*comment ñáéç *gotoref "newspaper"&news_ctrl *label newspaper0 The Boston Globe is the newspaper of record for the city. And while it has experienced severe cutbacks over the past decade, it is still has a robust newsroom. *choice #Buy a newspaper. *if literate *if speaks_english *set anachronism %+1 *goto_scene boston *if charm > 2 *if speaks_english #I've heard that writers for the Obituaries tend to be a sorry lot. A few kinds words and they'll be eating out of my hands... Harrison Connelly is in charge of the Obits, a place where careers go to die. He is thrilled to have someone of your magnetism in his office. *set news_ctrl +1 *goto_scene boston *label newspaper1 Harrison is excited to welcome you back when you show up again at the Globe offices. *choice #Buy a newspaper. *if literate *if speaks_english *set anachronism +1 *goto_scene boston *if editorpresence < 6 #Ask Harrison to introduce you to the city desk editor, Gus. *goto meet_gus *if (news_li_present) and ((independence > 20) and (compassion < 60)) *if (met_news_li = false) and (lover_claimed = false) #Ask Harrison to introduce you to the new metro reporter, Lisa. *set met_news_li true *goto meet_news_li *if (met_news_li) and (news_li = 0) #I have Lisa on my mind. *goto meet_news_li_again *if (news_li = 1) and (news_li_date_accepted = "no") #I've come to court Lisa. *goto news_li_date_invite *if news_li = 2 #I'm here to see Lisa. *goto news_li_bribe_request *label meet_gus Gus is clearly expecting a scam, but is willing to give you a few minutes of his time. *choice *selectable_if (charm > 4) #"I'm just here to have a conversation... tell me about yourself..." *set news_ctrl +1 *goto_scene boston *if knowsaboutgusaffair #"It would be unfortunate if your affair with Mrs. Richards were to become public knowledge... *set news_ctrl +1 *goto_scene boston *if (knowsaboutgusaffair = false) and (Perception > 2) #"It would be unfortunate if your affair with Mrs. Richards were to become public knowledge... *set news_ctrl +1 *goto_scene boston #Talk about the weather. Gus seems surprised, and points you to the weather desk. *goto_scene boston *label meet_news_li *choice *if anachronism > 60 *selectable_if (news_ctrl = 3) #"Lisa, what a pleasure to meet you. I read your piece on corrupt contractors the other day... you really should be a permanent employee here." Lisa's eyes go wide at the suggestion of a permanent position on the staff. She stammers her thanks and asks if you want to go out for a drink. *set news_li +1 *goto_scene boston *selectable_if (charm > 4) #I just charm her with my winning smile. *set news_li +1 *set compassion %+5 *goto_scene boston *selectable_if (police_ctrl > 1) #"There was a murder the other day... I could set up an interview with the lead detective for you..." *set news_li +1 There really are murders pretty much every other day. And they're not even necessarily your fault! *goto_scene boston #We talk about the weather. *goto_scene boston *label meet_news_li_again Lisa seems somewhat perturbed by your repeated attentions. *choice *if anachronism > 60 *selectable_if (news_ctrl = 3) #"Lisa, what a pleasure to meet you. I read your piece on corrupt contractors the other day... you really should be a permanent employee here." Lisa's eyes go wide at the suggestion of a permanent position on the staff. She stammers her thanks and asks if you want to go out for a drink. *set news_li +1 *goto_scene boston *selectable_if (charm > 4) #I just charm her with my winning smile. *set news_ctrl +1 *set compassion %+5 *selectable_if (police_ctrl > 1) #"There was a murder the other day... I could set up an interview with the lead detective for you..." *set news_li +1 There really are murders pretty much every other day. And they're not even necessarily your fault! *goto_scene boston #We talk about the weather. *goto_scene boston *label news_li_date_invite Lisa seems excited to see you again. She steps outside with you to smoke a cigarette. You have her undivided attention. *choice *selectable_if (theatermember) #I invite her to