport > 65) *if gould_plot = 1 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she offers to do what she can for the city's debt—though you will incur a debt should you make use of this offer.[n/][n/]She goes on to blame Jay Gould for the difficulties that Memphis currently faces; she advises you—should you ever meet him—to remember that he is a snake." *set ashmore_banks 3 *set gould_plot +1 *set current "rabanksyesgould" *label rabanksyesgould *if effect *set shepherd_credentials %-10 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she promises to do what she can for the city's debt—though you will incur a debt should you make use of this offer." *set current "rabanksyes" *label rabanksyes *if effect *set ashmore_banks 3 *set gould_plot +1 *set shepherd_credentials %-10 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she apologizes but says that there is nothing she can do about the city's debt." *set current "rabanksno" *label rabanksno *if effect *set ashmore_banks 4 *set shepherd_credentials %-10 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month #I inquire as to her opinion on the deeds of Isaiah Stone. *set discretion %+10 *gosub ashmore_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. Reading it, you are struck by the oddness of its logic. She seems to be drawing a comparison between Stone and the Confederacy: that both issued a volley rather than patiently waiting for the source of the conflict to resolve itself. Even after you have read it several times, you are still unsure as to her position." *set current "rais" *label rais *if effect *set old current *set ashmore_rapport %+15 *set ashmore_correspondence true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if lore < 3 #I inquire as to the identity of her dominus. *set discretion %+10 *gosub ashmore_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "The letter that arrives from Senator Ashmore is curt. She is clearly not embarrassed to say that she is the offspring of Governor Overstreet. However, she does seem offended that you needed to ask." *set current "ra_sire" *label ra_sire *if effect *set old current *set ashmore_correspondence true *set ashmore_rapport %-10 *set ashmores_sire true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (reserve_on_families = false) and (met_hester_carothers) #I inquire as to the role of the Rule of Reserve when considering the mortal descendants of a vampire. *set discretion %+10 *gosub ashmore_sub *set reserve_on_families true *if ashmore_rapport > 55 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. You find the letter surprisingly candid. Apparently, she herself maintains a correspondance with her descendants. She points out that she has faked her own death to her family a few times, and they now think her a distant cousin only known to them through her writings. While such relations are not exactly encouraged, they are not forbidden." *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. She observes that the Society does not forbid the shepherding of a vampire's mortal descendants, as long as they remain ignorant of the vampire's condition." *set current "ra_hester" *label ra_hester *if effect *set old current *set ashmore_correspondence true *set ashmore_rapport %+5 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if consul_praetor_explained and ((praetors_explained = false) and (praetor_inquiry)) #I inquire as to the true purpose of praetors. Are they simply the peace officers of the Society? *set independence %+5 *gosub ashmore_sub *set praetor_inquiry false *set current "rapi" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. In it, she explains that the true purpose of praetors is the extirpation of the various heretical philosophies that periodically take root in the Society. These heresies pose a danger to vampires as a whole, and they must not be allowed to propagate." *label rapi *if effect *set praetor_inquiry true *set praetors_explained true *set ashmore_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if ashmore_contactable and ((met_ashmore = false) and (ashmore_correspondence = false)) #I write to introduce myself to Senator Ashmore. *set discretion %+5 *gosub ashmore_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Ashmore. She welcomes your introduction and assures you that the two of you will have the opportunity to meet in person soon." *set current "ra_intro" *label ra_intro *if effect *set old current *set ashmore_correspondence true *set ashmore_rapport %+10 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *allow_reuse *if (block_ashmore = false) #In fact, I want to write to someone else. *set block_ashmore true To whom, then, would you like to write? *goto new_addressee *label write_to_bailey *choice *if bailey_correspondence or (met_bailey and bailey_contactable) *if heard_of_ogier and (ogier_unused and ((pickering_out = false) and (lesczynski_out = false))) #I point out that Malloy is tainted by the sins of her maker; until the accusations of heresy have been settled, Malloy is not fit for the Senate. *set discretion %+10 *gosub bailey_sub *if revolutionary_credentials >= 60 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he thanks you for bringing this bit of unpleasantness to his attention and bemoans her inexperience. With a little bit of preparation, this would not be a concern, but right now, Miss Malloy is not capable of representing the cause as it needs to be represented." *if revolutionary_credentials < 60 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. It is terse, thanking you for this bit of intelligence." *set current "jbsmao" *label jbsmao *if effect *set malloy_out true *set malloy_rapport %-50 *set old current *set lesczynski_credentials %+50 *if revolutionary_credentials > 60 *set revolutionary_credentials %+10 *if revolutionary_credentials < 40 *set revolutionary_credentials %-10 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lesczynski_out = false) and ((lesczynskis_interest_unused) and (lesczynskis_interest_in_memphis)) #I ask if he knows why Lesczynski has such an interest in the founding of Memphis by Andrew Jackson. *set lesczynskis_interest_unused false *gosub bailey_sub *set current "jbal_out" *setref ("result"&month_count) "You receive a letter from Senator Bailey, who has been provoked to a peculiar response. He thanks you for this bit of intelligence and promises to act upon it immediately. You wonder at the meaning of this." *label jbal_out *if effect *set lesczynski_out true *set coffin_rapport %+20 *set malloy_rapport %+15 *set pickering_rapport %+10 *set bailey_rapport %+15 *set lockridge_rapport %+10 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (ashmore_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_ashmore) and (ashmore_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Rebecca Ashmore, Senator of Philadelphia. *set discretion %+5 *gosub bailey_sub *set ashmore_inquiry true *if bailey_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Ashmore." *set current "jbrac" *label jbrac *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set ashmore_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Ashmore moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Philadelphia yourself." *set current "jbranc" *label jbranc *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bowater_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bowater) and (bowater_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abel Bowater, Senator of Savannah. *set discretion %+5 *gosub bailey_sub *set bowater_inquiry true *if bailey_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a way to write to Abel Bowater." *set current "jbabc" *label jbabc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set bowater_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bowater moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Savannah yourself." *set current "jbabnc" *label jbabnc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (coffin_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_coffin) and (coffin_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abigail Coffin, Senator of Cincinnati. *set discretion %+5 *gosub bailey_sub *set coffin_inquiry true *if bailey_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Coffin." *set current "jbacc" *label jbacc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set coffin_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Coffin moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Cincinnati yourself." *set current "jbacnc" *label jbacnc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (davison_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_davison) and (davison_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Anne Davison, Senator of Montréal. *set discretion %+5 *gosub bailey_sub *set davison_inquiry true *if bailey_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Davison." *set current "jbadc" *label jbadc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set davison_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Davison moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Montréal yourself." *set current "jbadnc" *label jbadnc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (heard_of_davison) and (davison_position = false) #I ask if he knows Senator Davison's position on Stone. *set discretion %+5 *gosub bailey_sub *if (bailey_rapport > 40) or (revolutionary_credentials > 40) *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he extols the virtues of Senator Davison and her commitment to the revolutionary cause." *if (bailey_rapport <= 40) and (revolutionary_credentials <= 40) *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he smugly assures you that Senator Davison will not listen to your words. She is a firm supporter of Isaiah Stone and will not be swayed." *set current "jbadpo" *label jbadpo *if effect *set davison_position true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (harding_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_harding) and (harding_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Elinor Harding, Quaestor of Louisville. *set discretion %+5 *gosub bailey_sub *set harding_inquiry true *if bailey_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a way to write to Elinor Harding." *set current "jbehc" *label jbehc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set harding_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Quaestor Harding moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "jbehnc" *label jbehnc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lesczynski_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lesczynski) and (lesczynski_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Ascher Lesczynski, candidate. *set discretion %+5 *gosub bailey_sub *set lesczynski_inquiry true *if bailey_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a way to write to Ascher Lesczynski." *set current "jbalc" *label jbalc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set lesczynski_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Lesczynski moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting New-York yourself." *set current "jbalnc" *label jbalnc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lockridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lockridge) and (lockridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Arthur Lockridge, Senator of Charleston. *set discretion %+5 *gosub bailey_sub *set lockridge_inquiry true *if bailey_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Lockridge." *set current "jbslc" *label jbslc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set lockridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Lockridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Charleston yourself." *set current "jbslnc" *label jbslnc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (malloy_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_malloy) and (malloy_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Siobhan Malloy, candidate. *set discretion %+5 *gosub bailey_sub *set malloy_inquiry true *if bailey_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a way to write to Siobhan Malloy." *set current "jbsmc" *label jbsmc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set malloy_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Miss Malloy moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Baltimore yourself." *set current "jbsmnc" *label jbsmnc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (partridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_partridge) and (partridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Samson Partridge, Senator of Louisville. *set discretion %+5 *gosub bailey_sub *set partridge_inquiry true *if bailey_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Partridge." *set current "jbspc" *label jbspc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set partridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Partridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "jbspnc" *label jbspnc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (pickering_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_pickering) and (pickering_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Absalom Pickering, candidate. *set discretion %+5 *gosub bailey_sub *set pickering_inquiry true *if bailey_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a way to write to Absalom Pickering." *set current "jbapc" *label jbapc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set pickering_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Pickering moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "jbapnc" *label jbapnc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (santagostino_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_chiara_santagostino) and (santagostino_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Chiara Santagostino, Senator of New Orleans. *set discretion %+5 *gosub bailey_sub *set santagostino_inquiry true *if bailey_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a way to write to Chiara Santagostino." *set current "jbcsc" *label jbcsc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set santagostino_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Santagostino moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting New Orleans yourself." *set current "jbcsnc" *label jbcsnc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (simmons_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_simmons) and (simmons_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Charles Simmons, Senator of Mobile. *set discretion %+5 *gosub bailey_sub *set simmons_inquiry true *if bailey_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Simmons." *set current "jbssc" *label jbssc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set simmons_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Simmons moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "jbssnc" *label jbssnc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (timmers_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_timmers) and (timmers_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Gerard Timmers, Senator of Buffalo. *set discretion %+5 *gosub bailey_sub *set timmers_inquiry true *if bailey_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a way to write to Gerard Timmers." *set current "jbgtc" *label jbgtc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set timmers_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Timmers moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Buffalo yourself." *set current "jbgtnc" *label jbgtnc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if afflicted_vicksburg and vampire_disease_unasked #I ask him whether he has ever heard of a vampire contracting a fever. *set vampire_disease_unasked false *gosub bailey_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey regarding your inquiry. In it, he points out that the contents of the blood that a vampire drinks can have an effect upon the vampire. Take the hint of drunkenness that comes with consuming the blood of the inebriated, for example. In theory, then, if something is in the blood, it would be communicable to a vampire. But only for a short while, as the curse of vampirekind is to ever return to the condition of their death." *set current "bailey_yellow" *label bailey_yellow *if effect *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if notice_partridge_betrayal #I ask him about the peculiar behavior of Partridge towards the end of the caucus. *set discretion %+5 *gosub bailey_sub *if (bailey_rapport > 60) or (revolutionary_credentials > 60) *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey regarding Senator Partridge. In it, he confides in you that though he does not doubt Partridge's ideals, his loyalty to the cause may have been compromised. Of course, were someone to free Partridge of this burden, he would be indebted to that individual." *set current "jbsp_behavior" *label jbsp_behavior *if effect *set promised_debt_from_bailey_over_partridge true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *elseif bailey_rapport >= 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey regarding Senator Partridge. He does not deny your observations, but he does not confirm them either. If anything, he seems mildly suspicious of your interest in the matter." *set current "jbsp_behavior1" *label jbsp_behavior1 *if effect *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey regarding Senator Partridge. In it, he chastises you for asking such impertinent questions. He recommends you think twice before doing so again." *set current "jbsp_behavior2" *label jbsp_behavior2 *if effect *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if harding_snub and ((harding_bigot_known = false) and (harding_bigot_inquiry = false)) #I ask him why Quaestor Harding has not responded to my letters. *set discretion %+5 *gosub bailey_sub *set harding_bigot_inquiry true *if bailey_rapport > 50 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he explains that Quaestor Harding is known for her unabashed dislike of negroes and Indians. He advises that you are unlikely to find any sympathy there." *set current "jbeh_bigot" *label jbeh_bigot *if effect *set harding_bigot_inquiry false *set old current *set harding_bigot_known true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *elseif bailey_rapport > 30 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he chastises you for bothering him with such trivialities." *set current "jbeh_bigot1" *label jbeh_bigot1 *if effect *set harding_bigot_inquiry false *set old current *set bailey_rapport %-10 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "Though you wait patiently for a response from Senator Bailey about Quaestor Harding, it is in vain. One does not come." *set current "jbeh_bigot2" *label jbeh_bigot2 *if effect *set harding_bigot_inquiry false *set old current *set bailey_rapport %-10 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (reserve_on_families = false) and met_hester_carothers #I write to inquire about how the Society views a vampire's ongoing involvement with their mortal relations. *set discretion %+10 *gosub bailey_sub *if bailey_rapport > 40 *set reserve_on_families true *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he explains that Shepherds often watch over their families for generations. The Society does not proscribe such activities, as long as the vampire's nature is not revealed." *if bailey_rapport <= 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "Though you wait patiently for a response from Senator Bailey about the Rule of Reserve, it is in vain. One does not come." *set current "jb_hester" *label jb_hester *if effect *set old current *set bailey_rapport %+5 *set bailey_correspondence true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month #I write to inquire as to his opinion of the deeds of Isaiah Stone. *set discretion %+5 *gosub bailey_sub *if (bailey_rapport > 40) or (revolutionary_credentials > 40) *setref ("result"&month_count) "The response from Senator Bailey arrives without delay. In it, he extols the deeds of Isaiah Stone and urges you to join him in supporting the new Consul of the Americas." *set current "jb_is" *label jb_is *if effect *set old current *set bailey_rapport %+5 *set revolutionary_credentials %+5 *set bailey_correspondence true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "The response from Senator Bailey arrives without delay. He makes his support for Stone clear and urges you to join him in supporting the new Consul." *set current "jb_is_no" *label jb_is_no *if effect *set old current *set bailey_rapport %+5 *set bailey_correspondence true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if attendees_question #I write to inquire as to who else he expects at the upcoming caucus. *set independence %+10 *gosub bailey_sub *set attendees_question false *if (bailey_rapport > 40) or (revolutionary_credentials > 40) *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he mentions Anne Davison, Senator of Montréal; Abel Bowater, Senator of Savannah; and Gerard Timmers, Senator of Buffalo. He expects their attendance at the upcoming caucus." *set current "jbai" *label jbai *if effect *set heard_of_bowater true *set heard_of_davison true *set heard_of_timmers true *set attendees_question true *set old current *set bailey_rapport %+5 *set bailey_correspondence true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. He mentions the anticipated presence of Senators Partridge and Coffin but does not otherwise elaborate." *set current "jbai_no" *label jbai_no *if effect *set heard_of_partridge true *set heard_of_coffin true *set attendees_question true *set old current *set bailey_rapport %+5 *set bailey_correspondence true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if consul_praetor_explained and ((praetors_explained = false) and (praetor_inquiry)) #I inquire as to the true purpose of praetors. Are they simply the peace officers of the Society? *set independence %+5 *gosub bailey_sub *set praetor_inquiry false *set current "jbpi" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. In it, he explains that the true purpose of praetors is the extirpation of the various heretical philosophies that periodically take root in the Society. These heresies pose a danger to vampires as a whole, and must not be allowed to propagate." *label jbpi *if effect *set praetor_inquiry true *set praetors_explained true *set bailey_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bailey_rapport > 60) and (love_hope or (love_clotho and (memphis_affair = false))) #I ask what his thoughts are on the afterlife. *set rationalism %+5 *gosub bailey_sub *set current "jbal" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. He treats your inquiry with a surprising amount of respect. It seems that maybe he has lost someone as well. He admits his ignorance on the matter, but points out that, if there are vampires in the world, might there not be a heaven as well?" *label jbal *if effect *set bailey_rapport %+10 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if democratic_convention and ((month_count >= 1) and (month_count <= 5)) #I inquire as to his opinion on the recent Democratic convention in his city. *set compassion %-5 *gosub bailey_sub *set current "jbdc" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. He informs you that a very reasonable man by the name of Samuel Tilden has been chosen to represent the Democrats. He suspects that this northerner will garner enough votes to win the presidency." *label jbdc *if (month_count = 5) or (month_count = 6) Clearly, the results of the election had not yet reached him when he wrote the letter to you. *if effect *set shepherd_credentials %-10 *set bailey_rapport %+10 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if democratic_convention and (month_count > 5) #I inquire as to his opinion on the election of President Hayes. *set compassion %-5 *gosub bailey_sub *set current "jbrbh" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. He makes no effort to disguise his dislike of Rutherford B. Hayes and the bargain by which he won the election. He does not shy away from saying that Tilden, the northern Democrat, should have won, and the country would have been the better for it." *label jbrbh *if effect *set shepherd_credentials %-10 *set bailey_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if whiskey_ring_plot and (heard_of_aichinger = false) #I inquire after the Whiskey Ring conspiracy that seems to have originated in his city. *gosub bailey_sub *set current "jbwr" *if whiskey_ring_status = "exposed" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. His response bemoans the activities of another citizen of St. Louis: Lothar Aichinger. Apparently, Aichinger involved himself with a cabal of Republican officials intent on reelecting President Grant in 1872; by incorrectly assessing duties on whiskey, they were able to fund the campaign of Grant and other Republicans in the state. After the election, however, the conspiracy continued until your efforts to expose the fraud sparked an investigation. He thanks you profusely for your efforts on his behalf." *if whiskey_ring_status = "merodach" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. His response bemoans the activities of another citizen of St. Louis: Lothar Aichinger. Apparently, Aichinger involved himself with a cabal of Republican officials intent on reelecting President Grant in 1872; by incorrectly assessing duties on whiskey, they were able to fund the campaign of Grant and other Republicans in the state. After the election, however, the conspiracy continued until an investigation by the Treasure Department, sparked by a fire in a Memphis warehouse at the hands of an itinerant preacher, unravelled the conspiracy." *if (whiskey_ring_status != "exposed") and (whiskey_ring_status != "merodach") *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bailey. His response bemoans the activities of another citizen of St. Louis: Lothar Aichinger. Apparently, Aichinger involved himself with a cabal of Republican officials intent on reelecting President Grant in 1872; by incorrectly assessing duties on whiskey, they were able to fund the campaign of Grant and other Republicans in the state. After the election, however, the conspiracy