*comment ñáéç *gotoref "shelter"&shelter_ctrl *label shelter0 The stench of the unwashed nearly covers the alluring smell of warm blood. This place looks to be a cesspool of humanity... if one of them go missing, they will not be missed. *choice #Feed on one of the most defenseless individuals. *set compassion %+10 *set discretion %-5 *set blood +3 *goto_scene boston *if compassion > 60 #Drain one of the most defenseless individuals dry. *set compassion %+20 *set blood +10 *set discretion %+1 *goto_scene boston *if Strength > 2 #Choose someone with a little more vim and vigor. It's nice when they struggle a little. *set compassion %+2 *set discretion %-2 *set blood +4 *goto_scene boston *if compassion < 30 #Help out on the soup line. *set compassion %-5 *goto_scene boston *if Intelligence > 3 #There's a woman staring at a chessboard over there... You show her the next move, and her eyes widen as the solution to the chess problem reveals itself. She looks to be in her sixties, and introduces herself as Bea. "I'd been staring at that problem for days..." *page_break Before the conversation is over, Bea has filled you in on the life of just about everyone in sight. You are exhausted from all the details, but some of them may prove useful later. *set shelter_ctrl +1 *goto_scene boston *if perception > 0 *if compassion < 70 *if met_consuela = false #Is that... a woman screaming... for help? *set met_consuela true *if fighting > 1 *goto save_consuela *if strength > 2 *goto save_consuela *if agility > 2 *goto save_consuela *else *goto discretion_is_valor *label save_consuela A pair of overgrown teenagers are in the midst of struggling with a woman over her purse and rings. They are clearly getting the better of her. You think you can take them... or at least scare them off. Picking up a nearby plank of wood, you advance on them from behind... *page_break The woman struggles to thank you, but her English is broken. She is clearly hurt, and needs to go to the hospital. *if ethnicity = "spanish" You do your best to calm her down, but your outmoded Castilian is almost as confusing to her as her wounds. That said, it seems like her sister Marisol works at the hospital. *choice #I escort her to the hospital It turns out that her sister, Marisol, is a nurse at the Boston Medical Complex. Marisol is very grateful for your having helped Consuela. She emphatically offers her assistance should you need ever need it. *set helped_consuela true *set compassion %-10 *goto_scene boston #I call 911 and let them deal with it. After you get off the phone with 911, you wait a few minutes... until you can hear the approaching emergency vehicles... and then turn and walk away. *set compassion %+5 *set discretion %-5 *goto_scene boston *label discretion_is_valor You acknowledge to yourself that the perpetrator of the confrontation would probably laugh at you, were you to attempt to interfere. And while you may be able to unleash you inner beast on them, you would probably end up killing the victim in the process. Better to leave her be... at least this way she might live. *set discretion %-10 *set compassion %+5 *goto_scene boston *label shelter1 You have returned to the Pine Street Inn. The men stand outside the door to their dorm, smoking cigarettes and eyeing the women standing outside theirs across the street. You are surprised to note that you recognize some of their faces. But no matter, Bea should be around here somewhere... *choice #Feed on one of the most defenseless individuals. *set compassion %+10 *set discretion %-5 *set blood +4 *goto_scene boston *if compassion > 60 #Drain one of the most defenseless individuals dry. *set compassion %+20 *set blood +10 *set discretion %+1 *goto_scene boston *if Strength > 2 #Choose someone with a little more vim and vigor. It's nice when they struggle a little. *set compassion %+2 *set discretion %-2 *set blood +4 *goto_scene boston *if compassion < 30 #Help out on the soup line. *set compassion %-5 *goto_scene boston *label shelter2 TODO *goto_scene boston *label shelter3 Despite the frequency of your presence, the residents here still do not trust you. *choice #I drop in on one of the residents of the Inn. *set Blood +4 *goto_scene boston *if Charm > 4 #In fact, I hear that whole families live in some of these apartments... *set Blood +12 *goto_scene boston *if compassion < 30 #Help out on the soup line. *set compassion %-5 *goto_scene boston *if compassion > 60 #I need to raid the donation box. *set wealth +250 *set compassion %+10 *goto_scene boston