see a play at the Charles Playhouse. *set news_li_date_accepted "theater" *goto_scene boston *selectable_if (museum_ctrl > 1) #"I can arrange a tour of the Museum of Fine Arts... most of their pieces aren't even on display. But I have a friend who curates the place..." *set news_li_date_accepted "museum" *goto_scene boston *if rationalism > 80 *comment this doesn't make any sense. Can't go to church with this high rationalism. #I attend services at a local church. Perhaps you might like to join me this weekend? She seems surprised. Apparently, that isn't her idea of a first date. *goto_scene boston #I invite her to dinner for tomorrow night, the better to charm her. She seems unimpressed with your offer, and begs off. *goto_scene boston *if (compassion < 40) and (ap_ctrl > 1) *selectable_if (wealth > 1000) #I could arrange an after-hours trip to Adventureland... Her eyes go wide with excitement. *set wealth -1000 *set news_li_date_accepted "ap" *goto_scene boston *label news_li_bribe_request Lisa seems relieved when you surprise her at her desk. "Oh ${given_name}! I'm so thankful that you're here. My ex-boyfriend has been stalking me, and last night he broke into my apartment and nearly strangled me! I'm so afraid!" *choice #I offer to have words with him. Apparently his name is Saul, and she warns you that he has a problem with steroids. *set news_li_bribe true *goto_scene boston *label newspaper2 *choice #Buy a newspaper. *if literate *set anachronism %+1 *goto_scene boston *if exposure > 6 #I suggest to Gus an explanation for some of the unfortunate events that have been occurring recently... *set exposure -1 *goto_scene boston *if recent_misdeed > 1 #Squash coverage of your most recent crime. *set exposure -1 *goto_scene boston *if editorappt = false #Ask Gus to set up a meeting for you with the editor-in-chief. *set editorappt true *goto_scene boston *if news_li_present and (independence > 20) *if (met_news_li = false) and (lover_claimed = false) *selectable_if (compassion < 60) #Ask Harrison to introduce you to the new metro reporter, Lisa. *set met_news_li true *goto meet_news_li *if (met_news_li) and (news_li = 0) *selectable_if (compassion < 60) #I have Lisa on my mind. *goto meet_news_li_again *if (news_li = 1) and (news_li_date_accepted = "no") *selectable_if (compassion < 60) #I've come to court Lisa. *goto news_li_date_invite *if (news_li = 2) *selectable_if (compassion < 60) #I'm here to see Lisa. *goto news_li_bribe_request *if (bar_ctrl = 3) and (news_promotes_bar = false) *selectable_if (wealth > 2500) #Ask Gus to talk to the advertising department about some discounted rates... the Flatiron could use some promotion. *set wealth -2500 *set income +50 *comment twice as good as investing w/ bank *set news_promotes_bar true *goto_scene boston *label newspaper3 *choice #Buy a newspaper. *set wealth -5 *if literate *set anachronism %+1 *goto_scene boston *if exposure > 3 #Have those fools run a story to cover up some of your indiscretions. *set exposure -1 *goto_scene boston *if recent_misdeed > 0 #Squash coverage of your most recent crime. *set exposure -1 *goto_scene boston *if (news_li_present) and (independence > 20) *if (met_news_li = false) and (lover_claimed = false) *selectable_if (compassion < 60) #Ask Harrison to introduce you to the new metro reporter, Lisa. *set met_news_li true *goto meet_news_li *if (met_news_li) and (news_li = 0) *selectable_if (compassion < 60) #I have Lisa on my mind. *goto meet_news_li_again *if (news_li = 1) and (news_li_date_accepted = "no") *selectable_if (compassion < 60) #I've come to court Lisa. *goto news_li_date_invite *if news_li = 2 *selectable_if (compassion < 60) #I'm here to see Lisa. *goto news_li_bribe_request *if (bar_ctrl = 3) and (news_promotes_bar = false) *selectable_if (wealth > 2500) #Ask Gus to talk to the advertising department about some discounted rates... the Flatiron could use some promotion. *set wealth -2500 *set income +100 *comment four times as good as investing w/ bank *set news_promotes_bar true *goto_scene boston