continued until it was finally exposed and dismantled. Bailey intimates that he was—at least in part—responsible for this outcome." *label jbwr *if effect *set heard_of_aichinger true *set old current *if whiskey_ring_status = "exposed" *set bailey_rapport %+25 *set shepherd_credentials %-20 *set revolutionary_credentials %+10 *if whiskey_ring_status = "merodach" *set bailey_rapport %+20 *set shepherd_credentials %-10 *set revolutionary_credentials %+10 *if (whiskey_ring_status != "exposed") and (whiskey_ring_status != "merodach") *set bailey_rapport %+10 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if bailey_contactable and ((met_bailey = false) and (bailey_correspondence = false)) #I write to introduce myself to Senator Bailey. *set discretion %+5 *gosub bailey_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A response comes from the Senator of St. Louis without delay. He welcomes your introduction, and apologizes that the two of you did not have time to meet while he was in Memphis. He further hopes that this oversight will be remedied upon his return for the next caucus." *set current "jb_intro" *label jb_intro *if effect *set old current *set bailey_rapport %+10 *set revolutionary_credentials %+5 *set bailey_correspondence true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *allow_reuse #In fact, I want to write to someone else. *set block_bailey true To whom, then, would you like to write? *goto new_addressee *label write_to_bowater *if bowater_first *set bowater_first false *if (lore > 2) and (great_swap = false) *set great_swap true *set ashmores_sire true Senator Bowater is the offspring of Governor Townsend. He was "elected" to the position of Senator of Savannah at the same time that Rebecca Ashmore, the offspring of Governor Overstreet, was "elected" Senator of Philadelphia. Some members of the Society refer to this as the Great Swap. *choice *if bowater_correspondence or (met_bowater and bowater_contactable) *if (ashmore_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_ashmore) and (ashmore_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Rebecca Ashmore, Senator of Philadelphia. *gosub bowater_sub *set ashmore_inquiry true *if bowater_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Ashmore." *set current "abrac" *label abrac *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set ashmore_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Ashmore moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Philadelphia yourself." *set current "abranc" *label abranc *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bailey_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bailey) and (bailey_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact John Bailey, Senator of St. Louis. *gosub bowater_sub *set bailey_inquiry true *if bowater_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a way to write to John Bailey." *set current "abjbc" *label abjbc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set bailey_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bailey moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting St. Louis yourself." *set current "abjbnc" *label abjbnc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (coffin_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_coffin) and (coffin_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abigail Coffin, Senator of Cincinnati. *gosub bowater_sub *set coffin_inquiry true *if bowater_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Coffin." *set current "abacc" *label abacc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set coffin_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Coffin moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Cincinnati yourself." *set current "abacnc" *label abacnc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (davison_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_davison) and (davison_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Anne Davison, Senator of Montréal. *gosub bowater_sub *set davison_inquiry true *if bowater_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Davison." *set current "abadc" *label abadc *if effect *set davison_inquiry true *set davison_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Davison moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Montréal yourself." *set current "abadnc" *label abadnc *if effect *set davison_inquiry true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (harding_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_harding) and (harding_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Elinor Harding, Quaestor of Louisville. *gosub bowater_sub *set harding_inquiry true *if bowater_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a way to write to Elinor Harding." *set current "abehc" *label abehc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set harding_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Quaestor Harding moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "abehnc" *label abehnc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lesczynski_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lesczynski) and (lesczynski_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Ascher Lesczynski, candidate. *gosub bowater_sub *set lesczynski_inquiry true *if bowater_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a way to write to Ascher Lesczynski." *set current "abalc" *label abalc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set lesczynski_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Lesczynski moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting New-York yourself." *set current "abalnc" *label abalnc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lockridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lockridge) and (lockridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Arthur Lockridge, Senator of Charleston. *gosub bowater_sub *set lockridge_inquiry true *if bowater_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Lockridge." *set current "abslc" *label abslc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set lockridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Lockridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Charleston yourself." *set current "abslnc" *label abslnc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (malloy_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_malloy) and (malloy_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Siobhan Malloy, candidate. *gosub bowater_sub *set malloy_inquiry true *if bowater_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a way to write to Siobhan Malloy." *set current "absmc" *label absmc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set malloy_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Miss Malloy moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Baltimore yourself." You write the letter and send it off. *set current "absmnc" *label absmnc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end *goto end_of_month *if (partridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_partridge) and (partridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Samson Partridge, Senator of Louisville. *gosub bowater_sub *set partridge_inquiry true *if bowater_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Partridge." *set current "abspc" *label abspc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set partridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Partridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "abspnc" *label abspnc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (pickering_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_pickering) and (pickering_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Absalom Pickering, candidate. *gosub bowater_sub *set pickering_inquiry true *if bowater_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a way to write to Absalom Pickering." *set current "abapc" *label abapc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set pickering_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Pickering moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "abapnc" *label abapnc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (santagostino_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_chiara_santagostino) and (santagostino_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Chiara Santagostino, Senator of New Orleans. *gosub bowater_sub *set santagostino_inquiry true *if bowater_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a way to write to Chiara Santagostino." *set current "abcsc" *label abcsc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set santagostino_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Santagostino moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting New Orleans yourself." *set current "abcsnc" *label abcsnc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (simmons_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_simmons) and (simmons_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Charles Simmons, Senator of Mobile. *gosub bowater_sub *set simmons_inquiry true *if bowater_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Simmons." *set current "abssc" *label abssc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set simmons_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Simmons moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "abssnc" *label abssnc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (timmers_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_timmers) and (timmers_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Gerard Timmers, Senator of Buffalo. *gosub bowater_sub *set timmers_inquiry true *if bowater_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a way to write to Gerard Timmers." *set current "abgtc" *label abgtc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set timmers_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Timmers moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Buffalo yourself." *set current "abgtnc" *label abgtnc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (great_swap = false) and (bowaters_sire = false) #I write to inquire as to the identity of Bowater's dominus. *gosub bowater_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he proudly claims Henry Townsend, the Governor of Philadelphia, as his dominus. He seems a little surprised that you had to ask, however." *set current "absire" *label absire *if effect *set heard_of_townsend true *set bowaters_sire true *set bowater_rapport %+10 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if harding_snub and ((harding_bigot_known = false) and (harding_bigot_inquiry = false)) #I ask him why Quaestor Harding has not responded to my letters. *set discretion %+5 *gosub bowater_sub *set harding_bigot_inquiry true *if bowater_rapport > 30 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he explains that Quaestor Harding's intense dislike of the negro and the Indian is well known within the Society. He commiserates with you, noting the absurdity of a vampire retaining a grudge from her mortal days." *set current "abeh_bigot" *label abeh_bigot *if effect *set harding_bigot_inquiry false *set old current *set harding_bigot_known true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "Though you wait patiently for a response from Senator Bowater, it is in vain. One does not come." *set current "abeh_bigot2" *label abeh_bigot2 *if effect *set harding_bigot_inquiry false *set old current *set bowater_rapport %-10 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (reserve_on_families = false) and met_hester_carothers #I write to inquire about how the Society views a vampire's ongoing involvement with their mortal relations. *set discretion %+5 *gosub bowater_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he claims that many vampires maintain some sort of contact with their mortal families—for a time. Eventually, a vampire must fake his own death. Even so, some pretend to be a long-lost relative, or sometimes just observe from the shadows. The Rule of Reserve does not forbid such activity." *set current "ab_hester" *label ab_hester *if effect *set old current *set bowater_rapport %+10 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month #I inquire as to his opinion of the deeds of Isaiah Stone. *set discretion %+5 *gosub bowater_sub *if (bowater_rapport > 40) and (revolutionary_credentials > 40) *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he confides in you his hopes for Stone and his revolution. He ends by saying that the future is bright for those who oppose the corruption at the heart of Adonis." *set current "ab_opinion" *label ab_opinion *if effect *set bowater_rapport %+10 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he declines to take any specific position, speaking in generalities and expressing the need for the Society to find a peaceful resolution to the current crisis." *set current "ab_opinion1" *label ab_opinion1 *if effect *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if consul_praetor_explained and ((praetors_explained = false) and (praetor_inquiry)) #I inquire as to the true purpose of praetors. Are they simply the peace officers of the Society? *set independence %+5 *gosub bowater_sub *set praetor_inquiry false *set current "abpi" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he explains that the true purpose of praetors is the extirpation of the various heretical philosophies that periodically take root in the Society. These heresies pose a danger to vampires as a whole and must not be allowed to propagate." *label abpi *if effect *set praetor_inquiry true *set praetors_explained true *set bowater_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if bowater_contactable and ((met_bowater = false) and (bowater_correspondence = false)) #I write to introduce myself to Senator Bowater. *gosub bowater_sub *set discretion %+5 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Bowater. In it, he welcomes your introduction and says that he looks forward to making your acquaintance at the next election." *set current "ab_intro" *label ab_intro *if effect *set bowater_rapport %+10 *set revolutionary_credentials %+5 *set bowater_correspondence true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *allow_reuse #In fact, I want to write to someone else. To whom, then, would you like to write? *goto new_addressee *label write_to_carothers *choice *if (ashmore_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_ashmore) and (ashmore_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Rebecca Ashmore, Senator of Philadelphia. *gosub carothers_sub *set ashmore_inquiry true *if (carothers_rapport > 40) or (revolutionary_credentials > 40) *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Ashmore." *set current "ocrac" *label ocrac *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set ashmore_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers. In it, he chastises you for bothering him while he is busy trying to save his city." *set current "ocranc" *label ocranc *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set carothers_rapport %-5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bailey_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bailey) and (bailey_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact John Bailey, Senator of St. Louis. *gosub carothers_sub *set bailey_inquiry true *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers. In it, he offers a way to contact Senator Bailey." *set current "ocjbc" *label ocjbc *if effect *set bailey_contactable true *set bailey_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bowater_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bowater) and (bowater_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abel Bowater, Senator of Savannah. *gosub carothers_sub *set bowater_inquiry true *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers. In it, he offers a way to contact Senator Bowater." *set current "ocabc" *label ocabc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set bowater_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (coffin_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_coffin) and (coffin_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abigail Coffin, Senator of Cincinnati. *gosub carothers_sub *if (carothers_rapport > 40) or (revolutionary_credentials > 40) *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Coffin." *set current "ocacc" *label ocacc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set coffin_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers. In it, he chastises you for bothering him while he is busy trying to save his city." *set current "ocacnc" *label ocacnc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set carothers_rapport %-5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (davison_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_davison) and (davison_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Anne Davison, Senator of Montréal. *gosub carothers_sub *set davison_inquiry true *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers. In it, he offers a way to contact Senator Davison." *set current "ocadc" *label ocadc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set davison_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (harding_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_harding) and (harding_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Elinor Harding, Quaestor of Louisville. *gosub carothers_sub *set harding_inquiry true *if carothers_rapport >= 60 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers in response to your request for a way to contact Quaestor Harding. In it, he wonders why you would need to communicate with that snake masquerading as a vampire. Apparently, though, he trusts you enough to offer a means to contact her anyway." *set current "ocehc" *label ocehc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set harding_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers in response to your request for a way to contact Quaestor Harding. In it, he angrily inquires as to why you would want to associate yourself with that snake of a vampiress. He is clearly furious at the mere mention of her name." *set current "ocehnc" *label ocehnc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set carothers_rapport %-20 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lesczynski_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lesczynski) and (lesczynski_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Ascher Lesczynski, candidate. *gosub carothers_sub *set lesczynski_inquiry true *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers. Strangely, he claims to not have a way to contact Mr. Lesczynski." *set current "ocalc" *label ocalc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lockridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lockridge) and (lockridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Arthur Lockridge, Senator of Charleston. *gosub carothers_sub *set lockridge_inquiry true *if (carothers_rapport > 40) or (revolutionary_credentials > 40) *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Lockridge." *set current "ocslc" *label ocslc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set lockridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers. In it, he chastises you for bothering him while he is busy trying to save his city." *set current "ocslnc" *label ocslnc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set carothers_rapport %-5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (malloy_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_malloy) and (malloy_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Siobhan Malloy, candidate. *gosub carothers_sub *set malloy_inquiry true *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers. In it, he offers a way to contact Siobhan Malloy." *set current "ocsmc" *label ocsmc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set malloy_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (partridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_partridge) and (partridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Samson Partridge, Senator of Louisville. *gosub carothers_sub *set partridge_inquiry true *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers. In it, he offers a way to contact Senator Partridge." *set current "ocspc" *label ocspc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set partridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (pickering_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_pickering) and (pickering_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Absalom Pickering, candidate. *gosub carothers_sub *set pickering_inquiry true *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers. Strangely, he claims to not have a way to contact Mr. Pickering." *set current "ocapc" *label ocapc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set carothers_rapport %-5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (santagostino_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_chiara_santagostino) and (santagostino_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Chiara Santagostino, Senator of New Orleans. *gosub carothers_sub *set santagostino_inquiry true *if (carothers_rapport > 40) or (revolutionary_credentials > 40) *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Santagostino." *set current "occsc" *label occsc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set santagostino_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers. In it, he chastises you for bothering him while he is busy trying to save his city." *set current "occsnc" *label occsnc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set carothers_rapport %-5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (simmons_contactable = false) and (heard_of_simmons and (simmons_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Charles Simmons, Senator of Mobile. *gosub carothers_sub *set simmons_inquiry true *if (carothers_rapport >= 60) or (revolutionary_credentials >= 60) *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Simmons." *set current "ocssc" *label ocssc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set simmons_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers. In it, he chastises you for bothering him while he is busy trying to save his city." *set current "ocssnc" *label ocssnc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set carothers_rapport %-5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (timmers_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_timmers) and (timmers_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Gerard Timmers, Senator of Buffalo. *gosub carothers_sub *set timmers_inquiry true *if (carothers_rapport >= 40) or (revolutionary_credentials >= 40) *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Timmers." *set current "ocgtc" *label ocgtc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set timmers_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers. In it, he chastises you for bothering him while he is busy trying to save his city." *set current "ocgtnc" *label ocgtnc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set carothers_rapport %-5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (heard_of_macpherson = false) and (heard_of_harding and macpherson_inquiry) #I write to inquire as to whether Carothers has any other siblings, besides Elinor Harding. *set discretion %+5 *set macpherson_inquiry false *gosub carothers_sub *if sire_name = "West" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers. He is somewhat intrigued by your inquiry and admits that he has a third sibling: Edward MacPherson. MacPherson does not hold a position in the Society, moving through the courts of the Americas as the winds take him. Carothers makes sure to stress, however, that MacPherson is not a beast, like your maker." *if sire_name != "West" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers. He is somewhat intrigued by your inquiry and admits that he has a third sibling: Edward MacPherson. MacPherson does not hold a position in the Society, moving through the courts of the Americas as the winds take him." *set current "ocsib" *label ocsib *if effect *set macpherson_inquiry true *set heard_of_macpherson true *set carothers_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if consul_praetor_explained and ((praetors_explained = false) and (praetor_inquiry)) #I inquire as to the true purpose of praetors. Are they simply the peace officers of the Society? *set independence %+5 *gosub carothers_sub *set praetor_inquiry false *set current "ocpi" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Carothers. In it, he explains that the true purpose of praetors is the extirpation of the various heretical philosophies that periodically take root in the Society. These heresies pose a danger to vampires as a whole and must not be allowed to propagate." *label ocpi *if effect *set praetor_inquiry true *set praetors_explained true *set carothers_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if attendees_question #I write to inquire as to whom he expects at the upcoming caucus. *set attendees_question false *gosub carothers_sub *if first_memphis_reception_attended = 1 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Carothers. In it, he mentions the names of several senators besides the ones who attended previously: Gerard Timmers, of Buffalo; Abel Bowater, of Savannah; and Rebecca Ashmore, of Philadelphia." *set current "acattend1" *label acattend1 *if effect *set heard_of_ashmore true *set heard_of_bowater true *set heard_of_timmers true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Carothers. In it, he mentions the names of several senators he expects: John Bailey, of St. Louis; Chiara Santagostino, of New Orleans; Abel Bowater, of Savannah; and Rebecca Ashmore, of Philadelphia." *set current "acattend2" *label acattend2 *if effect *set heard_of_ashmore true *set heard_of_bowater true *set heard_of_bailey true *set heard_of_chiara_santagostino true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if question_hesper #I write to inquire about "the Hesper". What is it? *set question_hesper false *gosub carothers_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Carothers. In