Oct 02


Ratings War — Win market share in the news wars of 2061!

Posted by: Dan Fabulich | Comments (1)

Ratings War

We’re proud to announce that Ratings War, the latest in our popular “Choice of Games” line of multiple-choice interactive-fiction games, is now available for Steam, iOS, and Android. It’s 33% off until October 9th.

Implant cameras in your eyes to win the news wars of 2061! Record your way through dystopian New Angeles, solving multiple murders and conquering the airwaves as you go!

“Ratings War” is a thrilling 80,000-word interactive novel by Eddy Webb, where your choices control the story. It’s entirely text-based–without graphics or sound effects–and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Outwit your rivals at the biggest news network in the industry to win market share and dominate the ratings. As one of the first reporters with a pair of cybernetic eyes, you’ll break stories while you live them–and become a celebrity when you uncover a vast criminal conspiracy.

When you blow the whistle on a human trafficking operation, will you focus on facts or on fame? Will you strike out as an independent, or follow the guidelines of your network? You can escape from an underground organ farm–but can you get your footage on the air and win the Ratings War?

  • Play a future-noir story of murder, corruption, and mystery.
  • Develop your reporting style as you balance your ambition and integrity.
  • Decide what facts make it to air, and how to spin them.
  • Break the rules to get your story.
  • Play as male, female, or non-binary.
  • Straight, gay, and bisexual romance options.

We need your support to continue delivering our games on Steam. Our goal is to release our entire catalog of interactive novels on Steam. Based on the extraordinary performance of Choice of Robots and Champion of the Gods, both which made it onto Steam’s front page this year, Valve has allowed us to ship a handful of additional games. We’ll need to continue to deliver outstanding results to prove that interactive fiction can be successful on Steam.

We’re asking all of our fans to follow us on Steam. Even if you don’t use Steam that much, it will be a big help if you sign up to follow us there, because the more followers we get, the better visibility we get on Steam’s curator list. (Our goal is to hit 3,000 followers for our Steam curation page; we’re about 75% of the way there as I write this!)

When you follow us, you’ll see our games and our recommended games right on your Steam home page. It’s free, and it’s a big help to us, so follow us today!

We hope you enjoy playing Ratings War. We encourage you to tell your friends about it, and recommend the game on StumbleUpon, Facebook, Twitter, and other sites. Don’t forget: our initial download rate determines our ranking on the App Store. The more times you download in the first week, the better our games will rank.

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