
Pirates of Donkey Island

"Pirates of Donkey Island" is Copyright 2021 Gilbert Gallo. All rights reserved.

About the Author

Like any self-respecting superhero, Gilbert has a dual identity. During the day, he restores smiles to unhappy people thanks to his healing superpowers. During the night, he creates fantastic universes. He has been writing manuals, settings, and adventures for role-playing games for many years. He works with several American publishers with whom he developed Mythos, the epic role-playing game, Olympus Inc, Buccaneer, and other titles. He loves writing interactive stories, with which he enjoys surprising and fascinating the reader. He wrote different gamebooks, IF stories, and cellphone apps. He firmly believes that by writing fantastic stories, he will help people shaping a better world. Will he succeed in this endeavor? If you think so, send him an encouraging message to: If you don't think so, stop him before it's too late, writing to:

About Choice of Games LLC

Choice of Games LLC is a California Limited Liability Company dedicated to producing high-quality, text-based, multiple-choice games. We produce games in house, including Choice of the Dragon and Choice of Broadsides. We have also developed a simple scripting language for writing text-based games, ChoiceScript, which we make available to others for use in their projects, and we host games produced by other designers using ChoiceScript on our website. All of our games are available on the web. We also produce mobile versions of our games that can be played on iPhones, Android phones, and other smartphones.

We announce new games on our blog, Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus.

More about Choice of Games LLC

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