it, he relates the tale of the Hesper, a steamboat hired by the Governor of Arkansas to transport muskets to that state, to arm the local freedmen. Much to the frustration of the Governor and Carothers, the steamboat was raided by a crew of masked brigands, and its contents were dumped into the river. Carothers lays the blame for the raid at the feet of Nathan Bedford Forrest but is still trying to determine which vampire put Forrest to his task." *set current "achesper" *label achesper *if effect *set carothers_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *allow_reuse #In fact, I want to write to someone else. To whom, then, would you like to write? *goto new_addressee *label write_to_coffin *choice *if ashmore_correspondence or (met_coffin and coffin_contactable) *if (ashmore_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_ashmore) and (ashmore_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Rebecca Ashmore, Senator of Philadelphia. *gosub coffin_sub *set ashmore_inquiry true *if coffin_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Ashmore." *set current "acrac" *label acrac *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set ashmore_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Ashmore moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Philadelphia yourself." *set current "acranc" *label acranc *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bailey_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bailey) and (bailey_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact John Bailey, Senator of St. Louis. *gosub coffin_sub *set bailey_inquiry true *if coffin_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Bailey." *set current "acjbc" *label acjbc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set bailey_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bailey moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting St. Louis yourself." *set current "acjbnc" *label acjbnc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bowater_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bowater) and (bowater_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abel Bowater, Senator of Savannah. *gosub coffin_sub *set bowater_inquiry true *if coffin_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a way to write to Abel Bowater." *set current "acabc" *label acabc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set bowater_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bowater moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Savannah yourself." *set current "acabnc" *label acabnc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (davison_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_davison) and (davison_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Anne Davison, Senator of Montréal. *gosub coffin_sub *set davison_inquiry true *if coffin_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Davison." *set current "acadc" *label acadc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set davison_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Davison moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Montréal yourself." *set current "acadnc" *label acadnc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (harding_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_harding) and (harding_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Elinor Harding, Quaestor of Louisville. *gosub coffin_sub *set harding_inquiry true *if coffin_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a way to write to Elinor Harding." *set current "acehc" *label acehc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set harding_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Quaestor Harding moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "acehnc" *label acehnc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lesczynski_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lesczynski) and (lesczynski_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Ascher Lesczynski, candidate. *gosub coffin_sub *set lesczynski_inquiry true *if coffin_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a way to write to Ascher Lesczynski." *set current "acalc" *label acalc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set lesczynski_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Lesczynski moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting New-York yourself." *set current "acalnc" *label acalnc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lockridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lockridge) and (lockridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Arthur Lockridge, Senator of Charleston. *gosub coffin_sub *set lockridge_inquiry true *if coffin_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Lockridge." *set current "acslc" *label acslc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set lockridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Lockridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Charleston yourself." *set current "acslnc" *label acslnc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (malloy_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_malloy) and (malloy_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Siobhan Malloy, candidate. *gosub coffin_sub *set malloy_inquiry true *if coffin_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a way to write to Siobhan Malloy." *set current "acsmc" *label acsmc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set malloy_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Miss Malloy moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Baltimore yourself." *set current "acsmnc" *label acsmnc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (partridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_partridge) and (partridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Samson Partridge, Senator of Louisville. *gosub coffin_sub *set partridge_inquiry true *if coffin_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Partridge." *set current "acspc" *label acspc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set partridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Partridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "acspnc" *label acspnc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (pickering_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_pickering) and (pickering_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Absalom Pickering, candidate. *gosub coffin_sub *set pickering_inquiry true *if coffin_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a way to write to Absalom Pickering." *set current "acapc" *label acapc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set pickering_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Pickering moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "acapnc" *label acapnc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (santagostino_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_chiara_santagostino) and (santagostino_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Chiara Santagostino, Senator of New Orleans. *gosub coffin_sub *set santagostino_inquiry true *if coffin_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a way to write to Chiara Santagostino." *set current "accsc" *label accsc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set santagostino_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Santagostino moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting New Orleans yourself." *set current "accsnc" *label accsnc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (simmons_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_simmons) and (simmons_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Charles Simmons, Senator of Mobile. *gosub coffin_sub *set simmons_inquiry true *if coffin_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Simmons." *set current "acssc" *label acssc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set simmons_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Simmons moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "acssnc" *label acssnc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (timmers_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_timmers) and (timmers_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Gerard Timmers, Senator of Buffalo. *gosub coffin_sub *set timmers_inquiry true *if coffin_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a way to write to Gerard Timmers." *set current "acgtc" *label acgtc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set timmers_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Timmers moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Buffalo yourself." *set current "acgtnc" *label acgtnc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if harding_snub and ((harding_bigot_known = false) and (harding_bigot_inquiry = false)) #I ask her why Quaestor Harding has not responded to my letters. *set discretion %+5 *gosub coffin_sub *set harding_bigot_inquiry true *if coffin_rapport > 50 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she explains that Quaestor Harding is known for her unabashed dislike of negroes and Indians. She opines that you are unlikely to find any sympathy there." *set current "aceh_bigot" *label aceh_bigot *if effect *set harding_bigot_inquiry false *set old current *set harding_bigot_known true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *elseif ashmore_rapport > 30 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. In it, she chastises you for bothering her with such trivialities." *set current "aceh_bigot1" *label aceh_bigot1 *if effect *set harding_bigot_inquiry false *set old current *set coffin_rapport %-10 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "Though you wait patiently for a response from Senator Coffin, it is in vain. One does not come." *set current "aceh_bigot2" *label aceh_bigot2 *if effect *set old current *set coffin_rapport %-10 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if consul_praetor_explained and ((praetors_explained = false) and (praetor_inquiry)) #I inquire as to the true purpose of praetors. Are they simply the peace officers of the Society? *set independence %+5 *gosub coffin_sub *set praetor_inquiry false *set current "acpi" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. She chastises you for wasting her time with things that should have been taught to you by your dominus." *label acpi *if effect *set praetor_inquiry true *set praetors_explained true *set coffin_rapport %-10 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (coffin_rapport > 60) and (love_hope or (love_clotho and (memphis_affair = false))) #I ask what her thoughts are on the afterlife. *set rationalism %+5 *gosub coffin_sub *set current "acal" *setref ("result"&month_count) "You seem to have touched a nerve in Senator Coffin. In her reply, she assures you that hell holds no mercy for vampires. She advises you to avoid dying as a vampire." *label acal *if effect *set coffin_rapport %+10 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lesczynski_out = false) and ((lesczynskis_interest_unused) and (lesczynskis_interest_in_memphis)) #I ask if she knows why Lesczynski has such an interest in the founding of Memphis by Andrew Jackson. *set lesczynskis_interest_unused false *gosub coffin_sub *set current "acal_out" *setref ("result"&month_count) "Your words provoke a curious response. She thanks you for this bit of intelligence and assures you that he will no longer be a problem for Quaestor Carothers. You wonder at the meaning of this." *label acal_out *if effect *set lesczynski_out true *set coffin_rapport %+25 *set malloy_rapport %+10 *set pickering_rapport %+10 *set bailey_rapport %+10 *set lockridge_rapport %+10 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (reserve_on_families = false) and met_hester_carothers #I write to inquire about how the Society views a vampire's ongoing involvement with their mortal relations. *set discretion %+10 *gosub coffin_sub *if coffin_rapport >= 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "You receive a letter from Senator Coffin. In in, she bemoans those vampires who threaten the Society by their ongoing involvement with their mortal families. As far as she is concerned, it is unfortuante that such practices are allowed to continue." *set reserve_on_families true *if coffin_rapport < 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "Though you wait patiently for a response to your letter about the Rule of Reserve, it is in vain. None is forthcoming." *set current "ac_hester" *label ac_hester *if effect *set coffin_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if coffin_contactable and ((met_coffin = false) and (coffin_correspondence = false)) #I write to introduce myself to Senator Coffin. *gosub coffin_sub *set discretion %+5 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Coffin. Her tone is formal and distant, and she writes in an archaic fashion, full of thees and thous. She does express some regret that the two of you were not introduced when she was in Memphis and expects that this oversight will be remedied before the next caucus." *set current "ac_intro" *label ac_intro *if effect *set old current *set coffin_rapport %+5 *set coffin_correspondence true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *allow_reuse #In fact, I want to write to someone else. To whom, then, would you like to write? *goto new_addressee *label write_to_davison *choice *if davison_correspondence or (met_davison and davison_contactable) *if (ashmore_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_ashmore) and (ashmore_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Rebecca Ashmore, Senator of Philadelphia. *gosub davison_sub *set ashmore_inquiry true *if davison_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Ashmore." *set current "adrac" *label adrac *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set ashmore_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Ashmore moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Philadelphia yourself." *set current "adranc" *label adranc *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bailey_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bailey) and (bailey_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact John Bailey, Senator of St. Louis. *gosub davison_sub *set bailey_inquiry true *if davison_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Bailey." *set current "adjbc" *label adjbc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set bailey_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bailey moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting St. Louis yourself." *set current "adjbnc" *label adjbnc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bowater_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bowater) and (bowater_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abel Bowater, Senator of Savannah. *gosub davison_sub *set bowater_inquiry true *if davison_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a way to write to Abel Bowater." *set current "adabc" *label adabc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set bowater_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bowater moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Savannah yourself." *set current "adabnc" *label adabnc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (coffin_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_coffin) and (coffin_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abigail Coffin, Senator of Cincinnati. *gosub davison_sub *set coffin_inquiry true *if davison_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Coffin." *set current "adacc" *label adacc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set coffin_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Coffin moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Cincinnati yourself." *set current "adacnc" *label adacnc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (harding_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_harding) and (harding_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Elinor Harding, Quaestor of Louisville. *gosub davison_sub *set harding_inquiry true *if davison_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a way to write to Elinor Harding." *set current "adehc" *label adehc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set harding_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Quaestor Harding moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "adehnc" *label adehnc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lesczynski_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lesczynski) and (lesczynski_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Ascher Lesczynski, candidate. *gosub davison_sub *set lesczynski_inquiry true *if davison_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a way to write to Ascher Lesczynski." *set current "adalc" *label adalc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set lesczynski_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Lesczynski moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting New-York yourself." *set current "adalnc" *label adalnc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lockridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lockridge) and (lockridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Arthur Lockridge, Senator of Charleston. *gosub davison_sub *set lockridge_inquiry true *if davison_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Lockridge." *set current "adslc" *label adslc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set lockridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Lockridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Charleston yourself." *set current "adslnc" *label adslnc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (malloy_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_malloy) and (malloy_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Siobhan Malloy, candidate. *gosub davison_sub *set malloy_inquiry true *if davison_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a way to write to Siobhan Malloy." *set current "adsmc" *label adsmc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set malloy_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Miss Malloy moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Baltimore yourself." *set current "adsmnc" *label adsmnc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (partridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_partridge) and (partridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Samson Partridge, Senator of Louisville. *gosub davison_sub *set partridge_inquiry true *if davison_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Partridge." *set current "adspc" *label adspc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set partridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Partridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "adspnc" *label adspnc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (pickering_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_pickering) and (pickering_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Absalom Pickering, candidate. *gosub davison_sub *set pickering_inquiry true *if davison_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a way to write to Absalom Pickering." *set current "adapc" *label adapc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set pickering_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Pickering moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "adapnc" *label adapnc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (santagostino_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_chiara_santagostino) and (santagostino_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Chiara Santagostino, Senator of New Orleans. *gosub davison_sub *set santagostino_inquiry true *if davison_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a way to write to Chiara Santagostino." *set current "adcsc" *label adcsc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set santagostino_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Santagostino moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting New Orleans yourself." *set current "adcsnc" *label adcsnc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (simmons_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_simmons) and (simmons_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Charles Simmons, Senator of Mobile. *gosub davison_sub *set simmons_inquiry true *if davison_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Simmons." *set current "adssc" *label adssc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set simmons_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Simmons moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "adssnc" *label adssnc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (timmers_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_timmers) and (timmers_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Gerard Timmers, Senator of Buffalo. *gosub davison_sub *set timmers_inquiry true *if davison_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a way to write to Gerard Timmers." *set current "adgtc" *label adgtc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set timmers_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Timmers moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Buffalo yourself." *set current "adgtnc" *label adgtnc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if harding_snub and ((harding_bigot_known = false) and (harding_bigot_inquiry = false)) #I ask her why Quaestor Harding has not responded to my letters. *set discretion %+5 *gosub davison_sub *set harding_bigot_inquiry true *if davison_rapport > 50 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she explains that Quaestor Harding is known for her unabashed dislike of negroes and Indians. She opines that you are unlikely to find any sympathy there." *set current "adeh_bigot" *label adeh_bigot *if effect *set harding_bigot_inquiry false *set old current *set harding_bigot_known true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *elseif davison_rapport > 30 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she chastises you for bothering her with such trivialities." *set current "adeh_bigot1" *label adeh_bigot1 *if effect *set harding_bigot_inquiry false *set old current *set davison_rapport %-10 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "Though you wait patiently for a response from Senator Davison, it is in vain. One does not come." *set current "adeh_bigot2" *label adeh_bigot2 *if effect *set old current *set davison_rapport %-10 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if consul_praetor_explained and ((praetors_explained = false) and (praetor_inquiry)) #I inquire as to the true purpose of praetors. Are they simply the peace officers of the Society? *set independence %+5 *gosub davison_sub *set praetor_inquiry false *set current "adpi" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she explains that the true purpose of praetors is the extirpation of the various heretical philosophies that periodically take root in the Society. These heresies pose a danger to vampires as a whole and must not be allowed to propagate." *label adpi *if effect *set praetor_inquiry true *set praetors_explained true *set davison_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (reserve_on_families = false) and met_hester_carothers #I inquire about how the Society views a vampire's ongoing involvement with their mortal relations. *set discretion %+10 *gosub davison_sub *set reserve_on_families true *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. She explains that while only some vampires maintain contact with their mortal relations, such activity is not considered a violation of the Rule of Reserve." *set current "ad_hester" *label ad_hester *if effect *set davison_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (knows_about_vegetarianism = false) #I inquire whether there is any escape from this hunger. Must we be condemned to always feed from mortals? *set discretion %+10 *set compassion %-10 *gosub davison_sub *if davison_rapport > 60 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she gently chides you for your youthful idealism. While there are some foolish vampires who elect to only feed from animals, eschewing their natural prey, they are considered not only misguided but dangerous—not only for their hair-trigger tempers, but because they are susceptible to heresy." *if davison_rapport <= 60 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. In it, she ruthlessly mocks you for your ongoing concern for human beings. She urges you not to consider changing your diet in favor of animals, as such individuals are viewed with suspicion by the whole Society—not only for their hair-trigger tempers, but because they are susceptible to heresy." *set knows_about_vegetarianism true *set current "ad_vegetarianism" *label ad_vegetarianism *if effect *set davison_rapport %-10 *set shepherd_credentials %+10 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if davison_contactable and ((met_davison = false) and (davison_correspondence = false)) #I write to Senator Davison to introduce myself. *set discretion %+5 *gosub davison_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Davison. She welcomes your letter of introduction and expresses hope that she will have the opportunity to meet you in person when she arrives for the impending caucus." *set current "ad_intro" *label ad_intro *if effect *set old current *set davison_correspondence true *set davison_rapport %+10 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto resolve_end *allow_reuse #In fact, I want to write to someone else. To whom, then, would you like to write? *goto new_addressee *label write_to_harding *choice *if harding_contactable and ((harding_correspondence) or (met_harding)) *if (heard_of_macpherson = false) and (heard_of_harding and macpherson_inquiry) #I write to inquire as to whether Harding has any other siblings, besides Apollo Carothers. *set discretion %+5 *set macpherson_inquiry false *gosub harding_sub *if (harding_rapport > 50) or (status > 2) *if sire_name = "West" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Harding. She is intrigued by your inquiry and admits that she has a third sibling: Edward MacPherson. MacPherson does not hold a position in the Society, moving through the courts of the Americas as the winds take him. Harding makes sure to stress, however, that MacPherson is not a beast, like your maker." *if sire_name != "West" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Harding. She is intrigued by your inquiry and admits that she has a third sibling: Edward MacPherson. MacPherson does not hold a position in the Society, moving through the courts of the Americas as the winds take him." *set current "ehsib" *label ehsib *if effect *set macpherson_inquiry true *set heard_of_macpherson true *set harding_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *set current "ehsibno" *setref ("result"&month_count) "Though you wait and wait, you receive no response from Quaestor Harding to your letter." *label ehsibno *if effect *set macpherson_inquiry true *set harding_rapport %-5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (ashmore_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_ashmore) and (ashmore_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Rebecca Ashmore, Senator of Philadelphia. *gosub harding_sub *set ashmore_inquiry true *if harding_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Ashmore." *set current "ehrac" *label ehrac *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set ashmore_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Ashmore moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Philadelphia yourself." *set current "ehranc" *label ehranc *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bailey_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bailey) and (bailey_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact John Bailey, Senator of St. Louis. *gosub harding_sub *set bailey_inquiry true *if harding_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Bailey." *set current "ehjbc" *label ehjbc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set bailey_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bailey moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting St. Louis yourself." *set current "ehjbnc" *label ehjbnc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bowater_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bowater) and (bowater_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abel Bowater, Senator of Savannah. *gosub harding_sub *set bowater_inquiry true *if harding_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a way to write to Abel Bowater." *set current "ehabc" *label ehabc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set bowater_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bowater moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Savannah yourself." *set current "ehabnc" *label ehabnc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (coffin_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_coffin) and (coffin_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abigail Coffin, Senator of Cincinnati. *gosub harding_sub *set coffin_inquiry true *if harding_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Coffin." *set current "ehacc" *label ehacc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set coffin_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Coffin moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Cincinnati yourself." *set current "ehacnc" *label ehacnc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (davison_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_davison) and (davison_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Anne Davison, Senator of Montréal. *gosub harding_sub *set davison_inquiry true *if harding_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a way to write to Anne Davison." *set current "ehadc" *label ehadc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set davison_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Davison moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Montréal yourself." *set current "ehadnc" *label ehadnc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lesczynski_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lesczynski) and (lesczynski_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Ascher Lesczynski, candidate. *gosub harding_sub *set lesczynski_inquiry true *if harding_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a way to write to Ascher Lesczynski." *set current "ehalc" *label ehalc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set lesczynski_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Lesczynski moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting New-York yourself." *set current "ehalnc" *label ehalnc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lockridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lockridge) and (lockridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Arthur Lockridge, Senator of Charleston. *gosub harding_sub *set lockridge_inquiry true *if harding_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Lockridge." *set current "ehslc" *label ehslc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set lockridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Lockridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Charleston yourself." *set current "ehslnc" *label ehslnc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (malloy_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_malloy) and (malloy_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Siobhan Malloy, candidate. *gosub harding_sub *set malloy_inquiry true *if harding_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a way to write to Siobhan Malloy." *set current "ehsmc" *label ehsmc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set malloy_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Miss Malloy moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Baltimore yourself." *set current "ehsmnc" *label ehsmnc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (partridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_partridge) and (partridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Samson Partridge, Senator of Louisville. *gosub harding_sub *set partridge_inquiry true *if harding_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Partridge." *set current "ehspc" *label ehspc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set partridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Partridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "ehspnc" *label ehspnc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (pickering_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_pickering) and (pickering_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Absalom Pickering, candidate. *gosub harding_sub *set pickering_inquiry true *if harding_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a way to write to Absalom Pickering." *set current "ehapc" *label ehapc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set pickering_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Pickering moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "ehapnc" *label ehapnc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (santagostino_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_chiara_santagostino) and (santagostino_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Chiara Santagostino, Senator of New Orleans. *gosub harding_sub *set santagostino_inquiry true *if harding_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a way to write to Chiara Santagostino." *set current "ehcsc" *label ehcsc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set santagostino_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Santagostino moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting New Orleans yourself." *set current "ehcsnc" *label ehcsnc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (simmons_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_simmons) and (simmons_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Charles Simmons, Senator of Mobile. *gosub harding_sub *set simmons_inquiry true *if harding_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Simmons." *set current "ehssc" *label ehssc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set simmons_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Simmons moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "ehssnc" *label ehssnc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (timmers_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_timmers) and (timmers_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Gerard Timmers, Senator of Buffalo. *gosub harding_sub *set timmers_inquiry true *if harding_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a way to write to Gerard Timmers." *set current "ehgtc" *label ehgtc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set timmers_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Timmers moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Buffalo yourself." *set current "ehgtnc" *label ehgtnc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if consul_praetor_explained and ((praetors_explained = false) and (praetor_inquiry)) #I inquire as to the true purpose of praetors. Are they simply the peace officers of the Society? *set independence %+5 *gosub harding_sub *set praetor_inquiry false *set current "ehpi" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she explains that the true purpose of praetors is the extirpation of the various heretical philosophies that periodically take root in the Society. These heresies pose a danger to vampires as a whole and must not be allowed to propagate." *label ehpi *if effect *set praetor_inquiry true *set praetors_explained true *set harding_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if question_hesper #I write to inquire about "the Hesper". What is it? *set question_hesper false *gosub harding_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. In it, she relates the tale of the Hesper, a steamboat hired by the Governor of Arkansas to transport muskets to that state to arm the local freedmen. Much to the relief of the Quaestor, the steamboat was raided by a crew of patriots, and its contents were dumped into the river. As Harding points out, giving the freedmen muskets would only be adding fuel to the fire; the already difficult situation would have become untenable." *set current "ehhesper" *label ehhesper *if effect *set harding_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if harding_contactable and ((harding_correspondence = false) and (met_harding = false)) #I write to introduce myself to Quaestor Harding. *set discretion %+5 *gosub harding_sub *if (first_memphis_reception_attended = 1) and ((ethnicity = "african") or (ethnicity = "choctaw")) *setref ("result"&month_count) "Though you wait patiently for a response from Quaestor Harding, it is in vain. No reply is forthcoming." *set current "eh_intro_reject" *label eh_intro_reject *if effect *set harding_snub true *set harding_rapport %-5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write a brief note, replete with idle flattery, and send it off. *goto end_of_month *elseif (first_memphis_reception_attended > 1) and ((ethnicity = "african") or (ethnicity = "choctaw")) *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. She regrets that she was not able to meet you while she was in Memphis but expresses hope that you will have time for an introduction upon her return." *set current "eh_intro_deceived" *label eh_intro_deceived *if effect *set harding_ethnicity_deceived true *set harding_correspondence true *set harding_rapport %+10 *set revolutionary_credentials %-5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write a brief note, replete with idle flattery, and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Harding. She regrets that she was not able to meet you while she was in Memphis but expresses hope that you will have time for an introduction upon her return." *set current "eh_intro" *label eh_intro *if effect *set harding_correspondence true *set harding_rapport %+10 *set revolutionary_credentials %-5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write a brief note, replete with idle flattery, and send it off. *goto end_of_month *allow_reuse #In fact, I want to write to someone else. To whom, then, would you like to write? *goto new_addressee *label write_to_lesczynski *choice *if lesczynski_correspondence or (met_lesczynski and lesczynski_contactable) *if (ashmore_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_ashmore) and (ashmore_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Rebecca Ashmore, Senator of Philadelphia. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lesczynski_sub *set ashmore_inquiry true *if lesczynski_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Ashmore." *set current "alrac" *label alrac *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set ashmore_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Ashmore moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Philadelphia yourself." *set current "alranc" *label alranc *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bailey_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bailey) and (bailey_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact John Bailey, Senator of St. Louis. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lesczynski_sub *set bailey_inquiry true *if lesczynski_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Bailey." *set current "aljbc" *label aljbc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set bailey_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bailey moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting St. Louis yourself." *set current "aljbnc" *label aljbnc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bowater_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bowater) and (bowater_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abel Bowater, Senator of Savannah. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lesczynski_sub *set bowater_inquiry true *if lesczynski_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a way to write to Abel Bowater." *set current "alabc" *label alabc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set bowater_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bowater moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Savannah yourself." *set current "alabnc" *label alabnc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (coffin_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_coffin) and (coffin_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abigail Coffin, Senator of Cincinnati. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lesczynski_sub *set coffin_inquiry true *if lesczynski_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Coffin." *set current "alacc" *label alacc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set coffin_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Coffin moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Cincinnati yourself." *set current "alacnc" *label alacnc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (davison_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_davison) and (davison_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Anne Davison, Senator of Montréal. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lesczynski_sub *set davison_inquiry true *if lesczynski_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a way to write to Anne Davison." *set current "aladc" *label aladc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set davison_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Davison moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Montréal yourself." *set current "aladnc" *label aladnc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (harding_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_harding) and (harding_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Elinor Harding, Quaestor of Louisville. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lesczynski_sub *set harding_inquiry true *if lesczynski_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a way to write to Elinor Harding." *set current "alehc" *label alehc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set harding_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Quaestor Harding moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "alehnc" *label alehnc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lockridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lockridge) and (lockridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Arthur Lockridge, Senator of Charleston. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lesczynski_sub *set lockridge_inquiry true *if lesczynski_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Lockridge." *set current "alslc" *label alslc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set lockridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Lockridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Charleston yourself." *set current "alslnc" *label alslnc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (malloy_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_malloy) and (malloy_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Siobhan Malloy, candidate. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lesczynski_sub *set malloy_inquiry true *if lesczynski_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a way to write to Siobhan Malloy. He wryly observes that he hopes you are writing to her to dissuade her from pressing her candidacy." *set current "alsmc" *label alsmc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set malloy_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Miss Malloy moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Baltimore yourself." *set current "alsmnc" *label alsmnc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (partridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_partridge) and (partridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Samson Partridge, Senator of Louisville. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lesczynski_sub *set partridge_inquiry true *if lesczynski_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Partridge." *set current "alspc" *label alspc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set partridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Partridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "alspnc" *label alspnc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (pickering_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_pickering) and (pickering_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Absalom Pickering, candidate. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lesczynski_sub *set pickering_inquiry true *if lesczynski_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a way to write to Absalom Pickering." *set current "alapc" *label alapc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set pickering_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Pickering moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "alapnc" *label alapnc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (santagostino_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_chiara_santagostino) and (santagostino_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Chiara Santagostino, Senator of New Orleans. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lesczynski_sub *set santagostino_inquiry true *if lesczynski_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a way to write to Chiara Santagostino." *set current "alcsc" *label alcsc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set santagostino_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Santagostino moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting New Orleans yourself." *set current "alcsnc" *label alcsnc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (simmons_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_simmons) and (simmons_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Charles Simmons, Senator of Mobile. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lesczynski_sub *set simmons_inquiry true *if lesczynski_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Simmons." *set current "alssc" *label alssc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set simmons_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Simmons moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "alssnc" *label alssnc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (timmers_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_timmers) and (timmers_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Gerard Timmers, Senator of Buffalo. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lesczynski_sub *set timmers_inquiry true *if harding_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a way to write to Gerard Timmers." *set current "algtc" *label algtc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set timmers_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Timmers moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Buffalo yourself." *set current "algtnc" *label algtnc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lesczynskis_interest_in_memphis = false) #I write to inquire as to why he wants to be Senator of Memphis. *gosub lesczynski_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "You must have caught him on a philosophical evening. He waxes introspective on the splendor of Memphis, founded by General Andrew Jackson, who named it for one of the most ancient cities on the earth. Of course, this founder later became President of the United States, enjoyed a long retirement, and then died a peaceful death. Lesczynski claims that representing such a city would be a great honor." *set current "alreason" *label alreason *if effect *set lesczynskis_interest_in_memphis true *set old current *set lesczynski_rapport %+10 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (joined_kkk) and ((lore <= 3) and (anachronism <= 65)) #I inquire if he can identify the pictographs I saw in the underground chamber during my initiation to the KKK. *gosub lesczynski_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he confidently identifies your sketches of the pictographs as the characters of the language of the Ancient Egyptians. He even chides you a little for not keeping up with the latest journals; Egyptology has apparently been all the rage for the past few decades." *set current "alhiero" *label alhiero *if effect *set anachronism %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lesczynski_rapport > 60) and (love_hope or (love_clotho and (memphis_affair = false))) #I ask what his thoughts are on the afterlife. *set rationalism %+5 *gosub lesczynski_sub *set current "alal" *setref ("result"&month_count) "In Lesczynski's reply, he notes that his people do not believe in an afterlife, certainly not like the one Christians do. Instead, he says that one should focus on the present and being righteous with the Lord." *label alal *if effect *set lesczynski_rapport %+10 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if lesczynski_contactable and ((lesczynski_correspondence = false) and (met_lesczynski = false)) #I write to Mr. Lesczynski to introduce myself. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lesczynski_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives without delay from Mr. Lesczynski. In it, he expresses regret that he was not able to meet you in person while he was in Memphis and hopes that he will have the opportunity to greet you in person during his next visit. He further invites you to write again in the case that he may be able to offer any assistance." *set current "al_intro" *label al_intro *if effect *set lesczynski_correspondence true *if (revolutionary_credentials > 55) and (lesczynski_credentials > 50) *set lesczynski_rapport %+10 *if (revolutionary_credentials < 45) and (lesczynski_credentials < 50) *set lesczynski_rapport %+10 *if (revolutionary_credentials > 55) and (lesczynski_credentials < 50) *set lesczynski_rapport %-10 *if (revolutionary_credentials < 45) and (lesczynski_credentials > 50) *set lesczynski_rapport %-10 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *allow_reuse #In fact, I want to write to someone else. To whom, then, would you like to write? *goto new_addressee *label write_to_lockridge *choice *if lockridge_correspondence or (met_lockridge and lockridge_contactable) *if consul_praetor_explained and ((praetors_explained = false) and (praetor_inquiry)) #I inquire as to the true purpose of praetors. Are they simply the peace officers of the Society? *set independence %+5 *gosub lockridge_sub *set praetor_inquiry false *set current "slpi" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he explains that the true purpose of praetors is the extirpation of the various heretical philosophies that periodically take root in the Society. These heresies pose a danger to vampires as a whole and must not be allowed to propagate." *label slpi *if effect *set praetor_inquiry true *set praetors_explained true *set lockridge_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lesczynski_out = false) and ((lesczynskis_interest_unused) and (lesczynskis_interest_in_memphis)) #I ask if he knows why Lesczynski has such an interest in the founding of Memphis by Andrew Jackson. *set lesczynskis_interest_unused false *gosub lockridge_sub *set current "slal_out" *setref ("result"&month_count) "Your words provoke a curious response. He thanks you for this bit of intelligence and promises that it will be put to good use. You wonder at the meaning of this." *label slal_out *if effect *set lesczynski_out true *set coffin_rapport %+20 *set malloy_rapport %+10 *set pickering_rapport %+15 *set bailey_rapport %+10 *set lockridge_rapport %+15 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if pickering_and_pike and (pickering_and_pike_unused and ((malloy_out = false) and (lesczynski_out = false))) #I express my concerns over Mr. Pickering's close association with Albert Pike, a well-known Freemason. *gosub lockridge_sub *set pickering_and_pike_unused false *set discretion %+10 *if revolutionary_credentials <= 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. He promises you that this association is nothing to be worried about, yet at the same time, he observes that the matter must be addressed before Mr. Pickering can stand for the election without worry of it reflecting upon him unduly." *if revolutionary_credentials > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "You receive a rather terse response from Senator Lockridge. In it, he thanks you for this bit of intelligence." *set current "slapap" *label slapap *if effect *set pickering_out true *set lesczynski_credentials %-50 *set pickering_rapport %-50 *if revolutionary_credentials < 40 *set revolutionary_credentials %-20 *if revolutionary_credentials > 60 *set revolutionary_credentials %+20 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (ashmore_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_ashmore) and (ashmore_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Rebecca Ashmore, Senator of Philadelphia. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lockridge_sub *set ashmore_inquiry true *if lockridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Ashmore." *set current "slrac" *label slrac *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set ashmore_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Ashmore moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Philadelphia yourself." *set current "slranc" *label slranc *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bailey_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bailey) and (bailey_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact John Bailey, Senator of St. Louis. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lockridge_sub *set bailey_inquiry true *if lockridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Bailey." *set current "sljbc" *label sljbc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set bailey_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bailey moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting St. Louis yourself." *set current "sljbnc" *label sljbnc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bowater_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bowater) and (bowater_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abel Bowater, Senator of Savannah. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lockridge_sub *set bowater_inquiry true *if lockridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Abel Bowater." *set current "slabc" *label slabc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set bowater_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bowater moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Savannah yourself." *set current "slabnc" *label slabnc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (coffin_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_coffin) and (coffin_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abigail Coffin, Senator of Cincinnati. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lockridge_sub *set coffin_inquiry true *if lockridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Coffin." *set current "slacc" *label slacc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set coffin_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Coffin moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Cincinnati yourself." *set current "slacnc" *label slacnc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (davison_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_davison) and (davison_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Anne Davison, Senator of Montréal. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lockridge_sub *set davison_inquiry true *if lockridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Anne Davison." *set current "sladc" *label sladc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set davison_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Davison moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Montréal yourself." *set current "sladnc" *label sladnc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (harding_contactable = false) and (heard_of_harding) #I ask if he knows Senator Davison's position on Stone. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lockridge_sub *if (lockridge_rapport > 40) or (revolutionary_credentials < 60) *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he bemoans Senator Davison's foolish commitment to Stone and his revolution. He assures you that no amount of persuasion will change her opinion on the matter." *if (lockridge_rapport <= 40) and (revolutionary_credentials >= 60) *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he smugly wonders why you and Senator Davison are not on better terms…he seems to be implying something about twin rats and sinking ships. Whatever the nature of the allusion, it escapes you." *set current "sladpo" *label sladpo *if effect *set davison_position true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (harding_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_harding) and (harding_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Elinor Harding, Quaestor of Louisville. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lockridge_sub *set harding_inquiry true *if lockridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Elinor Harding." *set current "slehc" *label slehc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set harding_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Quaestor Harding moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "slehnc" *label slehnc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lesczynski_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lesczynski) and (lesczynski_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Ascher Lesczynski, candidate. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lockridge_sub *set lesczynski_inquiry true *if lockridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Ascher Lesczynski." *set current "slalc" *label slalc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set lesczynski_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Lesczynski moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting New-York yourself." *set current "slalnc" *label slalnc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (malloy_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_malloy) and (malloy_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Siobhan Malloy, candidate. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lockridge_sub *set malloy_inquiry true *if lockridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Siobhan Malloy." *set current "slsmc" *label slsmc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set malloy_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Miss Malloy moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Baltimore yourself." *set current "slsmnc" *label slsmnc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (partridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_partridge) and (partridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Samson Partridge, Senator of Louisville. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lockridge_sub *set partridge_inquiry true *if lockridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Partridge." *set current "slspc" *label slspc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set partridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Partridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "slspnc" *label slspnc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (pickering_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_pickering) and (pickering_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Absalom Pickering, candidate. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lockridge_sub *set pickering_inquiry true *if lockridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Absalom Pickering." *set current "slapc" *label slapc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set pickering_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Pickering moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "slapnc" *label slapnc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (santagostino_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_chiara_santagostino) and (santagostino_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Chiara Santagostino, Senator of New Orleans. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lockridge_sub *set santagostino_inquiry true *if lockridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Chiara Santagostino." *set current "slcsc" *label slcsc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set santagostino_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Santagostino moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting New Orleans yourself." *set current "slcsnc" *label slcsnc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (simmons_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_simmons) and (simmons_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Charles Simmons, Senator of Mobile. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lockridge_sub *set simmons_inquiry true *if lockridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Simmons." *set current "slssc" *label slssc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set simmons_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Simmons moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "slssnc" *label slssnc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (timmers_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_timmers) and (timmers_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Gerard Timmers, Senator of Buffalo. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lockridge_sub *set timmers_inquiry true *if lockridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Gerard Timmers." *set current "slgtc" *label slgtc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set timmers_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Timmers moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Buffalo yourself." *set current "slgtnc" *label slgtnc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if harding_snub and ((harding_bigot_known = false) and (harding_bigot_inquiry = false)) #I ask him why Quaestor Harding has not responded to my letters. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lockridge_sub *set harding_bigot_inquiry true *if lockridge_rapport > 50 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he explains that Quaestor Harding is known for her unabashed dislike of negroes and Indians. He opines that you are unlikely to make any progress there." *set current "sleh_bigot" *label sleh_bigot *if effect *set harding_bigot_inquiry false *set old current *set harding_bigot_known true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *elseif lockridge_rapport > 30 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he chastises you for bothering him with such trivialities." *set current "sleh_bigot1" *label sleh_bigot1 *if effect *set harding_bigot_inquiry false *set old current *set lockridge_rapport %-10 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "Though you wait patiently for a response from Senator Lockridge, it is in vain. One does not come." *set current "sleh_bigot2" *label sleh_bigot2 *if effect *set old current *set lockridge_rapport %-10 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if attendees_question #I write to inquire as to whom else he expects at the upcoming caucus. *set independence %+10 *gosub lockridge_sub *set attendees_question false *if (lockridge_rapport > 40) or (revolutionary_credentials < 60) *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, he mentions Rebecca Ashmore, Senator of Philadelphia; Charles Simmons, Senator of Mobile; and Abel Bowater, Senator of Savannah. He expects their attendance at the upcoming caucus." *set current "slai" *label slai *if effect *set heard_of_bowater true *set heard_of_ashmore true *set heard_of_simmons true *set attendees_question true *set old current *set lockridge_rapport %+5 *set lockridge_correspondence true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. He mentions the anticipated presence of Senators Coffin and Santagostino, but does not otherwise elaborate." *set current "slai_no" *label slai_no *if effect *set heard_of_coffin true *set heard_of_chiara_santagostino true *set attendees_question true *set old current *set lockridge_rapport %+5 *set lockridge_correspondence true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if lockridge_treatise = 2 #I write to inquire after a copy of Lockridge's treatise on Shepherds and Wolves. *gosub lockridge_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A package arrives from Senator Lockridge. Inside is a copy of the treatise on Wolves and a note, wherein he express his excitement that you are so interested in such things." *set current "sltow" *label sltow *if effect *set lockridge_treatise 3 *set old current *set lockridge_rapport %+10 *set shepherd_credentials %+10 You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lockridge_rapport > 60) and (love_hope or (love_clotho and (memphis_affair = false))) #I ask what his thoughts are on the afterlife. *set rationalism %+5 *gosub lockridge_sub *set current "slal" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. You can almost hear him laughing as he writes the response to you query on the afterlife, so clearly amused is he by your question. He assures you that there is nothing beyond the materiality of this world." *label slal *if effect *set lockridge_rapport %+10 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (reserve_on_families = false) and met_hester_carothers #I write to inquire about how the Society views a vampire's ongoing involvement with their mortal relations. *set discretion %+10 *gosub lockridge_sub *set reserve_on_families true *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. He clearly considers a vampire's ongoing relations with their mortal relations a weakness, but it is not considered a violation of the Rule of Reserve." *set current "sl_hester" *label sl_hester *if effect *set old current *set lockridge_rapport %+5 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if lockridge_contactable and ((met_lockridge = false) and (lockridge_correspondence = false)) #I write to Senator Lockridge to introduce myself. *set discretion %+5 *gosub lockridge_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Lockridge. In it, the Senator from Charleston welcomes your taking the time to introduce yourself. He opines that those loyal to Consul Adonis will be rewarded when justice is delivered to Isaiah Stone. He hopes to see you make a stand on the issue soon." *set current "sl_intro" *label sl_intro *if effect *set old current *set lockridge_rapport %+10 *set revolutionary_credentials %-5 *set lockridge_correspondence true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *allow_reuse #In fact, I want to write to someone else. To whom, then, would you like to write? *goto new_addressee *label write_to_malloy *choice *if malloy_correspondence or (met_malloy and malloy_contactable) *if (ashmore_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_ashmore) and (ashmore_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Rebecca Ashmore, Senator of Philadelphia. *gosub malloy_sub *set ashmore_inquiry true *if malloy_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Ashmore." *set current "smrac" *label smrac *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set ashmore_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Ashmore moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Philadelphia yourself." *set current "smranc" *label smranc *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bailey_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bailey) and (bailey_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact John Bailey, Senator of St. Louis. *gosub malloy_sub *set bailey_inquiry true *if malloy_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Bailey." *set current "smjbc" *label smjbc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set bailey_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bailey moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting St. Louis yourself." *set current "smjbnc" *label smjbnc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bowater_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bowater) and (bowater_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abel Bowater, Senator of Savannah. *gosub malloy_sub *set bowater_inquiry true *if malloy_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a way to write to Abel Bowater." *set current "smabc" *label smabc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set bowater_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bowater moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Savannah yourself." *set current "smabnc" *label smabnc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (coffin_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_coffin) and (coffin_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abigail Coffin, Senator of Cincinnati. *gosub malloy_sub *set coffin_inquiry true *if malloy_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Coffin." *set current "smacc" *label smacc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set coffin_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Coffin moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Cincinnati yourself." *set current "smacnc" *label smacnc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (davison_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_davison) and (davison_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Anne Davison, Senator of Montréal. *gosub malloy_sub *set davison_inquiry true *if malloy_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a way to write to Anne Davison." *set current "smadc" *label smadc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set davison_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Davison moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Montréal yourself." *set current "smadnc" *label smadnc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (harding_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_harding) and (harding_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Elinor Harding, Quaestor of Louisville. *gosub malloy_sub *set harding_inquiry true *if malloy_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a way to write to Elinor Harding." *set current "smehc" *label smehc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set harding_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Quaestor Harding moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "smehnc" *label smehnc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lesczynski_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lesczynski) and (lesczynski_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Ascher Lesczynski, candidate. *gosub malloy_sub *set lesczynski_inquiry true *if malloy_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a way to write to Ascher Lesczynski." *set current "smalc" *label smalc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set lesczynski_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Lesczynski moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting New-York yourself." *set current "smalnc" *label smalnc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lockridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lockridge) and (lockridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Arthur Lockridge, Senator of Charleston. *gosub malloy_sub *set lockridge_inquiry true *if malloy_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Lockridge." *set current "smslc" *label smslc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set lockridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Lockridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Charleston yourself." *set current "smslnc" *label smslnc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (partridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_partridge) and (partridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Samson Partridge, Senator of Louisville. *gosub malloy_sub *set partridge_inquiry true *if malloy_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Partridge." *set current "smspc" *label smspc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set partridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Partridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "smspnc" *label smspnc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (pickering_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_pickering) and (pickering_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Absalom Pickering, candidate. *gosub malloy_sub *set pickering_inquiry true *if malloy_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a way to write to Absalom Pickering." *set current "smapc" *label smapc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set pickering_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Pickering moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "smapnc" *label smapnc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (santagostino_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_chiara_santagostino) and (santagostino_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Chiara Santagostino, Senator of New Orleans. *gosub malloy_sub *set santagostino_inquiry true *if malloy_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a way to write to Chiara Santagostino." *set current "smcsc" *label smcsc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set santagostino_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Santagostino moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting New Orleans yourself." *set current "smcsnc" *label smcsnc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (simmons_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_simmons) and (simmons_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Charles Simmons, Senator of Mobile. *gosub malloy_sub *set simmons_inquiry true *if malloy_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Simmons." *set current "smssc" *label smssc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set simmons_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Simmons moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "smssnc" *label smssnc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (timmers_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_timmers) and (timmers_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Gerard Timmers, Senator of Buffalo. *gosub malloy_sub *set timmers_inquiry true *if malloy_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a way to write to Gerard Timmers." *set current "smgtc" *label smgtc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set timmers_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Timmers moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Buffalo yourself." *set current "smgtnc" *label smgtnc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (gould_plot = 1) #I write to Miss Malloy to inquire about the recent financial shenanigans in New-York. *gosub malloy_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A reply arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she relates the tale of Lord Gordon-Gordon, an imposter who swindled the robber-baron Jay Gould out of a million dollars in railroad bonds, ultimately causing Gould to lose control of the Erie Railroad. Several vampiric acquiantances of Malloy lost large amounts of money in the resulting chaos." *set current "sm_gould" *label sm_gould *if effect *set malloy_correspondence true *set old current *set gould_plot +1 *set malloy_rapport %+5 *set shepherd_credentials %+5 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month #I write to Miss Malloy to inquire how I can better support her in her candidacy. *gosub malloy_sub *if (malloy_rapport > 55) or (revolutionary_credentials > 55) *setref ("result"&month_count) "A reply arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she suggests that the best way to help her is to seek to disqualify the other candidates. More than two means the Senators may intentionally undermine the election." *set current "sm_help_yes" *label sm_help_yes *if effect *set malloy_correspondence true *set old current *set revolutionary_credentials %+5 *goto resolve_end *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A reply arrives from Miss Malloy. She welcomes your declarations of support—but is clearly wary of them. She suggests doing your best to convince the Senators to vote for her would be appreciated." *set current "sm_help_no" *label sm_help_no *if effect *set malloy_correspondence true *set old current *set malloy_rapport %+5 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if malloy_contactable and ((malloy_correspondence = false) and (met_malloy = false)) #I write to Miss Malloy to introduce myself. *gosub malloy_sub *set discretion %+5 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A reply arrives from Miss Malloy. In it, she apologizes profusely for not having had the opportunity to meet you in person while she was in Memphis. She promises to rectify this oversight when she returns for the next caucus. In the meantime, she continues, should you have need of any assistance, she reminds you that she is but a letter away." *set current "sm_intro" *label sm_intro *if effect *set malloy_correspondence true *set old current *set malloy_rapport %+10 *set revolutionary_credentials %+5 *goto resolve_end You write the letter, replete with little flatteries, and send it off. *goto end_of_month *allow_reuse #In fact, I want to write to someone else. To whom, then, would you like to write? *goto new_addressee *label write_to_partridge *choice *if (partridge_correspondence) or (met_partridge and partridge_contactable) *if (ashmore_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_ashmore) and (ashmore_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Rebecca Ashmore, Senator of Philadelphia. *set discretion %+5 *gosub partridge_sub *set ashmore_inquiry true *if partridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Ashmore." *set current "sprac" *label sprac *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set ashmore_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Ashmore moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Philadelphia yourself." *set current "spranc" *label spranc *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bailey_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bailey) and (bailey_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact John Bailey, Senator of St. Louis. *set discretion %+5 *gosub partridge_sub *set bailey_inquiry true *if partridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Bailey." *set current "spjbc" *label spjbc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set bailey_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bailey moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting St. Louis yourself." *set current "spjbnc" *label spjbnc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bowater_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bowater) and (bowater_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abel Bowater, Senator of Savannah. *set discretion %+5 *gosub partridge_sub *set bowater_inquiry true *if partridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Abel Bowater." *set current "spabc" *label spabc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set bowater_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bowater moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Savannah yourself." *set current "spabnc" *label spabnc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (coffin_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_coffin) and (coffin_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abigail Coffin, Senator of Cincinnati. *set discretion %+5 *gosub partridge_sub *set coffin_inquiry true *if partridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Coffin." *set current "spacc" *label spacc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set coffin_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Coffin moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Cincinnati yourself." *set current "spacnc" *label spacnc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (davison_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_davison) and (davison_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Anne Davison, Senator of Montréal. *set discretion %+5 *gosub partridge_sub *set davison_inquiry true *if partridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Anne Davison." *set current "spadc" *label spadc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set davison_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Davison moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Montréal yourself." *set current "spadnc" *label spadnc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (harding_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_harding) and (harding_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Elinor Harding, Quaestor of Louisville. *set discretion %+5 *gosub partridge_sub *set harding_inquiry true *if partridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Elinor Harding." *set current "spehc" *label spehc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set harding_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Quaestor Harding moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "spehnc" *label spehnc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lesczynski_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lesczynski) and (lesczynski_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Ascher Lesczynski, candidate. *set discretion %+5 *gosub partridge_sub *set lesczynski_inquiry true *if partridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Ascher Lesczynski." *set current "spalc" *label spalc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set lesczynski_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Lesczynski moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting New-York yourself." *set current "spalnc" *label spalnc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lockridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lockridge) and (lockridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Arthur Lockridge, Senator of Charleston. *set discretion %+5 *gosub partridge_sub *set lockridge_inquiry true *if partridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Lockridge." *set current "spslc" *label spslc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set lockridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Lockridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting New-York yourself." *set current "spslnc" *label spslnc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (malloy_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_malloy) and (malloy_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Siobhan Malloy, candidate. *set discretion %+5 *gosub partridge_sub *set malloy_inquiry true *if partridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Siobhan Malloy." *set current "spsmc" *label spsmc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set malloy_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Miss Malloy moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Baltimore yourself." *set current "spsmnc" *label spsmnc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (pickering_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_pickering) and (pickering_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Absalom Pickering, candidate. *set discretion %+5 *gosub partridge_sub *set pickering_inquiry true *if partridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Absalom Pickering." *set current "spapc" *label spapc *if effect *set pickering_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Pickering moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "spapnc" *label spapnc *if effect *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (santagostino_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_chiara_santagostino) and (santagostino_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Chiara Santagostino, Senator of New Orleans. *set discretion %+5 *gosub partridge_sub *set santagostino_inquiry true *if partridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Chiara Santagostino." *set current "spcsc" *label spcsc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set santagostino_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Santagostino moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting New Orleans yourself." *set current "spcsnc" *label spcsnc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (simmons_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_simmons) and (simmons_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Charles Simmons, Senator of Mobile. *set discretion %+5 *gosub partridge_sub *set simmons_inquiry true *if partridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Simmons." *set current "spssc" *label spssc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set simmons_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Simmons moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "spssnc" *label spssnc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (timmers_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_timmers) and (timmers_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Gerard Timmers, Senator of Buffalo. *set discretion %+5 *gosub partridge_sub *set timmers_inquiry true *if partridge_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a way to write to Gerard Timmers." *set current "spgtc" *label spgtc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set timmers_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Timmers moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Buffalo yourself." *set current "spgtnc" *label spgtnc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if harding_snub and ((harding_bigot_known = false) and (harding_bigot_inquiry = false)) #I ask him why Quaestor Harding has not responded to my letters. *set discretion %+10 *gosub partridge_sub *set harding_bigot_inquiry true *if partridge_rapport > 50 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he explains that Quaestor Harding is known for her unabashed dislike of negroes and Indians. He opines that you are unlikely to make any progress there." *set current "speh_bigot" *label speh_bigot *if effect *set harding_bigot_inquiry false *set old current *set harding_bigot_known true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *elseif partridge_rapport > 30 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he chastises you for bothering him with such trivialities." *set current "speh_bigot1" *label speh_bigot1 *if effect *set harding_bigot_inquiry false *set old current *set partridge_rapport %-10 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "Though you wait patiently for a response from Senator Partridge, it is in vain. One does not come." *set current "speh_bigot2" *label speh_bigot2 *if effect *set old current *set partridge_rapport %-10 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (knows_partridge_childe_of_stone = false) #As politely as possible, I inquire as to the identity of his dominus. *set discretion %+10 *gosub partridge_sub *if (partridge_rapport > 40) or (revolutionary_credentials > 40) *setref ("result"&month_count) "You receive a response from Senator Partridge. In it, he politely informs you that his maker is none other than the illustrious Isaiah Stone, Consul of the Americas." *set current "sp_sire" *label sp_sire *if effect *set partridge_correspondence true *set old current *set knows_partridge_childe_of_stone true *set partridge_position true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "You receive a response from Senator Partridge. In it, he chides you for both your presumption and your ignorance, but deigns to inform you all the same that he is proud to say that he is the offspring of Isaiah Stone, Consul of the Americas." *set current "sp_sire_bad" *label sp_sire_bad *if effect *set partridge_correspondence true *set partridge_rapport %-5 *set knows_partridge_childe_of_stone true *set partridge_position true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if knows_partridge_childe_of_stone #I invite Partridge to tell me more about his dominus, and the spirit that animates his revolution. *set discretion %+10 *set independence %+10 *gosub partridge_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "You receive a response from Senator Partridge. He relates stories about individuals persecuted as heretics by Praetor Miele on behalf of Adonis, individuals who spoke their minds a little too openly. As in the case of Arnoult Ogier, a Huguenot of New Paltz, the evidence against many of these victims was flimsy, and the injustice of these executions was too great for Stone to bear any longer. When Miele came to Baltimore and quietly began investigating Stone, he knew that he could wait no longer. Therefore, both for himself and all others under the tyranny of Adonis, he struck the first blow of the revolution." *set current "sp_on_stone" *label sp_on_stone *if effect *set heard_of_ogier true *set partridge_rapport %+20 *set revolutionary_credentials %+10 *set old current *set partridge_position true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if consul_praetor_explained and ((praetors_explained = false) and (praetor_inquiry)) #I inquire as to the true purpose of praetors. Are they simply the peace officers of the Society? *set independence %+5 *gosub partridge_sub *set praetor_inquiry false *set current "sppi" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. In it, he explains that the true purpose of praetors is the extirpation of the various heretical philosophies that periodically take root in the Society. These heresies pose a danger to vampires as a whole and must not be allowed to propagate." *label sppi *if effect *set praetor_inquiry true *set praetors_explained true *set partridge_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (reserve_on_families = false) and met_hester_carothers #I write to inquire about how the Society views a vampire's ongoing involvement with their mortal relations. *set discretion %+10 *gosub partridge_sub *set reserve_on_families true *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Partridge. His letter is short and to the point: as long as one's mortal relations remain ignorant of one's condition, the Society does not consider such activities to be a violation of the Rule of Reserve. He does, however, express some distrust of vampires who continue to maintain contact after their first few decades of unlife." *set current "sp_hester" *label sp_hester *if effect *set old current *set partridge_rapport %+5 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (met_partridge = false) and ((partridge_correspondence = false) and (partridge_contactable)) #I write to introduce myself to Senator Partridge. *set discretion %+5 *gosub partridge_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter from Senator Partridge arrives. The Senator from Louisville's words are brief. He informs you that you will have the opportunity to meet in person at the upcoming election. Until then, he wishes you well." *set current "sp_correspondence" *label sp_correspondence *if effect *set partridge_correspondence true *set partridge_rapport %+10 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write a note to Senator Partridge, introducing yourself and offering some mild flattery. *goto end_of_month *allow_reuse #In fact, I want to write to someone else. To whom, then, would you like to write? *goto new_addressee *label write_to_pickering *choice *if pickering_correspondence or (met_pickering and pickering_contactable) *if (ashmore_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_ashmore) and (ashmore_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Rebecca Ashmore, Senator of Philadelphia. *set discretion %+5 *gosub pickering_sub *set ashmore_inquiry true *if pickering_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Ashmore." *set current "aprac" *label aprac *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set ashmore_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Ashmore moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Philadelphia yourself." *set current "apranc" *label apranc *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bailey_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bailey) and (bailey_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact John Bailey, Senator of St. Louis. *set discretion %+5 *gosub pickering_sub *set bailey_inquiry true *if pickering_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Bailey." *set current "apjbc" *label apjbc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set bailey_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bailey moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting St. Louis yourself." *set current "apjbnc" *label apjbnc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bowater_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bowater) and (bowater_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abel Bowater, Senator of Savannah. *set discretion %+5 *gosub pickering_sub *set bowater_inquiry true *if pickering_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a way to write to Abel Bowater." *set current "apabc" *label apabc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set bowater_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bowater moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Savannah yourself." *set current "apabnc" *label apabnc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (coffin_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_coffin) and (coffin_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abigail Coffin, Senator of Cincinnati. *set discretion %+5 *gosub pickering_sub *set coffin_inquiry true *if pickering_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Coffin." *set current "apacc" *label apacc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set coffin_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Coffin moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Cincinnati yourself." *set current "apacnc" *label apacnc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (davison_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_davison) and (davison_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Anne Davison, Senator of Montréal. *set discretion %+5 *gosub pickering_sub *set davison_inquiry true *if pickering_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a way to write to Anne Davison." *set current "apadc" *label apadc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set davison_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Davison moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Montréal yourself." *set current "apadnc" *label apadnc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (harding_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_harding) and (harding_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Elinor Harding, Quaestor of Louisville. *set discretion %+5 *gosub pickering_sub *set harding_inquiry true *if pickering_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a way to write to Elinor Harding." *set current "apehc" *label apehc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set harding_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Quaestor Harding moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "apehnc" *label apehnc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lesczynski_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lesczynski) and (lesczynski_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Ascher Lesczynski, candidate. *set discretion %+5 *gosub pickering_sub *set lesczynski_inquiry true *if pickering_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a way to write to Ascher Lesczynski." *set current "apalc" *label apalc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set lesczynski_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Lesczynski moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting New-York yourself." *set current "apalnc" *label apalnc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lockridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lockridge) and (lockridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Arthur Lockridge, Senator of Charleston. *set discretion %+5 *gosub pickering_sub *set lockridge_inquiry true *if pickering_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Lockridge." *set current "apslc" *label apslc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set lockridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Lockridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting New-York yourself." *set current "apslnc" *label apslnc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (malloy_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_malloy) and (malloy_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Siobhan Malloy, candidate. *set discretion %+5 *gosub pickering_sub *set malloy_inquiry true *if pickering_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a way to write to Siobhan Malloy." *set current "apsmc" *label apsmc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set malloy_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Miss Malloy moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Baltimore yourself." *set current "apsmnc" *label apsmnc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (partridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_partridge) and (partridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Samson Partridge, Senator of Louisville. *set discretion %+5 *gosub pickering_sub *set partridge_inquiry true *if pickering_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a way to write to Samson Partridge." *set current "apspc" *label apspc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set partridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Partridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "apspnc" *label apspnc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (santagostino_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_chiara_santagostino) and (santagostino_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Chiara Santagostino, Senator of New Orleans. *set discretion %+5 *gosub pickering_sub *set santagostino_inquiry true *if pickering_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a way to write to Chiara Santagostino." *set current "apcsc" *label apcsc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set santagostino_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Santagostino moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting New Orleans yourself." *set current "apcsnc" *label apcsnc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (simmons_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_simmons) and (simmons_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Charles Simmons, Senator of Mobile. *set discretion %+ 5 *gosub pickering_sub *set simmons_inquiry true *if pickering_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a way to write to Charles Simmons." *set current "apssc" *label apssc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set simmons_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Simmons moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "apssnc" *label apssnc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (timmers_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_timmers) and (timmers_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Gerard Timmers, Senator of Buffalo. *set discretion %+5 *gosub pickering_sub *set timmers_inquiry true *if pickering_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a way to write to Gerard Timmers." *set current "apgtc" *label apgtc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set timmers_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Timmers moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Buffalo yourself." *set current "apgtnc" *label apgtnc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month #I write to Mr. Pickering to inquire how I might further support his candidacy. *gosub pickering_sub *if (pickering_rapport > 55) or (revolutionary_credentials < 45) *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he thanks you for your continued support. He points out that the best way to help him is to see one or more of the other candidates eliminated from the election. When there are only two, it is easier for the Senators to reach a decision." *set current "ap_help_yes" *label ap_help_yes *if effect *set old current *goto resolve_end *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. In it, he expresses delight at your interest in supporting him in his candidacy. However, in all his prose, the only concrete suggestion is that you lobby the Senators to support him. You conclude that he does not trust you enough to speak plainly." *set current "ap_help_no" *label ap_help_no *if effect *set revolutionary_credentials %-5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if pickering_contactable and ((pickering_correspondence = false) and (met_pickering = false)) #I write to introduce myself to Mr. Pickering. *set discretion %+10 *gosub pickering_sub *if (first_memphis_reception_attended = 1) and ((ethnicity = "african") or (ethnicity = "choctaw")) *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. His tone is distant and formal, thanking you for your introduction. He opines that you should support him in the upcoming caucus in Memphis. You surmise that, for whatever reason, he is writing strictly out of obligation." *set current "ap_intro_reject" *label ap_intro_reject *if effect *set pickering_snub true *set pickering_rapport %-5 *set revolutionary_credentials %-5 *set pickering_correspondence true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write a brief note, replete with idle flattery, and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (first_memphis_reception_attended > 1) and ((ethnicity = "african") or (ethnicity = "choctaw")) *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. He regrets that he was not able to meet you while he was in Memphis, but expresses hope that you will have time for an introduction upon his return. Moreover, he invites you to write again should you think him capable of being of service to you." *set current "ap_intro_deceived" *label ap_intro_deceived *if effect *set pickering_deceived_ethnicity true *set pickering_correspondence true *set pickering_rapport %+10 *set revolutionary_credentials %-5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write a brief note, replete with idle flattery, and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Mr. Pickering. He regrets that he was not able to meet you while he was in Memphis, but expresses hope that you will have time for an introduction upon his return. Moreover, he invites you to write again should you think him capable of being of service to you." *set current "ap_intro" *label ap_intro *if effect *set pickering_correspondence true *set pickering_rapport %+10 *set revolutionary_credentials %-5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write a brief note, replete with idle flattery, and send it off. *goto end_of_month *allow_reuse #In fact, I want to write to someone else. To whom, then, would you like to write? *goto new_addressee *label write_to_santagostino *choice *if santagostino_correspondence or met_chiara *if (jesse_waylaid = false) and (can_waylay_jesse = false) *if month_count >= 6 *if jesse_is_broodmate and ((sire_formerly_quaestor = false) and ((sire_alive) and ((santagostino_rapport > 60)))) *if jesse_rapport >= 50 #As much as I love my brother, I do not wish him to interfere with my plans. I will write to Senator Santagostino and inquire after his travel arrangements so that I may prevent his timely arrival. *set discretion %+10 *gosub santagostino_sub *if flirting_with_chiara = false *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. Though she is unsure as to your motives, she trusts in your judgment. Your dear brother's arrangements are enclosed." *if flirting_with_chiara *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. She seems not only thrilled by the idea that she will have the opportunity to join you, but that Jesse's presence is unwelcome. His travel arrangements are enclosed. And, once the business of conspiracy is concluded, she makes sure to include a few sweet words for you." *set current "csjwwl" *label csjwwl *if effect *set can_waylay_jesse true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else #I cannot stand to see Jesse attend this election. I will write to Senator Santagostino and inquire after his travel arrangements so that I may prevent his timely arrival. *set discretion %+10 *gosub santagostino_sub *if flirting_with_chiara *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. She seems thrilled that your brother will not be attending the election. She encloses his travel plans. And, once the business of conspiracy is concluded, she makes sure to include a few sweet words for you." *if flirting_with_chiara = false *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. She knows of your dislike for your brother, and his travel arrangements are enclosed." *set current "csjwwl" You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (ashmore_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_ashmore) and (ashmore_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Rebecca Ashmore, Senator of Philadelphia. *set discretion %+5 *gosub santagostino_sub *set ashmore_inquiry true *if santagostino_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Ashmore." *set current "csrac" *label csrac *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set ashmore_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Ashmore moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Philadelphia yourself." *set current "csranc" *label csranc *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bailey_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bailey) and (bailey_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact John Bailey, Senator of St. Louis. *set discretion %+5 *gosub santagostino_sub *set bailey_inquiry true *if santagostino_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Bailey." *set current "csjbc" *label csjbc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set bailey_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bailey moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting St. Louis yourself." *set current "csjbnc" *label csjbnc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bowater_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bowater) and (bowater_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abel Bowater, Senator of Savannah. *set discretion %+5 *gosub santagostino_sub *set bowater_inquiry true *if santagostino_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a way to write to Abel Bowater." *set current "csabc" *label csabc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set bowater_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bowater moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Savannah yourself." *set current "csabnc" *label csabnc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (coffin_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_coffin) and (coffin_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abigail Coffin, Senator of Cincinnati. *set discretion %+5 *gosub santagostino_sub *set coffin_inquiry true *if santagostino_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Coffin." *set current "csacc" *label csacc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set coffin_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Coffin moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Cincinnati yourself." *set current "csacnc" *label csacnc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (davison_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_davison) and (davison_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Anne Davison, Senator of Montréal. *set discretion %+5 *gosub santagostino_sub *set davison_inquiry true *if santagostino_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a way to write to Anne Davison." *set current "csadc" *label csadc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set davison_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Davison moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Montréal yourself." *set current "csadnc" *label csadnc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (harding_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_harding) and (harding_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Elinor Harding, Quaestor of Louisville. *set discretion %+5 *gosub santagostino_sub *set harding_inquiry true *if santagostino_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a way to write to Elinor Harding." *set current "csehc" *label csehc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set harding_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Quaestor Harding moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "csehnc" *label csehnc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lesczynski_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lesczynski) and (lesczynski_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Ascher Lesczynski, candidate. *set discretion %+5 *gosub santagostino_sub *set lesczynski_inquiry true *if santagostino_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a way to write to Ascher Lesczynski." *set current "csalc" *label csalc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set lesczynski_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Lesczynski moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting New-York yourself." *set current "csalnc" *label csalnc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lockridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lockridge) and (lockridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Arthur Lockridge, Senator of Charleston. *set discretion %+5 *gosub santagostino_sub *set lockridge_inquiry true *if santagostino_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Lockridge." *set current "csslc" *label csslc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set lockridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Lockridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Charleston yourself." *set current "csslnc" *label csslnc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (malloy_contactable = false) and (heard_of_malloy) #I ask for a way to contact Siobhan Malloy, candidate. *set discretion %+5 *gosub santagostino_sub *set malloy_inquiry true *if santagostino_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a way to write to Siobhan Malloy." *set current "cssmc" *label cssmc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set malloy_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Miss Malloy moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Baltimore yourself." *set current "cssmnc" *label cssmnc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (partridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_partridge) and (partridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Samson Partridge, Senator of Louisville. *set discretion %+5 *gosub santagostino_sub *set partridge_inquiry true *if santagostino_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Partridge." *set current "csspc" *label csspc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set partridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Partridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "csspnc" *label csspnc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (pickering_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_pickering) and (pickering_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Absalom Pickering, candidate. *set discretion %+5 *gosub santagostino_sub *set pickering_inquiry true *if santagostino_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a way to write to Absalom Pickering." *set current "csapc" *label csapc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set pickering_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Pickering moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "csapnc" *label csapnc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (simmons_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_simmons) and (simmons_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Charles Simmons, Senator of Mobile. *set discretion %+5 *gosub santagostino_sub *set simmons_inquiry true *if santagostino_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a way to write to Charles Simmons." *set current "csssc" *label csssc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set simmons_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Simmons moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "csssnc" *label csssnc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (timmers_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_timmers) and (timmers_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Gerard Timmers, Senator of Buffalo. *set discretion %+5 *gosub santagostino_sub *set timmers_inquiry true *if santagostino_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a way to write to Gerard Timmers." *set current "csgtc" *label csgtc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set timmers_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Timmers moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Buffalo yourself." *set current "csgtnc" *label csgtnc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if flirting_with_chiara #I write a note filled with innuendos and lust. *set discretion %+15 *set compassion %-5 *gosub santagostino_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A response arrives from Chiara. When you open it, a stream of dust pours out to become a pile on your secretary. You smile and turn it around. Her words drip with blood and honey. For the next few weeks, every day is filled with dreams of her lips." *set current "cs_loveletter" *label cs_loveletter *if effect *set old current *set santagostino_rapport %+20 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if consul_praetor_explained and ((praetors_explained = false) and (praetor_inquiry)) #I inquire as to the true purpose of praetors. Are they simply the peace officers of the Society? *set independence %+5 *gosub santagostino_sub *set praetor_inquiry false *set current "cspi" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she explains that the true purpose of praetors is the extirpation of the various heretical philosophies that periodically take root in the Society. These heresies pose a danger to vampires as a whole and must not be allowed to propagate." *label cspi *if effect *set praetor_inquiry true *set praetors_explained true *set santagostino_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (santagostino_rapport > 60) and (love_hope or (love_clotho and (memphis_affair = false))) #I ask what her thoughts are on the afterlife. *set rationalism %+5 *gosub santagostino_sub *set current "csal" *setref ("result"&month_count) "Chiara's reply to your inquiry is unspecific. She expresses the belief that individuals continue to exist in some form after their death, but her decriptions are somewhat bland, like a child trying to repeat her grandmother's half-remembered bedtime stories." *label csal *if effect *set santagostino_rapport %+10 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (reserve_on_families = false) and met_hester_carothers #I write to inquire about how the Society views a vampire's ongoing involvement with their mortal relations. *set discretion %+10 *gosub santagostino_sub *set reserve_on_families true *set current "cs_hester" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. She confirms that the Society does not forbid a vampire's ongoing involvement with their mortal family—as long as the vampire's true condition remains hidden. She points out that, after a decade or so, the deception usually becomes too difficult to maintain, and a vampire will fake their own death, or otherwise part ways with their relatives." *label cs_hester *if effect *set santagostino_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (knows_about_vegetarianism = false) #I inquire whether there is any escape from this hunger. Must we be condemned to always feed from mortals? *set discretion %+10 *set compassion %-10 *gosub santagostino_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Santagostino. In it, she explains that while there is no escape from the hunger, some vampires try to master it by eschewing their natural prey in favor of feeding from animals. She admits that she even tried such a diet at one time, but the taste was wretched and beyond her ability to endure. In conclusion, she warns that many within the Society look with suspicion on vampires who take such strident positions—not only are they given to hair-trigger tempers, but they are considered prone to heresy." *set knows_about_vegetarianism true *set current "cs_vegetarianism" *label cs_vegetarianism *if effect *set shepherd_credentials %+10 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (santagostino_correspondence = false) and (met_chiara = false) #I write to Senator Santagostino and introduce myself. *set discretion %+5 *gosub santagostino_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Chiara Santagostino, Senator of New Orleans. She welcomes your introduction and expresses dismay that the two of you have not had a chance of yet to meet in person. She expresses her desire to remedy this oversight as soon as possible." *set current "cs_intro" *label cs_intro *if effect *set santagostino_correspondence true *set santagostino_rapport %+10 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *allow_reuse #In fact, I want to write to someone else. To whom, then, would you like to write? *goto new_addressee *label write_to_simmons *choice *if simmons_correspondence or (met_simmons and simmons_contactable) *if (ashmore_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_ashmore) and (ashmore_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Rebecca Ashmore, Senator of Philadelphia. *gosub simmons_sub *set ashmore_inquiry true *if simmons_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Ashmore." *set current "ssrac" *label ssrac *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set ashmore_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Ashmore moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Philadelphia yourself." *set current "ssranc" *label ssranc *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bailey_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bailey) and (bailey_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact John Bailey, Senator of St. Louis. *gosub simmons_sub *set bailey_inquiry true *if simmons_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Bailey." *set current "ssjbc" *label ssjbc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set bailey_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bailey moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting St. Louis yourself." *set current "ssjbnc" *label ssjbnc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bowater_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bowater) and (bowater_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abel Bowater, Senator of Savannah. *gosub simmons_sub *set bowater_inquiry true *if simmons_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a way to write to Abel Bowater." *set current "ssabc" *label ssabc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set bowater_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bowater moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Savannah yourself." *set current "ssabnc" *label ssabnc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (coffin_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_coffin) and (coffin_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abigail Coffin, Senator of Cincinnati. *gosub simmons_sub *set coffin_inquiry true *if simmons_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Coffin." *set current "ssacc" *label ssacc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set coffin_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Coffin moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Cincinnati yourself." *set current "ssacnc" *label ssacnc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (davison_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_davison) and (davison_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Anne Davison, Senator of Montréal. *gosub simmons_sub *set davison_inquiry true *if simmons_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a way to write to Anne Davison." *set current "ssadc" *label ssadc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set davison_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Davison moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Montréal yourself." *set current "ssadnc" *label ssadnc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (harding_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_harding) and (harding_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Elinor Harding, Quaestor of Louisville. *gosub simmons_sub *set harding_inquiry true *if simmons_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a way to write to Elinor Harding." *set current "ssehc" *label ssehc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set harding_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Quaestor Harding moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "ssehnc" *label ssehnc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lesczynski_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lesczynski) and (lesczynski_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Ascher Lesczynski, candidate. *gosub simmons_sub *set lesczynski_inquiry true *if simmons_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a way to write to Ascher Lesczynski." *set current "ssalc" *label ssalc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set lesczynski_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Lesczynski moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting New-York yourself." *set current "ssalnc" *label ssalnc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lockridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lockridge) and (lockridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Arthur Lockridge, Senator of Charleston. *gosub simmons_sub *set lockridge_inquiry true *if simmons_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Lockridge." *set current "ssslc" *label ssslc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set lockridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Lockridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting New-York yourself." *set current "ssslnc" *label ssslnc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (malloy_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_malloy) and (malloy_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Siobhan Malloy, candidate. *gosub simmons_sub *set malloy_inquiry true *if simmons_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a way to write to Siobhan Malloy." *set current "sssmc" *label sssmc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set malloy_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Miss Malloy moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Baltimore yourself." *set current "sssmnc" *label sssmnc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (partridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_partridge) and (partridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Samson Partridge, Senator of Louisville. *gosub simmons_sub *set partridge_inquiry true *if simmons_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a way to write to Samson Partridge." *set current "ssspc" *label ssspc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set partridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Partridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "ssspnc" *label ssspnc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (pickering_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_pickering) and (pickering_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Absalom Pickering, candidate. *gosub simmons_sub *set pickering_inquiry true *if simmons_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a way to write to Absalom Pickering." *set current "ssapc" *label ssapc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set pickering_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Pickering moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "ssapnc" *label ssapnc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (santagostino_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_chiara_santagostino) and (santagostino_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Chiara Santagostino, Senator of New Orleans. *gosub simmons_sub *set santagostino_inquiry true *if simmons_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a way to write to Chiara Santagostino." *set current "sscsc" *label sscsc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set santagostino_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Santagostino moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting New Orleans yourself." *set current "sscsnc" *label sscsnc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (timmers_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_timmers) and (timmers_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Gerard Timmers, Senator of Buffalo. *gosub simmons_sub *set timmers_inquiry true *if simmons_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a way to write to Gerard Timmers." *set current "ssgtc" *label ssgtc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set timmers_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Timmers moves so often that there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Buffalo yourself." *set current "ssgtnc" *label ssgtnc *if effect *set timmers_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if afflicted_vicksburg and vampire_disease_unasked #I ask him whether he has ever heard of a vampire contracting a fever. *set vampire_disease_unasked false *gosub simmons_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons regarding your inquiry. He finds the very idea preposterous and does not hesitate to tell you so. He does not deny that there have always been rumors of such freak occurrences, but never from any vampire of authority, and no experience in his existence would give support to such a claim." *set current "simmons_yellow" *label simmons_yellow *if effect *set simmons_rapport %-5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (reserve_on_families = false) and met_hester_carothers #I write to inquire about how the Society views a vampire's ongoing involvement with their mortal relations. *set discretion %+10 *gosub simmons_sub *set reserve_on_families true *set current "simmons_hester" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons regarding your inquiry. He explains that while some vampires do maintain relations with their mortal kin, such matters usually wither and fade within a decade or two of unlife. More importantly, the Rule of Reserve does not forbid such interactions." *label simmons_hester *if effect *set simmons_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if simmons_contactable and ((met_simmons = false) and (simmons_correspondence = false)) #I write to introduce myself to Senator Simmons. *set discretion %+5 *gosub simmons_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Simmons. He enthuses about your initiative in writing to him and apologizes for his unforeseen absence at the caucus in Memphis. He further affirms his attention to attend the next caucus and looks forward to making your acquaintance there." *set current "ss_intro" *label ss_intro *if effect *set old current *set simmons_correspondence true *set simmons_rapport %+10 *set revolutionary_credentials %-10 *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *allow_reuse #In fact, I want to write to someone else. *set block_simmons true To whom, then, would you like to write? *goto new_addressee *label write_to_timmers *choice *if timmers_correspondence or (met_timmers and timmers_contactable) *if (ashmore_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_ashmore) and (ashmore_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Rebecca Ashmore, Senator of Philadelphia. *gosub timmers_sub *set ashmore_inquiry true *if timmers_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Ashmore." *set current "gtrac" *label gtrac *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set ashmore_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Ashmore moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Philadelphia yourself." *set current "gtranc" *label gtranc *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bailey_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bailey) and (bailey_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact John Bailey, Senator of St. Louis. *gosub timmers_sub *set bailey_inquiry true *if timmers_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Bailey." *set current "gtjbc" *label gtjbc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set bailey_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bailey moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting St. Louis yourself." *set current "gtjbnc" *label gtjbnc *if effect *set bailey_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (bowater_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_bowater) and (bowater_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abel Bowater, Senator of Savannah. *gosub timmers_sub *set bowater_inquiry true *if timmers_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a way to write to Abel Bowater." *set current "gtabc" *label gtabc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set bowater_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Bowater moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Savannah yourself." *set current "gtabnc" *label gtabnc *if effect *set bowater_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (coffin_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_coffin) and (coffin_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Abigail Coffin, Senator of Cincinnati. *gosub timmers_sub *set coffin_inquiry true *if timmers_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Coffin." *set current "gtacc" *label gtacc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set coffin_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Coffin moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Cincinnati yourself." *set current "gtacnc" *label gtacnc *if effect *set coffin_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (davison_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_davison) and (davison_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Anne Davison, Senator of Montréal. *gosub timmers_sub *set davison_inquiry true *if timmers_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a way to write to Anne Davison." *set current "gtadc" *label gtadc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set davison_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Davison moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Montréal yourself." *set current "gtadnc" *label gtadnc *if effect *set davison_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (harding_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_harding) and (harding_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Elinor Harding, Quaestor of Louisville. *gosub timmers_sub *set harding_inquiry true *if timmers_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a way to write to Elinor Harding." *set current "gtehc" *label gtehc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set harding_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Quaestor Harding moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "gtehnc" *label gtehnc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lesczynski_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lesczynski) and (lesczynski_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Ascher Lesczynski, candidate. *gosub timmers_sub *set lesczynski_inquiry true *if timmers_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a way to write to Ascher Lesczynski." *set current "gtalc" *label gtalc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set lesczynski_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Lesczynski moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting New-York yourself." *set current "gtalnc" *label gtalnc *if effect *set lesczynski_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lockridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lockridge) and (lockridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Arthur Lockridge, Senator of Charleston. *gosub timmers_sub *set lockridge_inquiry true *if timmers_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a way to write to Senator Lockridge." *set current "gtslc" *label gtslc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set lockridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Lockridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting New-York yourself." *set current "gtslnc" *label gtslnc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (malloy_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_malloy) and (malloy_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Siobhan Malloy, candidate. *gosub timmers_sub *set malloy_inquiry true *if timmers_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a way to write to Siobhan Malloy." *set current "gtsmc" *label gtsmc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set malloy_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Miss Malloy moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of her without visiting Baltimore yourself." *set current "gtsmnc" *label gtsmnc *if effect *set malloy_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (partridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_partridge) and (partridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Samson Partridge, Senator of Louisville. *gosub timmers_sub *set partridge_inquiry true *if timmers_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a way to write to Samson Partridge." *set current "gtspc" *label gtspc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set partridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Partridge moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Louisville yourself." *set current "gtspnc" *label gtspnc *if effect *set partridge_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (pickering_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_pickering) and (pickering_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Absalom Pickering, candidate. *gosub timmers_sub *set pickering_inquiry true *if timmers_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a way to write to Absalom Pickering." *set current "gtapc" *label gtapc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set pickering_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Pickering moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "gtapnc" *label gtapnc *if effect *set pickering_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (santagostino_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_chiara_santagostino) and (santagostino_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Chiara Santagostino, Senator of New Orleans. *gosub timmers_sub *set santagostino_inquiry true *if timmers_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a way to write to Chiara Santagostino." *set current "gtcsc" *label gtcsc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set santagostino_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Mr. Pickering moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting New Orleans yourself." *set current "gtcsnc" *label gtcsnc *if effect *set santagostino_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (simmons_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_simmons) and (simmons_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Charles Simmons, Senator of Mobile. *gosub timmers_sub *set simmons_inquiry true *if timmers_rapport > 40 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a way to write to Charles Simmons." *set current "gtssc" *label gtssc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set simmons_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he offers a series of excuses as to why what you ask is simply impossible. Apparently, Senator Simmons moves so often, there's simply no way to keep track of him without visiting Mobile yourself." *set current "gtssnc" *label gtssnc *if effect *set simmons_inquiry false *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if timmers_position = false #I wish to inquire as to Senator Timmers' opinion on Stone's revolution. *set discretion %+5 *gosub timmers_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he takes no firm stand. He never refers to Stone by the title of Consul, but he complements him on his efforts to bring certain grievances within the Society to light. When you finish reading it, you feel no more informed than when you began. Is this how all Senators speak when confronted about their political inclinations?" *set current "gto" *label gto *if effect *set timmers_position true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (heard_of_ogier = false) #Since Senator Timmers lives so near to Miss Malloy, perhaps he can shed some light on her history and fitness for the position of Senator. *gosub timmers_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. In it, he spins the most interesting yarn regarding the dominus of Malloy, Arnoult Ogier. Apparently, Praetor Miele accused him of being a heretic—a Child of Abraham, to be exact—and executed him. It is no surprise that Malloy would become a devout opponent of the hierarchy which authorized the execution of her dominus. Timmers notes in conclusion, however, that Ogier—and, by association, Malloy—was never cleared of the accusations." *set current "gtsmao" *label gtsmao *if effect *set heard_of_heresy_of_abraham true *set old current *set heard_of_ogier true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if heard_of_heresy_of_abraham and (heresy_of_abraham = 0) #I write to ask Senator Timmers more about the Children of Abraham. *gosub timmers_sub *set discretion %+5 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers. He points out that the Children of Abraham are a cult, and to know too much about them is a crime. He recommends dropping the subject forthwith." *set current "gthoa" *label gthoa *if effect *set old current *set timmers_on_heresy_of_abraham true *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if afflicted_vicksburg and vampire_disease_unasked #I ask him whether he has ever heard of a vampire contracting a fever. *set vampire_disease_unasked false *gosub timmers_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers regarding your inquiry. In it, he points out that the contents of the blood that a vampire drinks can have an effect upon the vampire. Take the hint of drunkenness that comes with consuming the blood of the inebriated, for example. In theory, then, if something is in the blood, it would be communicable to a vampire. But only for a short while, as the curse of vampirekind is to ever return to the condition of their death." *set current "timmers_yellow" *label timmers_yellow *if effect *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (reserve_on_families = false) and met_hester_carothers #I write to inquire about how the Society views a vampire's ongoing involvement with their mortal relations. *set discretion %+10 *gosub timmers_sub *set reserve_on_families true *set current "timmers_hester" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Senator Timmers responding to your inquiry. He confesses that he himself hid his condition from his family for some years after his conversion. However, the unanswered questions became more and more uncomfortable, and he was forced to fake his own death. He asserts that such outcomes are typical; moreover, the Society does not proscribe such interactions." *label timmers_hester *if effect *set timmers_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if timmers_contactable and ((met_timmers = false) and (timmers_correspondence = false)) #I write to Senator Timmers to introduce myself. *set discretion %+5 *gosub timmers_sub *set timmers_inquiry true *setref ("result"&month_count) "A response arrives from Senator Timmers. He welcomes your introduction. Further, he looks forward to making your acquaintance when he comes to Memphis for the upcoming caucus." *set current "gt_intro" *label gt_intro *if effect *set timmers_rapport %+10 *set timmers_correspondence true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter—full of idle flattery—and send it off. *goto end_of_month *allow_reuse #In fact, I want to write to someone else. *set block_timmers true To whom, then, would you like to write? *goto new_addressee *label write_to_withers *choice *if (ashmore_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_ashmore) and (ashmore_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Rebecca Ashmore, Senator of Philadelphia. *gosub withers_sub *set ashmore_inquiry true *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Withers. In it, she offers a way to write to her broodmate, Senator Ashmore." *set current "swrac" *label swrac *if effect *set ashmore_inquiry false *set ashmore_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (harding_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_harding) and (harding_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Elinor Harding, Quaestor of Louisville. *gosub withers_sub *set harding_inquiry true *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Withers. In it, she offers a way to write to Elinor Harding." *set current "swehc" *label swehc *if effect *set harding_inquiry false *set harding_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (lockridge_contactable = false) and ((heard_of_lockridge) and (lockridge_inquiry = false)) #I ask for a way to contact Arthur Lockridge, Senator of Charleston. *gosub withers_sub *set lockridge_inquiry true *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Withers. In it, she offers a way to write to Senator Lockridge." *set current "swslc" *label swslc *if effect *set lockridge_inquiry false *set lockridge_contactable true *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if flirting_with_withers and flirt_withers #I write a rather salacious letter to Samantha. *set discretion %+5 *set flirt_withers false *gosub withers_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Samantha. It seems that your advances continue to be well-received; the letter is filled with rose petals, which spill out onto your secretary when you open it. She bemoans your absence and wonders if she should come for visit." *set current "swflirt" *label swflirt *if effect *set withers_rapport %+15 *set overstreet_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if (flirting_with_withers = false) and flirt_withers *selectable_if (withers_rapport > 35) #I write a rather flirtatious letter to Samantha, attempting to win her affection. *set discretion %+5 *set flirt_withers false *gosub withers_sub *if withers_rapport > 50 *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Samantha. It seems that your advances are well-received; the letter is filled with rose petals, which spill out onto your secretary when you open it. Her excitement at your attentions is clear." *set current "swflirtno" *label swflirtno *if effect *set flirting_with_withers true *set withers_rapport %+15 *set overstreet_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *else *if chasing_wilson *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Withers. She seems entirely indifferent to your flirtations and recommends instead that you focus on the task at hand. Idle flirtations will not discharge your current obligations." *if chasing_wilson = false *setref ("result"&month_count) "You wait and wait for a reply from Withers, but it seems as though none is forthcoming." *set current "swflirtfail" *label swflirtfail *if effect *set withers_rapport %-15 *set overstreet_rapport %-10 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if consul_praetor_explained and ((praetors_explained = false) and (praetor_inquiry)) #I inquire as to the true purpose of praetors. Are they simply the peace officers of the Society? *set independence %+5 *gosub withers_sub *set praetor_inquiry false *set current "swpi" *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Withers. In it, she explains that the true purpose of praetors is the extirpation of the various heretical philosophies that periodically take root in the Society. These heresies pose a danger to vampires as a whole and must not be allowed to propagate." *label swpi *if effect *set praetor_inquiry true *set praetors_explained true *set withers_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if flirting_with_withers #I write to encourage Withers to visit me in Memphis. *set discretion %+5 *gosub withers_sub *if wilson_embraced_by_withers *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Withers. She points out that, with her progeny on the loose in Memphis, she doubts that Quaestor Carothers would welcome a visit from her." *elseif wilson_embraced *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Withers. She points out that, with your progeny on the loose in Memphis, you should not allow yourself to be distracted by her presence." *else *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Withers. In it, she underlines her fear of a recurrence of the plague. You know that she is well-established in Vicksburg; if the War Between the States could not endanger her there, she must be nigh invulnerable. But here, in foreign territory, she would be at the mercy of you and Carothers. Not a wise choice for a young quaestor. But she does express the hope that she will have the opportunity to see you again soon." *set current "swinvite" *label swinvite *if effect *set withers_rapport %+10 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if question_hesper #I write to inquire about "the Hesper". What is—or was—it? *set question_hesper false *gosub withers_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Withers. In it, she relates the tale of the [i]Hesper[/i], a steamboat hired by the Governor of Arkansas to convey a shipment of muskets from Memphis to the local freedmen. To everyone's surprise, the steamboat was raided by a crew of masked brigands and its contents were dumped into the river. @{(withers_rapport > 55) Samantha|Withers} assumes that the brigands were associated with the Ku Klux Klan, but no group publicly claimed responsibility for the deed and no charges have been brought in the matter. Further, from what little she knows of Carothers, she assumes that he was devastated by the loss." *set current "smhesper" *label smhesper *if effect *set withers_rapport %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *if chasing_wilson and wilson_embraced_by_withers #I write to update her about my hunt for ${maddox}. *gosub withers_sub *setref ("result"&month_count) "A letter arrives from Quaestor Withers. She appreciates the update, but—reading between the lines—you can tell that she is frustrated that you have not yet recovered your quarry." *set current "smpbupdate" *label smpbupdate *if effect *set withers_rapport %+5 *set independence %+5 *set old current *goto resolve_end You write the letter and send it off. *goto end_of_month *allow_reuse #In fact, I want to write to someone else. *set block_withers true To whom, then, would you like to write? *goto new_addressee *label end_of_month *set block_ashmore false *set block_bailey false *set block_simmons false *set block_timmers false *set block_withers false *set effect true *if month_count = 1 July dawns, and the city is given over to the centennial celebration of the birth of the nation. The affair is contentious, and everyone seems relieved when the festivities are over and there have been no major outbreaks of violence. *set old current *goto resolve_end *if month_count = 2 August arrives, suffocating the city under a blanket of moist air. The city holds its breath, fearing another outbreak of the fever, but thankfully no sign of the plague manifests. ${result1} *set result1 "" *goto {old} *if month_count = 3 September arrives, still suffocating the city in the heat of summer. You luxuriate in it, as it takes some of the chill out of your bones. ${result2} *set result2 "" *goto {old} *if month_count = 4 October brings some small reliefs. The heat wave breaks, and some of the city's summer population returns to their farms and villages that dot the countryside. You try not to fret about their departure; they will return in the spring. ${result3} *set result3 "" *goto {old} *if month_count = 5 When November arrives, you force yourself to take a breath and let the cool air fill your desiccated lungs. The city feels empty—an impression only—but you do your best to be more sparing in your feeding. Mistakes will be less tolerated while the city is at the trough of its population cycle. *if (compassion < 60) or (shepherd_credentials > 30) At the end of the month, the mortals go to the polls to elect their leaders. Though Samuel Tilden, a Democrat from New-York, wins the popular vote, the whole affair is marked by rampant voter intimidation, deception, and ballot-stuffing throughout the former Confederacy. In South Carolina, for example, 101% of the electorate manages to vote for the presidency. At the same time, however, the Republicans are so tainted by the stench of Grant's corruption, the ongoing economic depression, and a general animosity towards Catholics, that Rutherford B. Hayes almost loses his home state of Ohio. The House of Representatives works out a deal, however, allowing Hayes to ascend to the presidency. In exchange, Republicans agree to withdraw Federal troops from the former Confederate states. With the Federal troops gone, the shadow government of Louisiana—and a similar one in South Carolina—are allowed to replace the elected ones in bloodless coups. Those Republicans in southern states that manage to hang on to their posts will be almost entirely swept from office two years later when southern Democrats—now freely able to murder and intimidate freedmen without Federal intervention—are unleashed. Reconstruction is over. *if result4 != "" ${result4} *set result4 "" *goto {old} *if month_count = 6 The winter howls down the Mississippi river-valley, bringing northern winds down on the city. Much of the month is spent inside, gathered around the stove. *if memphis_affair You are more grateful now for Clotho than ever before; she fills your home with light through the depths of the winter. *if memphis_affair = false Of course, you only have Franklin to keep close. *if result5 != "" ${result5} *set result5 "" *goto {old} *if month_count = 7 January might be the cruelest month, but no one would know until April. Until then, you sit by the fire, venturing out for sustenance only when necessary. It snows very little, but it rains, and the rain freezes to the ground, making travel treacherous. *if result6 != "" ${result6} *set result6 "" *goto {old} *if month_count = 8 February's arrival spells some relief. The winds abate, and the city begins to show some signs of life again. *if result7 != "" ${result7} *set result7 "" *gosub letterFromBailey *goto {old} *if month_count = 9 The rains of March clean the city of the winter's ice and soot. Hunting becomes easier as people begin to spend more time about after dark. *if result8 != "" ${result8} *set result8 "" *gosub letterFromBailey *goto {old} *if month_count = 10 The city is clean again. A cloying hint of summer caresses the Chickasaw bluffs. The promise of a radiant warmth puts a spring back into your step. *if result9 != "" ${result9} *set result9 "" *gosub letterFromBailey *goto {old} *if month_count = 11 The fields have begun to sprout, and the city begins to swell in population. The balmy evenings see impromptu celebrations; their smiles are forced and their joviality resigned. *if shepherd_credentials > 40 The city is so exuberent that a baseball team—the Memphis Reds—joins the newly formed twelve-team League Alliance. The team travels as far as Minneapolis and Brooklyn to represent the city. Baseball itself is a relatively new sport, having its rules formalized only in New-York in the mid-1850s. Twenty years later, in 1876, it found its professional footing last year with the formation of the National League. The League Alliance is something like a little brother to the National League, giving amateur players a chance to play and even catch the eye of the National League teams. *set memphis_baseball true If the fever returns this summer, many of them will not see the spring again. *if result10 != "" ${result10} *set result10 "" *gosub letterFromBailey *goto {old} *if month_count = 12 The heat returns in earnest with June's fiery arrival. Already, the farmers have begun to complain that the crop wilts in the field. The preachers have already begun to prophesy an impending misery. *if municipal_debt > 0 *set wealth +((municipal_debt * 0.14) * 17) On the bright side, you receive another interest payment from your municipal bonds. @{(finance > 0) Though, from what you understand, it is likely to be the last one. The city is on the verge of bankruptcy.|} *if result11 != "" ${result11} *set result11 "" *gosub letterFromBailey *goto {old} *if month_count = 13 The rain has been intermittent. It is as though God were taunting the people of Memphis. Just when they are on the verge of despair, a light rain comes and saves the cotton for another few weeks. This has not helped temper the sensation of an impending disaster. The preachers continue to arrive, drawn by the despair of the people, urging repentance for unspecified sins. Meanwhile, on the 15th of the month, newspapers begin to report about a railroad worker's strike in Martinsburg, West Virginia. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad is soon paralyzed; movement of people and goods over the Appalachians grinds to a halt. Only a day or two later, the strike spreads to Cumberland, Maryland, and from there to Pittsburg, Chicago, St. Louis, and other cities throughout the region. *set heard_about_great_railroad_strike true *if result12 != "" ${result12} *set result12 "" *goto {old} *else *label resolve_end2 There is no time to write any further letters. Instead, you wait for the last response. *page_break August arrives. The sweltering heat continues. Clothes cling to your body, even though you do not sweat naturally. Rather, like a glass of ice-water, condensation collects on your body, often in inconvenient places. But you luxuriate in it, aware that the winter will be here again all too soon. *if result13 != "" ${result13} *set result13 "" *if result14 != "" *page_break ${result14} *set result14 "" *if result15 != "" *page_break ${result15} *set result15 "" *bug this should be blank You have lain what groundwork you could for the election. At this point, what is to be will be. *if memphis_affair It is often hard to focus on the coming election, though, as the joy of Clotho's company has a way of distracting you. *finish Next *label na *set old current *label hack *label *label resolve_end *set effect false *if month_count >= 14 *goto resolve_end2 *else *goto addressee *label letterFromBailey *if (bailey_letter = 0) and ((rumors_of_west = false) and (sire_alive and (sire_name = "West"))) *set rumors_of_west true *set bailey_west true *set bailey_correspondence true In addition, to your surprise, you receive a letter from Senator Bailey of St. Louis. *if heard_of_bailey In it, *else *set heard_of_bailey true He introduces himself and expresses some regret that the two of you have not met yet. Arriving at his point, however, he inquires as to any knowledge you may have of your dominus. There are troubling rumors, he relates, that West has lost control of himself. He appears more and more often in the form of a great wolf, terrorizing the towns along the frontier. *if bailey_contactable = false *set bailey_contactable true *set bailey_count 0 Bailey also includes a return address should you wish to write back to him. *return